• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 420 Views, 3 Comments

The Bravest of Fillies - ShaD-23

Equestria is spiraling into oblivion as Zerus and Tirek summon Cataclysm. Twilight must lead the final assault of the Crystal Empire if she has any hope in saving the world from utter annihilation. In loving memory of Tiffany "Kiki" Havivy

  • ...

The Dark Horse

Twilight walked through the endless void, looking this way and that at the spiraling stars and shining constellations that glided just slightly around her. There was no doubt in her mind that this was the same haven she found herself in when she perfected Starswirl's final spell almost a year prior.

Twilight walked through the endless void, looking this way and that at the spiraling stars and shining constellations that glided just slightly around her. What had happened to her? Was she not in the company of her friends just seconds ago, casting a new spell she had perfected from Starswirl's old teachings? As she continued on through the void, she was certain she could hear the faintest clop of somepony's hooves. Turning, Twilight saw a brilliant glow of white approaching, feeling her heart flutter as she was able to determine whom the glow belonged to. It was Princess Celestia, her mentor for the majority of her life, beaming down at her as she walked closer.

“Congratulations, Twilight.” she said tenderly, the young unicorn unsure if she could find her voice. “I knew you could do it.”

“Princess,” Twilight breathed as she trotted for her smiling teacher, the two embracing each other quickly “I don't understand... what did I do-”

“You did something that's never been done before.” Celestia explained calmly, as if Twilight hadn't spoken. “Something not even a great unicorn like Starswirl” she continued “was not able to do, because he did not understand friendship like you do.” Powering her horn, Celestia was able to conjure the volume she sent Twilight not long before, containing the spell she just managed to complete with the aid of her friends. “The lessons you've learned here in Ponyville have taught you well.” Celestia continued, gently patting her pupil's back as she walked up beside her. Spreading her wings regally, she stared off, motioning Twilight to follow her.

“You have proven you are ready, Twilight.”

“Ready? Ready for what?”

It was not a day Twilight was soon to forget, her eyes swelling slightly as she looked around the vibrant, diamond stars around her. It was one of the happiest days of her life, and she remembered Celestia's words as if the two had just spoken.

“You've come such a long, long way, Twilight,” Celestia said as what looked like scenes from a film shot around the two of them “and I've watched closely from the very first time we met-”


“To see the kind of pony you would grow to be.” As Celestia spoke, clearly having been looking forward to this moment for some time, Twilight marveled at the images drifting around the two ponies and immediately knew what the events spinning around them were. They were Twilight's own memories. Twilight had never heard of such a thing happening before.

“I've always been so proud of you, Twilight.” Celestia beamed, turning to her pupil. “Now, if I may... I think it's time we turn the page to a new chapter, Twilight...”

“A new chapter?” Twilight asked aloud, Celestia nodding.

“I offer you a gift Twilight.” Celestia said proudly. “The chance to influence your own destiny.”

“My destiny?” Twilight asked, Celestia beaming still.

“I would not offer you this gift if I were not certain you were worthy of it... it will be a great and taxing responsibility... but I know you are ready for this.”

A tear dropped down Twilight's cheek as she thought back to everything that had happened... was Celestia planning her 'gift' all along?

“Do you accept this gift I am about bestow upon you, Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia asked as Twilight's heart beat a mile a minute. What was this gift? Why would a gift be taxing? Her life was certain to change in this moment. What could she do?
“... I do, Princess Celestia.” Twilight said boldly, a small smile on her face. “I accept your gift.”

The day Twilight became an alicorn was one of the happiest days of her life, she thought as she left the stars behind, the void growing dark and black. It opened up a whole new world to her, one where she and her friends could be so much more... and yet all that seemed to have happened since her coronation was endless heartache. The Great Roost had hardened, General Tirek invaded Equestria, scores of ponies were begin turned into dragons, and now Zerus was revealed not only to still be alive but Tirek's master and Sombra's apprentice... maybe the two were even worse than Sombra, now that she thought about, strolling further into the endless black void. Just then, she heard the flapping of wings, though they didn't sound like feathered pegasus wings. Turning, she saw a faint glow approach her. What she saw next was the most peculiar sight she had ever seen in her life. It looked like a stallion, but he looked almost like a skeleton, and he had glowing yellow eyes and leathery, bat-like wings.

“We've found her, my liege.” he said calmly, Twilight barely having a moment more to gawp at him before he disappeared in a flash. What had just happened? Before she could think anymore on this, however, who of all ponies should appear before her.

“Princess Luna?” Twilight gasped. Sure enough, the blue alicorn strolled briskly before her, wearing a comforting smile. “What's going on? Where are we?”

“It's been too long, Twilight.” Luna said, coming close and nuzzling the purple alicorn. “I only wish I could have found you sooner.”

“Found me sooner?” asked the bewildered Twilight. “We... we just saw each other... I'm glad you're okay.” she said, remembering how Zerus savagely attacked her. At this, however, Luna's smile faded.

“What do you last remember?” Luna asked in a somewhat saddened voice, Twilight growing more and more puzzled by the minute. “Before you found yourself here.” she went on, Twilight taking a moment to think to herself.

“I remember Zerus attacking you... and then he tried to cast a spell on me.” she said, her mane standing on end as she thought back to that moment. “He wanted me to give into the hatred he and Tirek and Sombra commanded... then... then everything went black.”

“How long ago was that?” Luna asked, Twilight staring in awe at this question. Why was she being so cryptic?

“It was... just minutes ago-”

“No, Twilight.” Luna said sharply. “It was more than a month ago.” Twilight felt her inside turn to ice at this statement. A month? How could that be? “You placed yourself into a magic sleep to escape the hatred and evil Zerus tried to drown you in... and you fought against my sister in combat.” Twilight couldn't believe her ears. She battled with Celestia? Just then, Luna faded away, leaving Twilight alone in the black void. Turning this way and that, trying to see if she could spot Luna anywhere, she jumped as Luna appeared once more, still glowing in the endless black. “You most certainly were not acting of your own accord,” she continued, Twilight still trying to wrack her brain as to what was going on, “but never the less... you were defeated... it took me a long time to find you... that's where my thestrals came in.” she said with a smile. Thestrals, Twilight wondered. “You remember me saying long ago I dispatched my personal guard to follow Tirek?” At this, Twilight remembered Luna mention her own garrison only once, when Tirek first came before the princesses of Equestria. “Thestrals are very hard to avoid, Twilight... they comb every inch of the shadows... and even the land of the dead.” she said darkly, Twilight going rigid at this.

“You mean... am I... dead?”

Luna sighed and bowed, fading away once more, leaving Twilight alone, her skin cold and her breath baited. Had she really died in her battle against Celestia? What was to become of Equestria now? And how was Zerus able to speak with her just moments prior? Almost immediately, Luna's glow appeared once more, Twilight giving a sigh of relief as she hurried for the princess.

“My sister used a vicious attack on you in your duel, Twilight.” Luna explained, Twilight stopping inches from the princess. “It was a dreadful fight... but you did not die.”

Immediately, an image appeared before the two of them. Twilight could already tell it was her own.

Twilight lay motionless as a heavy snowstorm fell around her, her vision blurred as she spotted two odd stones on either side of her. Just then, a figure appeared before her, looking down at her for the longest time, Twilight's vision fading a moment later.

"You put yourself into a magic sleep, like I said.” Luna went on. “But my sister destroyed your horn.” she said, a gleaming mirror materializing before Twilight to show the quivering pony her reflection. Sure enough, her horn was now tiny and jagged, completely destroyed. She could barely take her tearful eyes off of the mare she saw in the looking glass.

“I'm sorry, Twilight.” Luna said woefully “but without your horn... you cannot wake yourself up.” she said, fading once again, albeit briefly this time.

“Why do you keep vanishing and reappearing, Princess Luna?” Twilight managed to breathe, finally tearing her eyes away from her reflection. Luna only shook her head.

“I traverse the dreams of others, Twilight.” Luna explained. “But it's difficult for me to enter a magic sleep, and harder still for me to remain within it... every time I fade, I must find you once again... what feels like second to you are hours or even days to me.” Twilight wasn't sure how much more she could handle.

“I fear it won't be long before you are lost forever to the endless void, Twilight.” Luna said, her voice dripping with sorrow. Twilight was amazed she hadn't collapsed to the ground. She was going to be trapped in the endless void? All because her horn was broken and she could cast no magic? Was there no way to grow a new horn or heal her wound? Wait! That was it, Twilight thought.

“Princess Luna!” Twilight said suddenly, smiling and straightening herself up. “Hurry to Princess Celestia's study.” Luna, however, shook her head.

“I cannot.” she said flatly. “I am in exile... I left, against my sister's wishes... this was all my fault-”

“Hurry, Princess Luna!” Twilight interjected quickly, Luna staring at the young princess' zeal. “Enter Princess Celestia's dreams. If I've really been in a magic sleep for more than a month, then tell her to bring Philomena to me!” Luna didn't need to ask Twilight what she was planning.

“You will use phoenix tears to restore your horn, Twilight?” she pondered. “I don't know if it will work-”

“We won't know until we try!” Twilight said proudly. “Hurry princess! This is our only shot!” Giving a nod, Luna faded quickly, leaving Twilight beaming to herself in the darkness. In a few moments, the blue alicorn was back once more, Twilight somehow already knowing Luna had successfully delivered her message.

“Well?” Twilight asked, still wearing a big grin. Luna, however, shook her head, a frown still upon her face.

“It did nothing.” Luna said glumly. “Your horn did not return.” she explained, her mirror appearing before Twilight once more to show her her stubby broken horn. "I'm so sorry, Twilight... truly, I am..." Twilight, however, just kept on smiling.

“Then why can I feel it?” she asked with a smile. At this, Luna's eyes went wide as she turned to the young pony. Without wasting a moment, Twilight powered her broken horn, illuminating the black void into a gleaming spectrum of twinkling stars once more, the two alicorn flanked by several marveling thestrals that had clearly been helping Luna search for Twilight every time she faded from Twilight's dreams. None of them could believe their eyes. Twilight could use magic without her horn!

“Now then.” Twilight said, smiling still. “I think it's time to wake up... don't you, Princess Luna?” she asked as Luna still stared in disbelief. She stood there for the longest time, just looking upon the young princess, until she finally found her words.

“Go, Twilight!” Luna beamed. “Join everypony... I'm sure they miss you.” she said before spreading her wings and taking off back into her realm of dreams, her thestral guards flying off with her. “Please stop Zerus.” her voice echoed as she disappeared from sight. Nodding, Twilight powered her broken horn again, the void fading away in a blinding flash of light.


Everypony sniffled as Philomena perched just above Twilight's motionless body. It seemed nothing they could do would ever bring Twilight back. Just then, Fluttershy gasped as she saw Twilight's snapped horn glow. Turning and nudging all her friends to see, the five bearers of the Elements of Harmony watched in total shock as Twilight floated up from the cot she lay on and drifted forward to her hooves. It was an incredible sight, all five of them unable to hold back their tears as Twilight's eyes sprang open, a smile on her face.

“Good morning.” she said calmly as they all stared in joyous shock. Not one of them moved a muscle. This was just too much for all of them. Finally, one of the marveling crowd broke the silence.

“TWILIGHT!” Spike cried, his face covered in tears as he leaped for the pony that was his whole world, throwing his arms around her and sobbing into her side. “I THOUGHT I'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!” he wailed, everypony else shooting around her, throwing their front legs around her. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. They were finally back together again. They were all whole again.


So much had happened in the last month. Equestria was being overrun by black crystal golems and the whole world was being torn apart in erratic weather, especially Ponyville, which was in the middle of a missive blizzard that had lasted for days, despite being in the early days of summer (the Summer Sun Celebration was in a matter of days, in fact).

Applejack found Twilight unconscious at the far edge of her apple farm (between the headstones marking the graves of her parents), and she and her family had tended to Twilight tirelessly throughout her magic sleep. Standing with Twilight just outside her house, the two saw the barren, frozen apple orchard.

“Looks like this is the end.” Applejack sighed, her heart aching as she saw her home under feet of snow.

“Not if we can help it.” Twilight said, holding her Element of Harmony close. It was still covered in black crystal shards and completely useless. “I need to find a way to purify my diadem.” Twilight said as they reentered the house, everypony gathered around the warm fire (Granny Smith shivering under a heavy blanket as she slept on the sofa).

“What do we do?” Rainbow Dash asked apprehensively, still sporting a unicorn horn instead of wings. It seemed Discord could not reverse the magic on her and Rarity (who still had wings in place of her horn).

“There's only one thing we can do...” Twilight sighed. Looking to the ceiling, Twilight knew he was already there. “Discord.” she said calmly, the draconequus appearing before them in a flash.

“Well, you look rested, Twilight.” he sneered, though Twilight got the impression he was pleased to see she was alright. “If you're going to ask me to turn Rainbow Dash and Rarity back, I already tried-”

“I got the feeling you did.” Twilight said with a small smile.” Please... can you purify my Element of Harmony, Discord?” she asked, levitating her crystal encrusted diadem toward him as he reached out for it. “I can't use it with those black crystals on it and I need it if I have any hope of finding the other Elements of Harmony.”

“And where Zerus and Tirek are...” the embodiment of chaos said flatly, Twilight nodding. Holding the Element close to his face, not blinking once, Twilight got the impression her couldn't think of anything funny to say or do at a time like this. Was this too much for him, too? Finally, everypony watching him turn it over in his hands, Discord let out a low sigh.

“You know, it's funny.” he said, looking at the bunch of ponies watching him closely.

“What's funny?” Fluttershy asked as Discord slumped his shoulders.

“A year ago I would have died to bathe the world in endless chaos... now it looks like I'm going to die to stop it.” he said, everypony's eyes going wide at this statement. Just as Fluttershy stepped forward to protest, Discord was enveloped in a beautiful glow of blue that filled the entire room (Granny Smith still fast asleep under her quilt), Fluttershy crying out as she saw discord begin to fade away into shimmering blue sparkles as the black crystals faded.

“Discord, please, don't go!” she cried, her face wet with tears as his face contorted, mustering every ounce of chaotic magic he had to grant Twilight's crown power once more. “DISCORD, NO!” Fluttershy wailed, the draconequus fading to a floating torso and head, the blue sparkles swirling around the room. Burying her face in her hooves, everypony else watched in total awe as Discord faded away entirely, Fluttershy sobbing as the golden Element dropping to the ground with a tiny clang, shimmering and clean of any black crystals. Nopony could believe what had just happened. Was Discord really...

“Don't weep, Fluttershy.”

Everypony turned to see Princess Celestia (dressed in a heavy parka) step through the door, Shining Armor and Cadence behind her.

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight gasped.

“Discord is not dead... not yet.” She said, the blue lights still spinning brilliantly above everypony.