• Published 28th Jul 2014
  • 3,175 Views, 134 Comments

Camping can be Evil - WolfoftheWaves Pony

On a particurlary boring day, Princess Celestia is in need of some fun. But what is there to do around Canterlot Castle? Then, she gets an idea. Why not send all of Equestria's villans on a camping trip?

  • ...

Day 1 part 1

"This must be all your fault!" The very angry Changling Queen Chrysalis yelled at Discord. "Who else would do something like this?"

"Well, it wasn't me!" The Draconequus yelled back. "Why would I be a part of it as well? Why would I be here? Where is the fun in that?!?"

"Well, I don't know of anyone else who could have done it!" Chrysalis yelled back, thrusting her face near Discord's, who was taken by surprise and fell backward on the bench. This surprised Tirek as well, who's frail body was sitting next to where Discord landed, and he jumped off of the wooden chair in shock, landing on his back. "MMM! Mhhm mmm!" Tirek mumbled through the muzzle that was on his mouth ever since everyone woke up.

"Oh you shut up, monkey," Chrysalis glared at him.

"YOU ALL SHUT UP!" Sombra yelled, his flowing black mane moving around widely. "I can't take this noise anymore!" He scrambled away from the three villains and into his tent with the three crystal symbol, and zipped it closed.

"Good! Go cry to your mommy!" Discord called after him. Discord laughed to himself and fell onto the ground. "Go, HA HA! Go suck, HA HA HA! Go suck your hoof!"

Tirek ran up to the mocking Lord of Chaos and grabbed his beard, pulling it up to his face. "MMMM!" Tirek yelled. Discord reached up with his eagle claw and pushed the magic-sucking demon away and stood up.

"Oh, don't think I'm done with YOU, monkey!"


"SHUT UP!" Sombra yelled from within his tent, where he was covering his ears with his hooves.

"You shut up!" Chrysalis yelled back to the former King of the Crystal Empire.

"Oh yeah, OOH! I'm so scared of the Changling Queen who lives with a fluffy pink pony!" Discord yelled.

Chrysalis blushed. "How do you know about fluffy!?!?"

"I am the Lord of Chaos. I know things."

"Why you little-"

"ENOUGH!" Luna yelled using the royal canterlot voice, and whom was also still in the body of the Nightmare. "STOP ALL OF YOUR FIGHTING RIGHT NOW AND LISTEN!"

The three villains all rushed forward toward Nightmare Moon, and sat quietly in front of her. Luna's eyes searched over them, before darting to the red tent with the crystal symbol. "YOU TOO SOMBRA!" An audible zip sounded in the area and the gray unicorn rushed out and sat quietly with his fellow villains in front of the Nightmare. "Good," Luna said, her voice quieting. "We have to figure things out calmly and quietly, and not like some screaming foals!"

"Hey!" Discord said.

"I SAID QUIETLY!" Luna yelled at him. The Draconequus became quiet. "Now," She said. "First we need to look through the back packs in our enclosures."

"Uh, you mean tents?" Discord asked, and with one glare he became quiet once more.

"Yes, that is exactly what I meant," Luna said. "Now, go get them."

All of the villains rushed to their tents and brought out their back packs, not wanting to feel the anger and wrath of a Nightmare with the power of the moon. So much so that Sombra went into Luna's tent and brought her back pack out as well. "Good," Luna said. "Now, let's see what are in these things."

One by one, they opened them up and yelled out what was inside.

"One canteen, three sandwiches, a knife, a pan, and a crystal growing kit," Sombra called out.

"Uh, same, except I have a...Nintendo in mine!" Luna called out before swooning over the gaming device.

"I have a canteen, FOUR sandwiches, a bag of marshmallows, and a big jar of cotton candy," Discord called.

"I have eggs, a knife, a picture of..." Chrysalis blushed. "Of you-don't-wanna-know, and a jar of liquid love."

"MMMMMMMMM!" Tirek shouted.

"Oh shut up, monkey!" Discord said to him.

Tirek lept forward and tackled the Draconequus, knocking him over. Discord pushed the demon off of him and punched Tirek repeatedly. Luna and Sombra both grabbed Discord with their magic and pulled him off of Tirek, and Chrysalis grabbed the monkey-demon with her magic and pulled him back as well. Discord fought against his restrainers.

"Let me at em'! LET ME AT EM'!"

Luna glanced at the gray unicorn beside her. "Sombra, do you think that you can hold Discord back without my help?"

Sombra blushed. "Uh, uh, yeah, sure," He stammered. Luna let go of Discord and teleported in front of him. Then, she slapped him in the face with her hoof.

"Calm down!" Luna yelled. Then, she leaned down and looked her friend in the eyes. "Please, Discord, calm down. We don't know where we are and we need to work together to figure out what happened, okay?" She whispered so that no one else could hear.

Discord stared into Luna's eyes in return. In reality, he was staring into the nightmare's, but he knew that Luna was in there somewhere. He stopped struggling in defeat.


"Good. Sombra, you can let him go." Discord was released and landed in a heap on the ground.

"Uh, can I let the monkey go too?" Chrysalis asked. Luna spun around to look at her. Tirek had passed out from his struggle. Luna had forgotten how weak he was without pony magic to fuel him.

"Uh, yes, let him go."

And Tirek hit the ground.

Celestia watched the whole scene play out before her. She was right, this made her dull day more exciting. So much so that she was rolling on the floor laughing, spilling the cake she had been eating on the floor. She wiped a bit of icing off from the corner of her mouth and sat back up to continue watching through the small, floating rectangle. She got up just in time to see Discord punch Tirek, and then was back on the floor laughing.