• Published 27th Jul 2014
  • 904 Views, 4 Comments

A Hoof Heights Story: Sapphire Shores and Jill Jewel - lyra_lover777

Sapphire Shores thinks she is as straight as a stick. Then she meets Jill Jewel. Maybe Sapphire isn't as straight as a stick after all.

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Chapter 4

Sapphire woke bright and early the next day. Fashion had gotten up only moments before and had barely put the toast in the toaster before Sapphire appeared, hair combed, wearing a white dress covered with diamonds and a horn ring made of white gold with a large diamond on top. Fashion jumped and burned her hoof on the toaster.

"Sorry,"said Sapphire as she watched her friend suckle her burned hoof. "I'm just so excited."

" Excited for...your date??" she said, grinning evilly. Sapphire smacked her. It pushed Fashion backwards and caused her to burn her other hoof.

"Owwww, watch it Sapphy. Soon I 'll be a giant 3rd degree burn if you keep this up." Her friend apologized and they sat down to a breakfast of berries, orange juice, and toast. They talked about Sapphire's next album. Sapphire even sang one of the new songs called "Way to My Love."

They cleaned up the breakfast and walked out onto the street. The blue stallion playing the lute from yesterday was walking in front of them, a violin in his aura. Sapphire had went without her trench and fedora. The stallion's cutie mark, while not visible yesterday, shone in the morning light. It was a black treble clef surrounded by two single eighth notes. When he saw her, he lit up in joy and had her sign his violin. Then he pulled out a oboe from his blue saddle bags and had her sign it. And then had her sign a bongo drum. And a flute. And a kazoo. And a trumpet. Maybe I should have worn the coat thought Sapphire. He was about to pull out his lute when Fashion said that they had to get going and pulled Sapphire down the street, speeding past ponies who pointed and gawked at the sight of Sapphire.

Finally they reached the boutique and Fashion put the coat and hat on Sapphire quickly and shoved her upstairs into her storage room. Sapphire looked out the window in the storage room to see a mob of ponies holding pictures and one particular stallion floating a lute. Fashion opened the doors and they flooded in. When they found no Sapphire Shores, they started to leave. But then Fashion offered a 20% off everything sale for the next 5 minutes, and Fashion lost half of her inventory.

Fashion came to get Sapphire 20 minutes later after everypony had left. Fashion worked furiously, making three dresses at once, Sapphire cleaning them up and putting them on hangers or mannequins. At 12:00, it was time for Sapphire to meet Jill at her house. She waved to Fashion, who was still busy replenishing her inventory and walked out on the street, her trench coat and fedora on.

As she clopped along the street, she passed a female earth pony. She had a coat that was a weird shimmery mix of colors like Poetful Poetry, but her coat was orange and yellow instead of blue and green. Her mane was yellow with a big orange stripe through it and was up in a bee hive. Her tail was the same color as her mane and was straight and long. Her eyes were a light blue and her cutie mark was a yellow bee hive with a single drop of orange honey dripping from it.

The blue unicorn stallion walked next to her and they were talking. By their body language they were showing that they were friends, not spouses. Listening to their conversation as she passed by, she heard that the unicorn stallion was named Solo Clef and the mare was named Queen Bee.

As she walked past them she saw Jill on the porch of the red roofed, green walled house she had passed yesterday. As she walked up to Jill she remembered she had a whole week to get to know her, to get her to fall in lo- Sapphire brutally murdered her mind with nasty thoughts. She reminded herself to ask Fashion what she put in her food.

But none of that mattered as she walked up to the shining brilliance of Jill Jewe- dang it. She waved and Jill waved back. Jill wore a simple red dress studded with jade. She walked down the steps and the two walked together, crossing the intersection of Unicorn Lane and Mane Street, continuing on Mane Street.

They passed, on the right, Jill's great aunt's store. Lacy waved at them and they waved back. On the left side was a weather office and spa. Next to Lacy Macy's clothes was Bon Appetite's Cafe, the place they would be dining. A fuschia earth pony mare, presumably Bon Appetite, lead them to a table on the patio. Bon had a purple mane and tail, which both ended in swirls. Her eyes were the deep purple of her mane and her cutie mark was a white plate with peas and a baked potato on it.

She gave them menus and walked inside the restaurant. Only one other pony was here, an older white mare probably in her late forties. Her mane was red and curly, and so was her tail. She wore pink glasses over her purple eyes. Her cutie mark was a pair of red scissors over a piece of white construction paper.

Bon came back with two glasses of water balanced on a tray. She set them down in front of them. Sapphire ordered the banana and blueberry salad, and Jill ordered the oat burger with hay fries. As Bon walked away to put their orders away, they began to talk. It turns out she was from Manehattan like Sapphire. She loves good fashion and stops at Fashion's boutique at least once a week. Her mother was a fashion designer and her father was a jeweler like her. Sapphire shared that her mother had been a politician and her father was an architect.

"But aren't talents usually hereditary? Like, my dad was a jeweler and I am a jeweler, and my mom was a fashion designer and my sisters are fashion designers." Jill said

Sapphire suspiciously changed the subject and looked uncomfortable. Jill didn't want to make her uncomfortable. So they went on the subject of fashion and stayed on it until their food arrived

The two ate while talking, and soon had finished lunch.They sat and finished their waters and talked some more. By the time they were done it was two and Jill had to get back to her shop. They walked together to the boutique, where they went their separate ways. Sapphire involuntarily sighed as she watched Jill walk away, her tail swishing in the breeze. She quickly covered the action up and hoped no one had seen or heard her. She turned around and saw Fashion standing there.

"Looks like someone is in love."

Sapphire shoved Fashion out of the way and entered the shop. She had shoved Fashion into a hot street sign that was burning up from the sun.

Fashion winced and looked at the third burn of the day, a throbbing red spot on her flank. "You really gotta stop burning me, Sapphy," Fashion called out as she followed Sapphire into the boutique, massaging the tender burn.