• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 1,406 Views, 22 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Unforeseen Date - Derpator

An unsuspected colt seems to have a crush on Sweetie Belle.

  • ...

Snails. Why'd it have to be Snails? I hate Snails.

On a bright and sunny school day, three school fillies sat at a bench on their break. The morning lesson on how to properly look after soil and plants was admittedly boring, but informative anyway. Scootaloo had a squinted look the entire time through, Apple Bloom kept still to attention, hanging on every word, while Sweetie Belle was more focused on the rumour surrounding her. She wouldn’t keep going on about it.

But that’s all it was. A rumour, a speculation, nothing more. It didn’t prevent her from scoping out all of her classmates though. She was curious, and even psyched up for a potential coltfriend. Why hadn’t he made his move yet? Couldn’t he tell she was eager for some sort of relationship?

“Who are you checking out this time?” Scootaloo asked without paying attention. She could tell just by Sweetie Belle’s silence that she was doing it again. She hadn't ever counted the times the process repeated.

Apple Bloom followed Sweetie Belle’s line of sight, checking out the colt at the back of the small field. “She’s staring at Pipsqueak,” she pointed out.

“I—I’m not staring!” Sweetie Belle replied with haste. Her red cheeks proved her point otherwise.

“Really?” Scootaloo asked, her grin turning smug. “I heard he still likes to dress up as a pirate.”

“...And he’s got a nice accent,” Sweetie Belle added. Her eyelids drooped a little, like she was imagining some made-up fantasy involving her and a pirate colt. She sighed dreamily.

“You’re blushing again,” Apple Bloom commented with a snigger, tapping Sweetie Belle on her shoulder to get her out of her personal paradise.

Sweetie Belle shook her head, getting out of her thoughts. “I am? Sorry. I’m just so excited for my future coltfriend! Why won’t he come and ask me out already?”

Scootaloo’s gaze turned deadpan. “It’s only a rumour. We don’t even know if there is a colt that likes you.”

“Don’t say that!” Sweetie Belle backfired, temporarily going back to her dreamy thoughts involving her and her possible non-existent coltfriend.

Scootaloo exhaled, rubbing her face with her hoof. Too many times had she put up with a similar conversation. “Why don’t you just go over and ask everyone if they have a crush on you? That'll sort this whole situation out.”

Sweetie Belle instantly twisted towards Scootaloo. She wore a frown. “What?! No! I can’t do that! He has to come over to me! Rarity always says to wait for the perfect stallion, or colt in my case. He needs to ‘woo’ me, as Rarity would say.”

Apple Bloom cocked her eyebrow. “No offense Sweetie Belle, but maybe your sister could be wrong in this case. She’s older and more experienced than all of us. Besides, I wouldn't imagine colts our age are into 'wooing' others.”

Sweetie Belle vigorously shook her head. “No no no, she’s always right. The colt has to make the first move. Only then will I decide what to do.” She widened her grin, revealing her teeth, satisfied at her statement. Her mind was stable. Nothing would change her views.

Apple Bloom wiped her temple with a hoof, mentally arguing at how asinine the idea sounded. When she looked at Scootaloo, a similar expression was shared. She was likely thinking the same thing. “If you say so...” she said without enthusiasm.

The girls conversed about a variety of topics for a few minutes, not keeping an eye on the time. Potential cutie mark ideas, sister gossip, and something that kept getting recycled: Sweetie Belle’s possible coltfriend. She was a little unsure of why Apple Bloom and Scootaloo praised the school bell when it rang. But lunch was over regardless, and she had to go back to the afternoon learning.

* * *

Sweetie Belle zoned out for the entire class, locked in her endless fantasies with the colts from her school. Cheerilee was discussing how to take proper management and care of a garden, the second phase of her gardening lesson, something that everypony paid attention to.

Minus Sweetie Belle, who used the excuse of a lack of a garden at the Boutique to slack off and disguise herself as a damsel, who had to be rescued from brave Rumble and his injured wing from battle.

She hadn’t even realised the time flowing by, but the bell ringing shook her away from her musing.

Sweetie Belle exited the school sluggishly, a little bit behind the other crusaders. They were kind enough to stop and wait once they got to an open space outside. “Wow, was that interesting or what?” Apple Bloom asked, her tone full of glee and excitement.

“Only because you live on a farm,” Scootaloo replied matter-of-factly.

“So what? A farm is not a garden!” Apple Bloom fired back, giving Scootaloo a brief leer.

“Then what’s the difference?” Scootaloo asked with keen interest. She turned to Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle, what do you think?”

Sweetie Belle didn’t react for a few seconds. After Scootaloo waved her hoof in front of her face, Sweetie Belle snapped to attention. “Sorry, what? I think wings are nice...”

Both of the other fillies groaned. “Wings? Were you paying attention at all?” Sweetie Belle’s sheepish smile told the girls everything they needed to know.

“Are you still going on about this rumour? How many times have we heard this?” Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo, who nodded in accord.

“It’s getting a little old.” She sighed. “I’m happy for you Sweetie Belle, really I am. But this isn’t exactly healthy. You’re not paying attention to anything. All you’re focused on is this mysterious colt, who we’re not even sure exists!”

Sweetie Belle’s ears fell down, a small whimper escaping from her mouth. She felt dejected from the slightly harsh words, but she knew deep inside it was true. While she thoroughly enjoyed her little fantasy adventures, more than others knew, Scootaloo raised a valid point.

“You’re... you’re right. I’m sorry.” She brought back her smile, putting away any signs of weakness she could. If it made her friends uncomfortable, she’d do it for them.

“Great!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “So, what crusading should we do today?”

Scootaloo instantly lit up like a flashlight, hovering a little in the air with her tiny wings. “Oh! Oh! How about we try water skiing?”

Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom exchanged uncomfortable looks between them. “That uh... that could work I suppose...” Sweetie Belle mumbled.

“Er... yeah,” Apple Bloom added, still unconfident about the notion.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, knowing full well how the others felt about her idea, eager as they sounded. She would have happily given it a shot, but obviously she won’t get the chance to. Unless Rainbow Dash wanted to give it a try sometime. “Fine, fine,” she said, admitting her little defeat. “Let’s go into town or something.”

The three fillies started off at a leisurely pace after Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom murmured. It was just after school, so that opened up plenty of doors for opportunities. Many things to do, various activities to partake in. Usually, it was the highlight of their day.

But Sweetie Belle couldn’t shake the feeling, that, even though she might be over-thinking things, there was a colt that fancied her. She never thought too highly of herself like Rarity did, but she had a sixth sense like her sister. She could tell a colt loved her charms and wit. She knew it! After all, what wasn’t there to love about her?

She was a great hugger. But nopony ever asked her for one, except for her sister. That was always a rarity. But her coltfriend would be sure to give her all the hugs she wanted!

Her smile grew as the trio merrily continued on their way. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo engaged in some light-hearted conversation, likely possible crusading tactics to earn their cutie marks. She only half paid attention to what was going on around her, but her gentle walking stopped when she noticed the two other fillies had halted and turned back. Putting her full attention into the situation, she heard a calling out for the three of them.

Sweetie Belle cranked her head around to spot two colts coming up to the three of them. They looked hesitant, like they weren’t sure of their actions. They were easily recognisable. Snips and Snails, the two colts that were, without a doubt, two of the more idiotic colts of their class. She despised them a little, especially the basis of Snails’ talent. Snails? What did that entail?

They were still her friends, so she would be glad to hang out with them given the occupation and situation. They were always eye-rollers though, a little dense in the intelligence department. She didn’t envy them, though she felt bad about their status of being the lowest in the class.

Or rather, Snails was. Snips was only third bottom, barely above Diamond Tiara. She always loved to remember that fact.

The pair of colts panted a little from their seemingly brisk run. Why they came over to them, Sweetie Belle didn’t know.

“Hey... girls...” Snips uttered in slight fatigue, wheezing.

“Snips? Snails? What is it?” Scootaloo offered her hoof to the pair to try and ease them from their exhaustion, but Snips denied the assistance with a wave.

“We’re here on a matter of grave importance,” Snips claimed. At the three stares he was being received that clearly told him to tell them, he continued. “We’re here regarding that rumour.”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes sparkled up. Instantly, she had thoughts and ideas that the rumour was true. She would happily bounce around Ponyville if Snips confirmed it. Featherweight? Rumble? She was excited, and she paid no attention to the dull look Apple Bloom shot her from her bubbly outburst.

“Yes? What is it?” Sweetie Belle asked, getting a little close for comfort. She wanted confirmation, and she wanted it now!

Snips and Snails exchanged a look, both of them nodding. “You see... it’s true.”

Sweetie Belle exploded inside. She couldn’t transfer her mental partying to a physical force, but she looked over the moon anyway. A few squeaks came out of her unintentionally, her hooves bouncing in place on the ground.

Apple Bloom’s and Scootaloo’s mouths were agape. “So... it’s true,” Apple Bloom mumbled with her eyes still wide open.

“I knew it!” Sweetie Belle yelled, shaking Apple Bloom violently, overly caused by tremendous joy. “I told you! This is great!”

“So who is it?” Scootaloo asked the pair, actually rather curious herself.

Snails pawed at the ground, still not saying a word. “Well... that’s kind of why we’re here,” Snips said, giving Snails an almost glaring look.

Sweetie Belle didn’t know how to continue. She was so charged up full of joy that she could prance anywhere she wanted, but she remained silent for Snips to carry on.

“To tell you the truth,” the small colt sheepishly said, raising his hoof and pointing it to his ‘partner’, “It’s Snails.”

Sweetie Belle’s face went cold. She locked her hooves in place, one of her eyes partaking in a little twitching session. Had she... did she just hear that right? The colt that would sweep her off her hooves and rescue her from the dangers... was Snails? The most idiotic colt in the class? He wasn’t particularly a good looker either. And the snail cutie mark!

No... No... It couldn’t be true.

Sweetie Belle’s pupils shifted to the side when she heard something. She saw Apple Bloom, who was holding her mouth with her hoof, her cheeks puffed out with little shades of red. She checked her other side, Scootaloo not having an appropriate reaction.

Snips formed a frown. He nudged Snails hard with his hoof, making an indication to move forward. The lanky colt obliged tentatively, taking a few steps towards Sweetie Belle. Her ears fell down for the second time that day.

“So...” he muttered, blushing already.

Sweetie Belle produced an abrupt whiny voice. She felt a flush coming to her cheeks, but she didn’t want to do anything. She couldn’t. She was still having a hard time believing the truth. Why did it have to be Snails, of all colts?

“Would you be willing to go on a date?” he asked with hesitation. He must have seemed too embarrassed to think rationally. Snips nudged him again. “Oh yeah, with me?”

Another whine escaped from Sweetie Belle. She was tensing up, unaware of what to do. She wasn’t fond of him, but he seemed to be going to so much effort. Never mind the fact her fantasies were utter garbage now, how could she deal with rejecting Snails? She tried to open her mouth and say the words, but all that came out was a lowly whisper that said, “I’ll... be right back.”

As quickly as she could, Sweetie Belle bolted behind a nearby house, out of sight from the rest of the group. She propped herself up against the wall, finally panting and releasing everything. Her chest weaved furiously with her breathing, almost at the rate of hyperventilating. She had to take a few gulps to balance herself.

She heard the clopping of hooves gaining on her position. Within just a few seconds, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom emerged around the corner. Scootaloo still seemed like she saw a ghost, while Apple Bloom lost it. Her hooves expelled from her mouth, the guffaw revealing itself. She fell over onto her back, lost in her fit of chortling.

Sweetie Belle shot a glare of daggers at Apple Bloom, but the filly paid it no attention. She even slammed her hoof on the ground a few times from how priceless she believed the scenario was.

“I can’t believe this!” Sweetie Belle yelled, sitting down with a thump and crossing her hooves together. She furrowed her brow. “Out of all the colts, it had to be Snails?!”

“I have to say, I didn’t see this coming,” Scootaloo said, still looking away from the scene.

Sweetie Belle sunk her head into her hooves and groaned. “Why Snails? I can’t date him! I don’t even like him.”

“Ooh,” Scootaloo exclaimed with a squint, air audible through her teeth in a raspy sound. “That’s a bit harsh don’t you think? I’m not his greatest fan either, that goes to Rainbow Dash, but he’s not that bad.”

“But... a date! With him! I don’t want to date him!” Sweetie Belle huffed. She took notice of Apple Bloom’s shaking body. “You’re not helping by the way!”

Apple Bloom stopped in her charade, wiping a small tear from her eye. It took her a few moments to calm down, but she wore a sly grin. “Sorry.”

Sweetie Belle grunted. “What am I going to do? I can’t say yes to him. I don’t want to date him.”

Scootaloo closed the gap between them a little, raising her eyebrow. “Didn’t you say you wanted this coltfriend? You haven’t stopped talking about it for weeks.”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle hollered, “But not Snails! Anyone but Snails! ...And maybe Snips, but that’s beside the point!”

Scootaloo sighed. “I do see your point. I wouldn’t want to date him either, but to think he’s felt this way towards you for weeks.”

Sweetie Belle thought about it. Her body shuddered, her eyes squinting a little.

“I think you should go for it.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both faced Apple Bloom within a second. “What?!” they shouted in perfect synchronisation, though Sweetie Belle’s voice contained more venom and force.

“This could be a good experience for you. It’ll introduce you to the dating scene. Give it a few days or weeks and then break it off. You’ll get a good idea of what dating a colt is like in that time.”

“Hey,” Scootaloo chimed, seeming to agree with Apple Bloom, “That’s right. Who knows? You might get your cutie mark at the same time!” She beamed a smile.

Sweetie Belle’s jaw was wide open. She shook her head to rid herself of the nasty ideas. “You seem to be forgetting that this is Snails we’re talking about here. I don’t want to date him in the first place. That’s a major problem and flaw in your genius plan.”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Then just pretend.”

Sweetie Belle turned her head with a growl. “No,” she stated with a stern tone.

Scootaloo pondered for a moment, tapping her chin with her hoof. Her lips puckered a little as she mused ideas. “Well... he did just ask for a date...”

Sweetie Belle’s head creaked around to face Scootaloo at a frightening pace. It was painfully slow, the action sending a shiver right down the pegasus’ spine. She only received a glare, as well as a look that said, “Explain.”

“Granted, it might be awkward, but this could just be a one-time thing. No one says you have to go out with him. It’s just one date. Just let him have that and move on.”

“But... I don’t want to,” Sweetie Belle whined. “It’s Snails!”

“We know,” Apple Bloom stated, giving Sweetie Belle a deadpan look. “You’ve only used that argument about five times already.”

“But that’s the point!” Sweetie Belle backfired.

“Just do it.” Scootaloo said softly, gently poking Sweetie Belle. “Go on. We won’t laugh or anything. Just one date?”

Sweetie Belle softened up a little at Scootaloo’s calming voice and light-hearted smile. It got to her, putting a smile on her face for a brief moment. It was a touching moment.

But then she remembered the colt she’d be on a date with would be Snails.

Sweetie Belle’s demeanour rapidly inverted itself, going back to her grouchy mood. “No.”

Scootaloo took her hoof away from Sweetie Belle and sighed loudly. She gave Apple Bloom a look. The earth filly knew what she was getting at, and rose up on her legs. “Too bad. You’re doing it anyway.”

Sweetie Belle turned to face Scootaloo with a puzzled look. “What?”

Scootaloo made a gesture with her hoof, and before Sweetie Belle knew what was happening, her entire weight was being pushed. Her head twisted right away. Apple Bloom was struggling a little to push her around the corner. She bit her lip, her hooves trying to fight against it. “No! You can’t make me!”

Scootaloo went up beside Sweetie Belle. “I know this seems harsh, but consider this a little payback from all this coltfriend junk you’ve been telling us these weeks. Besides, this will do you some good. We’re doing this for your benefit.”

Sweetie Belle growled when Scootaloo picked up the upper portion of her body. She tried to struggle in the tight grip, her body only wobbling as a result. “Please!” she pleaded. “Don’t! Not Snails! Please don’t!”

“Too late,” Scootaloo replied without turning around. “I’m sorry Sweetie Belle, but you will go on this date. It’s just one date. It won’t harm you.”

Sweetie Belle gave up in her escape attempts. Her body became more limp and lax as she accepted her defeat. The two colts came into her field of vision. She cringed.

Snails seemed on edge. Snips was comforting him a bit. If Sweetie Belle guessed, Snails was nervous and tense. Rarity told her that a few stallions were always nervous before making a move. It was normal.

Sweetie Belle was released in front of the colts. A little grunt came out of her when her weight dropped, and Scootaloo and Apple Bloom stood right behind her to prevent a form of escape. She looked up at the lanky colt with a sheepish smile.

Snails’ lips trembled. He was trying to say something, but nothing happened. Snips shook his head in disappointment, and walked beside him. “So, what do you think?”

Sweetie Belle swallowed. She wanted to decline so badly, but for some reason, as she saw him towering over her with his slink and tall body, she couldn’t formulate anything audible, except for a little whimper.

“W—Well...” she begun, rubbing and sliding a hoof on top of another as she stared at the ground. “I... I—“

“Yes,” called Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle frantically turned her head to face Scootaloo, who gave her a specific look that showed she meant it. She wouldn’t be getting out of this, and she could tell just by looking into Scootaloo's eyes.. She hung her head low in defeat.

Snails didn’t say anything either, but when Sweetie Belle finally brought herself to look at him, he was ecstatic. Snips had to tug at him just to keep him in control. “Great,” he said for Snails. “How about tonight?”

Sweetie Belle’s mouth opened to object to the entire thing, but Apple Bloom cut her off. “That’ll be fine. You know where to pick her up right?”


“What time?” Scootaloo asked.

Snips curled a bit of his lip as he gazed at Snails. “Hmm... how about seven?”

“Seven sounds good," Apple Bloom confirmed.

Sweetie Belle quit trying to interject into the conversation. The only thought that was swimming through her mind was one that constantly said, “Oh Celestia why?”

A slight chuckle came out of Snails as Snips took him away. He must have been jumping for joy that he snagged a date with Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle however, felt like she could curl up and die. She didn’t fight anything as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom comforted her with their words. She didn’t pay attention to anything they said to her as she laid lump on the ground, or even when she was trudging back to the Boutique, lost in her mind to see her knight in shining armour turning out to be Snails.

Author's Note:

Well this is something different. I don't actually like Snails from the way he's been portrayed in the show, but hey, let's do this thing.