• Published 28th Jul 2014
  • 5,302 Views, 242 Comments

Science 101 for Idiots - Cakebomb

A science meeting gone terribly wrong.

  • ...

Well, that was disappointing.

Author's Note:


Science 101 for Idiots

Fiddling with his pen, Andrew impatiently waited for the Pony's delegation to arrive. Surveying the large board room, he saw that most of his colleagues were likewise occupied performing actions like his. He could remember first contact with the ponies, which consisted of a portal around the size of a shed suddenly appearing in New York City, smack dab in the middle of times square. An envoy consisting of around a dozen ponies had appeared, claiming to be from another world. After the initial shock of the Ponies' sudden arrival, many questions were brought up about them. The main question was how they spoke English, and why most of their items appeared to be created for Human use. No answers to these massive coincidences have been found, but they were still at the forefront of research for cultural analysts from both races.

Andrew was shook out of his thoughts by the sound of the doors opening. Looking up, he saw five Ponies dressed in stereotypical scientist garb walking in, carrying multiple bags with them. The ponies began to set up a stand and several daigrams, as a purple Alicorn opened up with a small greeting. "Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I and my assistants have prepared a presentation introducing you to our scientific knowledge. I hope it clears up some possible things that you may not know!" The head researcher at the event, Grayson, nodded and said "Go ahead, Twilight." Smiling happily, Twilight levitated a small stick and pointed it at a small diagram of a solar system, presumably the solar system where the Equestrian's came from.

"Now, as you can see in this diagram, a planet's celestial body and lunar body revolves around the planet with the magical assistance of an alicorn, such as Celestia."
Coughing, an astro-physicist from Australia spoke up.
"Miss, I don't mean to be rude, but is this a joke?"
Silence fell across the room, as Twilight said "What?"
"I said, is this a joke?"
"What do you mean? Everypony knows that the sun and moon need to be moved by an Alicorn!"
Struggling to hold back laughter, the man said "Continue, please."
Sighing, Twilight then said "Without the magical assistance of an Alicorn, the sun and moon would not rise or fall, resulting in an eternal night or day."
Nodding, the Australian then said "Unfortunately, those...beliefs...have been invalidated."
"In the 16th century, an astromener closely observing the sun discovered that the Sun does not rotate around the Earth, the Earth rotates around the Sun. To put it simply, objects of lesser mass orbit objects of greater mass and therefor, greater gravity. The Earth is so much smaller than the sun, it is laughable to even consider that such an object would rotate around such a small planet."

Nodding his head, Andrew was shocked into silence when Twilight said "But, the sun is about the size of a cart's wheel!"
Sighing, the Australian said "How about we go on to biology?"
Twilight nodded, and then switched to....a picture depicting a massive Alicorn spreading her wings above a planet.
"The planet Equis was made 2000 years ago by the goddess Faust. Using her powerful magic, she called the planet out of nothing and created the first Ponies and the first Alicorns to guide them and raise the sun and moon. She also created the life that flourishes throughout the planet, and the other races that occupy it, such as the Griffons, Zebras, Minotaurs, and...." Shuddering, Twilight continued, "Changelings...She then gifted the ponies with the last of her magic, before going into a deep sleep."
Nothing was said for a full 30 seconds, until Andrew slowly raised his hand. "Yes?", Twilight asked.
"This is a science convention, correct?"
"Why are you bringing theology into this?"
Looking confused, Twilight said "But, this is natural history. Every Filly and Colt knows this!"

".....You do realize that a planet forms over the course of billions of years, and life would take another few million years to evolve into a sentient race, much less 4 sapient races?"
Twisting her head in confusion, Twilight asked "What does 'evolve' mean?"

Suddenly, one scientist called out "Fuck this shit!", before stomping out of the room, leaving behind a group of shocked and silent scientists.
Grayson whistled, and then said "I never knew he had the balls to do that..."
A large portion of the human scientists in the room clearly agreed with Grayson's statement.
Twilight then said "Now, on the topic of weather... As you all know, weather would not exist without the work of Pegasi and other weather creating creatures."
Another 3 scientists quickly sat up, gathered their things, and left the room.

Hailing a taxi, Andrew thought back onto the last hour of the Convention. After the one scientist's outburst, it was only a matter of time before the rest cracked and refused to listen to anymore of the Alicorn's naive "scientific knowledge". Grayson was the last to leave, surviving an astounding 30 minutes before throwing his chair back and walking out. Andrew could only chuckle at the rape of scientific knowledge he witnessed at that meeting. Their understanding of weather alone would make even a fifth grader grin.

Meanwhile, the Alicorn was left with her five assistants, who where currently packing up the presentation. Why hadn't those apes believed her? Celestia told her all this, so it had to be true. Celestia wouldn't lie to her. She was the embodiment of harmony and perfection! She was a true goddess. Only a deity could control the sun! As Twilight wallowed in her thoughts, a certain Alicorn watching through a magical amulet was deep in thought, wondering how the humans had seen through her lies.

Comments ( 233 )

i can only wonder what would happen should humans give a presentation to the ponies...

Dubious #4 · Jul 28th, 2014 · · 2 ·

Next do one where best species gives the ponies a lecture on advanced quantum thermodynamics.

PiMan #5 · Jul 28th, 2014 · · 1 ·

The scientists were much ruder than they should have been. They had no evidence to say that what Twilight was saying was false, at least in reference to Equestria alone.
The better approach would have been to point out evidence for why it can't be true on Earth, such as a complete lack of alicorns prior to Twilight's arrival. They could have even tried to suggest that what Twilight was saying was false, but they could not definitively say it, at least not for everything that doesn't match. After all, the scientists would have said that magic doesn't exist prior to meeting the ponies, but the ponies can definitively say that is false.

4764513 You have a point. Maybe i could possibly bring that up in a sequel.

As Twilight wallowed in her thoughts, a certain Alicorn watching through a magical amulet was deep in thought, wondering how the humans had seen through her lies.

Uh oh. These apes must not be allowed to spread their knowledge. :trollestia:

needs to be a sequel with Human scientists showing Twilight proof that everything she thought was true was false

4764724 Give her a book on Newtonian Physics and Relativity.

She can teach herself.

4764715 And then suddenly future humans show up and proceed to bitchslap Celestia with a nine dimensional pimpslap and send her back to the eternal darkness from whence she sprang. Or they'd just just gun down the ponies in pious xenophobic hate. I'm fine with either or.

This wasn't very scientific of the scientists. If they were really scientifically minded, they would ask Twilight how her theories were falsifiable and reproducible, not just assert that she is wrong on all counts.

I'm Christian, but I believe in the big-bang and evolution. I would have done the same as that one scientist that called out "Fuck this shit!" if I had to listen to such things. Many people say that Christians are just blind when it comes to science, but Issac Newton was a Christian and he discovered Gravity!

4764915 Cool. Those are nearly my exact same thoughts on evolution and the creation of the universe.


Celestia tries to destroy them, humanity nukes em'.

This story..
>34 likes 0 dislikes
> another like in the time of reading this
Win. Pure embodiment of win. Make more like this, please.

This is amazing! This must be spread! More must be made!

this is hilarious :rainbowlaugh: please tell me that their will be more? :moustache:

i can't wait to see Humanity showing the truth to the ponies, the sheer chaotic fallout of the reveal would bring a tear of joy and pride to discords eye :yay:

Great story, I love the premise! Love to see more.

Celestia feeding lies to keep herself on the throne. This is the true and twisted truth. Period. :trollestia:

I perfectly imagined what was writing in the human scientist document's, yeah like this. "First Contact and xenoform diplomacy has not happened yet with Humanity, continue to look for REAL sapient alien life forms. Postscript: The previous experiment has officially ended and failed. Please delete all knowledge and document about the equine sentient and half sapient life forms." And with that, human military quarantine built with armed sentry turrets and soldiers at the portal anomaly, completely separated the two worlds existence. Years after that, new mining opportunity forced the military about the gate opening to the second dimension. The order was 4 simple step.
"1. The gate must be opened.
2. All non-human or semi sapient life form need exterminate.
3. New settlements need build for the mining operations.
4. First other dimensional human colony must build."
The whole operation named (JM Pest control). After that the scientist discovered the whole portal was a little worm or black hole, they named the mission after John Michell who was the first person to propose the existence of black holes in our human history 1793.
The operation/invasion was full sucess, all alien and non-human life form was exterminate in 3 days and 5 hours. The human millitary attacked with long range and new type drones and battle/combat machines. The end result was zero human casualties, and of course a whole new big ass playground for our glorious race.

Twilight: Alicorns move the sun and moon.
Scientists: That's stupid.
Twilight: Faust created the world.
Scientists: That's stupid.
Twilight: Ponies control the weather.
Scientists: That's stupid.

Sorry, but I fail to see how this is at all entertaining. These "scientists" act like children and there's no reason for them to dismiss everything Twilight says aside from complete stupidity. The ponies are a race who managed to make a portal into your world, which is something you're decades, if not centuries, away from being able to do. So don't you think they might have some sort of idea of what they're talking about? And somehow they completely ignore the existence of magic, which is impossible to do if they've looked at Equestria for more than two seconds. In fact, you specifically mention Twilight using magic in front of them. How these idiot scientists managed to be selected to attend this convention, I don't know. But they deserve to have every scientific license, qualification, and reputation they have removed.

This story serves no purpose but to point out a few obvious examples of magic replacing science in Equestria, and it doesn't even do so in a decent way. So I have no idea why this story is popular at all.

Oh, and the idea that The ponies have "incorrect" science because of Celestia is directly contradicted by evidence from the show.


4765771 Trolololololololololololo.

4765869 Ah, troll lol derp?

Sooooo.... this story started out great, until that ending. I mean, come on, Equestria is another dimension. It's entirely possible that Nature does work very differently there. Ending on the note that Nature works exactly the same in Equestria and Celestia was just lying to everyone to keep herself in power... it's not very interesting. Not that original. Discord would not approve.

What would be cool would be a comedy version of something like Days of Wasp and Spider, with coherent but really weird world-building lurking behind Equestrian "science", waiting to be explored as soon as we've all had our laughs at Twilight Sparkle's blatant Creationism.

Also, 2000 years is waaaaay too young for even a Creationist myth. Everyone knows it's 6000!

the only thing i would like to correct you on is the rotation around the sun, while the sun is in the center of the system all of the planets and the sun itself actually rotate around the center of mass of the system, which in our case falls within the sun but that is not the case for all solar systems

4765910 Huh. Never knew that. Thank you!

4765680 Uhm... I happen to be a scientist.

You would be amazed how many stick rigidly to dogma even in the face of strong evidence that the 'accepted' information is wrong.

I can point to the discovery of microRNAs as a recent example. Many MANY geneticists refused to accept that these little micro genes were important until it was proven that when they were deleted, many rather crucial tissues and organs didn't even form.

It turns out microRNAs are the 'fine tuning switches' and 'stop buttons' for mRNA expression and functioned as the fast-acting, highly localized regulators of development/differentiation I'd theorized had to exist in the genome wayyyy back in 2001 when I had a recombinant genetics class. :twistnerd:

I was so happy to be right once again!

That ending... :facehoof:

Seriously, nature in Equestria works the same as our world?

With all the crazy crap we've seen there?

And just throwing it in at the very last second, with ZERO context or internal explanation. Lazy. Very very lazy.

It smacks of someone who simply doesn't like fantasy worlds or religion and in feebly trolling the idea.

Total... Bull... Shyte.

4765973 No, Twilight was saying weather wouldn't work AT ALL without pony intervention.

4765680 I suspect it's being upvoted by radical atheists.

We must suicide bomb their buildings FOR OUR GODDESSS!!





4765620 Until the stupid humans fell to the alien microbes and all died.

Awwwww, your feeble little mind wasn't ready for that, was it?

Back off man, I'm a REAL scientist!

4765620 ....That's fucking dark man!

4765991 Species gap, diseases mean shit here.

4765503 So the whole Discord thing and Chrysalis and Sombra and Tirek and parasprites and dragons and unicorns and weather manipulation and.. pretty much EVERY BUCKING ASPECT OF THEIR WORLD is a lie, eh?

Go back under your rock.

4765211 Silly fool. If everything is a lie, so is Discord.

His powers CANNOT exist in a world that functions as ours does.

Such a narrow vision you have. Small minds have no place in a vast universe.

4764915 Well, my little phony, the humans here have discovered another unvierse. It's a totally different reality, outside our realm of physical laws.

To assume that it MUST function the same way as ours is not something any REAL scientist would ever do. Such preconceived and arrogant notions are the sorts of things that have held humanity back for so very long. They are the very things you accuse religion of doing!

Also, I find the irony delightful that these 'scientists' balk as Equestria's creation while operating a dimensional portal WHICH IS FUNDAMENTALLY IMPOSSIBLE according to our known science.

I find the stupidity quite droll.

4764856 And then Daleks show up and destroy the human race.

And the Doctor just shrugs this time and says, "Eh, didn't really like them that much anyway."


4764889 This story has little to do with actual scientific process and discovery and more to do with atheist religion-bashing.

It also puts science in the same seat as religion, by featuring scientists refusing to believe a world in which things exist which cannot exist in our universe, yet they refuse to believe hard facts of that universe's existence.

Indeed, such intense and fervent disbelief in the face of fact places them in a similar place as religious fundamentalists.

4764513 Exactly. According to OUR universe's laws, telekinesis is IMPOSSIBLE.

So, how would they explain Twilight hovering a tree/car/house/etc. with her glowing little horn?

Weather manipulation by pegasi pushing clouds around. Hell, pegasi WALKING ON CLOUDS is UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE in our world.

So, how do they explain that, eh?

The bias in the story is so outrageous it's insulting.

4764480 And the Discord shows, snaps his fingers, and turns the Earth flat.

Forgot about him, did ya?


4764388 The pegasi show up and bounce around on clouds while the humans rip their hair out and shout "Inconceivable!" repeatedly.

Only a true fool would assume another dimension would be the same as ours.

[quoteWell, that was disappointing]Pretty much sums up my opinion of this story.

Leave science to us scientists.

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