• Published 25th Jul 2014
  • 3,568 Views, 123 Comments

a wizard in equestria - The A I

usual displaced story. cosplayer buys final peice to costume off a merchant. gets sent to equestria, makes a mistake and gets trapped in his book, only to be released after a thousand years.

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A bright green flash almost blinds me as I ascend above a table with a book chained to it, a book I both hate and is my favoroite book in the world. From the back it looks like any other brown leather bound book, from the front however is a different story. A wax symbol of a sticky bomb of demomans is in the top senter and it has 2 glowing red eyes, a bomb is sticking out the front being held in by teath and red gums around the edge. This book is the Bombinomicon, a sentient spell book that does as its master wishes. So its no suprise that its because of this book that I was imprisoned into it. All I did was summon a few zombies from their grave yards to try and help protect them, how was I supposed to know colourfull ponies cared for their dead? Its not like it was shown in the show.
Any way. Yeah, after I summoned them I was introducd to a rather angry yet very familiar princess. Celestia. She had tears staining the face and she looked warn out. She had told me to "halt thou foulest of beasts whom disterb the rest of our fallen! Halt or be scentenced to hang till ye dead" of coarse already being dead a stated the ibviouse. "Princess celestia. 1, im allready dead. 2, they were going to defend this here town." Of coarse she didnt like this so she had to go and attack me. Luckily for me I found out how to turn into random objects when I had to heal, otherwise I would have died.
When I was finaly too weak to fight any longer she trapped me inside this book with some of her damned golden magic. And it hurt. Gbost pain is worse than normal pain as she could tell by the pained and terrified yell that escaped me when I was sucked into the Bombinomicon.
Reverting back to current happenings I hear night mare moons panick before being struck by the elements. After hearing this I look back toward the Bombinomicon and in a smaller flash it dissapears, I have nether realy known where it dissapears to though...
Anyway, I float over to the enterence to the room and suprisingly enough, its wide open. I make my way down the corridor when I hear celestia say "sister, will you accept my friendship?" Hearing this part of whats happening and nothing else is a bkt worrying but I continue on my way out, not wanting to spoil the moment that seams to be happening nearby.
When im sure that its clear and they have keft the castle, I point my staff towards a wall and unleash a bolt of lightning that destroys the wall on contact with a loud 'thooom!' Sound. I cringe at the volume of the explosion but head through the dust cloud that has formed where a wall was just a second ago. But upon reaching the otherside im suprised to see 6 confused mares, a confused and young luna and a furious looking celestia.
"Um. Hi?" I say and then quickly re enter the coridor and hide behind a wall. So much for waiting until they were gone, now I have a situation I dont want to be in
"P-princess. What. What was that?" The scared voice of twilight says to wich celestia responds by saying "that, twilight is an evil creature who I traped in a book a thousand years ago, just aster I defeatd nightnare moon. He made the dead walk, he claimed it was for good intentions."
" I am not evil! And the zombies were for a good reason. I didnt want more soldiers to loose their lives gaurding that town!" I yell. They either didnt hear me or wernt listening to me because then she went on to say "I thought I had trapped the despicable creature permanently, but clearly not."
So e sort of golden bubble forms itself instantly around them and it seems like their discussing something the dont want me to hear. I take my chance and hover right past them as fast as I can, hoping that they wouldnt notice me heading straight twoards the nearby town of ponyville. Maybe there I can hide until season 4 is over... maybe then they will listen to me instead of trying to hu t me down and kill me. I dont want to but If I have to I will fight back.
Imndraged away from my thoughts by a golden magic bolt obliterating a tree next to me. Panicking I start heading straight into the everfree without following the path, not having to take the bridge to cross the crevice I simply get to the otherside and head deep into the dark, dense, scary woodland. As it turns out a tall, floating wizard with a goat skull on his head is quite easy to follow and track down in the everfree. As soon as I start to relax another tree explodes and I run again, not noticing the wood stickibg out of where my stomach would be.
Colapsing into a large rock form after a few words of magic, I place myself randomly in the forest and watch as they destroy a mann. Co box only to reveal a carved pumpkin glaring back at them with glowing yellow eyes.
"Yeah, first introductions to the main 6 arnt going to well are they?" I ask myself, forgetting that my voice I rather loud and echoes even when it shouldn't, this off coarse gave away that I can see them and that I am near their current location.
"Maybe they'll go easy on me if I surrender?" I think but as if I could be heard celestia says. "If you give yourself up now then we wont kill you, instead I will ask you to explain yourself and if sutable, I will let you go. But we will be keeping a close eye on you." Celestia sounds, truthful about this.
"Sounds like a damn good deal to me. You dont shoot, me dont shoot. I will meet you at ponyvilles sugarcube corner after you have calmed your ponies and shown that your sister has been returned to normal. Oh and luna? At the royal wedding in the future, please try and stay close by at least. Cadence and shinning armor will get in a bit of changeling trouble." I tell them.
1 declaration of twilights stay in ponyville being permanent as long as she is still learning of friendship and a lot of chearing later I decide to ascend out of the floor and sit at a table on the furthest side of the room. Half expecting a battalion of royal guard to enter I am suprised to see the 8 ponies I am suposed to be meating aruve and order some food to take to the table im currently at.
"Once they have all taken a seat the first thing a say is. "So. Now were all here. My name is merasmus. I am a wizard and was previously part of the human race. Currently I am a ghost and so I cant do things you mortals cant. For example." I say and smugly sink through the floor, only to rise and take a bite out of celestias cake. Her face turns into one of hatred until I point at the cake and she sees that not a single crumb is out of place.
"Tah dah"

Author's Note:

I know I have some spelling and grammar wrong in here some where so all I would like to know is if you liked it and if not, how I could improve in the next chapter