• Member Since 31st Aug, 2013
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Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pony procreation...

Comments ( 388 )

well this guy is fucked like no tommorrow. he really didn't think through the implicaiton of raping a demigoddes, especially when he sister is also a dmeigoddess.


Luna's wearing a disguise. How is Crimson supposed to know Moon Shine is Luna in disguise?

guess i missed that part.
he is sitll screwed.

And this guy is going to find out why Celestia is known as Sol invictus... So very screwed *clicks favorite*

"Where do you live?"
"Cante... cass..." She trailed off, falling asleep slumped over the pegasus' back.

I bet he heard "Candy Ass" :rainbowkiss:


Rainbow Dash is candy ass because skittles :rainbowwild:

Alternatively so could Cadence :scootangel:


Every ass is candy ass. But Bon-Bon is Ultimate Candy Ass because reasons


My thoughts exactly :pinkiecrazy:

Good story gentlesir/ M'lady! Definitely an interesting enough start to pull me in. I'm half expecting Luna to enjoy it about a few minutes in.


Well, to begin with allow me to (in good faith) correct you by saying I am a gentleman. BUT, as far as this story is concerned I basically threw that out the window :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

4697349 So no romantic M. Night Shyamalan-esque twist at the end where Celestia is the Naughty sex pervert?


I think it's largely unanimous [depending on whom you talk to] that Celestia/Molestia is kinky to some extent. Me? I'm kinky as all hell as you'll see in the next chapter, which should be up tomorrow.

So, although Luna is about to be, I hope it's Crimson who ends up fucked in the end.

Rape please


Not from me. Quite like seeing her raped and forced into submission a lot

Hmm, want to read, but I can't go on unless I have at least a possibility of retribution.

I do hope that he gets what he deserves. If not then I doubt that I will read this.

..This guy is gonna die.

He is going to fucking die.

He may not REALIZE it's Luna, but it is STILL LUNA.

Celly is gonna fucking rip his dick off.

Keep it up, dude! :applejackunsure:

Is there going to be any retribution? Else I don't think I can read this.

4699414 Nnnnnnnnnnot good enough for me, thanks&bb.


Well you can't exactly expect me to spoil it for you, and subsequently everyone else, can you?

Comment posted by CanterlotCrusader deleted Jul 15th, 2014


What the hell are you even doing here if you're just going to post negative stuff like this?

4699496 Tis a joke good fellow. I apologize if this has offended you so.

Dear Readers.

You may or may not realize this is a story that has rape in it. While such a thing is not for everyone, allow me to tell you something. This is where I just stand.

I honestly, and wholeheartedly believe that forceful rape against another human being is disgusting and wrong. That being said, I honestly think there is nothing wrong with it from a fantasy perspective, strictly speaking. The logic being is that different people have different turn-ons. I personally know people that like the thought of fantasy rape, and that is something called 'Consensual Nonconsent'. What that means is an individual whom has the rape fantasy is giving you permission to do with them as you please at an indeterminate time, and that also means setting up limitations and a safeword beforehand.

You need only ask yourself which is better. Practicality, or fantasy?

Furthermore, anyone else that posts comments such as 'Not my kind of thing.', or links to videos of people from tv or movies saying no on a loop, they will be deleted. I don't need that kind of stuff clogging up the comments section.


Don't let it happen again.

Look, I'm sorry. Take it easy.


I wouldn't say your concerns are unwarranted, and I would agree to some extent. That's just you though, people out there will like reading fantasy stories after the fact for that reason.

4698986 It's gonna be totally worth it
he fucked a goddess

4699692 And two goddesses are going to ensure he stops existing.


Ah, at last, someone else who feels the same way I do.

My favs contain quite a few rape fics and one of my stories has some pretty rapey erotic overtones, so it's not like I'm against reading it in my porn. It's just like, fuck... half the people who write rapefics don't even seem to legitimately understand on a deeper level that rape actually is a bad experience and the fun of writing/reading it is the sympathy we feel for the victim (or the sadistic satisfaction we get from seeing them get hurt, or both).

I'll tab this for a later time (probably late tonight), but is there a full image? Google image search didn't turn up anything so perhaps the sample it too small. Link by PM please; see you tonight :raritywink:


I put a greentext link to the full image in the description.

Comment posted by JustAnotherTimeLord deleted Jul 15th, 2014


Uncalled for insults. NOT OKAY. Deleting the comment, screencapping for evidence, and reporting to the mods.

Well, all right. I wasn't insulting him, but I can certainly see how it could be seen as such. Sorry.

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