• Published 17th Jul 2014
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Ponies to Trainers: An Unexpected Journey - Masters-of-the-Elements

While Twilight and her friends are continuing their work to restore the old Castle of the Princesses, the young princess come across an old spell, and in a moment of randomness taking her friends and herself on a new journey

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New World: Kanto

Ponies to Trainers:
An Unexpected Journey:
New World:

Twilight groaned as she came back to the waking world. She slowly opened her eyes, allowing them to adjust to the light beaming down on her. She lay there as she allowed her mind to remember what happened before she blacked out.

She remembered that her friends and she were continuing their job of restoring Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s old castle, only to have all of their work undone thanks to Discord. During the re-shelving, she had found a strange tablet with an unknown spell on it, and in her own carelessly had cast it.

The young princess suddenly gasped as she set up. She remembered that the spell didn’t just affect her but her friends as well. She looked around trying to see if she could spot her friends. Sadly all she could see was the forest bathed in the glow of the sun. She blinked as she realized something was off. There was sunlight coming through the trees, and that’s a rare occurrence in the Everfree. Even when light does break through the thick trees, it’s usually distorted in such way that the light gave off an eerie astrosphere that is enough to scare a pony stiff

“Where am I?” Twilight asked as she stood up, failing to notice that here was a difference in her body.

She looked around the forest trying to find any familiar landmarks as she went over things in her head. She thought that had targeted her home in Ponyville, but the spell didn’t seem to work in the way she thought it would, and now she didn’t know where she was or what had become of her friends.

Panic began to creep into the young princess’s mind, but she tried to pushed it down as she tried to remember Daring Do and Cosmo Compress, where the heroine had been thrown into a situation like this, and the first thing she did was created a base-camp. She looked around, trying to find something that could be used as land marker, and noticed a rather large claw mark on a tree to her right. Curious she walked up to the tree and run her-

“What’s that?” Twilight shouted as she stared at the appendage that had replaced her hoof.

The young princess couldn’t help but be reminded of a dragon’s claw only with stubbly tips. Except for a strange article of clothing covering it the appendage to a certain decree, the appendage was covered in nothing but bare flesh. It was around this time that she realized that the rest of her leg was covered in a strange fabric. This got her curious about how she looked, and looked around. She spotted a small body of water, and immediately jogged to it, making a note of how her altered body wasn’t as fast her natural body.

She reached the body of water and looked in it. She was stunned by how she looked. Her new body did remained her a lot of the teenage dragons she saw during the great dragon migration, only her body had a much slender build with orbs on her chest, and was covered in clothes instead of scales. Her skin was pale but healthy looking. In a bit of strangeness her face was flat with a short muzzle and around ears, but she still could see her pony face reflected in her altered one. While her eyes and hair coloring were the same, she did noticed that her hair seems a little longer and was straighter then what she was used to seeing.

Her eyes drifted down to the outfit she found herself in and studied it thoroughly. It causal wear, that much she was certain of, consisting of a pair of purple footwear with white heels she couldn’t place, and black socks that went up to her knees. Next was a simple skirt, lavender in color and went a little below the hips. Her upper body was covered in a thin jacket, with a purple body and lavender sleeves that ended in a purple ring. The jacket was zipped up just enough that Twilight could see that she something on underneath the article of clothing.

Curious as to what was underneath it she brought her altered appendage to the zipper and clumsily grabbed it, unzipping it in an equally clumsy manner. Inside of the jacket was a long-sleeves blouse under lavender, sleeveless sweater. She studied the last piece of the outfit, namely the hand band that covered most of her forehead. It was lavender with a purple center made up in a circle and has her cutie mark in the center. Twilight took one last look at the outfit and just happened to see the hood connected to the back of her jacket, nearly hidden thank to her mane.

Twilight looked at the glove, as she remembered the princess calling it once, and thought about taking off the silly outfit. She looked at her reflection again, and suddenly felt a feeling in the back of her mind telling to leave the outfit on. She probably would have debated with herself on the matter, if a noise didn’t suddenly catch her attention.


Recognizing that screamed right away, the young princess dashed off in the direction she believed the scream originated. She hastily noted that her body seems to understand how to control itself, but she still stumble a bit when she realized this fact. She nearly fell more then once before her she became familiar enough in her new body to run a little faster.

After a short run the young princess came into a small opening, where she instantly stopped and spied two creatures similar to her. One, dressed in a cyan outfit, was running around, reaching behind her and screaming something Twilight couldn’t make out. The other, dressed in a strange pink outfit, was sitting in the ground, trying her hardest not to laugh.

Twilight kept her distance as she studied these two new creatures. The frantic mare wore denim pants that little on the baggy side, and shoes similar to what Twilight was wearing, only hers were more beat-up, and a belt with a familiar multi-colored lightening bolt belt buckle. Under her multi-pocketed vest was a short-sleeve shirt with a white body and cyan sleeves. Twilight could barely make out the Wonderbolt picture half-hidden by the vest. She also wore cyan bangs that also had the Wonderbolt’s symbol on it as well. Finally a pair of silver/gold goggles resting on her rainbow colored mane.

The young princess frown as the other mare stood up and got closer to her friend, trying to comfort her the best she could. The outfit the mare was wearing was…unique, for a lack of a better word. She wore shorts, or what probably didn’t start out as shorts, as former unicorn could make out cut line and exposed pockets. She wore knee high-socks, but they were mismatch. The sock on the right was a bright pink with hearts on them and the left one was a darker pink with strips on them. Her footwear was different then ones Twilight and the other mare wore, the entire thing was nearly opened with only a think strap keeping the shoes from falling off.

The top the girl wore was also different. It was a bright pink, with the lower section cut off exposing the stomach, and the right sleeve reached pasted her arm while the left arm was bare except for a comically oversized bracelet with three balloons on them. Finally she wore a pink bandana that somehow seems to cover her puffy pink hair.

Twilight would have gasp if her mouth hadn’t become dryer then a desert during a drought. She knew who these two were, despite the massive changes they had undergone. Finally, after what like two eternal lifetimes, the young princess found her voice.

“Rainbow Dash!! Pinkie Pie! I’m so glad to see you!”

The two instantly looked to their right and spied Twilight. At first, they eyed her with caution that is…until Rainbow saw the mark on her forehead. Anger filled her magenta eyes and she dashed right at Twilight, her trademark speed not affected by the change in her body.

“You!!” the former Pegasus said venomously, “This is your fault, isn’t it, Twilight?”

If Twilight was still in her natural pony body, her ears would have been flat against her skull as she felt her guilt swelling. Suddenly having lost her voice again, the young princess could only nod weakly. This only seem to make Rainbow that much madder as she grabbed Twilight by jacket.

“What the hay Twilight?” Rainbow shouted in outrage. “What was the point of the “no magic from the castle” rule if you’re doing it anyways?”

“Sorry,” Twilight replied weakly.

That answer didn’t seem to set with Rainbow, as the anger in her eyes got worse, and if Twilight didn’t know better she would say her friend looked ready to hit her. Suddenly but not completely unexpected Pinkie suddenly got between the two, smiling that big smile of her.

“It’s all right, Dashie,” the pink party pony said chirpily, “It’s not like Twilight planned this. Beside, now I can throw “we been turned into Celestia knows what” party. And look what I can do!”

The two former winged ponies watch as their friend bend at the back, and her pushed her head through the opening between her legs while she waved her clawed appendages from the outside of her legs. Twilight and Rainbow stared at their friend with a look of indifferent, but silently thanked their random friend for helping to cool their heads.

“Pinkie Pie, you’re so random!” Rainbow said automatically.

The transformed pony straightened up with a snap, and smiled chirpily at her friends. Twilight chuckled under her breath, thankful for having a friend like Pinkie as she began a pointless conversation with Rainbow, and began looking around. She frowns when she noticed some ponies were still uncounted for.

“Have you seen Rarity, Applejack or Fluttershy?” Twilight asked curiously.

The other transformed ponies instantly stopped their chit-chat and looked at their friend with wide eyes. The young princess started to feel uneasy from the stares she was getting. She was almost dreading what was coming next.

“No,” Rainbow said near breathless, “I got up five minutes ago and freaked when I couldn’t find my wings!” She began looking around, looking for sighs of her missing friends and growing frantic when she couldn’t fine them. She looked at her friends, and both nearly cringed when they notice the near panic written over their usual confident friend‘s friend. “We have to find them, fast! Fluttershy’s probably scared out of her mind!”

Twilight, about to go into leader/lecture mode, opened her mouth only for a rustling sound to close it, and she looked to her right. She could see a bush rustling close to the group, and the young princess’s quickly thought up several bad scenarios on the spot. Unfortunately, she didn’t get a chance to voice her thoughts as Pinkie suddenly dash forward, eyes wide and a big smile on her face.

“Pinkie, wait!” Twilight screamed. “We don’t know what making that noise!”

But the pink party planning pony wasn’t listening as she reached the bush and dove her strange appendages into it. Something suddenly jumped out of the bush, startling the three, but only briefly.

Time seems to slow to crawl as three things happened at once; Rainbow dashed at Pinkie, pushing her body’s limits. Twilight thrust her right appendage, wishing that she had her horn to use her magic, and was surprised when the appendage began to glow. Finally, the creature, a large purple snake, shot something from his mouth.

Time returned to normal as Rainbow reached Pinkie, grabbed her and ran away from the creature as Twilight’s magic threw it to the right. Unfortunately for the young princess, she didn’t have time to move and the object the snake-like creature fired hit her right in the base of the neck. The former-unicorn-turned-whatever gaps as her vision immediately began to blur. She quickly realized she has been poisoned, and unfortunately for her, her new body didn’t have much in the way of immunity to the poison.

She started to stumble, fighting hard to stay awake, but it was all in vain, her body was succumbing to the poison and the last thing she before she blacked out with a creature in a white coat coming up behind the snake-like creature.