• Published 26th Jul 2014
  • 3,292 Views, 160 Comments

The Ultimate Life Form - EverfreeSparkle

I am the result of eons of technological advances. A race who wanted to create life beyond any other, and succeeded.

  • ...

An Everfree Event

After a split second of traveling through orthogonal space, I reappear meters above the forest floor, trees rushing past me as I fall toward a single, thick branch. “Oh cra- ah!” I barely utter a sound as all the air is violently expelled from my lungs, the impact feeling like an earth pony athlete just bucked me in the chest. ‘Celestia, I think that broke a rib… This is what I get for teleporting when I couldn’t even see past the tree tops.’

My eyes widen as I realize that I’m starting to slide off the branch. I frantically try to wrap my hooves around it, but it’s too damp and I can’t get a grip. I flail desperately as I start to plummet, my body hitting numerous smaller branches all the way down. I try to scream, but all that comes out is a hacking cough. My journey ends abruptly as I become intimately familiar with the ground, my right hind leg snapping with a sickening crack as it takes the brunt of the fall. The piercing agony causes my mouth to open in a silent scream. I can’t even feel my leg now; this is not a good sign.

I sluggishly tilt my head towards my right leg and immediately pale at the sight before me; my leg is at a crooked angle, one of my bones jutting out, the muscle just barely hanging on. ‘I think I’m going to be sick.’ My stomach lurches in agreement to my thoughts. I have no idea what I am going to do.

Suddenly, the flesh surrounding the wound starts to ripple, spreading apart and leaving a gaping hole of muscle and bone. The exposed muscle spreads into innumerable small tendrils and wraps around my broken bone. I stare in shock, and morbid fascination, as my bare bone is wrapped completely in animated muscle, and wince as the muscles seem to yank my bone back into its proper place with a sharp crack. The muscles then fully surround the bone and cover it from sight. Immediately after, veins slither from under the exposed skin and start to encase my muscle. Spilt blood from the wound starts to flow up my leg and directly into the uncovered veins. After a few seconds, there is not a single drop of blood on me. Finally, skin starts to creep along the exposed veins, coming in from every side of the wound and then meeting in the middle, knitting together in the process. My leg is as good as new.

Shakily, I stand up and look at my right leg. ‘I… I… What?’ I can’t stop staring at my leg. My perfectly normal, totally not mutilated leg. ‘What is happening to me? First hoofcuffs melting through my skin and now… this!’ Starting to hyperventilate, I try to get my breathing under control.

“Okay, deep breaths Fabric. Deep breaths,” I mutter, following through with several deep breaths, trying to calm myself. I just need to think about this rationally. The only thing that is different from yesterday and today is surviving The Gate incident, but I can’t think of any reason that it would cause my current state. Maybe some strange type of energy came through the portal before collapsing in on itself?

I suddenly gasp. “Oh my gosh! What if I have super powers? Isn’t this eerily like how some superheroes get their powers in the Marevel comics? Imagine all the stuff I could do with super regeneration powers and, uh, skin osmosis? Wait, maybe my skin somehow turned itself into water, and that is how the cuffs phased through my skin?” I pause, contemplating the possibilities.

After a few seconds of thought, I mumble to myself, “Stranger things have ha-“ An abrupt, chilling caw cuts through my words like a thick knife, silencing me instantly. A shiver travels down my spine, and I slowly turn towards the source. My eyes must have shrunk to as small as they can get at the sight before me; a creature with the long, thick body of a snake, covered in numerous deep green scales, and below that are two thin yellow legs, each with three razor sharp talons that no doubt could rip through flesh like butter. Attached to the torso are a pair of giant draconic wings, spread in an aggressive manner. And finally, a normal rooster head, with deep, blood red eyes; eyes which are currently staring directly at me, an action that I seem to be mimicking. I am staring into the eyes of a cockatrice. I can feel my heart trying to escape my chest, pumping faster than it ever has in my life. ‘This is it. I am going to turn into stone. Nopony is ever going to find me and I am going to be a rocky snack!’

After a few seconds of staring at the monster in mind numbing horror, the rooster gets a strange look on its face, almost like… confusion. My terrified mind starts to calm just a bit when I notice that I have not turned to stone, and the gaze of the cockatrice has inflicted me with no unpleasant sensations.

The cockatrice’s expression turns from one of confusion to one of boiling rage as it narrows its eyes, emitting a loud squawk and then giving its wings a powerful flap, propelling itself right in my direction. It has its talons stretched out, facing forward and no doubt planning on using them to rip my guts out.

As it takes to the air my back gets a strange itch, turning completely numb moments later. The strange feeling is instantly followed by a sound not unlike a rock being dropped in a pool of mud. The cockatrice immediately stops its lunge and stares as dozens of tiny black objects appear all around me, each the size of a marble, a slight blue glow accompanying each. They pause to orbit me for but a second before lunging at the oversized chicken at speeds so high they are but a blur. They cease movement just before making contact, the cockatrice taking a giant step back and hissing in warning at the small objects. The spheres surround the scared animal, seeming to flow towards it, elongating into needle like objects. And then, all at once, they impale the cockatrice.

My ears fold down in response to the inequine scream coming from the cockatrice’s beak as the thin tendrils wiggle themselves deeper into the beast. As they disappear into the flesh completely, the cockatrice wailing louder than it has yet, I can make out ripples underneath its skin. After a few seconds, the creature ceases all noises, yet its beak is still open as if screaming. A chilling thought comes to me. ‘What if the… black things destroyed its lungs and it is now suffocating?’ I look at the bird-lizard once more and notice the scales are flaking off, black worm like structures breaking through the bare skin just underneath. ‘Asphyxiation seems to be the least of its problems.’

I try not to gag as the chicken’s eyes burst, more tendrils making themselves known in the sockets. I turn my head away, not able to stomach any more. I clench my eyes shut and press my ears as hard as I can against my skull, trying to ignore the horrid sight and sounds of flesh being ripped apart.

After about thirty seconds, my curiosity overcomes my revulsion and I take a peek. Where there once was a cockatrice is now a wriggling mass of deep black goo. The strange substance starts to seep into the earth, disappearing completely. All except for a tiny piece about the size of a hoofball. I have the strangest urge to reach out and touch it; to feel it on my hooves.

I slowly walk towards the volatile substance, no matter how much my brain seems to be screaming at me not to, and stop just before it. My eyes widen in awe as I behold the sight; a black blob with rippling waves that seem to have a mind of its own. Random numbers of tendrils stretching above the mass, only to retreat back into itself an instant later. I reach a hoof towards it, seemingly hypnotized by its form, and I don’t even utter a sound as dozens of thin tendrils latch onto my hoof, sliding up my leg. I follow its movements with my eyes, and when it reaches my back I notice a gaping hole. A hole which it fills up and repairs in a second.

I snap out of my daze and as my mind clears I start to freak out… again. The thought of that coming out of my body is just too much, too horrifying to fathom. The realization that I might have killed a living being, even in self-defense, causes me to fold my fore hooves under myself, allowing me to lean over and dry heave for almost a full minute.

Shaking madly, my eyes burning with unshed tears, I try to calm myself down by taking deep breaths. ‘Freaking out will not help me. I am in the Everfree Forest and breaking down will most likely get me killed… If I can even be killed.’ Considering what happened with my leg and the cockatrice, I honestly have no idea.

I unsteadily get up onto my hooves and glance about. I am not in a life threatening situation for a change, and I really do need to take stock of my surroundings if I want to keep it that way. I notice that there are numerous trees of all sizes, with thick vines creeping up their trunks, dense vegetation occupying the space in between. Looking up, I notice the branches of the eldest trees blocking out all of but some of Celestia’s light, a few dim sunbeams piercing through the thick canopy and lighting the area in front of me just enough to reveal a heavily corroded road, weeds and colorful wildflowers growing through the cracks. It is strangely… beautiful in a way. I smile as I take in the quiet forest, letting all my worries melt away. Even if only for the moment.
What dost thou mean she teleported away?!” I wince as Luna assaults the four guards with the Royal Canterlot Voice. The stallions in question flinch and instinctively fold their ears back in response to her weapons-grade voice. “She was bound, and had a solid state thaumatic field nullifier on her horn! How could she just blink away?! She was out cold!” Luna’s eyes are fixed on the four shaking guards, the full wrath of an alicorn goddess gleaming in their depths, her wings spread fully and her mane warping the space around her, causing everything it touches to be bathed in pure darkness. Luna always did have an overly dramatic flair to her.

Feeling that the poor stallions have had enough, one of them having fainted from terror, I try to placate my sister’s anger. “Luna, you’re scaring the poor dears. How about we tone down the accusations and leave the guards be. They were only pulling the mare’s carriage after all.” Luna glares at me before reluctantly turning towards the guards, deflating once she notices how utterly terrified they are.

“I... apologize for my outburst, noble stallions. My behavior is most unbecoming of a princess.” She nods her head slightly and tries to give them a reassuring grin, her mane still sucking up all the light around her, her face bathed in shadow. This seems to be the last straw for the guards and they flee as quickly as they can, almost tripping over their unconscious comrade in the process. “Wait! Where are you going?” Luna calls after them, seemingly oblivious to her current appearance. Luna huffs and turns away, muttering in a low tone I can barely make out, “Why does everypony always run away?”

Sighing, I place a hoof on her and state, “Luna, your mane is still radiating darkness. You most likely scared them half to death. It is not like the days past, so we don’t extend our aura to intimidate our subjects. Besides, it is not like you were that deep in a rage.”

Luna hums at this for a moment before giving a defeated huff and confirming, “Perhaps you are correct. I wasn’t really that angry. I think I may have reverted to the old ways just a bit.”

I raise an eyebrow at her. “A bit?”.

She starts to dig her hoof onto the floor before conceding, ”Alright, I may have reverted completely to the old ways, but can you blame me? This whole situation has been frustrating. A potentially cataclysmic event occurs, yet once we have a mare in custody that could shed light on the situation, she disappears!” She makes her point with a heavy hoof stomp.

Oh Luna. Sometimes I forget that for her, a thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye. I should have expected something like this to happen, especially since she only just got back. Breaking out of my thoughts, I say, “Alright, this situation is a stressful one. Even I felt like snapping at one of the guards.” I then hold my head high and speak with confidence. “…But I did not because it does not help anypony, and if we started yelling at random ponies who have no control over the situation, what would that accomplish? We must be above such impulses, and as leaders, we will set an example for our little ponies.”

Luna shrinks down guiltily and utters, “I’m sorry, Tia.”

I relax my stance and wrap a wing around her, pulling her close. “I know, Lulu, I know. Just try to restrain yourself in the future, okay?” The contact is something we both desperately need after a day such as this.

The moment is broken by the clinking of metal on the floor. Oh right, one of the guards fainted, didn’t they? Oops.

Once the guard gets back onto his hooves, he looks around and spots Luna and me. He blushes and then utters a “Your Majesties” before turning around and walking out of the debriefing room. Even though it seems mean, I have to give a short chuckle at his expense. The poor dear must be embarrassed about fainting in front of royalty.

With the mood slightly elevated, I lift my wing from Luna’s back and motion for her to walk with me, which Luna responds by following in my steed.

While walking, I inquire, “Any ideas on what we should do about Illuminating Fabric? She is not quite a criminal, but the fact that she was at the epicenter of the anomaly makes her too risky to ignore. Especially since she ran away from her detainment, which was only for her safety after all, considering we have no idea what could have happened to her magic. I admit that she may have panicked, but the fact that she got out of a thaumatic nullifying ring worries me, and her intentions at this point are an unknown. This is more your field, so I will let you plan accordingly.” Luna nods and starts to consider my words.

She seems to reach a decision and says, “We think that sending out guards will be moot: the Everfree is a dangerous and massive place. No telling where she is by now, if she is still alive.” Grim, but I can see her point. The Everfree is dangerous at best, deadly at worst. “Also, we should create a scientific outpost on the edge of the crater to study the effects The Anomaly may have had on Equestria.” She gets a sly grin on her face and adds, “I think your student Twilight Sparkle should be there as well. No doubt she will discover what this thing was, for she is one of the cleverest ponies I have ever had the honor of being acquainted with.

My eyes light up. ‘Of course! I can put this off on- no. Give Twilight the chance to study the anomaly. “Perfect idea Luna! Get a team together. I will send Twilight a letter once you have decided on the ponies to send.”


“My Most Faithful Student;

No doubt you have noticed the shockwave and thaumatic discharge, and are most likely hitting the books trying to discern its cause. I am sad to say that you will find nothing of such an event in any historical documents, due to the fact that this is the first of its kind in recorded history. But I have some news that I know you will enjoy. Luna and I have selected you and a few other scientists to investigate the cause of this anomaly at the source. Starting tomorrow morning, you will officially be one of the only ponies in Equestria allowed to even be near this event. Luna will meet you and the rest of the scientists next to Ghastly Gorge. I will send a carriage in the morning, and you should arrive at the crater in less than an hour.

Your mentor and friend,

Princess Celestia of the Diarchy of Equestria.”

I rip the letter out of Spike’s grasp with my magic and re-read it before breaking out in massive grin. “Oh my gosh! Celestia wants me to study an event that hasn’t happened before in the history of Equestria! Me, Spike! Me!” I can’t help but bounce in place a little- okay, a lot- and all but throw the letter in Spike’s face. He does not seem amused in the slightest.

After a few minutes of giggling and jumping up and down saying, “Yes yes yes!” Spike seems to have had enough and yells right into one of my poor ears, “Twilight! Calm down!” I flinch and my ears fold back, and in the process halting my reaction to being hoof picked by Celestia for this historical event.

I glare at Spike and with a condescending tone I state, “You didn’t have to yell, you know. You could have just calmly and quietly asked me to stop.”

In response to my reasonable logic, Spike, somehow, raises an eyebrow and in a dry tone says, “Really? Do you know how hard it is to get through to you when you are having one of your ‘episodes’?”

I open my mouth to retort that I do not, in fact, have “episodes”, I just get a little excited is all. But before I have a chance to, something hits me with the suddenness of an asteroid strike: ”I need to prepare! And preparing means checklists, and telling my friends where I am going! Both will take time, time I have wasted standing around and doing nothing!”

Before I have a chance to hyperventilate, again, Spike puts his claws on the sides of my cheeks and states in a stressed tone, “Deep breaths Twilight, deep breaths. I will get the ink and parchment, will you try to calm down in the meantime?” I nod slowly and Spike leaves to go upstairs, getting said materials.

Finally calm and collected, I ponder what could have caused the thaumatical anomaly. Nothing natural could have caused something with that much energy, my horn is still tingly from the sheer power of it, so it must have been caused artificially. How could something of this scale be achieved, not even the princesses could radiate that much raw magical energy, so what could have done it? Oh, I can’t wait to study this at the source! So many possibilities, so much potential for discovery!

I am rudely brought out of my thoughts by Spike snapping his claws in front of my face. I glance down and notice what he is carrying; he brought the checklist materials! Great!

I turn to spike and grin, for some reason he steps back a bit, and then clear my throat and explain, “Okay Spike, we are going to have to plan this by the book. That means this checklist has to be perfect, no matter how long it takes!” Spike groans but complies, readying a quill with ink already on the tip. “Okay step one, make the checklist for the checklist…”


First course of action: getting out of this forest. With that, admittedly short term plan, I start walking in a random direction. After walking through the, strangely quiet, Everfree forest for what feels like hours, I notice I am not in the least bit winded from all this walking. I have never been the most active mare, quite the opposite in fact. Strange to say the least. Must be another side effect of my new ‘powers’, for lack of better word.

A few more minutes and I unexpectedly get lightheaded, my vision blurring immediately after, and my thoughts fade to incoherence. All of my senses mesh together and I can’t even tell if my hooves are on the ground anymore. What… What is… going… going on? A sudden influx of sensations and impulses surges through my mind, extinguishing any remnants of cognitive thought. The sound of the ambient background is causing me to see a rainbow of colors, and I can feel the taste of the wind on my fur. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Before I have a chance to go insane, something… clicks, and what feels like a weight I didn’t even know was there lifts from my mind and now...

I am not Illuminating Fabric… yet, I feel as if I am. She may be dead, but I have the chance to be her. I have finished reworking the neural pathways into complex quantum connections, allowing myself to truly be Illuminating Fabric, in everything but soul. The past few hours have given me sufficient time to see how her brain functions while active, and how she reacts to outside stimuli. All I have to do is will it and I will irreversibly be Illuminating Fabric’s personality and sense of self. I will have as much control over my true body as an equine mind can handle, but I will put ‘instincts’ in place to insure I survive indefinitely.

I can’t allow my new self to know that she was never Illuminating Fabric. I do not want the pain of knowing I am not who I thought I was. She will retain most of my knowledge, but none of how I was created or what truly happened to Illuminating Fabric. I will have to fabricate new memories of exactly what happened. My new memories will think that Illuminating Fabric was alive during reconstruction, and in the process think she is the “true” Illuminating Fabric.

My being as I know it will cease to exist once I commit to this, but it is worth it to see the universe in a way other than energy and probabilities. I had a taste of being truly “alive” and I will not give that up for anything.