• Member Since 25th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Not a serious writer, and occasionally I create or forget about loose ends entire. That being said, I never stop trying to improve.


Life was normal for Eric O'Mally. Go to school, come home, do homework, play games, hang out with friends.
Right up until the day when he just...wasn't in his home reality anymore.
He's been drifting for far longer than anyone should, especially anyone his age, and almost every time, it ended poorly for him. Especially when magic was involved. Almost every time when magic was involved, in fact. And let's not mention deities around him.
So what happens when this boy gets dropped into Canterlot after his latest drifting, in the home Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch, a.k.a DJ-PON3, keep there, while they're there?
And what happens when the local goddesses take it to greet him like they've greeted all their other human visitors?
If you think hilarity ensues, you've clearly not met the boy.
Done in the style of the Memverse, which has a concept I greatly enjoy at its core. Here's my take on it, let's see if they like it, eh?

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 217 )

Each time you come up with one of these stories it usually leaves me laughing within the first chapter, the writing is usually pretty good and it always has an interesting premise. Great work again! I'd give you some freaky alien lemons but I used them all when I had my minions crash a battleship into a giant alien hive.

4764692 Ooh do I spy with my little eye the three sacred treasures?

4764782 Probably a good thing. chapter 23 first run/sacred treasures run... that was one of the worst stages in the game... scratch that it was the worst stage in the game.

Oh man, this made me laugh so hard. Shows up, screams, dropped like a bitch.

What is with me and these types of stories.

I think I need help.

Yes, you do...

...help with more ideas!


Love Monty python references.

edit: Apperently the comment feature works funny on my tablet. Someone wanna post the video?

No no, it's a Thing in the Memverse. Humans have an adverse reaction to too much magic, it degrades their DNA to the point where they die sooner. There are means and ways of fighting it, but I figure a direct sleep spell cast on someone should shave off at least a day's worth of time.

I know it isn't, I'm not a member of it, so I can't add it. Besides, I don't want to be the one to add it anyways.

If you are a member of said group, you can add any story to the group. (So long as it fits the criteria)
I just don't wanna join, then immediately add my story to the group. Seems waaaay too arrogant.


This, is a HiE premise I can really get into.

I can't wait to see where you take this, I like your protagonist already.

I hope you keep your writing focus on the main character.

4773910 Why not have multiple protagonists eh? Single perspective is overused.. And I wonder if he'll get those crystals back...

This is so f**king hilarious!!!....
And I don't know which reason to say first!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I'll be posting the lyrics of the original version in the next chapter.
Still, if you can guess it before then, kudos.


i see it in my updates....but not here.
Was the site OOPS-ing again?

also- this will be an intriguing ride.

4771953 I know what you mean. Once my own story really gets rolling, I hope someone adds it to the New Christian Bronies group. :pinkiesmile: (If they see that it fits there, that is)

4773420 Tastes differ. There are some "generic" ones out there I really like. You're right, though, about one thing: this one's standing out already. :pinkiehappy:

This sounds like a very good story... one I will be keeping an eye on. (I wish we could get updates on things that are only on our Read Later lists... :fluttershysad: )

Heh. 'Twas a mistake on my part, I accidentally published it before it was done. Silly misclick.
Don't worry, though! I fixed it. Mostly.

Chapter is read and ready for the next. I am an insomniac any way. Good old Celestia throws a curve ball. Have fun ponies.

I agree! I run off of 3-6 hours of sleep every single day.

Just wondering, if Eric had pulled out his knife upon hearing the line Celestia said that pissed him off and gotten a clean stab through her throat or head, or a slash across her throat, would she have died?

Already addressing that next chapter!

4787945 Good good, because I really dislike the idea that any of the princesses can survive normally fatal physical harm.
Or any of that "reborn in the sun or moon" crap that some authors chose to use.

He's trying this whole trust thing, but he's also not going to tell them everything. He's not made a mention of Xavier to anyone yet. That'll get me a chapter at least, assuming anyone finds out about it!
Also, editing based on your info!

I can't help but notice that he explicitly stated that he dislikes gods and mages because they meddle with him and screw him over. And then Celestia, a god, spontaneously decides to send two mages to pester him in an effort to 'help him'.

Kind of proving his point: They just won't leave him the fuck alone, will they?

Celestia has just set a very bad precedent as far as respecting his boundaries goes.

If he was an angrier person, the sword would already be swinging, I imagine.

Yup! But he does have his 'trump card,' namely the crystals.
And we'll get into more Cel-Eric action in the next chapter.

If Eric would think for a second he'd get why:

Motherly, like every mortal was her child, but also, do not piss off mama goddess. Kind and Gentle, like a spring breeze.

It's quite literally her nature to meddle when she thinks it's for someone's own good. You can't really blame her for trying; well, I guess you can, it just wouldn't be very fair. Beyond that, if you think of ponies as charitable beings -and by that, I mean if you believe that they are genetically predisposed towards altruism as a survival tactic- and you consider that it's being hinted that Celestia is the Mother Goddess of ponies...

You also have to understand that Celestia believes his fears to be irrational, which, to her, they are. Magic isn't going to jump up and bite him, ponies aren't going to clamor for a vivisection, and she has no intention of taking advantage of him. Problem is, she dismisses the possibility that all these things can happen; he could accidentally wind up in place like the Everfree, be attacked by an amoral magic user with an agenda (or just really piss off a benevolent user), he could somehow become important to the fate of Equestria or something similar... I think what needs to happen is that Celestia needs to learn to respect his fears and that Eric needs to learn that they both want the same thing (which is to say the absolute avoidance of a worst case scenario, much easier when everybody realizes they're on the same side).

This guy's jimmies have had a non stop russle fest his entire life.

It certainly appears that Eric's time with the Fae had a greater impact on him than any of his other jumps. So much so that one wonders at the backstory that lies there...

There is one saying that every author who treats with Fae regards as truth:
Do not fuck with the Fae.

4797876 Old habits die hard.
I hope that remains true in this fic.

4798401 I'm hoping that you mean him going back to familiar 'tracks', and not starts to distrust all earth ponies in addition to unicorns.

Ps. Fun thought: Who knows how many crystals Pinkie Pie has with all the 4th wall breaking she has been doing.
I can see the scene in my head, Pinkie Pie sees his crystals and proceedes to pull a dozen out of her hair, and a new one falling into reality.

Hmm. Maybe a line from a song?
Meeeeeemories, like the fading of the dawn
So many, many memories...
But who said they were nice ones, eh?:pinkiecrazy:

4796746 In either the clean or the profane sense, I'd imagine. :twilightoops::rainbowderp::pinkiegasp::applejackconfused:

Nah, the dialogue is fine. It accentuates his point perfectly. And, come on. With the shit he's been though of course he's going to swear occasionally.

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