• Published 10th Aug 2014
  • 492 Views, 0 Comments

What Happens In Manehattan... - TLC

Featherweight and Rumble are close, will a incident in Manehattan change that fact?

  • ...

Hotels and Brothels

"What's wrong, Rumble? You're acting weird."

"It's complicated."

A snort involuntarily left my muzzle and my hoof snapped to it in an attempt to prevent its escape, only for Rumble to give me a stare. "What's so funny?"

I tried a smile. "N-Nothing! Heh, it's just...that's lame."

He rolled his eyes, laying back onto the cloud. "Whatever, I never thought your problems were lame."

"Come on, man. I didn't mean it that way...I never said your problems were lame."

He let out a breath, closing his eyes. "It's about Scootaloo, alright?" He finally said.

I rose my head from the cloud, laying beside him. "What about her?"

He grimaced, placing a hoof over his eyes. "She...she asked me out after you left."

My heart skipped a beat. "Did she?"

He scratched his head. "Yeah. Like...she was saying how I don't really go out and she doesn't go out, and thought 'hey, maybe we should go out'."

I laid there, simply staring at him as he stared off towards the sky. "That's like the worst way to ask someone out."

"That's not the point, Feath!" He groaned, rolling over to face me. "It bothered me, like-I mean, it's not that I don't like her-"

"Do you like her?"

"I mean I never said that."

"But you said it's not as if you didn't like her."

"Yeah I said that, but that doesn't necessarily mean I do!"

I rolled over, facing the sky and closing my eyes. "Did...did you say yes?"

I turned back to him to see an unsure expression growing on his face as I looked into his eyes. My stomach was a fire pit, my breathing somehow grew shallow since being up there. His eyes burrowed into mine as my hoof extend from my side and reach up to his. He leaned in, muzzle bumping mine as I closed my eyes...

Our lips so close...

Knock, knock, knock


Featherweight's eyes fluttered open, the sweat clinging his fur to the bed sheets underneath the covers. He was holding a pillow tightly to his chest.

The knocks he had heard in his dreams repeated on the hotel door. Featherweight rolled over in my bed towards the digital clock on the night stand, blinking back at him in bright red thirty to eleven.

He was on the senior field trip to Manehattan. Featherweight's class had left Ponyville nearly a whole day before, having arrived just after sunset and leaving them all exhausted from the traveling. Rumble didn't sit with him or his friends, having sat with Scootaloo and her friends on the train. He hardly glanced in his direction, a small piece in him laid in hope he would come to at least explain. But Featherweight knew he didn't need to.

It had taken him so painfully long, but Rumble had finally moved on from their little group.

The bed pulled at him, his body begged for him to remain, and if it weren't for the second barrage of knocks on his door he might had considered it. He flipped the covers off and rolled out of bed, his joints popping as he stretched his limps. He walked over to answer the door.

"Who is it?" Yawning, leaning against the door frame.


Like a shot of adrenaline Rumble's voice brought Featherweight out of his sleep induced stupor, his hooves clumsily searching and finding the lock and handle before pulling open the door. Rumble stood in the hallway, his mane combed back and wearing a black Wonderbolt branded jacket.

He stared off down the hall, his tail swishing back and forth. "Hey."

Featherweight leaned against the door frame, rubbing his shoulder while staring at the floor. "Hey."

"So uh." Rumble said in a hushed tone. "Me and the guys are going to do the uh, 'thing'...and uh, I came to get ya."

"The 'thing'?" Featherweight asked.

Rumble sighed. "Just something Snips wants to do and..we want you to come-"

"We?" Featherweight found himself asking, his heart fluttering slightly.

Rumble grimaced, rubbing his muzzle and looking away. "I-It's cold out, so you might wanna bring a jacket."

And like that, he turned away and started walking down the hall. Featherweight watched him, a frown growing on his lips before Rumble turned to gesture the pegasus to hurry.

I should have known he still wouldn't talk to me Featherweight thought to himself, turning back into his room. Though it's nice that he was the one to stop by and get me...

He rushed to the bag he had packed for the trip and pulled out a grey stripped sweat jacket before grabbing his room key, locking and shutting the door behind him before trotting after Rumble.


What am I doing here?

The words that repeated over and over in Featherweight's head as he ventured into the city. Sweat beads crowding his forehead as his lanky hooves kept him moving behind his friends down the street, farther and farther from the hotel.

The city's buildings' casting shadows from high above while street lamps like spot lights lined the block. He thought back to hearing the field trip guide saying that if anyone were to leave under any circumstance they had to tell their chaperon, but Snips had assured him that it was fine. But it wasn't.

Always left as a victim to his nervousness, the frigid furred pale comparison of the young stallion that was laying in bed not half an hour before then. His wings fidgeted beneath his coat, he felt eyes on him the whole walk there, where ever there was. They hadn't told me at the time where we were going, none of them did.

"Hey, Featherweight!" Snips yelled back to the pegasus. Almost a half block ahead, Snips accompanied by Snips and Rumble were half a block ahead, stopped at a entrance to an alley. "Quit dragging your hooves, we're almost there!"

Trotting up and meeting them, Featherweight's first instinct was to retort, but the words died on his lips as he turned down the dark alley way. The pungent smell of garbage and sewer staining the air and rolling his stomach like a pair of dice.

A few minutes passed and he was on an bleak sidewalk. Shadows cast over the entire street, abandoned as none of the stores appeared open. Hay, few were even run down. Boards nailed in the windows and doorways, spray paint decorating the outside with shattered glass sparkling in the street lamps' artificial rays.

"Okay." Snips finally spoke, looking back to Featherweight as they continued walking. "So you're probably wondering why we're out here."

"Well, I mean sure." Featherweight said, sarcasm soaking his words. "Assuming we're not all just going for a stroll in the city."

Snips chuckled. "Right, well besides that." He stopped, Rumble and Snails standing beside him. "We got ourselves a little celebration planned...to top off these past four years of boring classes..."

"Many detentions..." Rumble continued.

"Failing grades..." Snails sighed.

"And not to mention all the failed attempts at getting some tail!" Snips finished, wrapping a hoof around Featherweight's shoulders. "So, I got a tip from a friend-He told me that there's a little place down this street that, if you have the right amount of bits, you can pay a mare to...have some fun."

Featherweight furrowed his brow. "'Have some fun'?"

"Yeah" Snips grinned. "Ya know, knock hooves? Roll in the hay?"

Featherweight stared.

Snips deadpanned. "The nasty? Coitus? The horizontal hokey pokey?"

"...What the hay are you talking about?"

Snips face hoofed, while Rumble snickered behind a hoof. "Sex, Feather-brain!" He groaned, removing his hoof and walking back to Snails. "Intercourse, doing it, bucking geez man!"

Featherweight's eyes bulged, the confusion getting washed away under the waves of his realization.

"Featherweight?" Snails walked up to the stunned pegasus, poking his head. "Hey, ya in there?"

Of the many things Featherweight might had expected out of this field trip; a visit to a few museums, shops and theaters. Some hi-jinks with hotel staff, hanging out in the hotel room all day, to watching over the vast cityscape of Manehattan from the top of the Equestrian State Building.

Getting his v-card swiped by some older used mare was defiantly not one of them.

"Y-You're taking me t-to..." He fought for the words, panic rising in his throat. "... a brothel?!"

It was then Snips's turn to be confused. "A what?"

Featherweight started pacing in place. "A brothel! We walked all this way, to a barren street that's practically crawling with rats and trash and abandoned buildings to go to a brothel!"

Snails approached the panicky pegasus. "Easy there, Featherweight! It's no big deal-"

"What do you mean it's no big deal?" Featherweight asked, turning to him. "We just walked like, a hundred blocks away into some dark murderer's paradise just to get laid?"

Snips's lips cracked into a grin, meanwhile Rumble was rubbing the back of his head and turning away.

"What?" He snapped, his cheeks tinting a light crimson

"We're already pretty much here, dude." Snips giggled, shrugging. "And besides, we totally got the bits and we'll send ourselves from high school with a bang."

Featherweight scrunched his muzzle. "That pun was low. Even for you, Snips."

"So, what? Are you backing out?" Snips said, furrowing his brow. "This is like, a guarantee! I thought out of all of us, you'd be the most enthused."

Featherweight took a step towards Snips, causing the colt's bucktooth grin to grow even further. "What's that suppose to mean?"

Snips shrugged, Snails giggling beside him. "Hey, I'm just saying. Must be hard trying to get a mare when you're a bit on the feminine side-"

"Shut up, Snips!" Rumble stepped in between the two, startling everyone present and staring Snips down.

Snips snorted and rolled his eyes, deciding for the sake of Rumble being over protective of Featherweight to remain quiet.

"Alright dude, relax." Rumble spoke, his voice quieting down as he approached Featherweight to lay a hoof on his shoulder. "Look, it'll be...easy."

"Easy?" Featherweight stared.

"Y-Yeah." He averted his eyes, his speech breaking. "We walk in, pay some pretty mares, we...w-we do our thing, and we leave." He tried a smile, his grin wide and failing.

Featherweight's grimace only deepened.

Rumble gulped. "Simple as that, am I right?"

"Yeah, Featherweight!" Snails agreed. "Just go with it!"

Snips tapped Featherweight on the shoulder, showing him a bag of bits. "Look, we put all this money together. Rum here even payed your quarter." He mentioned, shaking the bag before the cream colored pegasus.

Featherweight froze, turning to Rumble only to find his gaze had dropped to the ground. He shook his head, the feeling of the four other eyes burning holes into him causing his muscles to tense.

Aw man...I never even thought much about sex until junior year anyway! Featherweight conflicted, turning back to the secluded Rumble. Meanwhile Rumble's probably only here because Scootaloo wouldn't let him get there soon enough...

"Look...that's very generous, but I just don't know if I can go through this." He said, putting his head down.

Snails rubbed my shoulder. "Don't say that, dude!"

Snips rolled his eyes. "Ugh, can we just get there first before you start to get cold hooves?" He groaned before turning and continuing ahead of them. "Didn't come all this way to bitch out now."

Featherweight flinched at his comment, while Rumble grounded his teeth and remained silent.

"Don't mind him, he's just so pent up he might blow before he walks in the door." Snails punched Featherweight's shoulder. "Come on, if it makes ya feel any better I didn't even wanna walk into that place until Snips had told me what kinds of things the mares would do for a bit or two."

His hoof left Featherweight's shoulder as he turned to catch up with Snips, Rumble lagging behind him leaving him to stare off after. Reluctantly he followed, his hooves then feeling heavier as his hoof steps seemed to echo in the streets, growing louder and louder.

Further down the street the four saw the front of a building that resembled an old hotel, but where a sign once hung was replaced by pink and red neon lights.

They approached the lone black door together, on its surface was a small age worn picture of a white lamp myself lagging a little behind as Snips cleared his throat before knocking on the door. Spear headed fences lined the outside while the decaying remains of bushes sat closest to the building's aged brick walls.

Featherweight gazed up a the windows above to see lights, shadows dancing against the glass in near frantic motions.

His heart leap in my throat as the mail flap of the door flipped open and revealed forest green eyes staring half lidded back at the young stallions. The pony behind the door said nothing as Snips took out the bag of bits and shook it before the mysterious eyes.

With that, the flap shut and three locks were unlocked from the other side before the door creaked open. Standing before them was a beige stallion, looking to be only a few years older then either Featherweight or his friends. He stood with spiked dark brown mane, wearing a white button up and a black tie somewhat undone around his neck.

"You four new or returning patrons?" He asked, his voice calm and smooth.

"Do we get like a discount if we've been here before?" Snips asked, chuckling.

The stallion stared back, sighing. "Right...new guys." He turned towards the inside of the building before and waved back. "Follow me."

The stallion disappeared into the building, a faint red light flickered on the inside.

Snips and Snails walked on ahead, leaving Featherweight as he took a hesitant step forward.


Featherweight halted, softly sighing at the fact he could stall from entering the dark brooding whorse house. He turned to see Rumble standing against the wall by the door.

"I wouldn't blame you if you didn't do this." He said, leaning against the bricked walls of the brothel. "Don't...don't let Snips peer pressure you into something you don't think you're ready for, man."

Featherweight walked over, standing besides him. "Why didn't you tell me this is what we'd be doing?"

Rumble shrugged. Silence then came as both of them sat outside the brothel, Featherweight didn't mind finally being alone with him after all this time.

"So..." He began.

"Don't." Rumble said, with a weary sigh. "Please."

"What do you mean don't?" Featherweight said, turning to him with pleading eyes. "We've barely spoken to each other since the night before we came here-"

"There's a reason for that!" Rumble's voice echoed out down the deserted street and startling Featherweight. He face hoofed and sighed. "There's a reason for that, Feath."

Featherweight crossed his hooves, tilting his head back against the brothel. "And that is?"

He shrugged, causing Featherweight to slouch in posture and turn his attention to the ground. "It's just...awkward now, I guess." He said, sighing. "Talking...being around now. I made a mistake."

Featherweight frowned, seeing his best friend's expression turning sorrowful and saddened. He looked down and saw Rumble's hoof inches from his own. Daring the move, he twitched his own towards Rumble's.

He could feel Rumble jump slightly, but didn't pull his hoof away as Featherweight wrapped his hoof lightly around Rumble's, his cheeks warming up and his wings fluttering beneath his sweat jacket.

Rumble took in a deep breathe, turning to Featherweight. Featherweight's hazel eyes met Rumble's violet jewels and for a moment lost himself, his grip on Rumble's hoof tightened for a second. "Rum, I-"

"Hey, slowpokes!" Snips poked his head out from the building. "What's taking you two so buckin' long? me and Snips have been drowning in-"

He stopped, tilting his head as Featherweight stared back with red cheeks. "Where's Rumble?"

Featherweight turned, gasping as he saw Rumble disappear down the street in a flash. "Aw whatever forget him!" Snips said. "Now hurry up, man!"

His head popped back in through the door way, and Featherweight stood outside alone. He looked back and forth between Rumble's route and the door, he could just barely make out Snips's voice inside along with some of Snail's laughing and giggling possibly being the mares.

With a pout and a heavy sight, Featherweight turned away from the street and walked into the brothel.