• Published 21st Jul 2014
  • 2,983 Views, 62 Comments

Monarchic Melancholy - Cympforz

An under-prepared and unwilling Prince Blueblood becomes de facto Regent of all Equestria. Politics, intrigue and paranoia ensue as the least suitable member of the Royal Family tries to keep Equestria together in the absence of all four Princesses.

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Chapter 5

Author's Note:

Nearly two years later, and I have a chapter out. Probably as competent as the Equestrian Bureaucracy in that regard. I'd been meaning to get this out last summer, and it has been sitting around half-completed since then, so while I've got same free time I decided I'd clean it up somewhat and polish it a bit and throw it out there.

Having been left for a year and a bit it isn't the most polished, either.

No promises on any further updates.

"Fifty Princes, and you have not yet learnt the lessons of the Wendigo Winter, have you, nephew?"

"We're still here, regardless," insisted Blueblood.

"'So we maintain'," deliberated Princess Luna. "'So we maintain', one of the old mottoes of the Unicorn Kings, and that of one of your extinct cadet branches... if I recall correctly."

"We have done so," insisted Blueblood again, iron pride flashing through a languid demeanour. “Our oaths are kept.”

"'Maintain'." Luna shook her head. "Celly was always too gentle with you,” she mumbled under her breath.

"Even the toughest bedrock moves. Even the tectonic plates move, Blueblood, to use an analogy you would understand. The Unicorn Line has maintained, but at what cost?"

To his absolute fury, he could not perceive absolutely no signs whatsoever as to help find out why the Princesses disappeared, nor any that would help the poor bastards who remained find out where they disappeared to. The Sun was perfectly normal. The skies utterly undisturbed in their placidity. The moon had shown no distress; the tides functioning as predicted. Everything was, by all accounts, normal.

In pensive gloominess I pass the night, nor feel contentment at the dawn of light…

The incapacity - the lameness of his situation - threatened to make his blood boil. Something - anything - rather than waiting for the world to end (if it were so kind as to do so) was infinitely more preferable. The Platinums had always been at least one step before their foes, and it was to Blueblood's shame and dishonour that the country had been outplayed so often in such a short span of time...

No, there were other things to do. Other things that could be done. Precautions and contingencies. If he could stay one step in front of his foes, whoever they were, then Equestria could have a chance of making it out of this alive - and himself by extension. Buying time was all very good and all, but masterly, or indeed, drunken, inactivity, would not do him or the country well. If anything, it would put his mind off other things. But caution...

I had sworn to stay here to the last, and it is about damn time my oaths started to mean something. If I must wait, then I shall, but I shall not do nothing.

Trust in the Princesses.

Well then, trust in the Princesses, but keep redundancies in place.

Minor administrative work could be pushed down the hierarchy, and anything incredibly important pushed up to the Council, or if necessary, Blueblood. He hated to take up more work, but it was perhaps the only way out of this hellhole. There was also the question of Ponyville and the Everfree. A crisis in the making, potentially, and a festering cancer of a monster's haven in the middle of Equestria. Colonel Charge's Regiment was good, but that was the only thing going for it. They had bitterly fought the Changeling in the ruined and burnt-out shell of their temporary barracks in the Lower City. They were a troubled lot, but steady fellows. Not enough to comb through the Everfree quickly enough for his liking. Blueblood hated to bring in 'civilian' influence into this, but the quasi-military Royal Exploratory Corps would have to be brought in to coordinate and accelerate efforts. The Eighth Solar Guard were good soldiers, and capable keepers of the peace, but not explorers, surveyors or cartographers whatsoever.

How about the marines, if we're lacking in numbers? Give them something to do whilst we work up the big girls...

He frowned at his reflection in the mirror before him. Throwing an entire brigade of troops into Ponyville was awfully suspicious, as was effectively encircling the Everfree Forest with several Divisions. It stunk of amateurishness.

Almost as if the Equestrian leadership decided to get off their lazy flanks and get rid of a horrid hazard which had repeatedly been nothing but trouble. Either way the market might plummet.

Agriculture, or indeed, land management, was not particularly his forte, but Blueblood could not fathom why the Princesses had not bothered to at least trim down the size of the Everfree. Granted, there was an argument to be made about "maintaining biodiversity" and "preventing extinction", which made sense, but so long as they weren't razing the place and opening up to public exploitation it would be fine, surely? It was technically Royal Land, after all. But he had long since learned not to rely upon such presumptions.

There was another opportunity though. The resurgent 'militarist' faction in the Council (what could be viewed as being 'militarist' in comparison to their opponents), consisting of Thunderclap, Shining and he had exploited the Princesses' recent ennui to push forwards the carrying out of what was called Operation Fumigating Ocelot. Long-due military exercises. The exercises that were to be carried out in Fumigating Ocelot could go ahead, Blueblood supposed, but that offered a way to solve - or at least attempt to - the second problem on a very long list of major problems which he had to deal with. The go-ahead for Fumigating Ocelot had yet to be fully provided by the Princesses, but as Regent Blueblood theoretically had the authority to do so; if not, a majority in the Royal Council could probably drive it ahead.

I could probably use the exercises to expand and reform the military, thanks to the stupid 6th Lunars’ attempt at securing the Elements…

Fumigating Ocelot could be repurposed into being an operation to look for the Princesses, whilst they kept up the air of it being a major military exercise. It would explain the sudden movement of troops across the country and the unusual focus upon the Everfree if it were spun and played properly.

Yes, that would work. However, who to author the reforms?

There were multiple threads of possibilities. The first option was to start an unbiased, impartial review done by a third party to give recommendations which would be carried out by the Government. This method would be largely carried out by Independent MESPs with the assistance of some Staff officers. The second option was using ex-military MESPs or high-ranking officers to lead an investigative committee.

Of course not. Takes too long and the 'third party' won't know horseapples about it.

Sole authorship - though not without contributions from other sources - given to one of the Council members who Blueblood could trust to do a decent job of it and relatively quickly was the other solution, but one which demanded a reshuffle.

Princesses, he cursed again as he wiped at his face with a cloth, but he loathed his life. Damned Fates could not even leave one Princess behind. Oh, that would have been great; one Princess alone could tip the balance, even if she did decide inexplicably to follow his lead. So who was there? Argent, Armor, Thunderclap and himself.

Could not do it myself; they'd say I was setting up a pet military. Not sure about the work, either...

No. He could contribute, yes, but that was all. So, it was down to Argent, Armor and Thunderclap. All three had served in the Solar Guards, with Argent having served the least and Thunderclap the most. All three were decorated, all three were exceptionally capable, and all three unquestionably loyal to Equestria. Hard choice.

Argent was too close to him, so he was out of the question regardless. Thunderclap was the natural choice of course; the longest serving General officer in the entire Equestrian establishment, a respected and gifted officer who had proved his worth whilst riding the desks and paperwork and upon the battlefield. Furthermore, the old statue was one of the few active officers who had seen battle against a 'proper' foreign power, rather than any old mismatched band that was foolish to raise arms against the Sun Princess' homeland. However, Thunderclap had been the most consistent voice in favour of such reform, verging upon open militarism at times. Not a warmonger by any means, but easily seen as being so. It was too risky, politically.

Armor was a necessity. A bright face for a new model army, an appointment that could deflect off the allegations of bias or warmongering. That would work. Armor would remain in Canterlot, and author the reforms. He'd deal with the Elements too. The Crystal Empire would have to be pushed aside. Regrettable, yes, but Armor's attention had to be in Canterlot. Keep him as Prince of the Crystal Empire, but force him to stay in the Capital and deal only with the most important issues coming out of that place.

But you can't leave it alone. Low priority, yes, but not now, you can't lose the Crystal Empire. Such would be treason of the highest order.

Blueblood rinsed his mouth with resentful vigour, before scrubbing at his cheek.

Serene. Yes, she could do it.

An investigation by the Lady High Chancellor into 'Equestrian-Crystal Cooperation and Integration'. Absolute nonsense, but perhaps something could be made of it. That would keep that frozen flankhole of a place in check, and open the possibility of integrating it further. There'd be fewer protests, too. It had to be done, eventually, and it would draw less attention than if he sent Argent there. The Empire would be in fine hooves, but it was hard to lose her over such matters for at least a month.

Might even get some of the Old Guard on side too, if I push out one of the 'modernisers'...

It would work, he reassured himself.

Blueblood rubbed at his head. His right eye could see the Sun out of the window, hanging there as it ought to be, the Lunar and Solar cycles seemingly performing perfectly blatant defiance of reality, innocently ignorant of the occurrences in Canterlot Castle. If there was nothing else to think about he would have perceived it as mocking him.

The Royal Exploratory Corps would have to go, Blueblood concluded with reluctance. He had spent some time at its head, though it had been largely and regrettably inactive with the constant turmoil across Equestria and the Crystal Empire.

Give it to Thunderclap then; it is part of the military, after all. No, not Thunderclap. Put it under him, but keep it independent.

That was a better decision. Thunderclap might take offence; he might not. Didn't think he was the sort to enjoy surveying, anyway. Maintain surveying efforts across the country but allow Thunderclap to use it in charting the Everfree with the Guard. Perhaps something might even come of that. Would have to deploy more troops to Ponyville, though, and that wouldn't be seen positively by the public...

He could bring Serene's brother into it, perhaps? Her younger brother, Lord Tidal Force; a contemporary and a survivor of wide-ranging budget cuts to remain as the only Full Admiral on the active service list, largely due to an admirable determination to be as immovable as a mountain and "competent competence", to quote a comment by the thankfully former and not-Permanent Deputy Secretary for the Navy.

And balance? Harmony?! What in Equestria is that? Haphazardly and experimentally reached, but with every day wasted...

He grunted and drew himself up. If anything, the excessive alcohol had to go. He couldn’t destroy a nation out of his own compulsions.

Damned mortality. Damned incompetence.

It is a surprisingly beautiful day, considered Fancypants as he strolled down the immaculately-clean pavement, but such a shame that nopony here cares to look at it.

The first meeting of the day had gone as well as he had expected, which was, he supposed, not particularly assuaging. Entirely expected, but such a chore to deal with at times. Sales were all very good, but it pained him to take liberties with the truth. Fancypants considered himself an honest pony, all things considered.

Blueblood was a rare mind in Canterlot, though few knew it. He could also be a most unsporting fellow at times, but one could not blame him for getting results.

Ah, here we are.

Stonegold Street, home of the Royal Equestrian Stock Exchange had exploded in mild panic. The Royal Exchange, that hefty, cream-coloured monument to the Equestrian economy, was in a rather uncouth tumult over what the papers had contained. It was rather disconcerting, Fancypants had to admit. He had thought that Canterlot had learned something from the past four years, but sadly not.

Blueblood old boy, I wish you had told me more.

He wished Blueblood had more confidence in him. Both he and the Prince knew he wasn’t like the other ponies in Canterlot. One of the most influential, indeed, but surely he’d shown his loyalty to the Princesses? There was something clearly wrong in the Palace, Blueblood’s most erratic behaviour had told him that, as had the odd rumours which had leaked out. As a leading newspaper publisher, owner of one of Equestria’s leading steel companies (second only to Stalliongrad Steel, owned by the Platinum estate) and with far too many hooves in financial institutions across Canterlot he could at least help.

Climbing the marble steps into the chequered floor main lobby, the blue-maned unicorn found himself beset by a most agitated bespectacled grey-coated unicorn.

“If you would excuse me, Fancypants, but I must ask what in Celestia’s name is going on,” asked Jet Set. “What in Equestria are we meant to do? There have been rumours of troop mov-”

“I say, Jet Set, you musn’t be so dire. We ponies are a most imperturbable lot, are we not, hmm? Fancypants offered him a smile. “I have the personal assurances of Prince Blueblood himself, fresh from his Aunts’ bedsides, that the situation is in able hooves,” he continued, sticking his head up. “Now, old boy, there’s nothing to concern yourself with.”

If there is, somehow I quite doubt you’ll be able to comprehend it.

Noticing that the unicorn had not been entirely convinced, Fancypants made his way towards the centre of the lobby. Coughing slightly, he soon had the notice of the entire crowd.

“I have absolute confidence in Their Celestial Highnesses’ Government, as should we all,” he proclaimed with proper elocution. “If we work together, then there is nothing that can truly threaten our beautiful homeland!”

"Right, to the first order of business," began Blueblood. A memorandum had been issued at noon the previous day to the members of the Royal Council, instructing them to compile full reports to the best of their ability regarding their particular fields of expertise and the departments and areas they administered. It was traditional procedure in time of crisis, after all. The Council had been expanded, bringing in Moonstone Shield, Director of Royal Equestrian Intelligence. Thankfully, it appeared that the Element of Generosity had not (yet) taken up his ‘invitation’ to sit on the Council.

Probably nursing some old wounds and vengeances…

Shield, on the other hoof, had her uses: she would run the investigations. Shining Armor would clearly be personally invested in any investigation with relation to the Princesses' disappearance, and whilst the enthusiasm would be appreciated, Blueblood was concerned that efficiency and thoroughness may be sacrificed in the process. Also, he might run off after a lead without telling anypony, and we'd be in a deeper hole if that happens...

"Moonstone, any new information with regards to the ongoing investigations?"

She shook her head in grudging admittance. "Nothing that could help searches, nor any indicators, physical or magical, offering hints as to how they disappeared."

There has to be bloody something.

"Anything amiss in general? Apart from the Princesses, of course."

Just my bloody luck.



Moonstone flicked through her papers, a pen resting on her dark blue foreleg. "Nothing out of the ordinary. The Griffons have carried on as they have been for the past few months - half-hearted militarisation, as I'm sure you know - and other countries have done very little. Our dragon in the Dragon Council is still likely to carry influence, and our minotaur will likely be elected archon. Domestic reaction towards the situation has been surprisingly muted where there has been one. I'm afraid it'll take a few days for proper reports to come in."

"Though, might I add, the markets have taken a slight drop," intruded Serene. "Nothing we did not expect considering the situation, admittedly."

"Yes," continued Moonstone. "We have not yet descended into panic yet, but I fear that such might occur in the far future.

"Better keep an eye on those Griffons then, Moonstone, Thunderclap," finished Blueblood hollowly. "Though I'm sure we would all appreciate it if threats from the interior were discovered in advance and our persons advised of the fact well before the blow is struck. I believe Argent's prisons are in need of filling. Hate to have that budget going to waste, eh?"

Shining Armor coughed lightly. “I think I ought to butt in, here. Considering what’s happened the past few days, I decided to shake things up a bit in the Guard. Increased anti-changeling checks – not too many to be obvious, obviously. I have also moved the Rapid Brigade from Windsoar and closer to Canterlot, in the event that some enemy attempts another alpha strike. We have the Royal Kracolt Hussars on standby in the north to replace them.”

Perhaps he’s made of sterner stuff than I initially thought. Princesses, we should never have kept the Rapids that far away from Canterlot. Might have come in useful the past few years…

“Hm, can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that. Nice job, Armor?”

“While we’re at it,” continued Shining Armor, “there are some other issues about that Guard which I’d like to talk about…”

“Whilst we're at it, perhaps we should embark upon a fundamental reorganisation of the provinces?” japed Argent during a break in the proceedings and eliciting a quiet snort from Serene. “It might speed up troop movement, if anything.”

Blueblood blinked and internally cringed. Equestria's subdivisions - at least a few of them - had exceptionally ugly borders that were frankly an insult to sapient species with ocular capability. Of course, as of late, a vastly more serious threat came in the form of Tirek. More correctly, in the form of the aftermath of Tirek's rather ineffectual rampage. Granted, there was some property damage, but that was it. Serious property damage, yes, but there was absolutely no need for the proposals Celestia and Cadance were throwing around. Disturbing, alarming proposals that had sent the establishment on fire. Proposals involving carving out a new Kingdom for the new Princess Twilight. Proposals involving elevating her to the same level as the other princesses. It had even got into the Stable, which was the only thing standing in its way. Twilight Sparkle. A Kingdom. It was unthinkable.

Well it wasn’t unthinkable, just very, very poorly timed.

Aside from the obvious issue of potentially fragmenting Equestria even more, the proposed lands carved out a chunk of central Equestria. Central Equestria, including lands part of the Duchy of Canterlot and which much belonged to the nobility. Doubtless there were also landholders, who found their lands bisected by this proposal, which meant that said bill had stalled in the Stable. Blueblood had whipped the Stable, but only enough to keep up appearances in front of the Princesses. The Duchy of Canterlot was his, and even if he did not get much in the way of rent compared to his ancestors the Unicorn Princes’ historical vassals would and were over him, trying to get the bill killed.

The main issue, and more important one, was the threat of Twilight being pushed into ruling. The purple unicorn – no, alicorn – was a relatively admirable sort. Extremely intelligent, very well-read, a magical prodigy, humble for her status, not a gold-digger, generally practical under pressure, pretty– she hadn’t really earned his enmity. It was not enmity, Blueblood reasoned, just mild resentment, which was par for the course, really. With sufficient effort he could resent everypony for some reason.

If anything, she had admirable qualities, especially compared to her elder brother. After all, her level of competence was relatively consistent. However, from a purely objective stance, Blueblood reasoned, she would not make a good ruler. A good leader, yes, a ruler, not yet. She lacked tact.

Who’s a hypocrite now, Blueblood?

Well, she lacked tact when it mattered, from what he had read. She’d get them in time, of course. She was always eager to learn. She’d also flown up the educational ladder while he had clambered up it with the assistance of heavy-hoofed nepotism and constant tutoring. But he had been forced into the chair of leadership too early, even for his tutors, with the death of his father, and became becalmed at sea for two, torturous years.

Frankly she lacked the experience he had, in his opinion.

The last thing we need is another ruler thrown in at the deep end. An actual ruler, not some figurehead. Power is no measure of political and administrative ability.

Then again, sitting on the Council at the age of ten, crowning at twelve, taking up duties at thirteen doesn’t leave the most stable of ponies.

Part of him felt that he was honour bound to do this. The Stewards of the main Platinum Line had bloodied their hooves to prevent anything from getting on the Princesses, and to spare them the indignity and shame of those… harder decisions.

Princesses, Blueblood, you’re starting to sound like a civil servant.

But isn’t that what I basically am?

The Crystal Empire thing he had to budge on, not least because Cadance had actually been competently groomed in the matter, and because the crystal ponies had more-or-less elected her as one of their monarchs, and because there was no real point in sending the divisions waiting on the border to deal with Sombra. Still, it had been hard enough to accept that.

With greater retrospect he became increasingly unsure on the matter. She wasn’t really the problem. If anything, the bureaucracy and the nobility was. With sufficient strong guidance she might actually get stuff done. Compared to Celestia, who preferred to wait and see, a policy brought into question in recent times. Compared to Luna, who preferred to run at it until it submitted. Compared to Cadance who… loved it to submission?

If anything she’d do better at a higher-level role instead of administering what would basically be a province with extra red tape…

Dammit, Blueblood, just trust your gut. Could just be the residual alcohol talking.

Either way, Blueblood was not prepared to budge. That proposal would have to be shelved. For the good of the realm. She would still be a Princess, but she wasn’t here right now. He was, and he needed political capital, and quick. Especially if he was in for the long haul. And that was what was important currently.

Forgive me, then, but I’m not entirely sure whether you’d mind…

"You wanted a word, Blueblood?"

"Yes, Princess."

Dismissing the rest of the Council, Princess Celestia gestured for her nephew to sit.

"I have a number of concerns relating to the current situation." started Blueblood as he took his seat.

"You don't trust Twilight?"

"On the contrary, I do very much trust her, her unprecedented magical talents, and her inevitable, unfailing ability to save the day. What I do not trust, however, is her ability to stop Tirek in time before Equestria reaches a state where it is irretrievable."

"Oh Blueblood," she despaired. "You give Luna and I far too much credit. We believed that Discord would not betray us, did we not? Despite the Council's warnings, despite your warnings, despite Twilight's warnings... We have a plan, though."

"What do you need of me?" came the unflappable reply.

"Give Twilight the time she needs."

"That's it? That's your plan?"

Princess Celestia nodded.

"Surely we could at least do something! If you refuse to combine against him, then at the very least rally the Guard and throw them against him! Evacuate as many ponies as possible from the Western Seaboard! The Griffons, the Zebras or the Camels! We can't just sit here and let Tirek stomp over Equestria!"

She looked him, and crept around the table, extending a soft, white wing over his tense body. "Blueblood, I'm sorry that I've neglected you for Twilight, but I require one more sacrifice from you. We'll give Twilight our magic, Luna, Cadance and I - and she'll be able to raise the Sun and Moon as a result."

"So she'll have control over Equestria? Equestria, ruled by one pony?"

Passed over, twice.

First to fail, hollered the screeching sounds in his head, first to watch the realm die, first undeserving of the honours of Prince. Screaming screeching accusations ringing and thumping through an already clouded mind.

"No, Blueblood. Twilight won't rule, she'll reign. She'll keep the Sun and Moon in motion, but she won't be here in Canterlot. But yes, one pony will rule over Equestria once Tirek has come for us."

She looked down at him in a gaze of sadness and... something else. Admiration? No, it could not be that.

She stated it simply. "You. You will have to rule over Equestria in our stead."

He was filled with fear and uncertainty. The dread spectre of failure looming over him again. He had kept the nobles in check when the Nightmare returned, whipped the upstart aristocrats into shape when the Celestial sisters withdrew to their private quarters when the festivities were over. The damage wrought by Discord had been his to resolve too… And the Changelings, the Changelings...

Nopony’s luck, even that as terrible as his, could hold forever.

There had to be a breaking point, sometime, some day, yet relentlessly, desperately, the facade continued. There would be a day, he told himself, there would be a day. Ruling over a crumbling state whilst millennia of tradition and culture collapsed around him.

"Blueblood, when Tirek comes for us… Twilight will defeat him, so long as she has the time she needs. Somepony has to give her that time, and yet keep Equestria so that all my little ponies might survive this. As for you."

She looked at her nephew with something close to pride in her damp eyes.

"You, Blueblood, have qualities even you do not realise. And there is no other pony else I would trust with the reins of power now."

Part of the unicorn's mind instead bubbled with sardonic snaps and sarcastic speeches.

The Office of the Lady High Chancellor was a sharp contrast to that of the Lord High Steward or that of the Lord High Constable. Compared to her pegasus and unicorn colleagues in the Council Serene Bloom, Lady of Trottingham, preferred the honey of Trottingham oak and wide, open windows to Blueblood’s cramped, wine-coloured nest or to Argent’s neoclassical punch. Flowers, of course, but also manuscripts on griffon oral poetry, a bronze statue of a pony and a dragon rampant in victory, books on agricultural output and the Equestria Games gold medal for unicorn ladies’ military sabre. It was in this environment that Blueblood found himself after the Council meeting, and in this environment where he found himself deflecting uncomfortable questions on the succession.

"I do not intend to marry in the near future, nor would I accept any pressuring in that direction. Unbeknownst to many, I intend to live for as long as possible, and there are many years before me where I may be further plagued by the chains of family."

Chains of family. Like Father, I suppose.

With a raised golden eyebrow, his companion looked back at him. “You’re certainly defensive about this, Blueblood, dear. I simply thought I might bring it up; after all, it has yet to be brought up in Council.”

“We’re still not sure whether the matter with the Princesses are permanent, or not. Now,” he sighed, "I... have some 'errands' for Shining Armor to run, with the end result being his prolonged staying here in Canterlot. As a consequence of these... 'errands', the Crystal Empire will be neglected. Undesirable, but tolerable. However, I have-"

"You request that I go instead."

Blueblood nodded. "Of course, you would not be there to rule. You would be merely performing a review of the Crystal Empire, in order to further its integration. However, as Lady High Chancellor, you are of course perfectly capable of contributing your formidable qualities to the day-to-day running of our newest territories."

Pausing to gauge her reaction, he was mildly disappointed to discern no particular emotion crossing his companion's face. He continued.

"In your absence, I intend to appoint Argent as the Leader of the Stable. I'll make him Lord President of the Council, too, just to give him some backup-"

"But not enough backup so as to outrank me in the order of precedence?"

"He'll need the support; after all, as Regent I cannot be seen as to meddle in Stable affairs too directly until the situation gets serious. And considering the glorious precedent established by Their Celestial Highnesses my predecessors, Tartarus would have to freeze over first."

Serene offered a slight, yet warm, chuckle at this.

"Don't worry, Blueblood, I wouldn't take offence over such a petty slight. I'd like to think that I was raised better than that. And I'd say that I'm not one to refuse requests from friends, either."

We're friends now, are we?

"I would consider you one, certainly," came the unexpected reply. "And not simply because of Cadance, as much as I miss her." Her expression softened. “If you ceased drinking, consuming analgesics and the self-loathing, you might become pleasant company, one day.”

Ignoring this, Blueblood pressed on with monotone professionalism. "Of course, you would have to discuss with Argent what duties you wish to pass over to him whilst you are in the Crystal Empire, and then inform me of what else needs to be accomplished in your absence." He paused to think about how he should articulate what was left to say, but shrugged this off, continuing his blunt approach. "To help him deal with the workload, I intend to appoint your brother Lord High Admiral."

"You mean that you'd take up the slack where Argent can't? I don't know whether that's misguided chivalry or whatever else. Thunderclap isn't half-wrong when he derides your 'perverted sense of honour'." She grinned playfully at him, though there was a flash of guilty patronisation. "Blueblood, Princess Celestia didn't help further the causes of ponies simply because she liked them. The rest of the Council can multitask too, you know, and I'd not be against keeping some Chancellery duties for myself whilst I'm away. I do believe ‘delegation’ is in your vocabulary?"

"It would be inefficient," came the lame reply.

"It would be more inefficient if you collapsed halfway through this quixotic charge. Those balance sheets and reports on your desk aren't everything you need to ride this out. We're not all nasty intriguers, Blueblood. What if the stocks drop a bit, what if the markets take a hit? Fancypants certainly doesn’t think there’ll be any long-lasting effects on the economy, from what I hear. Like you, the whole Royal Council intends to ride this out, and find the Princesses as we do it. We won't slide into Tartarus, not yet. And yes, I will ask Tidal about the appointment. If you play nice, perhaps I'll even convince him."

A pause settled between the two.

"Oh, where are my manners, Blueblood? Would you like a drink?"

"Huh?" answered Blueblood, surprised at the change in tone. "Oh, no thank you. I've got work to do, and I'm sure so do you, so I won't be here long. I have Weighted Pendulum over in an hour."

And drinking my wine cellars dry too, at that.

"Forgive me for sounding like Cadance," she replied with another glance, "but you must marry someday. Asides from the fact that you need a clear-headed mare in your life, Blueblood, it is an inevitability. Such affairs are a burden of our station."

Blueblood replied with dispassionate metre. "The Stable would not accept it if two of the three great bloodlines were to join, even if I were to cede a title to your brother. Especially if I were to continue in this post unto my death. The dignity of the realm, always."

She scuffled at the carpet before looking up and offering an impish smirk. "Now, is it not most improper for an unmarried lady to be alone with Equestria's most sought-after bachelor? Especially for an heiress to one of Equestria's most powerful Houses?"

Blueblood grunted. "Most mares in Canterlot don't even attempt to adhere to honour, tradition, propriety or even common moral decency. Neither do I, for that matter." he spat in disgust.

"But you do, Blueblood," Serene suggested with a sly smile. "But you do."

"Again, my Prince," she said as she turned away with a smirk, "I believe you were saying that there was work to do? It would be most improper for you to neglect your duties to the realm. Give my regards to Pendulum when you meet with him this afternoon. Or not, depending on his humour."

Blueblood grunted once again in reply and made his way to depart.


Weighted Pendulum, Marquess Watchearth. A firebrand orator in his youth, star of the old guard; now a grey, grumbling dissatisfied coal burdened by scandal and resentment. Whiskers and all, ashen frock coat and onyx eyes. Grey.

Distinctly grey.

Weighted Pendulum, Marquess Watchearth, leader of that agrarian aristocratic lot: the formerly-feudal farming families of the Equestrian Heartlands. That old, embittered bunch pushed aside by the growth of industry and the middle classes; the families that once propped the state up and still desired to do so, no matter the cost. One could not understate the importance of the Equestrian Heartlands. At the very least, it was the former breadbasket of the nation - and still a major food producer at that. But more importantly, it was the key. The key to the central trade routes, the key to those strong, stubborn farmers who made excellent soldiers, the key to solid tax revenue, the key to power in the Stable. The key to a stable Canterlot, and hopefully, the realm. But powerful neighbours did not make easy allies.

Unrepentant arse.

"An honour as always, Blueblood," squealed the Marquess in his high, harpsichordic voice, though there was no affability behind it.

Not deliberately antagonistic; arrived on time and without complaint. An old warhorse looking for one last chance of glory, one last chance to influence the affairs of the realm.

"As ever, my lord. A drink, if it please you?”

A tiny inclination of the head in reply. As unyielding and slow as ever. As granite, Blueblood considered, or the rate by which diamonds turned to coal. Nonetheless, Blueblood poured the old peer a glass, and one for himself.

“A fine vintage, Blueblood, I must say,” began the Marquess after taking a long, slurping sip.

“The ’97. From your family’s orchards, as I recall. Very fine.”

The Marquess gave a non-committal but vaguely approving noise. “Very fine, indeed.”

Taking a sip, Blueblood continued. “If we could, to business?"

Another tiny inclination.

"You will recall," continued Blueblood, shifting upwards with a slight contraction of the diaphragm, "that a certain bill of particular note to yourself and to your... colleagues is to be introduced - with quite interesting timing, I might add." A flick of the hoof across papers on the table to accentuate the point.

"Hmm... Indeed," came the choreographed reply, the old fool tapping a hoof to his chin in fakery. "What was it called again - could you kindly-"

You are well aware of what it’s called, you old goat. But I’ll play along, for now.

"I believe it would suffice to name it The Bill, sir. The Bill, sir, that would threaten to tear a gaping wound in this beloved country! It is, of course, a great sufferance to myself, and fine gentlestallions of similar calibre and lineage."

"Oh yes, oh yes, a stain on the country, oh yes… If only something could be done about it…"

If only you’d get to the point once in a full moon.

"The vote must come up soon, my lord. It has been in committee for too long, as you are well aware. I intend to call the Stable in a few days, so that we may converse on the matter of the Princesses. The vote may come up then."

"Well, well, Prince Regent," murmured the Marquess hungrily. “Ahead of schedule, eh?”

"My friend," replied Blueblood with a gleam in his eyes as he lifted his glass, "let us resolve some 'issues'".

For all the idle chatter with which Cadance had attempted to engage her brother about her "stallion of her dreams", Blueblood had never considered it. Not truly. All things being said, Blueblood was never entirely sure about Shining Armor. He had held suspicions that Armor had partly gotten where he was by nepotism, but that was in doubt now. Certainly, Armor had seen better days.

As a brother you should have done more, rasped a current of thought. For both Cadance and Equestria.

Blueblood grunted. "Afternoon, Armor."

"Blueblood," curtly acknowledged Shining Armor, focused upon the scene before him.

Hundreds of guardsponies drilled furiously in the parade ground below them, Sergeants hurling abuse with disturbing regularity. Shining Armor had been fully debriefed upon the "Ponyville Incident", as the affair became known within the Castle's grounds, and had insisted upon serious exercises and the implementation of a surprisingly harsh training regime universally across the Guard, starting with those in Canterlot. All dissent in The Mess had been literally shouted down after the Captain of the Guard had made an impromptu and unannounced appearance yesterday evening.

It surprised Blueblood, to say the least. Didn't think he had the heart to. It was commendable, even. For years the Captains of the Guard had done very little except maintain the military as it was.

"Armor," Blueblood repeated reluctantly.

"Yes, Blueblood?" came the somewhat-irritated reply.

"That was well done, in the Council, earlier."

Grudgingly turning around to face the Prince, Shining Armor's face was contorted in a mixture of impatience and heavy-set determination.

“It wasn’t for you,” he flatly stated. “Now, what is it?”

"It's about the Guard," started Blueblood.

"It needs changes, I know.”

Blueblood sighed and walked closer, silently judging whether the move he was going to take was a good one. "I concur. I intend on pushing considerable measures that reorganise the Equestrian Military as a whole. My first instinct was for you," he said as he pointed at Armor for emphasis, "-to author it."

Armor looked at him blankly. "Why me? You don't really like me - well, you get on with old Thunderclap more, and he's perfectly capable of doing it himself."

"Heh," breathed Blueblood. "Armor, I know without a doubt that you would never betray Equestria. Never, and with utmost uncertainty. Thunderclap I trust, yes, but he is still unsuitable. I couldn't do it myself, of course, it would reek of bias. Besides, somepony has to convince the Stable and other undesirables of its importance."

"Though… Twiley’s been better at politics than me, even I know that as Regent you're not allowed in the Stable."

"Yes, which is why Argent is going to become the Leader of the Stable. Knows more about military stuff than Serene, and not a bad orator by any stretch of the imagination."

"I thought you said he was too gentlecoltly to lead the Stable?"

"There's some steel in him, otherwise he wouldn't have joined the Guards. Perhaps a stint in the Stable again can draw it out of him. Unless you intend to return to the Crystal Empire - which I very much hope you do not - the job's all yours."

"Why should I not return to the Crystal Empire? Without Cadance it has no ruler!"

"Armor, surely you have underlings whom you can trust? Get all the important stuff sent to you here in Canterlot; it's not like it can't function by itself without your interference. Our countries of love and harmony don't even have crime rates. And if something attacks the C.E., well... Equestria wouldn't be any safer. You do double-time as Captain of the Guard, anyway, and somehow you always manage to be in the right place when Primeval Enemy #346 shows up."

"#346? Is that the Bewitching Sentient-Sandwich of Heresy? Or the Malignant Bee of Devastation?"

"Scourging Bucket of Evasiveness, I think."

"'Sounds like something from an RPG!"

Blueblood ignored him. "I need you in Canterlot. To be utterly frank, the Crystal Empire lacks the population or the resources for us to commit so heavily to it as to have a separate monarch there, especially in times such as this. It's large, yes, but the land hasn't been properly exploited, either. Don't take this as an insult, Shining Armor, but Equestria is far more valuable. It has the industrial capability, the reserve pool, the intellectual capacity that makes it a priority for us to defend."

Intellectual capacity? What are you on about, Blueblood?

Shining Armor sighed. "I guess you're right on that. I’ll get initial quick drafts drawn up by tomorrow. I’d like to get some stuff in place before Fumigating Ocelot goes ahead." Shining turned and looked Blueblood in the eye. “The Guard has always planned and always considered the possibility of shaking things up, especially after Princess Luna’s return,” he explained. “We just never got around to doing it, and the previous lot got too old and lazy to do anything about it. Only became Captain of the Guard before our wedding. Oh, and you need somepony to say that you’re not planning a coup.”

Hadn’t considered that.

Shining Armor narrowed his eyes at him before grinning. “You aren’t planning a coup, are you? Should I expect the Platinum Knights knocking down my door tonight?”

“Of course not.”

“Good, because I’ve always been able to beat you in a fight.”

“I do sometimes forget that you stood up to Sombra and lived…”

"You should speak with the Elements, Blueblood," ventured Shining Armor after a while. “Properly, I mean, not politician-speak.”

"Why? Those mares won't listen to me, and... We’re not on the best of terms, to put it plainly."

Shining Armor turned back around to look at him.

"I heard what happened, they came to visit me and Spike yesterday. They're not bad ponies, Blueblood, I know what you're going to say. Including Rarity. The Elements wouldn't have chosen them otherwise, Blueblood, and you damn well know this better than I do."

Armor took a step closer.

"Blueblood... what you said yesterday and earlier. I'd like to believe that you truly hope to do the best for Equestria, I really do. And whilst I disagree utterly with your decision to keep this under wraps for the time being and not doing more to find Cadance, Twiley and the other Princesses, I understand why you did it."

"But… ?"

Armor looked back towards the window. After a while, he started again. “Remember Blank Suzerain?”

Blank Suzerain.”

Before Princess Luna’s return there had been rumours of Changelings in the Badlands. The Guard was expected to investigate, and so it had, with a member of the Royal Exploratory Corps in tow. As it happened, there was only one member of the Royal Exploratory Corps with the combat training and the willingness to go there, and there had been only decently high-ranking member of the Guard willing to lead said mission. Prince Blueblood and Shining Armor. The mission was given the codename "Blank Suzerain".

Soon enough the mission had gone flank-end over. Blueblood disagreed with Armor not attacking a Changeling hive once it was clear that they would win, out of the paranoid consideration that the Changelings would know that they were there, and that if they destroyed a hive, then the Changelings would be more cautious in the future. Armor disagreed, and went on to disagree with Blueblood’s choice of exfiltration route, which he felt was too long. Blueblood disagreed with Armor being engaged to Cadance; Armor disagreed with Blueblood’s insistence on taking “proper” samples of dead changelings whenever they ran across any. Two weeks later the party returned to Equestrian territory, having set half a small hive on fire, killed several patrols of Changelings and obtained a vague amount of intelligence concerning Changeling numbers and activity. There had been casualties, but no deaths or missing-in-actions. They had gained some intelligence that the Changelings were increasing in number, had patrols in large numbers, and that their armour was thicker than what the history books said. But they were unsure as to whether the Changelings would attack anytime soon, and unsure as to whether the Changelings would retaliate. So in the proper spirit of things, they allowed Armor’s appointment as Captain of the Guard with open hooves before retiring. The obvious implication was that the mission had gone wrong, and that any future issue was not theirs to deal with.

I thought we’d agreed not to talk of that, unless you wanted old wounds re-opened.

“Don’t kick the hornet’s nest? The hornet’s nest is already swarming, and we need to do something about it.”

“No, not that. Brass covered it up, remember? But because it went ahead, and because it was hushed up and thrown aside, we had no manoeuvrability. There were no other options, nothing else we could do.”

“I haven’t dug us into a hole, Armor, and I did mention that I would eventually inform the public of the actual situation.”

“You’ll be close to doing so. I know you’re trying to do your best, but perhaps a policy of honesty would be better? Fixing us here with a bunch of lies to be reinforced by more lies to be defended by more lies can’t be the best solution. As for whether you’ll actually reveal the matter to the ponies, I think I know you well enough that you’ll find some way to mangle the truth when you get around to it.”

“It could be good. With their backs to the wall the ponies might actually grow some mettle.”

"Good?!" exploded Shining Armor. "Have you considered feeling empathy sometime, Blueblood? Did you lose all of your emphatic abilities and give them to Cadance? And don't go around saying that a lack of empathy is a benefit, 'cos we well know it isn't! You should actually start listening to somepony, somepony who gets into that thick head of yours!"

The first art of leaders is that to endure hate.”

It is difficulties that show what ponies are; conscience gives power, not arms nor guards. Do you blame yourself for things that aren’t under your control? Does your father’s ‘dread spectre’ haunt you so? Is that why you loathe everyone and everything? Is that why you always assume the worst?”

What are you talking about, Armor?

“What in Celestia’s name are you talking about?”

“You do. Cadance told me.”

Of course she did.

“And what does that matter?”

Shining Armor leaned closer. “I share some similar burdens,” he said through gritted teeth.

“What would you know?”

“Do you think I like being the Captain of the Guard who nearly lost Canterlot?”

"Look, Blueblood," stated Shining Armor flatly. "You're not going to keep 'this boat' afloat without the things - the ideals - this country was built from. The ideals our people are built on. Look in a mirror, sir, and ask yourself where friendship and harmony and integrity left the main Platinum line."

"Sir? The Element of Generosity is here to see you," said Golden Letter as she peeked around her door as Blueblood returned to his quarters.

Well, it has to come eventually.

Blueblood thanked her, steeled himself, and made for his office. Opening the door, he found himself confronted by the Element of Generosity.

You have to go easy on her, Blueblood. She is an asset you cannot lose. Platinums are practical ponies. Ceasefire.

"Might I offer you refreshment, or indeed a seat?" questioned Blueblood with acid courtesy.

Rarity was silent.

"Let's get down to business, shall we? Like gentleponies, if that's alright?" started Blueblood, to which the unicorn mare offered a curt nod of agreement.

Blueblood swung his gaze around the room slowly to ease the tension in his neck, before returning his attention to her. He spoke. "Firstly, I shall solidify your already-formed assumptions. I shall not apologise for the affair at the Gala. That is something I shall not be moved upon. Other affairs are a different matter entirely."

Get it over with.

“Why not?! You- you mistreated a l-lady! You colt-handled me! You’re nothing but a disgrace to your station!”

Another one of those. I’d have thought the fashion industry to quench them faster.

“Don’t be so over it, nopony in Canterlot remembers-“

“Nopony remembers how much of a contemptible cad, you were?!”

Oh they do, they just don’t print that too often. Nopony reads it.

“No, nopony remembers how you were yet another in the line of golddiggers attempting to chase after the Platinum fortune. That is what you were doing, after all. Rather iron-”

“How dare you! I was there for nothing of the sort!”

“Then for what else, hm? The Gala, like all state functions, is the realm of slimy toads and sycophants. If you had bothered to do any research before the Gala, you would know. Proper research, not just those trash mags the yellow press throws out every day. I deal with golddigging whorses at every appearance I make in public, and I beat them back in the same way at every appearance I make in public.”

Rarity spluttered, boring into him with eyes of hatred. Ignoring her, Blueblood went over to the fireplace, where he kicked a log before setting it alight. Turning back to her, he continued.

“If you knew anything of social convention, my refusal to give you that rose ought to have been a sufficient warning. The doors and the puddle should have made it obvious. I do not care to raise my voice too often in public, but I shall not take fault for your being so blind to recognise my general disinterest in your company when you assumed the port of some vapid, greedy hanger-on.”

“Perhaps you ought to have stated it, then,” Rarity seethed between her teeth.

“Oh, they never listen. Nopony listens,” he finished with bile. “’For we are gentleponies, that neither in our hearts, nor outward eyes, envy the great, nor do the low despise.’ If only that were the case. If you want to find a gentlepony, some noble, dashing prince, you won’t find one here. For over a thousand years the stallions of my line have lived horrid lives and died horrid deaths. We are crass, we are crude, we are cynical, we are churlish. That is all I shall say on the matter.”

"Now, I do not condone what the Sixth Lunar Guard performed yesterday morning. Believe it or not, I do take responsibilities for my subordinates, especially when working in a Governmental capacity. I ordered it to be carried out, I accept, but I do not condone it nonetheless. It was not my intention for them to force themselves into your property and drag you here against your will, but that is how it occurred. I'm sure that upon conference with your friends you would have realised that not all of the strike teams acted in such a manner. Indeed, the way Lieutenant Strike and his ponies acted was reprehensible and not my intention. But I hold that it was necessary. Unfortunate, but necessary. Now, will you attend Council, or not?"

“You are a most reprehensible pony. But for Equestria and Twilight’s sake, I shall attend when I think it prudent. We shall require financial recompense for the damage done to our persons and our property.”

“Yes, yes,” grumbled Blueblood, waving a hoof in dismissal. “When Their Celestial Highnesses’ Treasury can afford it, we shall. You will be returned home in a fortnight, or a month, or so. Depends on many things, frankly. If you care, the Government may issue a public apology once all this blows over – if it blows over.”

“You mean never, don’t you, hmm? What ever happened to all that gold? The gold from Ponyville?”

“I’m sorry?!”