• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 1,070 Views, 75 Comments

The Steeden University of Culinary Arts - Dee Pad

Pinkie Pie embarks on a trip overseas in order to realize her dream of becoming a world-class pastry chef.

  • ...

Chapter 11 - Spring Bake: Part 2

The Steeden University of Culinary Arts
By Dee Pad

Chapter 11: Spring Bake: Part 2


The city of Manehattan was bathed in the soft, orange rays of the morning sun, reflecting brightly off of the many windows of the office buildings and making the city appear to shine and sparkle. The sun had positioned itself perfectly behind the head of the enormous, green, copper statue of a regal-looking mare standing upon Manehattan's expansive harbor, giving it an almost angelic appearance; one would think Celestia had placed it there on purpose to give the people of the great city a spectacular view to wake up to.

Despite the early hour, the city was already bustling with ponies traveling up and down the streets, whether by hoof or by taxi carriage, to get to work, or, given how active a city Manehattan was, still stumbling about after a long night. Either way, the concrete garden of skyscrapers was always a busy place. It was rare to hear complete silence for more than a couple of seconds at a time.

To join the chorus of hooves and wagon wheels upon the cement was the sound of the Friendship Express making its way across the silver suspension bridge to the city. The train pulled up to the station, coming to a gradual stop with a loud hiss of steam, and the whistle blew to signal for the passengers to disembark. The first to do so was an excited, pink mare, overflowing with more energy than one would expect from somepony at this hour.

Pinkie Pie inhaled deeply through her nose, taking in the scent of the city air, not particularly bothered by how stale it was compared to that of Ponyville or even Trotholm. She let out her breath with an eager grin. "Ahh, there's nothin' quite like the smell of the big city."

Rainbow Dash stepped out of the train behind her. "Pinkie, we've been here before. There's no need to make a big deal out of it."

Fluttershy walked out next, standing alongside Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. As she stared out at the tall, grey buildings, she was overcome by a sense of déjà vu. "This feels awfully familiar, doesn't it? The three of us arriving in Manehattan on the morning train."

Pinkie nodded her head as she reminisced with a wistful sigh. "Yup. Good times."

"'Good times'? You're joking, right?" said Candy Cane as she, too, exited the train car with a large duffel bag, closely followed by Puff Pastry. "I don't think I should have to remind you what exactly happened the last time you were here."

Pinkie looked Candy straight in the eye, her grin persisting. "You mean getting a criminal arrested, reuniting a bunch of ponies with their families, and making some great, new friends?"

Candy's irate expression suddenly fell, caught off guard by Pinkie's response. "Uh... Well..."

Rainbow Dash let out an amused chuckle at Candy's bewildered reaction. "You have to admit it, Candy, as bad as things were for you, the three of us coming to Manehattan was a stroke of good luck for you and everypony else trapped with you."

"And Pinkie likes to look for the good in things," Fluttershy added. "No matter how bad a situation may be, Pinkie always manages to stay optimistic."

Candy hung her head slightly. Seeing the smiles on their faces made her realize just how pessimistic she could be sometimes. As traumatic as the whole experience was for her, she had to admit that a lot of good did come from it, including making some good, reliable friends. "I'm sorry. I don't want to be a downer or anything. It's just... a little difficult to forget the bad stuff sometimes, y'know?"

"Oh, I know how you feel," Fluttershy said with a comforting smile. "I can be the same way occasionally. But when you have good friends by your side, the bad things tend to fall by the wayside."

"I can attest to that," Candy agreed with a chuckle.

"This place is amazing," Puff stated, a look of awe on her face. Since they all got off the train, Puff had remained silent, opting out of her friends' conversation in order to take in the sight of the sprawling metropolis they currently stood in. "Germaney has some large cities, but I've never seen anything like this."

"Well, Manehattan is the industrial and economic capitol of Equestria," Candy explained to her foreign friend. "Some of the largest businesses in the country have their headquarters based here. The only city I know of that could rival Manehattan is Las Pegasus, but that's mostly because of all the casinos."

"Und your dad runs a business here, ya?"

"Yes, that's right!" Pinkie shouted, her demeanor becoming noticeably more impatient as she started jogging in place. "What're we doin' just standing around this boring, old train station?! There's a candy store out there with my name on it!"

Candy adjusted her duffel bag and started making her way off the train platform. "Actually, it has my dad's name on it, but he did promise you free candy last time you met."

Clearly Pinkie needed no reminding of that fact. She quickly caught up to Candy, bounding up and down, zigging and zagging with a giddy grin and an excited giggle. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Puff Pastry followed close behind, making their way into the city and starting down its busy streets.

Although Pinkie Pie was incredibly enthusiastic about this trip, she had been a little disappointed when they first boarded the train. She was hoping that all of her friends would join them to visit Manehattan, but, unfortunately, Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity all respectfully declined her offer. When asked why, they simply explained that they felt it wasn't their place to come along unannounced when it was Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie that were originally invited. They argued that three more ponies showing up out of the blue would be unfair to Candy's father, forcing him to make additional accommodations for them. But they assured Pinkie that they'd pay Candy and her father a visit at some point in the future.

Pinkie herself was certainly looking forward to this visit. The further into Manehattan they walked, the more her excitement grew and the more impatient she became. Like Candy said, her dad, Lolly Pop, promised her all the candy she could eat to show his gratitude to her for rescuing his daughter. And after everything Candy had told Pinkie about her dad and his store, she was giddy to actually be paying a visit. Just thinking about all of the sweets she would be sampling made her tummy rumble with anticipation.

The five mares rounded another street corner, what seemed like the hundredth. Manehattan was starting to feel even bigger than they gave it credit for, even for the three Ponyville residents who had all been to the city before. But Candy assured them that that was the final corner and it was a straight shot to her place from there, albeit still a lengthy trot away.

But as they had approached the last corner, the other mares noticed a look of unease appear on Candy's face. And when they made the turn, they discovered why.

Standing tall on the opposite side of the street, taking up an entire city block all by itself, was the gargantuan complex known as Manehattan Mall. It was almost two years ago that Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy had helped Candy and nineteen other ponies escape from their captivity in the mall's basement. Despite the changes in management made since the previous proprietor was jailed, the mall looked basically the same as it had on their last visit, and still as busy as ever if the hoards of ponies flooding in and out of its doors was any indication.

"This is the place you told us about?" Puff surmised, tipped off by the enormous sign spelling out the establishment's name quite clearly.

Candy breathed an exasperated sigh as she stared at the building. "Yup." Without another word, she simply started back on her intended path to her home.

Rainbow Dash trotted quickly to catch up with her, raising her eyebrow at her behavior. "That's it? That's your reaction to seeing this place again?"

"Dash, I still lived in this city after I got out of there. I see this place pretty much everyday. It's not a big deal."

"I can't claim to know how you're feeling, but the way you're acting makes it seem like it might be a big deal," Fluttershy speculated, taking notice of Candy's uneasy expression.

Candy shrugged slightly. "It's... not really. Yeah, sure, I have some bad memories, and it's true that I haven't set hoof in there since then, but I'm fine. Seriously."

As defensive as she sounded, the smile that she put on seemed genuine enough. This was meant to be an enjoyable trip, so trying to dredge up bad memories in the pursuit of some sort of psychological healing probably wasn't appropriate.

"It wasn't all bad, though, right?" Pinkie said with an optimistic chirp. "Like I said, you made some new friends from the whole experience. Me, Fluttershy, Dashie, Patchwork..."

"Patchvork?" Puff repeated curiously. "Who's that?"

"He's another pony who was stuck there with us," Candy explained. "He was there even longer than me. Actually, to be honest, I don't think I would have handled being there as well as I did without him."

The fondness in Candy's voice elicited a sly smirk from Puff. "Really? Is he somepony 'special' then?"

Candy laughed at the question, knowing full well what the chubby mare was insinuated. "Don't get the wrong idea. He's just a friend. And even if I was interested, he's spoken for."

"How are Patchwork and Zenadine doing?" Fluttershy asked. "Do you stay in touch at all?"

"Well, I guess we don't really see one another as often as I'd expected after how much time we spent together in the mall, but we still meet up for coffee from time to time. They even invited me to their wedding."

"They got married?!" Pinkie bellowed in shock, her jaw hanging in disbelief.

Rainbow Dash blinked at Pinkie's confusing reaction. "Why not? They were engaged when we met them. It kinda makes sense that they'd get married eventually."

"Without telling us?! Or inviting us?! I was really looking forward to planning the whole thing for them! I've never planned a wedding party before! It's on my bucket list and everything!"

"After being separated for two years, they wanted to get married as soon as possible, so they just had a small wedding to get it done quickly. I was one of the few people to actually be invited. Maid of Honor actually," Candy boasted.

Pinkie pouted enviously. "Lucky duck."

"Hey, here's an idea: maybe we could visit them while we're in Manehattan," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Hmm..." Candy hummed in thought. "I don't know if we can. I talked to them before I left for Steeden and apparently they made some big plans for a vacation to Girafrica for a few weeks around this time of the year. We could check for them, but they're probably out of the country by now."

Pinkie was noticeably disappointed by the news. "Oh, poop. Talk about bad timing."

"Ya, it vould have been nice to meet another vun of your friends," said Puff.

"Maybe some other time," Candy reassured. "But right now, we have other business."

As their conversation came to its end, Candy pointed ahead to a modestly sized building on the street corner across from where they currently stood. They had reached their destination. The building looked quite out of place in a city of skyscrapers; even the other buildings adjacent to it towered over the humble, two-storied establishment, akin to a lone robin amongst a flock of ostriches. Despite its stature, the small building still managed to be eye-catching. As Candy had explained long ago, her home was a candy store run by she and her father, and that fact was more evident now than ever. The windows bordering the front door were lined with displays that showed off the many varieties of sweets they produced and sold, and above the entryway was the store's title, simply called "Pop's," with smaller letters below saying "Candy Shop." It all gave the place a real homely feel somehow, contrasting the somewhat impersonal atmosphere of Manehattan.

After checking to make sure the coast was clear of carriages, Candy led her friends across the crosswalk to the store. She stopped in front of the store, taking a moment to take a deep breath to suppress her excitement at being home again. She pushed the door open, a small bell above the entrance ringing to signal that a potential customer had entered, and stepped inside, her friends close behind.

"One moment!" the chipper voice of a stallion called out from another room.

The sound of hurried hooves against the tile floor could be heard as the stallion entered from a door on the far side of the room. He was a rather portly gentlecolt with a thick, bushy mustache, a bright yellow coat, and thinning, light brown mane. Although to Puff Pastry he was a stranger, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy knew him as Lolly Pop, or simply Pop. But Candy knew him as Dad.

The stallion halted immediately when he laid eyes on the small crowd of mares standing in his shop, his gaze fixated on the mare with the red-and-white stripped mane. An enormous, trembling smile stretched across his face and his eyes instantly began to well up. Candy smiled as well, though hers was a soft, affectionate smile rather than her father's exaggerated beaming.

Candy opened her hooves, waiting for what she knew was coming, but to accelerate the process, she said in a quiet, loving tone, "Hi, Dad."

She was immediately tackled by the rotund stallion, who wrapped his hooves firmly around her shoulders and began drenching her neck in his joyous tears. "Oh, my little gumdrop is finally home!" he bawled loudly.

Rainbow Dash had to stifle her laughter at the comical sight of a grown stallion breaking down into affectionate tears, for which she received a firm, reprimanding nudge from Fluttershy. The three Ponyville mares were already well aware of how emotional Candy's dad could get, especially in regards to his daughter; they learned as much when they first met him after rescuing her.

Pop finally released Candy from his grip, taking a step back and looking her over as if she had been gone for years and he had expected her to grow in the time she'd been gone. "I've missed you so much, sweetie," he said with a wavering voice, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I missed you too, Dad. And, you know, I gave you a heads up that I was coming so you wouldn't act like this when I got back."

"I just can't help it," Pop exclaimed. "You've been gone for six months. You've never been away from home that long before. You've never been away from home at all! And it's just heartbreaking that you have to leave again in two weeks."

"I know, Dad, but that's why I want to make the most of this trip."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that," he responded, wiping away another stray tear. He then peered over his daughter's shoulder to the other four mares standing behind her. Fluttershy offered a silent wave and a friendly smile. Pop grinned with elation at the sight of the familiar mares. "Oh, look who it is! You brought the lovely, young ladies that brought you back to me! What a pleasant surprise!"

The stallion approached them and Fluttershy extended her hoof to greet him. "It's so nice to see you again—ghk!" Without warning, Pop had trapped Fluttershy in a crushing embrace, cutting off the pegasus's air supply. Instead of finishing her sentence, all she could manage was a sharp wheeze.

Pop released the mare, allowing her to refill her lungs with much needed oxygen, her cheeks returning to their usual, yellow hue. "I must thank you again for saving my darling daughter's life. I've just been so riddled with guilt that I haven't been able to properly pay you back for what you've done for me."

He was about to give Rainbow Dash the same spine-cracking gesture he had given Fluttershy, but Dash kept him at leg's length with an awkward chuckle. "H-Hey, your thanks is enough for us. No need to get too mushy about it."

Pop chortled with slight embarrassment. "Er, yes, my apologies. I simply can't thank you enough, though."

Fluttershy swallowed to make sure that her esophagus still worked, then smiled kindly. "We never expect a reward for our deeds. We're always happy to help ponies in need."

"You can say that all you want, I absolutely insist that I give something in return to the lovely mares that saved my pride and joy." At that moment, Pop finally noticed that there was one unfamiliar face amongst the group. He stared quizzically, yet with a friendly smile, at Puff. "Speaking of lovely mares, who is this?"

Puff blushed slightly at the compliment. She wasn't really accustomed to people complimenting her looks of all things. She offered a hoof to Pop. "Mein name is Puff Pastry. It's nice to meet you, sir."

Instead of shaking her hoof as Puff had intended, he held it tenderly and kissed it gently, the act eliciting a roll of Candy's eyes. "The pleasure is all mine. And call me Pop."

Candy cleared her throat loudly, a sign that was used quite often to signal to her father that he may have been overstepping slightly.

Pop stood up straight once more, clearing his own throat as he attempted to compose himself. "Erm, sorry about that. Force of habit. So you are the mare that Candy has told me about in her letters then? The one from Germaney?"

Puff nodded. "Ya, that's right."

Pop clapped his hooves together. "Wonderful. You know, Germane chocolates are my absolute favorite. I would go so far as to say they are mostly responsible for this." He pat his round belly with a hearty laugh.

Puff laughed with him, tapping her own stomach. "Ya, I know vhat you mean."

The two of them shared amused chuckles, respecting their mutual attraction to all things delicious and sweet. However, it was only now that Pop realized that one of the four friends that Candy had brought with her had remained completely silent since they had arrived. And given everything that his daughter had told him about her, that was quite out of the ordinary.

Pinkie Pie had been overcome with awe and wonderment the instant she stepped hoof inside the store, her eyes wide and sparkling. The whole store was filled with the sweet scent of sugar, but was somehow different from what she was used to at Sugarcube Corner, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. However, in a similar fashion to how Sugarcube Corner had many cakes and other pastries on display, Pop's place had shelves, displays, jars, and tubs lined and filled with all manner of sugary confections. Gumdrops, licorice, bubble gum, taffy, jawbreakers, wine candy, chocolates of all shapes, sizes, and color, and too many more to count within the hours of the day. This was Pinkie's paradise; her land of milk and honey, so to speak.

"Pinkie, uh, you okay?" Rainbow asked, though her concern was accompanied by a tiny smile. She was pretty sure she had an idea of what was going through Pinkie's head.

Fluttershy stared at Pinkie's awestruck expression, but the earth pony's gaze was still transfixed by the treasure trove of sweets surrounding her. Fluttershy giggled. "She's like a foal in a... well, a candy store."

"It's just... so beautiful," Pinkie finally said, barely managing anything more than a whisper. Her lips curled up into a blissful smile and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Her entire body shivered with delight. "All this candy... Just thinking about it is making me wet," she claimed as saliva began to run from the corner of her mouth, accompanied by a pleasured moan.

Pop laughed loudly at Pinkie's reaction to his work. "Well now, here's a mare that certainly appreciates the sweeter things in life. And I do believe I made a promise to you the last time we met. As thanks for bringing my darling daughter back to me, you can help yourself to as much as you want. Be my guest!"

Pinkie treated his words like the starting gun at a marathon, leaning down to get a running start at all of that sweet candy. But before she could leap into it headfirst, she felt a firm hoof land upon her shoulder with Rainbow Dash staring back at her. Pinkie stared quizzically at the cyan pegasus, the pain in her face from forcibly holding herself back made evident by the beads of sweat forming on her temple.

"Pinkie," Dash started, her tone sounding of authority. "Remember, this guy has a business to run here. Don't go overboard, okay?"

Pinkie grinned and nodded. "Right." She took a brief moment to compose herself, taking a deep breath. "Gotta pace myself. One thing at a time. I gotta... I gotta..." Pinkie's whole body began trembling. It was like the candy was screaming to be consumed, screaming her name. It was getting much too difficult to ignore their pleas. Pinkie's mane noticeably twitched, as though something inside her skull had snapped, and her mouth widened into an enormous and rather unsettling grin. "Nope! Can't do it! I'm going in!" Pinkie Pie leapt into the air, grabbing several jars and containers as she landed and pouring their contents into her open, drooling maw, like a shark attacking a school of helpless minnows.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy could only stand by and watch the carnage ensue, too afraid to stick their hooves into the lion's cage and stop her. However, in contrast to their worries, Pop could only laugh as he watched the ravenous mare devour his wares.

"My, my, she is quite the enthusiastic eater, isn't she? Does my heart good to see somepony enjoying my candy so... voraciously. Although, I'm worried that it won't do her heart much good."

"I wouldn't be too concerned about that," said Candy. "I've seen some weird stuff when it comes to this mare and her dietary habits. She'll be fine, trust me."

"The question is: are you gonna be fine?" Rainbow Dash asked Pop. "She could very well eat you out of house and home."

The mustachioed stallion waved her warning off with another chuckle. "Oh, that's nothing to worry about. We have plenty of extra stock."

"Well, just to be sure, if she does eat just a little too much, we'll reimburse you," Fluttershy offered.

"Actually, you're all more than welcome to join her," Pop informed them, gesturing to the assortment of sweets within the shop. "You all had a hoof in saving my sweetie pie after all."

Rainbow Dash looked out over the selection. Now that the offer was on the table, her curiosity was piqued. It all certainly looked enticing. "Well, I guess a few candies wouldn't hurt." The pegasus gravitated toward a container of gumdrops, popping a red one into her mouth. The moment she bit into it, her tongue was overcome with the flavor of cherry, more intense than any cherry-flavored candy she'd ever had. "Damn, that's good stuff," she exclaimed with a grin. She reached for another, wanting to sample the flavor of each color.

Fluttershy had her eye on a rack of candy bars, particularly one made of pure white chocolate. However, she shied away slightly, biting her lip. "Oh, I really shouldn't. If Angel Bunny smells chocolate on me, he's going to want some, and he won't eat his dinner until I get him some."

"You shouldn't deny yourself something you desire, my dear." Pop picked up the bar she had been eyeing, unwrapped it, and offered it to her. "It's perfectly alright to indulge yourself from time to time. And why don't you bring one home for your bunny friend?"

Fluttershy hesitantly took the bar, the sweet smell of that off-white delicacy making it difficult to resist the temptation. She took a teeny tiny bite off the corner and let the little chunk melt on her tongue. Her teal eyes rolled up in bliss. "Oh my," she sighed shakily. "That's so good." That was all the convincing she needed to take another, much larger, bite of the bar. Followed by another, then several more before moving on to a second bar.

Candy Cane watched her friends devour her father's hard work with a sigh, though she was admittedly amused by the sight as well. "Congratulations, Dad. Now you've got them hooked. Hope you're proud of yourself."

"I can't help it if I'm just a naturally good businessman. It speaks volumes of the quality of my work."

"Yeah, the addictive quality," Candy laughed.

Pop noticed that Puff had not joined the others in their sugary feast, noting the look of restraint on her face. "What's the matter? Aren't you going to try some, too?"

Puff smiled humbly. "Oh, no. I had nothing to do vith Candy's rescue. I'd feel bad if I shared in their revard."

Pop chuckled and pat Puff firmly on the back. "Nonsense. You're my little moon pie's friend. You're more than welcome to—" Before he could even finish, Puff had already vanished, reappearing with her hoof in a jar of chocolate malt balls. "Oh. Well, alright then."

"Fank you!" Puff said to him with a mouthful of chocolate.

"Well, aside from you giving all of my friends diabetes, it's good to be home," Candy said, giving her dad another hug. She took another look around the shop, finding it a little strange that her dad was the only person around when they arrived. It raised a question, one that she was a little hesitant to ask. "So, uh... Where's Ginger? She not around today?"

Puff's chewing of the malt balls slowed when she overheard Candy's question. Given the information she'd shared with her about this Ginger character, however little it was, Puff was a tad concerned about where Candy was going to bring her conversation.

"No, she's been running some errands all morning," Pop replied. "She'll probably be stopping by eventually, though. I guess you missed her, too, huh?"

Candy chuckled halfheartedly. "Yeah..."

Pinkie Pie popped over suddenly, her mouth scrunched up uncomfortably after having found where Pop kept the lemon candies. "Oooooo, are oo guyph gonna ged all wovey-dovey?"

Pop let out a loud guffaw. "Ha ha! During work hours? As much as I'd like to, I don't think I have the guts to take that risk."

"That's a great mental image. Thanks, Dad," Candy groaned.

"Who'sh Ginger?" Rainbow Dash asked with a mouthful of marshmallows.

"She's Pop's girlfriend," Pinkie chirped.

"Oh, yeah. I guess I've never mentioned her while you were around," Candy noted.

"So we're gonna get to meet her for sure, right?" Pinkie asked eagerly. "I've been looking forward to it for ages."

"Is that so?" Pop replied with genuine surprise. "I guess you've really been talking her up then, Candy."

His daughter shrugged. "Not really. I've just mentioned her once or twice, and even then I didn't really say too much about her."

"About who now?"

A new voice had interjected into the conversation, accompanied by the ringing of the bell above the front door. Entering the building was an earth pony mare with a dark brown coat, a mane, striped with white and yellow, tied into a ponytail, and a cutie mark depicting a simple-looking gingerbread house. She was wearing a white sunhat decorated with plastic flowers and carrying several shopping bags full of groceries on her back. Candy's friends were able to immediately infer that this mare was probably Ginger Snap, and although they could only offer an estimate of Pop's age, this mare appeared to be noticeably younger, though still exhibiting some signs of age and experience, such as small wrinkles around her eyes. She was, however, slightly shorter than the other mares present, which perhaps made determining her age a touch more difficult. That said, she was still a very pretty mare.

A big, happy smile stretched across Pop's face upon seeing the mare. "Ah, there you are, Ginger." He gave her a tender kiss on her cheek. "What good timing, we were just talking about you. And look who's home." He gestured to Candy.

Ginger smiled softly at Candy, offering her a greeting in a kind, quiet voice. "Oh, Candy, it's so good to see you again after all this time." The older mare wrapped Candy in a quick, gentle hug. "How have things been in Steeden so far?"

Finally, Candy managed a smile; Puff in particular had noticed that she didn't seem very enthusiastic to see Ginger, but now that the topic had shifted to something else, she appeared more than happy to actually share her overseas experience.

"It's been great. I had no idea I'd learn so much so quickly. Not to mention my friends have made the experience all the more memorable, for better or worse," Candy laughed.

Ginger looked past Candy at the four smiling faces behind her, passing them a smile of her own. "Yes, you've mentioned your friends in your letters. It's nice to finally meet you all." She stared at Pinkie Pie for a moment, as if trying to deduce something. "You're... Pinkie Pie? Is that right?"

"Bingo!" the chipper mare chimed. "How'd you know?"

Ginger giggled quietly. "Call it a hunch. And you must be Puff Pastry," she continued, turning to the pig-tailed mare.

"Ya. It's nice to meet you."

Ginger then turned to the pair of pegasi. "And you two are... Oh, I'm sorry, I can't seem to recall."

"That's because we're not students at the university," Fluttershy explained.

Pop stepped in to elaborate. "These two lovely, young mares, along with Pinkie Pie, are the ones responsible for rescuing Candy from her captivity."

Ginger's eyes widened slightly, her surprise belied by her still quiet voice. "Oh, is that right? Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet the ponies responsible for saving this little family."

"Aw, it was nothin'," Dash said with a modest wave, though there was no missing the proud smile on her face. "All in a day's work for us."

Ginger nodded with a grateful smile. At that moment, she took a second to finally notice the mess that the shop was in. Containers were overturned and stray candies were scattered all over the floor, posing quite the safety hazard. "Did a tornado run through here earlier? What happened?" She gasped with worry. "Lolly, were you robbed?!"

Pop let out that loud, guttural laughter that Pinkie and her friends had come to expect from him. "Tornado's aren't this destructive, ha ha! And no, I wasn't robbed."

"He said we can have as much as we want!" Pinkie exclaimed with an enthusiastic hop. "And it's all so yummy!"

"Oh, I see," Ginger giggled. "He's repaying favors with candy again. That's really a bad habit, Lolly."

"What? Everypony loves candy," he argued.

"Speaking of Candy..." Ginger segued, glancing at her boyfriend's daughter. She reached into one of the bags she was carrying, removing a small, ornate box and offering it to Candy. "I saw this in the window of an antique store on the way over. I thought it would be a nice, belated birthday gift."

Candy, with some surprise on her face, took the small box, unhooked the clasp on the front, and opened it. Suddenly, a calm, melancholy tune began to play, and in the center of the box was a tiny, gold-colored pony spinning slowly with the music. "A music box?"

Ginger shrugged bashfully. "Honestly, I didn't really put much thought into it. I just thought it was cute. If you don't want it, I still have the receipt, so you can return it and just keep the money if you want."

"It's beautiful, sweetheart," Pop commented.

Candy stayed silent, simply watching the gold pony twirl. Puff stared at Candy's expression intently, trying to figure out how she felt about this. Her expression was difficult to read. She seemed surprised, but at the same time frustrated.

"Lolly, can you help me with these," Ginger asked, referring to the grocery bags. He happily relieved the load from her back, helping her bring them to the kitchen at the back of the building. Ginger carefully stepped around the stray gumballs and wads of taffy covering the floor. "And it looks like you may need a hoof cleaning up this mess as well."

"I suppose I do. Candy, why don't you go unpack while we straighten everything away down here?"

"Yeah, sure." Candy snapped the music box shut rather roughly and picked up her bag that she'd left by the door. She gestured for her friends to follow her, guiding them to a hallway off to the side of the store that led to a stairway up to the second floor.

After they had all disappeared into the hallway, Pinkie Pie poked back out, grabbed several candy bars that had fallen to the floor in the chaos, and stuffed them in her mane for later before trotting off to catch up with the other girls.

Candy led the group to the second floor, where she and her father's actual living space was located. At the top of the stairs was a doorway leading into a spacious living room. The room was immaculately clean; the wooden coffee table shined, the plush, white couch pristine with little sign of wear, and the windows were polished so well that one would swear they were open. In terms of decoration, there were a few tall, potted plants here and there that were in rather good health, and there was a large entertainment center against the wall that housed a decent sized television; based on the cases stacked on a shelf next to it, it appeared Pop and Ginger enjoyed a sappy, romantic movie from time to time. Branching away from the living room was a short hallway with a few doors. Guests could safely assume those to be the bedrooms and bathroom.

But perhaps the most noticeable feature one would probably notice is the abundance of framed pictures on the end tables and across the walls. A lot of them depicted Pop and Candy, but there were also a few of Ginger as well. If Candy's friends hadn't realized just how much Pop loved his daughter yet, one look at this room would remove all doubt. Out of curiosity, Puff had wandered over to the window where one particular picture was sitting on the windowsill. She picked it up and silently looked it over.

Candy put the music box on the coffee table, dropped herself onto the couch, and let out an exasperated sigh. Rainbow Dash gave a puzzled raise of her eyebrow at the way Candy was acting.

"Okay, I can't be the only one who felt a little bit of tension back there, right?"

"The atmosphere did seem just a teensy bit uncomfortable when Ginger arrived," Fluttershy agreed. "Is there something going on between you two, Candy?"

"Look, no offense, but it's really none of your business," Candy informed brusquely.

"That didn't stop you from telling Pinkie und I about it," Puff chimed in.

Fluttershy noticed the photo Puff was holding. "What's that?"

"Something I think might shed a little light on vhy Candy is acting like that."

She displayed the photo to the other three mares. It was another picture of Pop and Candy. However, there was a third pony with them; a mare, but it wasn't Ginger. In contrast to Ginger's brown coat, this mare's coat was a very light shade of pink with a white mane that bore a striking resemblance to soft serve ice cream the way it was done up. Also in contrast to Ginger's soft, gentle smile, hers was a big, toothy grin, not unlike Pop's.

Pinkie took the picture to get a closer look. "Is that your mom?"

Candy didn't even bother to look in their direction. "Yeah..."

Fluttershy looked around at all of the pictures of Ginger, comparing them to the mare in this photo. "She seems like a far cry from Ginger. Ginger is so quiet and mellow, but your mom looks like a very outgoing and energetic person."

"So basically your dad went from dating Pinkie Pie to Fluttershy. That's quite the turnaround," Rainbow Dash joked, though nopony laughed. She just received a corrective glower from Fluttershy.

"Can you believe her?" Candy suddenly said, her voice louder than they would have expected.

Her four friends shared confused glances.

"Believe what?" asked Pinkie.

Candy picked up the music box again, though she did not open it. "Why would she get me this?"

"She said it was a belated birthday gift," Fluttershy answered, repeating what Ginger had said.

"A music box? Really? I've never expressed any interest in music." Candy's voice was becoming increasingly irate. "This is the kind of thing that people usually grow attached to sentimentally. It's like she's trying to buy my love."

"Don't you think you're reading a little too much into this?" Puff inquired.

"Do you have some kinda beef with Ginger or something?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She seemed like a perfectly nice person to me," Fluttershy noted.

Candy shrugged, attempting to defend her argument. "Well, yeah, she's nice and everything, but she's just... She's..."

"Not your mom," Pinkie said for her with a compassionate tone.

"Is that the problem?" asked Fluttershy. "You think she's trying to replace your mom?"

"Why else would she act all kind and caring and buy me stuff?" Candy griped with frustration.

"Maybe because she actually cares about you. Did that ever occur to you?" Rainbow Dash imposed.

"You've shared this problem vith both me und Pinkie, Candy," Puff stated. "There vasn't really anything vee could do or say to help you then, but now that vee're here, in your home, you have a chance to actually do something about this."

"Oh! I have an idea!" Pinkie shouted with zeal. She hopped onto the couch alongside Candy, her excited grin contrasting Candy's frustrated grimace. "I helped Puff and her mom patch things up. Maybe I can help you and Ginger! Pleeeeeease, can I help?"

Candy didn't bother to try and shake Pinkie off of her leg as she begged. In actuality, she was contemplating accepting the offer, if only because she wanted to avoid having that conversation with Ginger herself. But would she really feel better having her friend do the work for her?

"Instead of making accusations, maybe you should talk to Ginger about how you feel and actually learn how she feels," Fluttershy suggested.

"I can do that!" Pinkie agreed, jumping off the couch and heading for the stairs.

"Oh, actually, Pinkie, I meant that Candy should do it herself," the yellow pegasus elaborated.

Pinkie halted with her hoof on the doorknob, looking a touch disappointed. "Oh... Well, okay." She sat back down on the couch, placing her hoof upon Candy's shoulder. "But if you want my help, just ask."

Candy looked at the faces of her friends, three of them staring at her as if waiting for her to make a decision, while the fourth simply grinned obliviously. She'd look like a right jackass if she said she wouldn't talk to her, not to mention making it seem as though she didn't want to at least make an attempt to improve their relationship. Plus, Pinkie had a point. If Puff and her mom could pull a complete one-eighty on their relationship, then how difficult could it be to just tell Ginger how she felt?

Candy didn't say a word. She just stood up, trotted to the door, and went downstairs. For a moment, the other mares weren't sure what to do. Of course, they'd like to be there to help out, but this was certainly a situation where it was probably best to give them some privacy. But that didn't mean they weren't going to be impatient about discovering the result.

Pinkie Pie picked up the television remote and flicked on the T.V. "No sense being all antsy. Let's see if there's anything good on."

Rainbow Dash shrugged, taking a place next to Pinkie on the couch. She let out a relieved sigh as she stared at the screen. "Man, it's nice to finally be able to watch something in a language I can actually understand again. We really do take some things for granted."

"Do you think they'll be able to work this out?" Fluttershy asked Puff, the two of them more concerned about Candy to pay attention to the television.

"I hope so. I know I felt much better after Pinkie helped me und my mom. I don't think this is as serious as that, though. After today, I think Candy is grasping at something that isn't actually there. As long as they can talk about this calmly, they should be fine."

"I hope you're right. I'd hate for there to be conflict in their family."

***** ***** *****

"So did I miss the waterworks when Candy arrived?" Ginger joked quietly to Pop as she put a bag of carrots in the fridge.

Pop chuckled at her mild teasing. "Unfortunately, yes. Thankfully I was able to compose myself before you got here. Saved me the ridicule." He looked at her with mock hurt.

Ginger giggled cutely. "Darn. I'm sorry I missed that." She gently draped a hoof over his shoulders, leaning in for a tender kiss. "I do like a stallion who's not afraid to show his emotions."

"Is that right?" he replied with a coy grin. "Then would you pass me some onions so I can start chopping?"

Ginger snickered at his joke and gave him a light slap on the shoulder before returning to the groceries, putting them away in their proper places.

"No, seriously, can you pass the onions? I was thinking sub sandwiches for lunch."

With a joking roll of her eyes, Ginger did as he asked and passed Pop a few onions, as well as some lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and a jar of mayonnaise. Pop got right to work fixing up seven sandwiches for his family and his guests while Ginger continued sorting away groceries.

A light knock on the kitchen door distracted the couple from their current tasks. Pop saw his beloved daughter poking her head into the room looking like a nervous child who had done something wrong.

Pop let out a quiet chuckle. "Sweetie, I know you've been living in Steeden for a while, but this is still your home. You don't have to knock on the kitchen door of all things."

Candy entered the room fully, both her face and her posture showing great apprehension. "Dad, I... I want to—"

"Oh, since you're here," her father interrupted, "could you get some buns from the breadbox? I'm making some sandwiches for us and your friends."

"Actually, Dad, can we just—"

"Do you want mayonnaise on yours, Candy?"

"No, look, I just need to—"

"How about tomatoes?"


Pop and Ginger fell silent, shocked by Candy's sudden jump in tone. Her cheeks were red with frustration.

"Listen, I need to talk to you guys. It's really important."

Pop could see just how serious she was by looking into her eyes. It wasn't an expression he saw from her often. He'd always done everything he could to keep her happy; it was his duty as a father. Of course, another of his paternal duties was to help his pride and joy when she had a problem or needed advice. He may have been a jolly fellow, but now it seemed appropriate to set aside any mirth or childish behavior.

"What is it, dear? Is this about the school?"

Candy took a long, deep breath. She was still hesitant about whether or not she wanted to actually do this. However, at this point could she really back out? If she turned around and said "nevermind" now, she'd only concern her father, and chances are, he'd just try and pry it out of her anyway. She had nowhere to go but forward.

"Dad, can I talk to Ginger in private for a few minutes?"

Ginger pointed to herself in confusion, wondering if she had done something wrong. "Me?"

Pop hesitated to respond. There was a part of him that wanted to say no, that whatever she had to say to Ginger, she could say in front of him. But, knowing how serious Candy was being about this, he figured it'd be better to let her do what she needed to do. He gave his daughter a slow nod, gave Ginger a worried glance, then silently exited the room, leaving the two mares alone.

"What's this about, Candy? Did I do something to upset you?" Ginger asked, feeling guilty despite not knowing what she'd done.

"Look, I'm just going to cut to the chase," Candy stated, aiming to get right to the point. "You're not my mom."

Ginger raised an eyebrow. "Er, yes, I know that."

"And you know you can never be my mom, right?"

Ginger looked into Candy's eyes. There was both worry and a little disdain hidden behind her gaze. The older mare sighed at the realization of what Candy was getting at. "Is that what this is about? You think I'm trying to replace your mother?"

Candy didn't say anything. She broke eye contact, starting to feel a touch guilty about the way she felt towards this mare, even if she couldn't help it.

"Have you felt this way the whole time I've known your father?"

"Well... kind of. I just know I've never really felt comfortable with your relationship. It wasn't until you suggested that I go to school in Steeden that I really began to understand why."

Ginger closed her eyes. "I see." She stepped over to the kitchen table, taking a seat. She gestured to one of the other chairs. "Sit down, Candy. I think it's time we cleared the air."

Candy reluctantly agreed and took a seat for herself. This was already feeling like it wasn't going in the direction she thought it would. She had come down here expecting to be the one doing the talking, but the instant her dad left the room, it was like Ginger had taken control away from her. She was starting to feel like a child being sat down by their parent, which, all things considered, may have been a step in the right direction.

"I've sort of suspected that you've felt this way for a while."

Candy's eyes widened. "You... You have?"

Ginger nodded with a slight smile, staring down at the tabletop. "I'm not totally oblivious. It's not hard to sense the tension in the air when we're together. You may not have noticed it yourself, but you have occasionally looked at me oddly, to the point where I thought you may have been angry at me. It's not uncommon for a child who has lost a parent to feel spiteful towards anypony who takes the eye of their remaining parent. It's an indication that they're unable to accept their loss."

Ginger looked up to gauge Candy's reaction to her hypothesis. The pink mare looked stupefied, blinking in confusion over what she'd just heard.

"What...? Where did...?" Candy stammered with a raised eyebrow.

Ginger chuckled softly with a light shrug. "I have a minor in child psychology. But I suppose you didn't know that. We don't really talk much, you and I, do we?"

Candy felt her stomach tighten. She was starting to question who the victim in this situation really was.

"I'm not trying to make your father forget about your mother. I would never ask him, or you, to do such a thing. She's still just as important to both of you as she was when she was alive. I don't know if Lolly talks much about our dates with you, but did you know that during our first date he thought I'd never say yes to a second?"

"Why's that?" Candy asked curiously.

"Because all he could talk about was his daughter and his late wife. He thought he was being too overemotional and that that was putting me off. But as I've told him on multiple occasions, I like a stallion who's not afraid to express how he feels, especially when he feels so strongly about something as he does about his family."

"You didn't think he wasn't willing to accept his loss?"

"The fact that he had even asked me out to begin with shows that he was at least willing to move on with his life and not let his loss weigh him down. But I could certainly tell that her death left an enormous void in his life."

"So you thought you could fill that void?" Candy inquired, her accusatory tone returning.

"Candy, you have to understand that there is a difference between filling a void and replacing somepony entirely. I cannot replace your mother, even if I wanted to. My purpose in this relationship is to provide a source of happiness for your father so that he doesn't let his life be controlled by his grief."

Candy stood up, her chair scraping against the tiled floor and her hooves pounding the table in anger. "I'm his source of happiness! I'm the only thing he has left to remember her! And what do you do when you step into the equation? Tell me to fly off to Steeden for a year! Is it any wonder why I've never liked you?! You just want him to yourself! He doesn't even think about me anymore! He couldn't even be bothered to send me a card on my damn birthday!"

Ginger could see the sparkle of moisture beginning to well up in Candy's eyes. At this point, Candy was just lashing out, venting her anger and frustration without really thinking about what she was saying. Ginger took no offense. She was just glad that Candy could finally get all of this off her chest.

"Do you feel better?"


Ginger smiled calmly at Candy, and the younger mare slowly lowered herself back onto her seat, her face red both from her furious outburst, as well as embarrassment and guilt that she had just tore into her out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry," Candy apologized quietly. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

"It's alright," Ginger assured with a friendly grin. "Better to get everything out in the open rather than keep it bottled up."

Candy sighed deeply, turning away in shame of her behavior. "You must think I'm pretty immature, huh?"

"Do you know why I suggested you go to Steeden, Candy? The real reason?"

"Huh? Real reason?"

"It was because of your father. He told me all about the circumstances surrounding your mother's death and why you had to stay home and help him out around here after graduating high school. Do you know how guilty he felt about that? He blamed himself that you could not chase your dreams. And he blames himself for you getting kidnapped."

"What?!" Candy gawked. "Why would he blame himself for that?"

"Because if you had gone to university after high school, it wouldn't have happened."

"It was a wake up call really."

Candy jumped with a start, turning around quickly to see her father standing at the door. He chuckled with embarrassment.

"Sorry. I've been eavesdropping. I couldn't help myself." Pop sat himself down at the table with them, letting out a deep sigh. "When you disappeared, I thought I had lost the only thing in the world that I still cared about. I thank Celestia everyday for those three wonderful friends of yours. Even though I was so happy to have you back, I didn't want to keep you cooped up at home where you weren't able to tap into your potential. But I needed an opportunity to send you out into the world. And opportunity, in this case, was named Ginger."

"After he told me about all of that," Ginger continued, "I suggested that you go to Steeden while I stayed back here to help out at the shop."

"Oh, by the way, I did send you a birthday card," Pop corrected.

"You did? I never received one," Candy told him.

Ginger groaned, placing her hoof upon her forehead. "What address did you use, Lolly?"

"Um... The university's address, of course."

"Dad, the student dorms have their own addresses. If you address it to the university itself, they assume it's for the admission's office or something. Any junk mail or misdirected mail gets thrown out."

"Oh." Pop rubbed his neck, his cheeks red with embarrassment. "Well, somepony could have told me that." He shook his head. "Anyway... Candy, I don't want you to feel like Ginger is intruding on our family. As far as I'm concerned, she's a part of our family now, and if you can't live with that... Well, I don't know what I can do. I love you, sweetums, but I love her, too."

"And I care about you as well, Candy," Ginger added. "That's part of the reason I treasure this relationship so much. I'm here not just for your father, but for you as well. You're the most important thing in his life, and that means you're just as important to me, whether you feel the same way or not."

"A child shouldn't have to grow up without two loving parents," Pop said, placing a hoof on Candy's shoulder. "She may not be your mother, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love you."

Candy looked her father in the eye, then to Ginger. She knew they were right. The deeper this conversation went, the more and more selfish she felt. What would her mother think if she saw her daughter acting the way she was?

Candy slowly rose from her chair and stepped over to Ginger, looking her straight in the eye. After a few silent moments, her guilt manifested in the form of watery tears welling up and running down her cheeks. She leaned in and wrapped her hooves around Ginger's neck, sobbing quietly.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I've been a complete jerk for no reason."

Ginger smiled, returning the remorseful hug and patting Candy on the back. "It's okay. You don't have to be afraid of telling people how you feel."

Candy clenched her teeth, trying her best to force back her tears, but ultimately failing. "I don't want to think like this, but I can't help it. I just miss her so much."

Ginger ran her hoof through Candy's mane comfortingly, letting her get it all out of her system. Pop was admittedly a little shocked to see his baby's strength and willpower surrounding her mother's passing suddenly fall apart, the concrete dam that had been holding back her grief crumbling like flimsy drywall.

Candy pulled back, wiping her tears into the dark pink fur of her foreleg. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go to Steeden, and for being there for my dad. We both owe you so much."

"That we do," Pop agreed, discreetly wiping away a tear of his own.

Ginger laughed softly, holding Candy's hoof in her own. "Like your father said, I might not be your mother, and I know I never will be, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying to be a part of your family. But I suppose I should ask how you feel first. Is that okay with you, Candy?"

Candy sniffed one more time, finally managing a weak smile. "As long as you're keeping my dad happy, that's fine by me."

A loud thud suddenly penetrated the emotional atmosphere of the kitchen, causing the three earth ponies to jump, startled. The door had swung open, rendered ajar by the four-pony pile sprawled out on the floor. While Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Puff Pastry put on nervous grins to accompany their embarrassed blushes at being caught, Pinkie Pie—on the top of the pile and likely the cause of their unexpected intrusion—grinned widely and unapologetically.

"Come ooooon," she goaded eagerly. The family of three just stared in surprise and confusion, requiring Pinkie to elaborate. "Group hug. Do it."

They didn't budge. With a groan, Pinkie rolled off of the pile and stood up. "Here, like this..." She took both of Pop's hooves, putting one around Candy's shoulder and the other around Ginger's, then did the same for the two mares and forced them into a tight embrace. "See? Like that. That feels nice, right?"

"Were you guys eavesdropping, too?" Candy asked, disgruntled.

"It was Pinkie's idea!" Rainbow Dash blurted immediately from the floor with an accusing point of her hoof.

"Rainbow," Fluttershy wheezed from the bottom of the pile, "You're crushing my ribs."

"Sorry, but we had to eavesdrop," Pinkie asserted. "How else were we supposed to know if it went well?"

"You ask afterwards," Candy deadpanned.

Pinkie shrugged. "My way's faster."

"Does it really matter, dear?" Pop said to his daughter with a happy smile. "The important thing is that the air's been cleared."

Candy sighed, letting her friends' invasion of her privacy slide given the circumstances. She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. Alright, you girls are off the hook. This time."

Puff helped Fluttershy up off the floor, both dusting themselves off. Puff sniffed the air, something catching her attention. "Is that... mayonnaise?"

"Ah, yes!" Pop chirped as he remembered. "I was in the middle of making sandwiches for everypony!" He returned his attention to the assorted ingredients and half made meals on the counter. "What say we make this a celebratory lunch, hm?"

"Oh! If we're celebrating, we'll need cake!" Pinkie bellowed excitedly. "And you've got three super-awesome pastry-chefs-in-the-making to get the job done!"

"You know what? That sounds like fun," Candy said with enthusiasm. "Plus, this'll be a great opportunity to show my dad the stuff I've learned." She turned to Ginger, putting her hoof around her shoulder and pulling her close. "And maybe you can help us out, Ginger. It might make for a good bonding opportunity."

Ginger nuzzled Candy's cheek. "I'd like that very much."

***** ***** *****

Candy Cane dropped her duffel bag on the ground, taking a moment to stretch out the kink in her back from lugging it around. She let out a long, tired yawn and rubbed her eyes; the rays of the early-morning sun weren't exactly appreciated, but they beckoned her nonetheless. This morning was very reminiscent of the day she left for Steeden six months prior, waiting at the air dock, staring up at the gargantuan airship that was going to be transporting her there.

But this time was a little different.

Another loud yawn droned out from beside her. Pinkie Pie was just as sleepy as Candy, but wore a cheerful grin in spite of it. Like the first time she'd left, she was a little hesitant to leave her friends behind. But, given that this was not the first time, it wasn't quite as difficult, mainly because she had good friends by her side this time.

Both Puff Pastry and Rainbow Dash were with them as well, the latter of which being adequately prepared for the journey with supplies of her own, unlike her last trip. The former of the two, while just as somnolent as the rest, was taking the time until their ship began boarding to observe the majesty of Equestria's capitol as it glowed beneath the effervescent, orange light of Celestia's sun. She hadn't had much of a chance when they first arrived in Canterlot two weeks ago; they had to hightail it to Ponyville to meet Pinkie Pie for her grand entrance. It really was a sight to behold. The capitol of the kingdom; home of Princesses Celestia and Luna. To somepony like Puff, just knowing that she was currently in the same city as the princesses was surreal, nevermind that there was currently another princess standing behind them.

"Well, I guess this is it. Again," Twilight stated with a smile.

Pinkie turned around to look at her friends. Just like her original departure, all of them had come to see her off, including the Cakes. The biggest difference—aside from the presence of Candy and Puff, and the fact that Rainbow Dash was going with them this time—was that Lolly Pop and Ginger Snap had accompanied them to the docks as well. Of course, it was Pinkie's idea that they come with them so that Candy could board with her friends in Canterlot instead of by herself in Manehattan, an idea that they happily agreed to, if only because they had never visited the capitol themselves.

"Yup," Pinkie replied to the alicorn. "Back to Steeden we go." Although she was clearly excited to get back to the university, her tone was noticeably wistful.

Rarity produced a handkerchief to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Oh, it just doesn't get any easier the second time." She gave Pinkie a hug farewell. "Do take care of yourself, darling."

"You betcha," the pink pony assured.

"And Rainbow Dash," the white unicorn added a touch more sternly.

"She's in good hooves."

Twilight looked the cyan pegasus in the eyes. "I'm going to ask you once more, Rainbow Dash: are you sure we can't dissuade you from going?"

Dash shook her head adamantly. "Nope. Sorry, Twi. Nothing you say is gonna change my mind."

Twilight nodded, having expected as much. "Alright. But let the record show that I tried to stop you, so if you wind up getting Pinkie in trouble I can preemptively say I told you so."

"Let's face it, if Rainbow Dash were going to get Pinkie in trouble, she would-a done it already," Applejack chuckled.

"Nice to know my friends think so highly of me," Rainbow Dash groaned with a sarcastic deadpan.

"At least we know where she's going to be," Fluttershy said in her defense. "I don't think we need to worry."

"Thank you for the vote of confidence," Rainbow Dash said, giving her other friends a spiteful look, though they could sense that her expression was meant to be facetious.

"Your friend was right, it really doesn't get any easier," Pop sniveled to his daughter. He wiped the moisture from his eyes, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. "Sorry, dear. I know you don't want me to get all emotional and concerned over you. And I promise not to send you a letter every other day. I know I can get on your nerves sometimes with my overprotective nature."

Candy smiled lovingly, giving her dad an affectionate embrace. "It's okay, Dad. Send as many letters as you want. I want to hear from you." She glanced over to Ginger, who was smiling back at her. "Both of you."

Ginger was next to receive an embrace from Candy. The older mare was slightly surprised to see no hesitation from her to show such affection.

"I'm going to miss you," Candy said, tightening the hug.

"I'll miss you, too."

"I'm gonna miss everyponyyyyyy!" Pinkie bawled loudly, streams of tears flowing from her eyes like fountains.

Puff leaned over to Fluttershy. "I can only imagine how emotional she vas the first time she left."

"Actually, she wasn't this emotional. I have no idea why she'd be more broken up now."

A stallion called out from the airship, informing the crowd on the dock that it was time to board. The traveling mares picked up their bags, making their way to the ship.

"Well, see you guys in six months," Rainbow Dash bid her friends with a wave. She grabbed the blubbering Pinkie Pie by the tail, dragging her to the ship. "Come on, ya big crybaby."

"It vas nice meeting you all," Puff said with a friendly grin, shaking hooves with Twilight in particular.

"Don't be a stranger now," Applejack called out as Puff began boarding.

Candy gave her dad a quick kiss on the cheek, backing up toward the ship. "Goodbye, Dad. Ginger."

"Goodbye, sweetie," Pop sniffled, his tears welling up again.

"Good luck, Candy," Ginger bid her.

Candy disappeared inside the ship and the door shut behind her. Several minutes later, the group of ponies watched as the ship departed, lifting high into the air and making for the horizon. Pinkie Pie could be seen pressing her face against the window, waving down at them and, of course, they waved back, knowing that it was going to be a long six months until they saw one another again.