• Published 30th Oct 2011
  • 11,754 Views, 333 Comments

MLP: The Last Mage - WorldWalker128

A Human recieved an odd inheritance from a dead relative and seeks out answers in another world

  • ...

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The girls had gone ahead of me already, and judging by the worried look of many of those I passed by in the palace the bad news had already been delivered. Why can't good news ever be just that without it being buried by bad news shortly after? I frowned as I stopped at my guest room and then opened the door to a welcome surprise.

"Mom! Dad!" My face lit up as they looked up from my (or maybe Trixie's depending on how you looked at it) bed and jumped to their feet with open arms as I ran to embrace them. We stood in each other's arms for a few moments and then the bad side to them being here sunk in.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but you being here is bad! We're going to be attacked in less than two days. You two should leave while you-" My mother placed a hand over my mouth.

"You left us behind twice and ran into danger when it's a parent's duty to protect their son." Mom said. "We know what's coming and we're not going to let you face it alone, so you better get used to the idea." My dad saw the gun on my leg and asked where I had gotten it from.

"One of the soldiers back at Everfree gave it to me when I left to rescue my friend. He also gave me a sniper's rifle, but I returned that when we came back."

"Why'd you keep the pistol?" My mother asked.

"The army-people refused to take it back."

"Is that your wand?" My father asked. "It looks different."

"It is different. The same Alicorn that helped me make the wand altered it while I was on Earth and rescuing Twilight. She added a dead Alicorn's horn to it. She said that would make it more powerful."

"Does it?" I nodded.

"Much. I don't know by how much, though. I haven't tested it yet."

"Then you should while you still have time, young magician." came Celestia's voice from the door. I turned and was surprised by what I saw. She was still majestic as always, but there were lines under her eyes and dirt on her hide. Her mane and tail that had always seemed to flow in wind that was not present was nearly stilled.

"Celestia!" I gasped. "Are you feeling okay?" She shook her head.

"I very desperately need some rest. Physically I'm fine, but all this stress is taking its toll on me. The girls from Ponyville have told me both the good and the bad news, and though I am grateful that you've returned my student to me, news of the Griffons joining the Dragons is spreading and is lowering morale amongst all those here. Even some of your people are starting to look anxious. On the bright side, the rescue of Twilight Sparkle from the Dragons' territory is also spreading hope where there was none. My ponies are inspired by the actions of our people in the face of insurmountable odds, and your people are speaking about you as if you were invincible." I laughed.

"I am far from invincible. My various injuries since coming here are evidence of that."

"I know that, as do you, but with each of these incidents you have 'bounced back' as your people say, and come back stronger from it. This knowledge is far from secret, and with each re-telling it becomes a bit more exaggerated. By the end of next week, assuming we're still here, our two races may see you and the girls as living legends." Living legends? That's a lot to live up to. But we're going to need to be legendary heroes for this confrontation to end well. "A question though, Jacob." I nodded. "Where did miss Jones get the Alicorn horn for your staff? And where did the horn that you gave to Trixie come from?" I groaned. I knew this was coming, but had hoped it would wait until after the fight.

"The horn that I gave to Trixie was given to me by one of your subjects." Not a lie. Not the complete truth, but not a lie. "The Alicorn's horn..." I did not want to answer, but Celestia would not break eye contact with me, and I felt as if I could not look away. "The Alicorn's horn belonged to your father." Celestia's face became a mixture of angry and sorrowful.

"It was you?! You broke into my family's crypt and stole- wait..." I saw the gears turning in her head."You weren't here when the crypt was broken into. You were in Everfree forest with Twilight and Fluttershy!" Her eyes narrowed. "Who are you protecting?"

"I am protecting no one. You asked where the horn came from, and I told you."

"But who did you get it from?"

"Melinda Jones." Another incomplete truth, but still not a lie.

"And where did she get it from?"

"You'd have to ask her. If you can find her, that is. When she changed Trixie into a full Human and gave me my staff she said something about her job being done and then left me standing in her house alone."

"What were you doing in her house?" Crap! Slip-up!

"I-" I couldn't tell her what I had really done. She'd never understand unless Melinda explained it to her herself, and only the Maker knew where she was now. "I was...holding up my end of the bargain." I thought of something from my past that had embarrassed me so I'd blush and then tried to break eye-contact again. Celestia also turned a little pink and coughed in the awkward silence that followed.

"I...see! Well..." She cleared her throat. "let's hope that's one rumor that does not start!" She coughed again.

"Amen." I felt eyes on my back and turned to look at my parents who now stared at me with WTF expressions. Apparently my blush had also reached the back of my neck and ears.

"As I said before though, you should be practicing with your wand...staff...I suppose its not quite long enough to be a staff, is it?"

"Not quite. Right now if I had to guess I think it's close to or is forty two inches long. I'd like to add some more length to it if only to make it into a staff like in our old legends, but I don't know how I'd attach wood to it and make it stay."

"Ask one of our gardeners. I am sure they would be willing to help you. They use magic to alter flowers and shape bushes every other month, so this should be no challenge for them."

I thanked Celestia for her suggestion and shortly afterwards she left. As soon as the door shut I turned back to my parents and explained to them what really had happened between me and Melinda in her house. I wasn't sure that they completely believed me, but I did not want them thinking that I'd 'done it' with an equine. They were both visibly relieved about the real information, and just as mystified as I about the identity of the stranger.

"A person you don't know that you trusted with your life?" My father asked, the question rhetorical.

"It sounds like a riddle, to me." Mom said. "Did her voice sound familiar at all?" I shook my head. "And when the fog was gone she was too. Did Melinda give any hints?" Again I shook my head no. There had been nothing at all that could have clued me in as to who was in the room with us for that brief time. But that puzzle would have to wait until later. Right now it seemed to me to be a good idea for me to do as Celestia suggested. I invited mom and dad to come along too and though my mother agreed my father said that he'd go and join the military guys in setting up for tomorrow.

I chose to go to the garden first, and as Celestia had said there was indeed a Unicorn that was willing ot help me turn my not-quite-a-wand into a staff. The Unicorn took from a pile of discarded dead branches he'd clipped from a few trees and then asked how much more length I'd wanted.

"Forty seven inches." He nodded and using magic that I'd only seen Druids from cartoons perform he fused three of the straighter branches together to form one longer and thicker branch. Unlike the original bark of the original branches this new branch was smooth like the bark of the Beech tree.

"Raise your pole." The gardener instructed. I did so and he placed one end of the branch against the silver cap- Actually, that shines a bit brighter than silver. I wonder if she changed the binder?- His horn glowed again and to my amazement the branch seemed to grow over the end like a tree will grow over and cover a metal fence by the side of a road. When he finished I had a staff that reminded me a bit of Merlin's from the painting in Buckingham Palace except that mine was more of bone than his had been and his staff had almost the same color to it going all the way up it. Mine did not.

I thanked the gardener, but he looked dissatisfied with the result. Rarity would have been too because the colors clashed a bit.

"When all this mess is over, come back and we'll find you something that matches it better."

"This will be fine. I only need it to be functional."

"Suit yourself." He shrugged and returned to work on the poor wilted plants and as we left my mother also commented that it did not look the best. I shrugged.

I had intended on using the fireworks testing place to practice with my staff, but it was buzzing with activity of both ponies and Humans, but mostly ponies. When they saw us we were cautioned to keep away from the testing area beyond the rope-fence they'd set up for the sake of public safety.

"What's going on?" My mother asked.

"We're helping the locals improve their explosives." One Human man that did not look military explained. "Unfortunately, because most of the military equipment here from Earth was donated we only have so much that we have available for use. If we can improve on what's already here this may not be as much of an issue." Another Human, this one younger than the first and female, carrying a small video camera joined us.

"Ah! I know who you two are! You're members of the Lighthand family! Could I perchance-"

"If you're going to ask for an interview, the answer is no." I said, interrupting. "I've had my fill of being on TV."

"But I'm not from a TV studio!" She objected. "I'm from your fan club!" I blinked.


"Your fan club!" She repeated. "Your buddy Travis helped set us up on Headbook!" It's been less than a day and I already have a fan club on Headbook. Internet, does your power have no bounds? "As soon as I heard where you were on the news I hopped on a plane and flew to the U.K. and took a cab to the gateway! This world and its people are amazing! I can see why you wanted us to save it!" She moved some of her hair out of her face and repositioned her camera.

"No, I don't think you do." Her face showed confusion. "I don't want to save it because it's 'new and cool'. I want to save it for the same reason a person who joins the fire department kicks down the door of a burning building to get at those trapped inside: I want to save them because they're in trouble and need help."

"Oh my gosh, that sounds so heroic!" She did an excited little hop. "That will make a perfect addition to my documentary!"


"Oh yeah! I've been going around interviewing the locals on you! You would not believe what- oh wait, I guess maybe you would. Is it true that you slew a Dragon using a bolt of lightning?!" I facepalmed. Of all the things I could have expected of my world, I had hoped this would not be one of them. I just hope she doesn't start going through my my clothing...

"Dear, why don't you let me talk to her?" My mother volunteered. She turned to the fangirl. "I'm his mother, miss. If you have any questions about him growing up I can probably tell you all you need to know, and besides, Jacob is awfully busy right now." If it were possible, Fangirl's face lit up even more and she said she'd get back to me later. My mother winked at me and told me to, above all things, be careful. I replied that I would and then mom turned to the fan and asked where she wanted to start.

I left and once again began to seek out an empty area to practice in. It would take me most of the day.

__ __ __ __ __

Pinkie Pie was more busy than she had ever been before in her entire life! As soon as she found out that there were ponies going hungry in Canterlot due to food distribution not being efficient enough she volunteered to help and began going from one location to another with almost light-quickness. Within only three hours of work she began to feel worn out like she never had before and fed herself one of her super-sugary cupcakes. The feeling of being tired disappeared almost immediately and she began to hop about at nearly triple her normal speed. Now she had absolutely no problem keeping pace with the hungry mouths that came her way and she grinned with pink-stained teeth at all who came.

When the tide finally slowed later in the evening Twilight came by to visit and see if she needed any help. Talking in an overly-fast manner Pinkie said that she was doing fine but appreciated the offer.

"What about the others? Where are they?" In continued turbo-speak Pinkie said that Rainbow Dash along with several other Pegasi were doing scouting-duty for the Humans so that if the Dragons decided to come early they'd have a better warning. Twilight could understand why when so far that she'd seen none of the Human's flying machines could move as quickly as a Pegasus in a hurry.

Applejack was keeping an eye the children whose parents had allowed them to still play outside the city along with Fluttershy. Rarity was in the palace, but Pinkie didn't know what she was doing. Trixie was still staying in the general vicinity of the other Humans in charge of looking after the machinery, but now she was wearing a different set of clothing that had been given to her by a family of Humans that had decided to visit and see the capital before the fight. Now she was wearing a red shirt and a blue 'pair of jeans'.

"Whatever those are!" Pinkie said cheerfully as she handed out another bowl of glazed hay.

"Have you seen Princess Luna at all today?" Twilight asked. Pinkie shook her head. "Well I hope she gets here again soon, or else it may be too late to come back."

"Dont'cha worry about the royal sisters, Twilight! I'm sure there's a good reason why Luna's not back yet!"

"I hope you're right, Pinkie.

__ __ __ __ __

Pinkie Pie was in fact, correct. Luna and her sister had a plan in mind to hopefully throw off the coming force' confidence by waiting until the city was under full assault, and then she would transport both herself and a two dozen of the Human's flying war machines known as 'attack choppers' behind them whilst still in the air and would unleash their fury upon them. Luna could not help but feel satisfaction at the image of those trying to destroy her home being destroyed instead. An echo of the Nightmare whispered to her.

"With this power...all of this world could be yours!"

"But at a terrible price of blood and family. I will not let ambition and bitterness rule me again." The echo became silent and Luna smiled. No. Never again. Tia, I await your signal.

__ __ __ __ __

Travis sighed. As he had thought, Jacob never had called him back before leaving, but he was not angry with him. Rather, he was angry at himself for not going to the UK himself. What was the point of being someone's best friend when in their darkest hour you sat on your butt and did nothing to help? Sure, he had spread the word on Headbook and several hundred people had posted that they'd try to help in one way or another, but this did not satisfy him. Travis toyed with the idea of getting up form his couch and going now, but even if he did go, of what use would he be? I'm not big, I'm not strong, I've never fired a gun, and I sure as heck can't use magic. I'm just the manager of a clothing store! Travis threw his empty soda can across the room. It smacked into a wall and bounced off, splashing the last few drops out of it onto his carpet, staining it. He didn't care.

A knock came to his door and he yelled for them to go away. But they did not. Another knock, more insistent, came against his door and he went to see who it was through the glass peep hole. It was his neighbor. He was holding an open laptop computer.

"Let me in! I think you'll want to see this!" Sighing, Travis let him and his computer in.

"What is it, Frank? Can't this wait?" Frank pushed past Travis and set the laptop down on the table in the kitchen and plugged the power cord into the wall. A moment later he maximized a window and spoke at his computer. A face popped up in the window and said that 'he could hear him just fine'.

"Okay Travis, come here!" Frank insisted. Travis did so and waved at the laptop.


"This is a live video feed from that other world! One of the soldiers that went over from our world is sending this over."

"Say what?!" Travis pushed Frank out of the way and stared at the face on the other side. "How?!"

"We set up a portable communications machine here and it's transmitting through the open gateway. Care to see some video footage we've taken of Canterlot and the surrounding area?" The soldier was grinning. "It's like a paradise for us mortals to walk through. It's a shame what's going to start tomorrow." His grin faded.

"Heck yeah! Email them it me!"

Thirty minutes later the footage went viral.

__ __ __ __ __

The queen of the Griffons flew ahead of her battle flock. She would not be taking part in the fight herself unless absolutely necessary, and she doubted that it would be. First the Dragons would come from one side and draw most of the attention to them. Then the Diamond Dogs would begin to sink the cit's buildings and then once confusion had run through both the city and its defenders her and hers would swoop in and begin tearing them all apart from behind. Drahgov had insisted that some of each breed be kept alive, but with the buildings to be sunk along with their inhabitants she figured that the Diamond Dogs would do that well enough on their own, leaving her people to butcher at will.

Most of those that been ordered to come were soldiers, but a number of those that flew out front behind her were made up of those of her nation that were poorest or were dying from an incurable disease. Also, most of those had volunteered for the task of being front-lines fodder. It made her part in this fight that much easier if the weak and dying thought themselves as heroes for a cause rather than simply being ordered to go.

But unknown to Drahgov she intended to wait until the Dragons were in the thick of it before she arrived and became involved. If she played her cards right her people could, once the Equestrians were dealt with also finish off the majority of the Dragon race and claim their lands and wealth as well, thereby improving her people's opinion of her, and getting rid of an ambitions enemy.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

I set the small island's worth of dirt back down into the crater I'd pulled it up from and wiped sweat from my forehead. I'd lifted it with Telekinetic power rather than trying to manipulate earth because I knew Telekinises better than earth manipulation and found that there was indeed a significant difference between what I could do before and what I could do now in terms of raw power. When I'd uprooted the dirt island I had been standing on top of it. I tried it purely for the sake of seeing if I could do it, and felt a bit of boyish glee as it and I rose from the ground and left the surface behind. I carried it all the way up past the remains of the palace towers and waved at a few servants that had stopped to gawk at my antics, and then made one full circuit around it. Halfway through I began to pant lightly and later began to sweat when I'd returned to my original starting point.

Once on the ground again I found five Humans dressed in black suits waiting for me. I tried to greet them but they did not respond, so I decided to ignore them and continue practicing, once more deciding to try imbuing my body with strength like I had in my contest with the guards. I waited until I felt the tingle of energy all over, and then crouched to prepare for a sprint, then I stopped and removed my socks and shoes first. It would suck if I destroyed my shoes. I set them to one side. I resumed my stance and then broke into a run. From my first step I was throwing myself forward as if from a air canon. Each footstep packed the earth beneath me more than an inch into the ground and I found myself whooping with joy...right up until I swallowed a bug for having my mouth open, then I lost focus and tripped over a rock and fell into a tumble that bounced me unpleasantly along until I remembered that I could use magic and I lifted myself by my clothes up into the air. It had been the first thing to come to mind, and I was pleasantly surprised when it worked. Woah, I can do this?! This had not halted my momentum however, and I still flew forward until I stopped myself. I instantly wished I had not, because when I had stopped I felt as if I'd crashed into something. Forgot about the sudden stop statement! The sudden stop statement being 'it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop.' I'll have to remember that too. Now I understand why wizards had spell-books. They weren't to help keep track of spells, they were notes to self about what not to do and why! I strongly considered doing the same as I righted myself and set down on the ground to walk back.

I had taken six steps and then decided to fly back for the fun of it instead. I did not go fast, and I did not lift off high, only a few inches so that I'd not be on the ground. It felt weird, and my underpants were giving me a wedgie, but at least I now knew that I could get away from the ground if need be. So long as my clothes didn't rip, that was. I need to get some jeans and something more sturdy than a cotton shirt if I'm going to be doing this often, though. If what I wore were to suddenly tear up in midair I'd be screwed!

The people in black suits still stood silently and watched when I got back to where I had started, but one of them was now walking towards me. I waited for him or perhaps her to reach me, and then once again said hello. This time I got a reply, but it was not what I had been expecting. The person turned out to be a woman in her fifties. She flashed a wallet with an identification card at me briefly, but I did not have a chance to read what it said.

"National security. Britain. Those others are from several other countries as well. We'd like to ask you a few questions."

"I'm sure you would, but as you can see I'm busy-"

"And there might not come a time that we can do this later. Especially if you get yourself killed tomorrow." The other four joined the first woman. Some of them were men, and others, like the first, were women. "We don't have time to dance words, so for everyone's benefit I'll speak plainly and to the point."

Half an hour of questioning from her later the agent from the USA began to ask me questions as well. He started by saying that most of his had already been answered by the first woman and that he only had five for me. Two of them were questions that I had refused to answer from the British woman for one reason or another. I asked him why he thought I would answer them for him if I had not answered them for her.

The questions that I refused to answer were what the source of my magic was, and where my ancestor's journal was. The journal's location was in my room in my backpack. Given what had almost happened the last time someone had found and read it I had no intention of simply telling them where to find it.

The agent frowned.

"Son, I don't think you understand the effect that this information could have if it fell into the wrong hands."

"I understand perfectly well, agent, perhaps better even, than you do. That is precisely why I have no intention of sharing this information with you. It seems every other time I check the news that some important information has been leaked from somewhere. The safest way to keep a secret is not to share it with anyone. I don't care who asks or from what country, I'm not telling." I turned away and started walking away from them and the lot of them frowned this time. Perhaps I should bury my staff when this war is over. It won't stop someone form finding out about it eventually on their own, but it might delay it awhile. On that note, I should probably go find Trixie again and tell her not to tell them either. She's probably smart enough to know better, but if she starts using with the horn in hand as it is she won't have to say a word. The agents might have thought I was just being selfish, but I could live with that so long as it kept that locals safe from those that were like my ancestor and would kill the innocent for power.

It was night now. If we weren't ready by now, we probably never would be. A number of tanks were positioned outside the city, three choppers were patrolling the city from the air, and soldiers of both worlds were positioned all along the perimeter of the city.

Trixie had indeed proved to be clever and had tied the horn to one of her arms beneath a jacket that someone else had given her. She could still use magic because it was in contact with her bare skin, and the source was hidden. I complimented her on it and she smiled, looking proud of herself. I yawned and a second later she did too. I had been up for longer than I probably should have been and now I needed sleep if I was going to be of any help tomorrow. I wished her a good night and headed back for the palace. Trixie came along too. As with before, when we arrived at my room I gathered my pajamas before lying down, but then decided to have a bath first. I entered the room and stripped, looking for my soap after I tossed my dirty clothes onto a towel wardrobe. I found it where I had left it before and nodded and pulled a lever next to the metal tub in the center of the room. Indoor plumbing. Gotta love it. The water was cold, but after retrieving my staff from the actual bed room, I heated it with magic by drawing heat from the fireplace. A servant had started a fire in it earlier while we were still out on in the town. Trixie watched me, but I ignored her this time around. She's already seen me naked once, and her people normally go around without clothes anyway, so like she said before, who cares? Once the water was at the temperature that I wanted I set the staff down on the floor by the towel closet and walked up the steps and stepped into my bath, letting out a sigh of pleasure as I sat down. The water only came up to my chest even while sitting, but that was fine.

Long and boring story made short I sat in the water for longer than was needed and then as it began to cool off I washed myself, pulled out the plug to drain the water, and then got out. Feeling cleaner and much better I headed for the towel wardrobe to get a towel, dried myself and the floor where I stepped, and then tossed it into a opening in the wall that was labeled as 'laundry chute'. I took another and was still toweling off my hair when Trixie randomly walked in and filled the tub for herself. She used the same method I had for heating it (using my staff too as she'd left her horn in the other room) and then started stripping before I'd left. Not wanting to see anything I grabbed my things (minus the soap) and left her alone in the room. Unfortunately someone else was in our room now.

“Well, well, well! I had wondered how long it would take for me to see you like that!” I froze with my towel still on my head and covering most of my face. I knew that voice. Oh horse manure! It's her again. I tugged the towel off my head to see her again, grinning ear to ear at me. I wrapped the towel around my midsection, and she laughed.

“All the Humans here now that you could pursue, and you're still coming after me, why?” It was the creepy servant again. Her main body was reddish-brown, her mane and tail a golden color, and her cutie mark was- A saddle? I don't think I want to know. I knew that a cutie mark represented that which they were best at, and though I tried to not analyze this, for a brief moment the thought of the fact that her mark was a saddle of all things could have either meant that either she was good at making saddles, or else- Please mind, don't go there!- that she was good at being ridden, which could also have a double meaning. A double meaning that I really did not feel like picturing and struggled to avert by thinking about the bed frame, which did not help in the slightest as that only shifted the location for the pictured reason. Oh dear lord, I did not need that image! I had to admit that she was cute, but cute and attractive were two different things, and I was only attracted to my own species.

“Well let's see,” She said, making a mock-thoughtful expression. “You're tall, you're strong, you're a figure of influence,” She began a slow walk towards me with a mischievous smile on her face. “you can use magic, you're inventive, hardy...” she passed me and walked behind me, eying me for a moment from behind before coming around the other side of me. “you're from another world, and to top it off you smell good whether you're clean or not. That's why.” I sighed and face-palmed as she came to a stop directly in front of me and looked up. Hoping to change the topic of discussion I asked why she was here.

“To ensure that your fire has plenty of fuel. Although...” Her smile widened and her eyes closed halfway. “I know another method of staying warm on cold nights.” she rubbed one of my still-damp legs with one of hers. I'll bet you do. I thought, rolling my eyes. “The fire is fine, and I don't think that your...assistance...will be necessary.”

“Hey Jacob!” Trixie called from the bathroom. “My arms are too short to reach all of my back! Come in here and help me!” I face-palmed. One awkward situation after another. Somebody out there hates me. At least my parents aren't here to see this! For a few seconds I dreaded them actually showing up, but they did not. I removed my hand and looked down at the servant.

“Would you mind helping her? I um...” I shuffled nervously. “it isn't proper for me to enter the bathroom while a female is bathing.” My face reddened a bit.

“Aww, how cute! You're shy! Don't worry, I've got you covered.” She winked and went into the bathroom. I shivered and hurriedly finished toweling myself off and began pulling on my clothes. To my relief I finished before she came back in. She looked a little disappointed, but didn't say anything in regards to it. “Well, the girl is content now, and if you're sure that everything is satisfactory then I suppose I should be going.” She toned it like a question.

“You've been most helpful. Good night miss...?”

“Rosa. Golden Rosa. Sleep well, handsome!” She winked again and left, walking slowly and swaying her flank a bit. I suppose that another pony would have found her provocative, but I was not a pony. I shut the door when she was through it and yawned. As with before I laid down on the carpeting and went to sleep.

__ __ __ __ __

Celestia leaned away from the door once Jacob had stopped explaining the true story to his parents and nodded. She was not quite satisfied, but at least not creeped out anymore. He had not revealed where the Melinda had gotten the horn, from, but really if it was going to be taken better that is be in his hands than another's. Celestia lightly walked away from his room so that he would not realize that she had stayed and then made her way back to her own room. On the way she was passed by several of her own people, who bowed as she passed, and several armed Human, who did not bow but instead performed salutes as they passed, not stopping to do so.

Celestia retired to her chamber for the first time in a week and spent the remaining hours sleeping. She had informed a personal servant earlier to light one of the tall and fat candles upon her arrival, and to reawaken her once it had burned all the way down. Sweet oblivion at last, if only for a few hours...

Ugh, filler Chapter. but at least it passes the time in between now and the finished chapter. Actually, I have a confession to make: I already have the next chapter done! :)
But i won't be posting it until the chapter after that one is complete (unless I change my mind :P ). I'm shooting for having this story done before Christmas, which would make this fic a record-time for me in terms of completion. usually it takes me half a year or so to write a fic, but this time I'm trying to do it in less than two months!
Just to warn you guys (and girls/ladies) ahead of time, this is only the second time I've tried to go for epic-battle, and the first time It sucked. I'm hoping this one is better, but the chapter kind of jumps around from character to character a bit so as to keep each of them as much in the loop as possible and to tie the various things happening (it was making me dizzy) all tied together.

And now for a rather fitting captioned picture for the next chapter (link):
