• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 1,409 Views, 78 Comments

Brave New Worlds. - Balancer

A utopia among the stars, two sisters struggle to connect with a world they once called their own.

  • ...

From here on out,

The darkness clawed at her coat, smothering her like a spider’s web as it clung to her. Luna felt it grudgingly recede as she pulled herself through, strands of the darkness trying to dig themselves into her skin. Thin tendrils of shadowstuff grasped after her blindly as she stumbled out into a somewhat circular foyer. As she took a moment to catch her breath her eyes were drawn to the pearly white pillars embedded in the walls, the fluted columns reminded her of the great cloud cities of the Pegasi. A thin glass tablet was held suspended above a metal pedestal, flowing lines of data streaming across it’s surface while an old wizened unicorn mare waited for her beside it.

“Greetings ancient one,” The unicorn said, her voice a whisper as she shuffled forward slightly and bowed deeply.

Raising an eyebrow as the mare bowed before her, Luna brought herself up to her fullest height and tilted her head. “It is good to see ponies of this era still know when to show respect.”

The old mare pulled herself up slowly and smiled. “I thank you for your compliment, I am Scroll Case the curator of this temple to the past. My apologies for the entrance, it can be unnerving to some people.”

I wonder why. Luna thought sarcastically, biting her tongue before she offended the mare. Looking around Luna noticed that the floor of the foyer had a mosaic of her sisters cutie mark set into the floor, looking up she saw her own mark above her.

Caught between the sun and moon...twilight, how appropriate.

Turning her gaze outward Luna noted that aside from the unicorn the foyer was empty, a few tapestries she dimly recognized from her old castle hanging on the purple walls. Well not completely empty, a large hologram stood covering the far portion of the room covering what lay beyond. Portrayed on it were a group of mares she knew very, very, well.

Staring at her with a big smile was Twilight Sparkle as she used to be, surrounded by her friends as they sat for a picture. It was the very picture her sister had kept on her side table for years. The image tugged at her heart strings as the smiling faces looked out at her, their moment of happiness frozen for eternity.

Looking away for the time being Luna examined some of the tapestries in detail, noticing that a few of them were newer. One in particular caught her eye, a white unicorn stallion in torn purple armour held a broken blade as tendrils of darkness tore at the borders. Behind him a shattered crystal lay in a pile of ash as burning pink feathers swirled around him. Yet despite the devastation around him Luna felt courage stir within her as she looked into his eyes, the stallion’s visage reflecting an indomitable determination.

“Tarnished Armor,” Scroll Case said as she shuffled over. “The name of the piece you’re looking at.”

Luna looked over the work of art, a niggling sense of familiarity in the back of her mind. “Who is he?”

“The Queen’s brother, he died during the razing of the crystal empire when Her Grace invaded to destroy a newly returned Sombra.”

“Sombra? I thought he died when empire returned?” Luna asked, confused as she recalled the celebrations her sister had thrown to commemorate the occasion. When was that… She thought to herself, unable to place the date.

The old unicorn looked morse, her eyes resting on the broken crystal in the background. “Only his body, a cunning ruse. Sombra however had stored his mind within the heart of the Crystal Empire, waiting for the right time to strike when you and your sister could no longer resist him. As it would happen he was subtly corrupting the emanations of the crystal heart.”

Luna cringed. “I see, what happened to…” She paused for a moment to place a name to a face she recalled. “Cadance?”

“Perished with the Crystal Heart, Her Grace redirected the energy unleashed from it’s destruction into her form to save the crystal ponies from the feedback. If it’s any consolation, Cadence herself was too far gone to feel anything, her will was completely exhausted from combating Sombra in his domain.”

“Thank you, I’m sure Celestia will take comfort knowing she died peacefully,” Luna replied before turning to the tapestry to the right, examining it with profound interest. Her face didn’t betray her heart as she forced herself to keep her composure, there was a time and place to grieve and it was not in front of a stranger.

“Did you know them well?” Scroll Case asked, concerned with Luna’s shockingly neutral reaction to the news.

Luna paused. “Not well but enough to care, in any case my sister was much closer to them than I,” She said, giving her head a slight shake. “What of this piece?”

The unicorn shuffled to get a better look at the tapestry Luna was indicating. It depicted a vast stretch of sand, interrupted at infrequent intervals by broken pyramids of a strange black design. Littered across the desert the sun bleached remains of ponies skeletons and changeling exoskeletons mingled amidst the broken ruins. In the background an ominous black stormfront loomed.

“Ah, this one is ‘The Sacking of the Hives’. The title is pretty self explanatory, it depicts the last stand of the changeling hives. The battle signaled the end of the changeling queens’ rule over their drones.”

“Then why are there still changelings? I was under the impression that they were a hive mind, wouldn’t they be unable to function without a queen?” Luna asked, curious to learn more about what had happened. Some history would help to distract her for a time, and luckily there was much history to learn.

Scroll Case chuckled. “True, they were, past tense. Not all the changeling queens were killed in the conflict, three of them surrendered their hives when Chrysalis and her alliance were crushed by Her Majesty. They signed a collection of treaties with the crown that dictated that they would work towards giving their hives independance, at which point they would be executed painlessly.”

“Why would they agree to that?” Luna asked, confused.

“They didn’t have a choice, either they did as they asked and ensure that their children would have some form of a future or they would die along with their race,” Scroll Case shrugged slightly. “In the end it took the combined efforts of three changeling queens nearly four decades to succeed in creating a new form of changeling.”

“I saw one, a police officer,” Luna chuckled, shaking her head slightly. “It’s the strangest thing, in all my years I would never have considered that those things could be more than parasites. What an age.”

“We do live in a time of wonders,” Scroll Case said, nodding sagely. “For a long time the Changelings were in fact treated as second class citizens after they gained sentience. It wasn’t until they started campaigning for equal rights did Her Majesty grant them full citizenship, as it turned out that was part of her plan.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Pardon me if i’m slow on the uptake but how does treating them as second class citizens constitute a plan?”

“Because she made them work for it, to prove to her that they were people too,” Scroll Case replied. “In her own words ‘Being an Equestrian is having the right to be who you want to be. You had been given freedom but you had to be made to understand what that means.’.”

“A harsh way to teach a lesson,” Luna said, cringing.

“The Changeling community held no grudges once it was made clear they were to be treated as equals, Her Majesty might be harsh but she is fair,” Scroll Case shrugged slightly. “It took a little while for ponies to adjust but Changelings had been part of society for years so they were already prepared for it.”

“What about the crystal ponies?” Luna asked suddenly, turning her head to look at the elderly unicorn.

“When Her Majesty destroyed the Crystal Heart, and with it their magic, they became normal earth ponies.”

“And what of the Crystal Empire?”

“It shattered when the magic died, turned to dust. All that’s left are shards of Crystal Heart, we tried for a few centuries to get it’s magic working again but there wasn’t anything really left to bring back. Only fragments of fragments,” The unicorn sighed. “A shame too, from what I’ve been told it was a beautiful place. I’m sure the pictures we have don’t do it justice.”

“It was, it really was,” Luna replied, her voice distant as she replayed what old memories she could dredge up of the place. “I never liked their horns though, obnoxious things,” She said, somewhat sad at the thought she wouldn’t hear them again.

Their berries were delicious though.

Seeing that the alicorn was reminiscing, Scroll Case wandered over to the glass tablet and tapped a few sigils. All of a sudden the sounds of horns blared from unseen speakers, causing Luna to jump up in shock. Darting around to face the now chuckling elderly mare Luna paused, her ears pricking up as the tune stirred something the depths of her mind. A memory bubbling to the surface as a deep male voice started singing.

“The Crystal anthem?” She said as she looked around the room, trying to find the source of the noise.

“We play it during the crystal fair, when the crystal ponies integrated with society they remained in closely knit groups. Mostly out of happenstance given that the majority could only afford cheap accommodation, but they tried to keep their culture alive as long as possible. As a token gesture Her Majesty made the Crystal Fair an annual public holiday.”

Smiling at Luna as she switched off the music, Scroll Case tapped a few other glowing icons. "Just remember Miss Luna even though the past is gone there are some of us who remember what happened, through us we keep the past alive."

Luna smiled back at the old mare as a she tilted her head to indicate the large hologram at the end of the room. "Thank you for your time, Miss Case.”

The elderly unicorn bowed slightly. “It’s a pleasure to converse with one such as yourself Miss Luna, please don’t hesitate to drop by in the future. The main exhibit is open now, I suppose you’ll be wanting to take a look.”

“With little else to do with my time I see no reason not to,” Luna replied as she turned her head to look at the hologram, the smiling faces of Twilight and her friends cheerfully looking out at her.

From underneath her silvery grey mane the curator watched as the alicorn turned and walked away, passing through the insubstantial barrier and into the museum proper. Smiling softly, she tapped a few icons on the tablet and the world flashed white as she was teleported away.

Luna looked over the hologram wall briefly before making her way towards it, the wall of light offering no resistance as she stepped through. As she passed through the wall she looked out at the sight before her, at her hooves was a flight of stairs that led down into a dimly lit corridor wide enough for at least six or seven ponies to walk around comfortably. At the end or the corridor, light spilled in from the doorway where the corridor spread out into a large brightly lit room. From what she could see a, large pony shaped fountain dominated the center of the room. However the black marble walls and the softly glowing silver filigree script etched into them caught her attention before she could make out any of the features.

Despite the dim lighting, or rather because of it, the letters on the walls were clear and legible. Leaning closer to get a better look Luna felt a sense of familiarity run through her as she read them, her mind whirring for a few seconds before she placed it.

“These are her friendship reports,” She muttered as she spun around, her eyes roaming across the walls. “She carved them here…”

Like a great stone block sliding into place, the significance of the building struck her. The words of the tourism page floated through her mind.

...from sunrise to moonset she shuts herself in. Of course, this is how she remains sane… She thought to herself as she began walking down the steps. She makes herself remember.

As she gingerly walked through the hallway Luna couldn't help but feel like an outsider as she read the writing on the walls, the whole thing felt too...personal. As she walked along the letters stopped being from just Twilight as the others began to write to her sister. They talked about trusting others, about understanding when to ask for help, about having courage and when to stand up for your friends. All these lessons and the fond memories contained within were forever enshrined here, dimly glowing like stars in the sky.

A vice gripped her heart as she she felt tears roll down her cheek, the realization that she had never really known any of those mares slamming into her. That it was only now, two thousand years too late, staring at words chiseled in stone did she realize that she had barely known the mares who she owed everything to.

As she sat there in the silent corridor, the softly glowing words shinning down on her, words of mares long dead echoing through the halls, Luna couldn’t help but feel despondent about her future. Her memory was in tatters and for the first time in her life she didn’t have anything to do. All she had was her sister and even then she was being softly coerced into leaving her, with no idea when she’d be back. And in the back of her mind was a tiitering devil, whispering that she mightnever return.

Luna walked over to one of the walls and slumped down next to it, the cool marble leaching the heat from her skin as the heatless light of the words illuminated her. She didn’t know how long she just sat there, reading the words around her, remembering the mares who wrote them as best as she could. It was the least she could do. The effort of digging through the murky grey fog of her memory made her grit her teeth in frustration. Both out of the scarcity of relevant memories and the difficult she had in holding onto them.

Damn you Twilight, damn you to Tartarus! She thought, groaning in annoyance as a memory slipped her grasp again. As she struggled to her hooves a stray thought lept to the forefront of her mind, unbidden as it cut through the haze. It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?)

For a moment she looked down the corridor, staring at nothing as the words lopped over and over, taunting her. The floor heaved below her like the deck of a ship, causing her to stumble gasping for breath.

It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?) A feeling of vertigo washed over her, and a cold dread crept insidiously into her mind. She reeled in shock as she felt a disconnect surface in her psyche, and she lost her sense of self. Who was she? Where was she? She was Luna, she was in a museum. She was Luna, she was on an operating table. Two versions of herself collided in a maddening meld of visions and thoughts. It was like she was looking out over a chasm at the other side, yet somehow she was looking out at herself. It was like falling, falling into herself as the two version collapsed into themselves. Both were the same but apart, different and identical, and all the while the question rang in her ears, building a crescendo. It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?)

It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?) It felt like her mind was caught in a funhouse mirror, being stretched and pulled in two directions. Her vision swam, pulled out of focus as a terrible fear gripped her, her muscles burning with a cold fire as adrenaline surged through her. It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?)

It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?) Yes? No? She screamed as her mind buckled under the strain, pulled apart like taffy in a machine, her sanity being bent and torn as her mind tried and failed to recall what should be there and was not. A great wind roared in her ears, threatening to engulf her, to drag her down into the crevice of her mind. It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?)

And just like that, the moment was gone, the roaring sound fading away. “Do I? Do I? Do I?” She heard herself whimpering as the vertigo melted away as the ground seemed to rush back up to met her. For a few seconds she just stood there, quivering, her eyes pressed shut as she recollected herself. Pull yourself together mare. She thought to herself as the panic attack, if that’s what it was, subsided. Slowly she forced herself to open and close her eyes, her mouth uncomfortably dry as she gulped down the meticulously clean air of the museum.

Kicking herself into action she turned to the end of the hallway where it continued out into a large room, light spilling in from the open entrance. As she finished collecting her courage, she took one last look around her, committing the image to memory as best she could before she pressed on. A thin white circle popped up in the corner of her vision, blinking rapidly for a few moments before she heard a clicking sound, the white circle breaking in half and a thin banner of text scrolled out.

-Visual saved to hard storage, remaining space over 99%. Would you like to share this image with your 0 friends?-

Luna dismissed the banner and turned her attention back to the illuminated doorway, focusing on the large pony statue fountain inside, its size filling up the view. From what she could see it depicted a pegasus, its face turned away as it covered its head with its wings. She couldn’t make out where the water was coming from though, only able to make out water dripping down from its muzzle.

Steadying herself she walked onwards, leaving the dimly lit corridor behind her as she stepped into the room, her eyes roaming around as she walked around the back of the statue. The room was filled with grandiose displays obviously dedicated to the five other element bearers inset into the walls, like large shrines covered in their iconography. Inside the cluttered alcoves were articles from their lives, every achievement framed and placed in prime view. In between the exhibits were three archways that lead into other rooms, the one in the far end of the room was shrouded in a black veil. Just looking at it brought the smell of ice and grave soil to her senses, leaving no doubt to who had erected it. Luna made a note to go through that particular archway last. Looking away from the filmy blackness as the end of the room, Luna took a few tentative steps further into the large room, looking at the exhibits.

Curious, Luna walked over the one her right, the cosy orange colouring and apple themes identifying its owner well enough. On the arch above the exhibit were engraved the words Dependable, Honest, Indomintable, a simple and effective design dominated the layout. In the center, a statue of the mare’s cutie mark towered above her. Leaning forward slightly, Luna’s eyes scanned the paper clippings and awards that filled the space, her eyes settling on what looked to be the mare’s obituary.

On this day the flag of our great nation flies at half mast to mark the passing of a great mare. At the venerable age of 237 Applejack was many things to many ponies, a mother, a business mare, a philanthropist, a hero, a sister but to many she was a friend. Born into the Apple family, Applejack was raised with the traditional values of hard work, honesty and dedication. Traits she strove uphold in everything she did, never giving anything less than her best in any endeavor she put her mind too.

A simple pony at heart, Applejack never sought glory or fame instead preferring to see to the needs of her family and hometown. Even when she founded the Appleton Trust, uniting the individual family businesses under one name, she remained humble. Even when she was appointed Matron of the Apple Clan after the passing of her Grandmother, she remained humble. As the first C.E.O of the Appleton Trust, Applejack blazed a trail in the corporate world. Her emphasis on reliability and to showing a sense of decency when dealing with customers, in making her traditional Apple family values the bedrock of every endeavour she built one of the most trusted brands of the modern era. One that surely will stand the test of time so long as it’s core values remain true. In a career that has spanned over almost two centuries Applejack has proven to be a paragon of her virtue and is sorely missed.

But it was not her success in business that was her biggest pride and joy, it was her children and family. Mother to three strong mares, Applejack raised her foals after the tragic passing of her first husband with the help of her family and vast network of friends. During the turbulent years that followed the ascension of Her Majesty Twilight Sparkle, Applejack found love with a loyalist soldier by the name of Stout Bough. It was, perhaps fate that brought them together when she found him hiding in her barn from Her Majesties patrols, knowing perhaps that no trooper would ever set hoof on her farm. What ever it was, they soon fell in love and Stout renounced his ways in her hooves. They were married a scant few months after and in true Apple fashion were soon expecting foals when disaster struck.

Incensed by his betrayal, the few remaining loyalists in Equestria set about to make an example of him and his body was found hanging from the trees of the orchard he had come to love. Though the criminals were caught and tried by Her Majesty personally, the experience only served to strain the already tense relations between the former friends. As the foals were born and the civil war culminated in the destruction of the crystal empire, Applejack devoted her life to improving others. With the support of her many friends and family she created the Appleton Trust with the initial intention that no member of the Apple Clan or its friends would ever be hungry or out of work. Soon this effort expanded out to include the immigrating crystal ponies, many of whom had lost everything. Grateful for the work and kindness the crystal ponies took the values of their employers to heart, starting the traditions that have endured for well over a century.

During the immigration of the Changeling Hives, Applejack along with many of her friends were among the loudest critics of they perceived to be lenient treatment, the scars of the initial attack many years ago still raw. The loss of her brother in the final assault on Hives played a big factor in her initial distrust and feelings of betrayal when Her Majesty announced the news. However as the efforts to create a race of self aware drones bore fruit and they began to disseminate into society they soon reversed their tune and began to advocate equal rights. Later, Applejack released this apology during the civil rights march on Canterlot. ‘It wasn’t right how me and mine treated you, we reacted out of fear and hate for things different from ourselves. It wasn’t right, that kind of thinking never is. We can’t take it back what we said, but we can look to future and I swear to all y’all present here tonight that you can depend on me as much as any pony. That’s a promise.’

In her twilight years, due to flagging health, Applejack surrendered the reins of her prized company to her youngest granddaughter, Lil Macarina, named in memory of her brother Big Macintosh. Despite being the last of the mortal element bearers still alive she would later right in her memoirs that ‘...these past four years have been among the best years of my life’. After so many years of giving each other the cold shoulder Applejack and Her Majesty began to reach out to each other, often spending weeks together. After so many years their friendship began to grow again.

It is then a great tragedy that she sadly began to succumb to Alzheimer's, her final years spent on the farm she had grown up on with Her Majesty by her side. Her mind in the distant past of their youth.

She is survived by the three children, whom the eldest, the noted country performer, Spring Blossom, composed a farewell piece to her mother. ‘I’m here but you’re somewhen else.’

Dame Applejack, born 977 C.R, died 214 T.R. Never has there been a pony who so exemplifies their virtue and never shall there be again.

Luna leaned back, drinking the atmosphere as she looked over the exhibit, her eyes lingering on a picture of the mare in her final days. Her hair had long since gone gray and her eyes clouded over as she sat on a rocking chair that looked out over the farm, her family gathered around her. She was smiling, joy on her features as she cradled a pair of foals.

At least she lived a happy life, Luna thought to herself as she turned away and looked over at the other exhibits before deciding to look into the room closest to her. The room itself was brightly lit, glass cases lining the walls, however she couldn’t quite make out what they contained. In the center of the room sat a large black slab of what she presumed to be stone, it’s surface dimly glowing. Deep purple flags hung off the walls, embedded on them was a starburst like the one on Twilight’s cutie mark with two sleeping alicorns huddled beneath it. One white and the other, slightly smaller, a deep blue.

Luna scowled as she realized what they were supposed to portray. Very subtle. She thought, annoyed for a moment before set it aside as she entered the room. The sound of drums, trumpets and bagpipes greeting her softly as she crossed the threshold. Ignoring the noise, she walked further into the large room, looking around as she did. In between the flags draped on the walls were names etched in gold lettering, the display cases beneath them were filled with photos too numerous to count. Her curiosity piqued, Luna wandered over the the dimly glowing slab in the center of the room.

Displayed on the surface was the picture of a young unicorn mare, the image taking up the left half of the screen. Next to it in was her name, her date of birth, time of death and rank. All of a sudden the pieces fell into place as Luna looked around the room, the realization that this was a memorial to the dead dawning on her.

A memorial to the fallen, why would she consider this a mistake? Luna thought to herself as she bowed her head slightly to show respect to the deceased. As she did her eyes noted a line of text engraved onto the lip of the slab.

A brave soul who gave their life in service of their nation, died because I couldn’t find a better way. Or because I didn’t want to try. Forever remembered are they who die in my name, we will never forget. -Twilight Sparkle.

Looking back at the slab Luna noted that the image had changed to a grizzled looking Changeling, the sight shocking her for a moment. That’s going to take some getting used to, ugly looking things, She thought as she sneered slightly before immediately chastising herself as she remembered where she was. Beneath the Changeling’s rank were numerous icons signaling the various medals it had been awarded, included among them were a couple that Luna recognized. A large golden pair of wings and horn, the Medal of Harmony and no less than four sets of Purple wings.

The knowledge that this Changeling had most likely been considered a war hero only served to further deepen her sense of shame as she looked back at the Changeling’s face. The many scars and grim set of its face taking on a new meaning in her eyes its eyes stared out at her. Taking a deep breath as the imaged changed again, Luna tore her eyes away from the slab and walked a few steps back towards the main lobby. However before she crossed the arch way her hooves hesitated, a compelling sense of duty and gratitude made her turned around. Her eyes scanning the memorial for one final time before she spread her wings to their fullest and bowed. The act had once been considered the highest form of respect a princess could show, even if she wasn’t sure it held any meaning anymore Luna still bowed. The fleeting feeling of shame and humility evaporating as she rose from the floor and turned away.

Heading back into the lobby, the sounds of the war memorial fading as she crossed the archway, being replaced by the sound of tinkling water, Luna felt her memory shift. Images of the white and blue stallion on the tapestry before sprung to mind, only this time it they were of her bowing to him. He was dressed in full military dress as her stood before her and her sister, a large set of gold wings with a horn laid over top hanging from his neck. Twilight's brother? She thought.

When was this? She thought as the memory receded again, the detail slipping from her grasp as the image faded away. Luna rubbed her face with a hoof as she tried to concentrate but to no use, the only information she could recall being her bowing to the stallion. She could faintly recall her sister saying something but any detail was lost to her. That fact the stallion had also been important but she couldn’t remember why sat uneasily with her.

At least I can recall what he looked like, She noted, the thought doing little to alleviate the unease as she looked over at the statue fountain. Eager distract herself, she walked around to get a better look at the statue, freezing when she saw its face. What she had thought was a pegasus she had mistaken for an alicorn, a long spiral horn sprouting from its forehead. The water dripping from its closed eyes as it sheltered its face unnerved her, the statue looked like an eerie combination of her and her sister.
Crying for eternity.

Suits the theme of this place though, Luna thought to herself. Doesn't change the fact it’s stars damned creepy. Quickly turning away from the offending fountain, Luna marched away and into the archway opposite, the soft blue decor offering a respite from the weird vibe the alicorn statue was giving her. Visible through the archway was a large hologram depicting a softly glowing blue star, strands of blue light spiraling off into the aether.

As she crossed the threshold the sounds of the fountain faded away to be replaced with the soft tones of a piano and reed pipe. The overall effect producing a hauntingly beautiful melody that brought feelings of regret to Luna’s mind as she looked around the room. The portion of wall immediately around the archway was filled with griffon art forms, inscribed into the wall. The thick runes and robust drawings were familiar to Luna’s eyes as she watched them transition into Crystal Pony glyphs, then into Draconic, then Minotaur, then Cattle. Nearly every race she had known bar Zebra’s and Changelings were represented here.

What does it mean? She thought as she walked further and further into the room, artifacts from multiple civilizations scattered everywhere. With a puzzled expression she looked back at the floating ball of blue light in the center of the room, walking over it. As she approached it feelings of love for her sister bloomed inside of her, an almost overwhelming need to rush to her side spreading through her. Shaking the feelings aside Luna peered deep into the ball of light, her eyes growing wide as she made out shards of a familiar looking crystal.

“The crystal heart...” She whispered, looking around the room the realization that she hadn’t seen a single one of the races depicted during her flight over surfacing as she replayed the flight in her mind’s eye.

“This room it’s a monument to all the races she’s destroyed...” The significance of the artwork on the walls falling into place as she turned to look at the far wall where a stained glass picture was embedded into the wall. It depicted Twilight as she was walking a barren wasteland, nothing but dust in her wake as darkness flowed from her eyes. Inscribed in silver above the image were the words ‘May it never be so’.

Something about it drew Luna over, her hooves moving as if of their own accord as she stared at Twilight’s expression, loneliness and regret etched onto her face. To be doomed to wander an empty world, Luna shuddered at the thought. It was one she could sympathise with, for months after she had been released from the Nightmare she had been plagued by visions of wandering a cold dead wasteland of her own making.

If she’s telling the truth, if from what I think this room means… Luna thought, the imagery of the lonely unicorn resonating with her. To live with the knowledge that you could turn the world into a wasteland, dooming everything you care about...what terrible burden to bear. She thought as she placed a hoof gently on the glass as she felt a twinge of sympathy run through her. Looking back over her shoulder Luna let her eyes roam the carvings on the walls, fragments of memory surfacing as she patchily recalled each of the races.

All of sudden she felt the disconnect return, a distant roar in her ears as the enormity what Twilight had done confronted her. Fragments of memory swirled around her like broken glass, snips of time played before her. It was like looking into a kaleidoscope, blinding her to reality as grey fog seeped from the cracks. Each shard stealing her away, taking her to some distant time. She was in the searing heat of the desert and standing atop icy cold mountains, talking to both Griffons and Minotaurs all at once. A thousand dead tongues played themselves over in her head, traditional greetings and words of friendship, declarations of war and peace alike. It was like every memory she still possessed was trying to play themselves at once, her thousands of years of experience all surfacing at once.

It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?) The words repeated, clear above the madding cacophony of the past. It punctuated every loop, every repeated scene, wherever the chain of memories was broken it was there. It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?)

And for the briefest of moments she felt it, just how much of her memory was simply gone. What she had was only a fragment of her experiences, a mere one one hundredth of what she had before. It was enough to drive her to tears as a great wind rolled over her, whipping the grey fog around her into a roil. It’s not like I have anything worth remembering. (Do I?)

The words of her past self rang in her ears, mocking her even as they faded away. Her vision snapped back to reality, and the phantom sounds scattered as the sorrowful reed pipes made themselves heard.

Looking back at the room, Luna noted that all the depictions of the vanquished races seemed to stare through her, looking at the now broken image behind her. How did I miss it? She thought to herself as the significance of the imagery hit her. Every image depicted their end, every race’s death was written down in their tongue, the scenes drawn in their style. Every drawing’s eyes looked at her, their expressions filled with scorn and impotent rage as the shattered remains of the crystal heart floated mournfully in the air. It was like their ghosts haunted the room, their artifacts anchoring them here as they cursed the mare who ended them. Accusing her for all eternity as ancient curses carved in stone proclaimed their scorn for the dark mare.

But Luna just stumbled away as she tried to drum up some emotion for the departed races. A spark of regret that she failed to save them, a flare of rage at Twilight for taking them, but all she could feel was pity. Pity that they would never see the night sky again, that the songs of their people would never be sung. Pity for the countless opportunities wasted, countless possibilities extinguished like a candle in the rain. Luna just shook her head, unable to turn back to face the room. In part because she didn’t wish to trigger another episode, but also because try as she might she couldn’t bear to be reminded of what had been lost. That so much was gone from the world, cultures as old as herself now extinguished, it weighed heavily on her mind.

“What a wonderful age this is,” She muttered, a sour taste in her mouth as she remembered the curator’s words not so long go.

Forcibly putting it all out of her mind for the time being Luna walked back out into the main room, ignoring the creepy fountain as she looked over at the other exhibits of the now deceased element beares. For a moment she considered which of the exhibits to visit, which of the mares to learn about next before turning to the far end of the room where the final archway lay shrouded in shadowstuff.

Wordlessly she pulled up her interface, selecting the tiny star icon in the corner of her vision.

-Ah, Miss Luna is there anything I can help you with?- The deep voice of Canterlot boomed within her head.

-Can you download the obituaries of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity onto my hard storage?- She sent, her hooves moving of their own accord as she walked over to the archway.

The AI hummed for a moment as a tingling feeling ran over her scalp. -There you go, anything else?-

-No, thank you very much.- Luna replied, closing the link with a mental nudge as she walked silently into the wall of shadowstuff.

The calm pool of blackness swirled serenely before her, a chill settled over her as she plunged into it. Unlike the blackness at the entrance which tried to grab at her and pull her apart, this one just brushed her lightly as it ignored her. This suited Luna just fine as she emerged from the blackness and into the final room of the museum. Unlike the others it was almost completely black, the darkness around her made it impossible to make out anything about the dimensions of the room. The only light was a single shaft that came down from a hole in the ceiling, illuminating a large glass case upon a marble pedestal.

Power thrummed from the case as Luna approached, her eyes locked on it’s contents. Inside were six items of expertly crafted jewelry resting on richly embroidered cushions. Beneath each was written a word, Magic, Loyalty, Honesty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter. On the pedestal, just beneath the case were the words, The Elements of Harmony. They seemed dull underneath the bright light, tiny fractures could be seen running like spiders web across the surface giving the jewelry an air of delicacy. Like even the lightest breeze would cause them to turn to dust and float away. Luna pondered the significance of the mysterious room, wondered why Twilight would erect a room for what was essentially a set of broken jewelry. The enigmatic references to the Elements of Harmony only served to complicate matters, maybe the fragile jewelry was a metaphor of some sort?

How is this a mistake? She thought, raising an eyebrow. I thought this museum was supposed to be a giant catalog of her failure. Maybe I’m lacking some context here...

Despite the darkness around her Luna felt comfortable in their presence and yet for the life of her she couldn't figure what they were. Individually the words made sense, but when she tried to string it together, nothing. She just couldn't process that what was before her were the same artifacts she and her sister had once wielded against Discord.

Turning her head slightly Luna gazed at the contents in the case, reading and inscription laid into the base of the glass box.

What is done be undone, what is made be unmade, should there be a higher power may it have mercy on my soul. We are unbound from destiny, cast adrift from fate by my actions, by my hubris. But there is no power in the Universe that can stand against me and with my strength, my will I shall forge us a future worth living.

Frowning as she walked around the case Luna couldn’t help but feel cheated. She had expected something more, dramatic from the final room of Twilight’s museum. Some grand mural or world shaking revelation, a memorial to some grave event. Instead all she could see was some old jewelry on display, the virtues of the elements scribbled beneath them. As far as she could discern the whole thing was a metaphor for something, whatever it was eluded her though. All in all, it was an unsatisfactory ending to what had been thus far been a rather unnerving and enlightening trip.

Well this was a let down, She thought as she teleported outside, the sounds of the city surging around her. The pulse of the city night life served to anchor her in the present as she walked back into the strange world around her.

Enough time wasted on the past, back to business. Still, it was a very...interesting experience. Tia is going to be crushed when she finds out what became of Cadence… The thought of breaking the news to her sister weighed heavily on her, she recalled that the two had been very close.

As she walked down the steps of the museum she noticed a rather staunch looking man...thing leaning against the skeletal treehouse sculpture. Its appearance gave her pause as she studied it, the body was built like the bipedal form Twilight and Welcome’s avatar had taken. However it’s head looked more suited to a pony’s body as pair of wings peaked out from it’s sides. From what she could see its skin was covered in a rich golden coat, the structure of its body tagging it as obviously male.

As if sensing it was being watched, the pony bipedal hybrid turned it’s head to look at her, it’s golden eyes glowing brightly. For a moment they stared across the courtyard before it pushed itself away from the metal sculpture and walked her way. Luna noted the hybrid’s attire reminded her of the aviator outfits worn by the Wonderbolt officers, a similar style jacket sat on it’s frame as a pair of flight goggles rested on it’s forehead. The lights of the city gave the glossy leather boots on it’s feet a slight sheen as it wandered over, its height forcing Luna to tilt her head upwards slightly. She only came up to its chest, her horn ending at its chin.

“I was wondering when you’d be done in there.” It called out to her in a strong voice, giving her slight bow as it approached. “Skybound at your service, my larger self is hanging in orbit waiting for your signal to depart.”

Luna furrowed her eyebrows for a moment as a tag popped up beside the gold furred hybrid labeling it as the avatar to the Sufficiently vague and suitably ominous, which was currently stationed in orbit above the planet. The name sounded familiar as she mentally scratched her head for moment before remembering Canterlot had offered to get in touch with the spy ship on her behalf.

“Ah, thank you for your quick response, I hope it wasn’t to much of an inconvenience?” She replied bowing her head slightly.

The hybrid chuckled. “No trouble, Sufficient is more than willing to clear some space for a guest as prestigious as yourself.” It said, smiling at her as it gestured upwards. “It’s already plotting how best to make use of you so I’m sure we can get up to some misadventure to keep the boredom at bay.”

Luna smiled, not entirely sure what it was on about but the cheery manner it put forth was pleasant enough. “We’ll have to see shall we. If you don’t mind me asking but what's with…” She said, gesturing with a hoof at the avatoids body. “your unusual form.”

If it was offended, the avatar didn’t show it as it shrugged. “In what way? This is a fairly standard anthropomorphic blend of the bipedal and pony form. Granted to you the appearance may be somewhat odd but it is one of the more common forms in the Imperium.”

Luna just shrugged back as she tilted her head to the side. “The pony head on a bipedal body reminds me of the chimera.”

“Ah, understandable I suppose. Honestly though it’s very comfortable, strikes a nice blend of both parent forms. It keeps the full complement of pony abilities with the added bonus that bipedalism offers,” The avatar said, hovering off the ground for a short moment as it demonstrated it’s wings.

“I see,” Luna replied, not overly impressed. “I suppose such bodies are the latest fashion?” She asked, remembering how Twilight commented on the level of ease ponies could now take on new forms.

“All personal preference, but it’s certainly very common with the younger crowd.” The avatar replied as it began walking away, gesturing to Luna to follow. “So you want to tag along with me, aye?”

Falling in step with the avatar Luna shrugged with her wings. “Less want more making the best of bad situation.”

“Not surprising given some of the rumors Sufficient has been digging up. I suppose you’ll be wanting to stop by the Palace before we go, say goodbye to your sister?” Skybound asked, turning it’s head slightly to look at her.

Luna faltered a little as she thought about what she was going to say to Celestia. “Yes,” She replied, her voice tight as she felt her eyes begin to moisten. “That would be... nice.”

The avatar shrugged. “I’ll see to it, but first how about a night on the town? Canterlot’s changed quite a bit since you were last around, best see the sights before we skip this joint.”

“What, shouldn’t we be going right away?” Luna asked, her trepidation being replaced by confusion. “I was under the apprehension that we’d be off and away first thing?”

“Why? There’s no great emergency that requires our running off to, and Sufficient is busy plotting so we’re good for another few hours at least. Plenty of time to take you around the local nightlife.” Skybound said, smiling as it turned down a well lit street. “This is Canterlot after all, jewel of the Imperium,” It said, spreading it’s arms wide as people on the sidewalks began to congregate around them.

Luna looked around her as they pushed through the crowds, smiling as a few drones hovered around her. “Thank you but I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline.” She said as the crowd began to swell around them the sounds of their muttering filling the air.

There was a bustle of movement from the crowd as a large group of assorted well dressed ponies, bipedals and hybrids walked up to the alicorn and her avatar guide. For a few seconds they stood there before a tallish unicorn hybrid emerged from the group’s center, from the way he carried himself it was clear that this was the leader. The hybrid was dressed in a smart looking dress suit the hugged his lean frame, his blue coat and hair contrasting with his silvery eyes. As he approached Luna couldn’t help but notice that despite his relatively young appearance, those eyes reminded her immensely of the great dragons of old. Something about the way he held himself hinted at knowledge beyond his years.

“Miss Luna,” He said, offering a small bow. As he spoke his deep voice at odds with his slim frame, the deep baritone identifying him immediately. “It would be my humble privilege to be your escort around my sights tonight. I can assure you that you will not regret it.” Canterlot said, the avatar straightening it tie as it stood up.

Luna blinked in surprise. “I must confess, this is...not what I expected you to look like,” She said as she looked the slim unicorn hybrid over.

A wave of chuckling went through the crowd as the avatars grinned at each other, indulging in some inside joke. “Not many people do.” Canterlot replied with wink.

“Between the two of us, and with some help from our lovely public,” Skybound said, gesturing to the crowd who cheered in return, “I’m sure we can throw you one hell of a welcome back party,” The golden coloured avatar grinned at her, placing one hand on her shoulder as it gestured to the crowd of cheering people.

Luna looked around her as the crowd began chanting. “Say yes, say yes, say yes, say yes.” The faces of ponies, changelings, zebras, hybrids and other alien forms all grinned at her as they worked themselves into a frenzy. Canterlot raised his arms wide, smiling as he did so, as if daring her to say yes.

As she looked around her Luna couldn't help but grin back at the gathered crowd, the cheerful energy infecting her as they swarmed around her. Slowly she began shaking her head, a chuckle rising from her throat as the crowed roared with approval. Pulling herself up to her fullest height, she signaled for the crowd to be silent, waving them down with her hooves.

“Thank you very much for your offer, all of you. In the spirit of acceptance for this new age I suppose I have only one course open to me,” She said with a grin, pausing to take a deep breath.

“LET THE FESTIVITIES COMMENCE,” She roared, the crowd recoiling as the royal canterlot voice hit them, the glass of the the buildings around them vibrating in their housings. Looking around as the crowd recovered, Luna blushed slightly, raising a hoof to her face to mask the grin she was wearing. “Ahem, pardon me,” She coughed as the avatars just chuckled, seemingly unaffected by the blast.

As they recovered someone in the crowd, Luna couldn't make out a precise location, shouted out in cheer. The cheer quickly spread throughout the mass of people as they began to move as one, dragging Luna along.

“Where are we going!” Luna turned to shout into Skybound’s ear, the golden hybrid ignoring the mass of bodies around it, but the shout was lost in the noise of the crowd.

Raising an eyebrow the avatar turned to her, it’s iris’ glowing. -Mainstreet, where else? Canterlot’s already got a party plan up in the public forum,- It sent back, grinning. -From the feedback it’s getting this is going to be a very good night.-

Mentally slapping herself as she opened up her interface Luna noted a small bouncing icon in the shape of an envelope making it’s way across the bottom of her vision. Selecting it with nudge the top of the envelope popped open and a letter slid out, enlarging to fill her vision.

Come one come all to the event of the year!
A wondrous occasion unlike any other!
Come together, all you party people for a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Come, and celebrate the return of the Princesses!

That’s right, Celestia and Luna are back!
And we’re going to show them the best, night, ever!

Luna grinned as she followed a prompt, the letter slid out of view as a different page opened up. Unlike the letter this one was a detailed plan of the night’s events, a plethora of icons dotted around the city map to indicate locations of hotspots and musical events as well as a blinking blue crescent moon. Looking around Luna noted that the moon was an icon representing her location, the icon slowly moving down the street as she was pushed along by the crowd.

Closing down the pages, Luna was startled to discover that her inbox indicator had swelled to the point where the icon indicating the number of messages was using scientific notation.

How? She thought to herself as she opened it, the contents exploding on to her screen. Blinking dumbfounded as she watched a flurry of messages stream before her, Luna could only catch glimpses of the message titles before they were shunted down below her vision a wave of new arrivals.

-They’re all party invitations and fan page notifications,- Skybound’s voice informed her. -Canterlot already took the liberty of creating a public domain page for you, most celebrities have one.-

Luna looked over at her companion who was still blissfully ignoring the crowd around it. -How can you tell?- She sent back, still trying to sort through the tidal wave of mail.

Skybound just looked over at her, shooting her a grin. -I’m an AI, what’da you expect?-

-I don’t know, I haven’t met many AI,- Luna sent back, scowling as she felt a pony bump into her, causing her to close down the inbox as she turned to regard the party goer. The unicorn simply cheered as it raised offered her what looked to be a shallow dish filled with some kind of clear liquid. How the unicorn had transported to her without spilling it was a mystery to her as she regarded the gift.

-Uh, some help?- Luna asked, taking the bowl with a smile as the unicorn made a tilting motion with her hoof.

-A drug bowl, seems to be supplying a fairly standard combination. Perfectly safe,- Skybound replied, grinning as it watched a pair of Pegasi dance through the air, throwing brightly coloured powders around in their wake. Luna looked at Skybound as it spread it’s wings and took off, shooting a grin back at her.

-Have some fun Luna, just relax and go with the flow,- It sent as a pegasus shot past, slamming it with a bright green powder that stuck to it’s face. -It’ll be a blast.-

The shallow dish floated in her magic as Luna watched the avatar slip away, the crowd around her chanting for her to drink. Looking around Luna slowly raised the dish to her lips, the clear liquid shimmering under the lights as Luna looked at her reflection. What the hell, I’ve done worse, Luna thought as she tipped the dish back and the crowd went quiet. I think...

The draught flowed like water as she swallowed it down, the dish refiling as fast as she drained it. Gulping down her fill, Luna handed the dish back the unicorn with a hearty exhale, running her tongue over her teeth as the cool tasteless liquid hit her stomach. The crowd watched her expectantly, their iris’ glowing as they recorded her.

The tension mounted as Luna felt a tingling begin to build with her, slowly she came to a halt as the world began to blur in and out of focus. “Ooookkkay,” She mumbled as the crowd gathered around her, their faces begin to melt together into a wall of teeth and glowing eyes. Luna felt her breathing became heavy and laboured as sweat began to form under her coat, the tingling sensation increasing exponentially.

Slowly, the crowd’s expressions began to shift from anticipation to worry, a frantic murmur spreading as Luna began to sway in place, her eye wide and staring at nothing. Her pupils shrunk to pinpoints as a coldness washed through her, the world dimming as the sounds faded away.

Ohhhkaaay, maybe this wasn't such a gooooood ideaaaaa, she thought as her heart thudded in her chest. The tingling sensation seemed to intensify with each passing second as a high pitched keening sound cut through the distant chatter of the crowd, the sound seeming to sync perfectly with the vibrating sensation under her skin.

Wordlessly she turned her gaze to sky above as everything exploded, the sound rushing back in as the lights of the city burned with a furious intensity that came close to blinding her. The crowd around her snapped back into focus as a pack of drones hovered around, trailing colorful light’s in their wake. A sense of giddiness began to bubble through her, stress she hadn’t even acknowledge seemed to melt away as she spread her wings. Smiling at the crowd, Luna brought herself up to her fullest as she spread her wings and laughed, the crowd’s worry fading away as they converged in on her. As they swept her away Luna couldn’t help but laugh as a strange electronic music began to be broadcasted from the swarms of hovering drones. The rapid ticking sound reminded her of a clock, albeit one with a steady bass line.

“All right ramblers, let’s get ramblin!” Canterlot’s voice boomed out as the music began to speed up. “We’ve only got a few hours before sunrise to show Luna how hard we can party, who’s with me!”

Like the bursting of a dam, the crowd roared as the music kicked into high gear and the party started, the lights of the city pulsating with the beat of the music as drones rocketed over Luna’s head. From the looks of things they were delivering supplies, food drinks and the like to where they were needed. Luna watched them for a few seconds as the crowd began dancing, noticing how the drone’s seemed to move through the air. Their fields would flicker for a brief moment, the translucent bubble around them would thicken up on one side before they were shot off in the opposite direction.

Woh. Luna thought she watched a pair of metallic eel like drones weave through the air around each other, their fields undulating with the music as the shone with all the colours of the rainbow. A graceful dance unlike anything she had ever seen, the sight was entrancing as tilted towards her for a moment.

-I’m lucky I got ahold of those two,- Canterlot’s voice boomed in her head, it’s avatar appearing by her side in a twirl. -They were set to perform offworld tonight when I contacted them, fortunately they were willing to reschedule given the circumstances.-

-Give them my thanks, their performance is...outstanding,- Luna sent back,tearing her eyes away from the display to look at the unicorn hybrid at her side. -I must confess Canterlot I did not expect this side of you.-

The avatar just shrugged as it danced next to her, loosening it’s tie with a wink. -What? Did you expect me to prim and proper all the time?-

Luna blushed as the avatar undid a couple of buttons and discarded it’s suit jacket. -Uh well, no.-

-I said I was all the city, when the situation calls for it I’m the epitome of class,- Canterlot sent as it snagged a drink from a near by drone. -But that’s not all there is to this city, the common pony has to let his mane down some time Luna. I’m here to facilitate that.-

-I suppose so,- Luna replied as she began shuffling in place, her moves getting a few grins from the crowd.

Canterlot laughed as Luna blushed harder. -You’ve been on ice a while Luna, those old stale moves just won't cut it anymore,- It sent as the crowd started chanting something. -Take a step back while I show you how we get down in this day and age.-

Luna backed a few steps as the crowd followed like wise, the crowd’s chanting now audible over the music. “Canterlot, Canterlot, Canterlot!” They called out as the eel drones took up positions behind the avatar and in response to some unseen signal they began to move.

She’d seen dancing in her time, many of the culture’s she’d encountered had created hundreds of elaborate art forms based on movement. But never had she seen anything move like that, the only thing comparable were the Minotaur but their huge bodies lacked the grace of the avatar’s hybrid form.

-I had no idea you were dancer, my my isn’t this age just full of surprises,- Luna sent with a grin as she tried copying the movements of the other ponies in the crowd.

-Well someone has to dance, Her Majesty might be able to shapeshift but she’ll always have four left hooves. That mare can’t dance to save herself, all power no rhythm,- Canterlot replied as it twirled, grinning back at Luna.

As she smiled back Luna let herself relax into the crowd, submitting to the beat for the night as she felt the drug cocktail bubble through her veins and lift her spirits up into the night sky. Her body flowed as she melted into the rhythm, of her and her sister Luna had always been the one more suited to the physical arts. In the morning she’d have to face her sister and leave for parts unknown, but the morning may as well be a lifetime away.

Luna recoiled as a shaft of light burrowed itself into her eyes, a stale smell filled her nostrils as she raised a hoof to shield her eyes from the light, only to feel a sharp pain as something poked her in the eye. Groaning she peeled her eyes open, watching as the morning light streamed through a set of milky white fingers.

This is new, She thought dreamily as she slowly manipulated the appendage. Daintily, she pressed the thumb to the middle finger, the sensation was strange to her as the muscle compressed.

A yawning noise to her left made her turn her head, the grinning golden face of Skybound stared back at her as the avatar adjusted the goggles on its head. “Sleep well?” It asked her nonchalantly.

For a moment Luna didn’t say anything, staring at Skybound with a sense of wonder. It was like everything was in sharp focus, her field of vision being enhanced by some outside means as she took in the detail. Slowly she raised another hand and touched it to the avatar’s nose. “Boop.”

Chuckling, the avatar gently grabbed her hand and pushed it back to her, patting it softly. “Good to see you’re feeling alright after last night.”

“Why do I have hands?” Luna asked breezily as she turned back to examining them. “They feel tingly.”

“You’re being kept sedated for time being Luna, do you understand what that means?”

Luna nodded slowly as she moved her hand back and forth like they were trapped in breeze.

“We thought waking up like this might be shocking for you, so I administered a sedative to you while you were asleep. In retrospect, leaving you alone with Canterlot may have been a mistake,” The avatar muttered, mostly to itself as Luna stared off into space.

Sighing as it stood up, the avatar looked around the room they were in. “Not often I get to sit around in the castle you know. Mostly my bigger self just pops in on the edge of the system, prattles about with the big wigs and takes off,” The avatar mused, jumping slightly as Luna tapped on its shoulder.

“Yea….” It said, trailing off as it stared into the very angry eyes of an enraged demi god.

“You have three seconds,” Luna whispered as she grabbed a fistfull of the avatar’s shirt and effortlessly pulled him over.

Holding its hand up in the universal gesture of surrender, Skybound grinned at her. “Well I didn’t expect you to recover from the sedative so fast hehehe…I can explain,” It said, shaking slightly as it felt the larger part of itself that made up the AI proper chuckle slightly before returning to it’s simulations.

-Some help?- Skybound asked pleadingly, dunking it’s mind into the accelerated reality of the AI’s mind.

Sufficiently vague and suitably ominous contemplated the request and ran a couple of simulations before sending back a reply. -Stick to the plan and everything will be fine. Be glad she won't actually kill you-

-You sure about that,- Skybound asked as it stared into Luna’s angry eyes.

-Eh, 99.8% sure,- Sufficient sent back, it’s voice filled with confidence.

-What’s the point two percent?-

-She rips you into your constituent atoms and ends up screwing all our plans. Twilight will be very unhappy with me and our own plans for the Drazol are set back a decade. That and we never get invited to any fun parties anymore.-

-Sounds cherry, everything going according to plan?-

-Am I doubting myself? I expected better of me.- The AI sent, scolding it’s avatar.

-Oh don’t act like we’re infallible, given what we’re dealing with some caution would be prudent.-

-Don’t you worry we are being very careful, Luna might not be off the wall nuts anymore but her mental state does pose an interesting paradox. Both mentally stable and prone to bouts of existential self doubt, she has proven to be...difficult to simulate.-

-My point exactly, give our course of action last night I have to once again note that perhaps we moved a bit too fast on the whole body swap.-

-Au contraire, my dear avatar, as I explained last night this is the perfect time. She is currently lost at sea, metaphorically speaking. As such, this atmosphere of uncertainty is the perfect time to take advantage of the inherent instability that comes with such a large shift in perspective she finds herself in. Out with the old in with the new as they say.-

-I suppose I do know better, just keep a check on that ego for the both of us okay? Twilight would be pissed if words get back to her that we broke Luna.-

-Eh true, everything has gone according to plan though. On a different note you really need to get back to real time, give Luna the run down. Poor girl must be out of her mind right now.-

-But she’s going to punch me in the face,- Skybound wined, dragging the metaphysical equivalent of it’s feet.

-And?- Sufficiently... questioned. -Turn off your pain sensors.-

-But I’m going to lose a bet with Canterlot.-

-I know, and it is very assuming,- The AI sent back as it nudged it’s avatar back into real time. -Besides if you don’t put your foot in your mouth she might,- Time snapped into place as the avatar’s consciousness slipped back into it’s body.

Luna growled as she raised a fist, the sensation of the clenched fist was a odd one, pleasurable but odd. “An explanation would be very nice.”

“Well, thing is, we kind of arranged for you to get a new body.”

Glaring at the hybrid avatar, Luna tilted her head slightly. “Gee really?” She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “How do I go about getting back to normal?”

“Uh haha, funny thing...normally you’d just pop down to a body clinic and reupload into your old body.”

“I don’t like where this is going.” Luna said, her grip around the avatar’s shirt tightening.

“But thing is, you're not like most people. On the account of you not actually being, ah, organic…” The avatar replied. “You don’t have a body to pop back into.”

Luna raised an eyebrow in confusion, her fist lowering slightly. “Come again?”

“You and your sister are like Her Majesty, less organic and more self aware manafest magical anomalies. The proper terminology is a sentient metaphysical manifestation, it’s very complicated.”

“O-okay?” Luna replied, furrowing her eyebrows as she released the avatar. “So what does that mean for me right now.”

“Ah, well like I said you’re not really an organic. The body you see is essentially a…” The avatar frowned as it snapped it's fingers. “an illusion, constructed from your sense of self image and emulated in 4-D space. The image is effectively caught in a positive feedback loop, you are what you think you are because what you are is what you think. The body you’re wearing is actually real, proper flesh, all the DNA and RNA in the right places,” Skybound replied, it’s body tense as it watched Luna’s reaction. “It’s just that your mental state is both permanent and powerful enough to effect change on your physical state.”

“I, still don’t get it. What do you mean my mental state and affect my body?” Luna said as she uncleched her fist and looked down at her hands.

Skybound exhaled as it ran its fingers though its hair. “Your body is real but unlike a mortal, your metaphysical impact on the extra dimensional energies that make up ‘magic’ isn’t a feature of your consciousness. It’s the idea of a soul, in organics their sentience molds the energies that make up magic into...an effigy of themselves. It’s a part of them, but not essential, given that if it gets damaged it’ll regenerate over time.”

The avatar paused for moment as it watched Luna flex her hands, waiting to see if she had any questions.

“But what of the star beasts, the ursa and great spirits of the desert?” Luna asked, tiling her head slightly as she examined the way her skin stretched over her knuckles. “And what of Sombra? His soul was certainly not a product of his flesh.”

“Creatures such as that are actually the reverse of mortals, their souls are semi-permanent or persistent fixtures of the energy matrices. Through that they manifest on our dimension though eventually being exposed the laws of physics, particularly entropy, erodes them until they lose stability. Essentially, the narrow confines of our existence wears down on them until they lose coherence and subsume into the energy grid. Sombra was a special case, given that most manifestations aren't truly sentient unlike yourself, he made a pact with a extra dimensional entity for power in exchange for stability. The combination made him a lesser version of you and your sister. For you things are different. Your mental state is a permanent fixture of the higher dimensional energy maelstrom, it’s why you're immortal. But your body also reinforces the image of you in the metaphysical energy matrix thus correcting the erosion by contact with physics...and I’ve lost you,” Skybound said, throwing it’s arms in the air as it caught the look of vacancy in Luna’s eyes.

“A little, I get the main body of what you’re trying to say,” Luna replied as she hung her head in her hands, her flowing mane of starstuff spilling around her. She noted with some satisfaction that at least something familiar was still with her.

“It can be a lot to take in, the concept has only been kicking around for about a millennia or so,” Skybound replied with a shrug.

“So if you changed my body why do I still have my mane?” Luna asked, grasping a lock of flowing hair.

“It’s an expression of your soul, we can change what you are but we can’t change who you are. It’d be like trying to dehydrate water, we can turn it into ice or steam but it’s still water.”

Luna sat still for a moment, processing the information. “So how did this happen?” She asked, gesturing with a hand to along her body.

“We decided, well the bigger me anyway, that you would be more useful as a bipedal.”

“Why?” Luna asked as some of her annoyance came back and she felt her hands clench into fists. Must be a reflex… She thought as she unclenched them.

“It was judged that now would be the best time to expose you to new bodily sensations given that it’s a big part of our line of work. No time like the present, eh?” The avatar said, flashing a weak thumbs up as Luna glared at it.

“And who gave you the right to do, this, to me?” She asked, her voice tight as she glared daggers at the avatar, its wings twitching nervously.

“Well no one, but-” It replied before being cut off as Luna sprang off the bed, grabbing it’s jacket with both hands and in one motion slammed it into the floor.

“Exactly,” She hissed through clenched teeth as the avatar’s eyes went wide for a few seconds, going limp in her grasp. “No one, not even Twilight herself could possibly give you the right. Now, I’m not going to excuse what you did to me because what you have done is such a violation of myself that I can hardly comprehend it.”

Skybound felt the larger portion of the AI’s attention focus on it, Luna’s reaction drawing it out of it’s plotting. “You’re right, we’re sorry Luna but-” The avatar tried to apologize before it was lifted up and smashed back down again.

“No excuses,” Luna replied, her stare boring through it and into the AI looking out it’s eyes. The avatar felt itself recoil at the fury contained within them. “You might have your reasons, and I can respect that but you do not get to make excuses for this.”

Slowly, she let the avatar go and stood up, the deep blue of her flowing mane blotting out the light from the ceiling. “In the future, should you ever think about anything like this again be sure to tell me,” She said, looking down at the hybrid beneath her.

“So you’ll still come with me?” Skybound asked as it felt Sufficient… do the AI equivalent of a victory dance.

-That good?- It asked, slipping into the faster reality that was the realm of the AI.

-It’s one of the better paths she could have taken, she’ll work with us,- Sufficient… replied. -And you doubted me.-

-You're not the one who got double slammed into the ground,- Skybound sent back. -I was nearly put through the floor.-

-Oh don’t be a drama queen, she wasn’t actually trying,- The AI sent back. -Anyway, don’t antagonize her from now on and were golden. Also don’t broach the topic of her sister for a few more seconds, that’s going to make her flip out.-

-Thanks for the heads up. Where’s Celestia?-

-Currently watching the coverage of Luna and Canterlot’s little soiree.-

The avatar was silent for a few milliseconds. -She’ll be on her way soon then,- It sent, sighing digitally.

-She’ll start moving in one minute forty three seconds, give or take a couple micro seconds,- The AI said, nudging the avatar back into real space. -Better wrap this up.-

Luna nodded tersely, looking down at her hands again. “Yes, after all I was going to be leaving anyway, so no sense in delaying the inevitable.”

“Thank you,” Skybound replied, pulling itself up slowly. “If it’s any consolation the body change will help with those bouts of existential panic you were having in the museum.”

Luna froze, locking eyes with the avatar. “How did you know about that.” She asked, her voice neutral as she tracked it’s movements.

“Sufficient… has been monitoring you ever since Canterlot mentioned us to you. Cameras and some basic bio-monitoring pretty much told us when you were having a... sensitive moment.”

The air was filled with tension as the avatar took a step towards her, hands outstretched palms first. “We understand if that’s an uncomfortable subject right now but you can trust us to keep it between you and me.”

“I, thanks,” Luna muttered, exhaling as she reflexively rubbed her hands together for a few seconds before looking down at them in confusion. “So why is it that everything looks so...well defined?” She asked, changing the subject as she ran her thumb and forefinger together. The weird numb sensation giving the texture a rubbery feel.

“That’s how that form processes light, has to do with the significant overlap in vision. Your normal quadrupedal form has greater peripheral but less overlap. That and the difference in pupil size, lense shape and colour recognition,” The avatar rattled off, adjusting it’s coat. “You also lack the blind spot in between your eyes at close range, again because of where the eyes on that form are located.”

“Interesting...so why a bipedal?” Luna asked as she reached up to touch her mane, the star stuff flowing in her grasp like it had a mind of it’s own.

Skybound shrugged. “Bipedalism makes up 70%-72% of sentient races in the Galaxy, convergent evolution at it’s finest. After that quad and tetra pedalism make up 29%-30% with symbiotic and gaseous entities taking up the remaining space. Makes logical sense in our line of work to have you using the configuration that matches the largest percentage of the population.”

“Sounds harmless enough,” Luna replied, crossing her arms over her chest before looking down with some confusion.

“As part of the procedure your mind was given the basic motor skills of the form, we implanted the muscle memory. Saves you having to spend the next year and bit learning how to walk,” Skybound said, prempting her question.

“So how did it come the conclusion that this is best for me? Why not a, hybrid, like yourself?” Luna said as she walked around, looking down at her feet with confusion. The feeling of bipedal motion, the whole gyration of her hips was peculiar, it was like being on stilts. For brief moment she felt like she was going to topple over, the difference in her center of gravity disorienting her like she was constantly rearing but without her wings to balance with. Luna’s eyes widened as it hit her that she hadn’t even occurred to her that she was missing the two features that had made her an alicorn.

How did I not notice my wings missing? Or my horn?? She thought as she froze, realizing that she hadn’t even given it thought since she came too. The shock of the realization dispelled the unwieldy feeling in her limbs and the sensations rushed in. It was like something in her head clicked in place, and the limbs suddenly felt normal as she looked down at herself. Her body shivered as she noticed for the first time how cold everything was, her bare skin prickling as she clasped her arms around herself instinctively.

“You okay Luna?”

“Just, getting used to everything. I’m not used to being this tall.” Or thin. She thought, shaking the feeling off. Plenty of time to freak out later. She thought looking over her shoulder as she examined the cutie mark on her thighs. At least that’s still where it should be.

“Ah, to be figured I guess,” Skybound remarked as it looked her up and down, taking her proportions in. “Good to see the neural programing kicked in, we were wondering how long that would take.”

-Can we get the poor girl some clothes?- The avatar sent as it watched Luna rubbed her hands over her arms, a look of surprise on her face. “What is it?”

-Hmm, let’s see what’s fashionable this year,- Sufficient… sent back as it began browsing.

-Just get her something decent, now that I think about it someone could get the wrong idea if they barged in.-

The AI chuckled. -Given how some avatars conduct themselves I’m not surprised.-

-At least we’re gentle stallions about how we conduct ourselves.”

-Says the machine who’s been watching a naked woman for the better part of five minutes, knowing full well that we record everything.-

-I’m taking her biometrics,- Skybound sent back snappily.

-Sure, you think she’s more of a winter or an autumn?- The Ai replied, sending it’s avatar a list of clothes packages.

-Just, pick something,- It sent back as it returned to the conversation with Luna who was busy rubbing her hands over herself.

-Hmm, very interesting readings you’re gathering indeed,- Sufficiently… sent, a knowing tone in it’s voice.

-Stuff it up your processors,- “Uh Luna, what are you doing?” Skybound asked as the woman looked at it with wonder in her eyes.

“This feels great, I mean these...fingers, wow.” She said as she ran her hands down herself.

Skybound was still for moment as it watched her cup her chest before it slowly raised a hand to pinch the bridge of it’s nose with a heavy sigh. “This is going to be one of those days,” It muttered to itself.

“What’d you say?” Luna asked as she turned and picked up one of silk bed sheets. “Oh that’s smooth.” She remarked, brushing it against her cheek. Do all two legs feel like this all the time? How do they bear it?

“You’re experiencing sensory acclimatization, a commonly noted phenomenon when an organism transfers into a body with a new mode of perception. You've never had fingertips or bare skin, so your brain is currently adjusting to it.” The avatar explained as a bundle of white striped boxes and bags appeared on the floor next to it in a flash.

Luna looked over curiously as Skybound knelt down and picked a few up, offering them to her. “What’s this?” She asked as she took them, the contents rustling slightly. That sounds like paper.

“Clothes, there’s a bit of a taboo around bipedalism walking around naked in most civilised societies.” Skybound said as Luna began rustling through the contents.

“Why?” She asked as icons popped up over her vision, indicating which items to put on first. She opened one of the smaller boxes first to reveal a few scraps of a cloth like substance. A small tag opened identifying them as Undergarments:sub category panties, along with a blank model figure indicating their proper use. Running her fingers over the material Luna noted that the feeling of the texture had lost some of it’s luster.

Must already be acclimatizing, She noted with some disappointment.

“It stems from the fact that most bipedal species need clothes to be worn for warmth and the fact that their reproductive organs...hang, so to speak.” Skybound replied as she slipped into the underwear and began sifting through the other boxes.

“Weird, but custom must be adhered to,” Luna mumbled as she paused, box in hand as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. “Skybound,” She muttered as the box fell from her grasp.

“Yes?” The avatar asked, concern on it’s face as it watched her walk over to the vanity that took up one of the walls.

“Can you give me a moment?” She replied in a soft voice, looking at the reflection.

Wordlessly the avatar tilted it’s head in acknowledgement and slipped out of the room.

-Is it wise to leave her alone?- It asked it’s larger self, time slowing down once again as it looked up to see the large figure of the elder alicorn turn into the hallway. -Better question, should we stall for time?-

The AI was quiet for a few milliseconds as simulated multiple possibilities. -Yes,- It sent back.

-All I needed to hear.- The avatar replied as it began moving forward to intercept the alicorn who was looking very perturbed. -How much time does she need?-

-More than we can give her.- Sufficient… sent back, a sad tone to it’s voice.

Skybound performed the electronic equivalent of a frown. -I’ll do what I can.-

Time kicked back in as it took a deep breath and put on a wide smile. “Ah Celestia, glad I could catch up with you. I think we should have a talk.”

Luna stood staring into the mirror her eyes searching the alien face looking back at her as she slowly raised a hand and pressed it against the glass with a sigh. “This...this is me.” She mumbled, the reflection copying her.

What have I gotten myself into. She thought as her mane flowed over her shoulders, the constant feeling of it brushing against her was comforting as she hung her head.

Just one more thing Twilight’s taken. She thought dejectedly. What did I do to deserve this?

The thought brought a chuckle to her lips. Hah, wish I knew. She chuckled softly as she brought her gaze back up to the mirror, feeling the cool of the mirror seep through her new fingers. As she stared into the deep blue eyes in the mirror Luna searched the face for something familiar, any sort of facial feature that hinted at her past. Something that was still her, but ignoring a thin lock of star stuff that hung across her face there was nothing about it to even hint at who she was, even her eyes were different. They just looked too small, too beady and close together to what she recalled, the only thing they shared with her old face were their color. The forehead seemed to large, the absence of a horn just felt odd to her. But try as she might, she couldn't feel bad the new body. The act of being changed, yes but the try as she might she couldn't hate the body itself. She knew it was wrong, that this body wasn't hers, that everything about it was wrong...and yet, and yet it felt so right.

No doubt this is what Skybound was prattling on about, how they changed my perceptions to think that this...thing in the mirror is me.

Sighing, she brushed the lock of her mane out of her eyes, taking comfort that at least she kept something. That and her cutie mark, she noted as she looked down at her thigh, running a hand over the crescent moon there. The image felt smooth to the touch, like the rest of her skin. She frowned as she took a pinch of it and pulled it out, watching with a macabre fascination how it stretched and snapped back into place. Standing straighter she looked over herself in the mirror, sliding her hands over her torso slowly. The flat toned muscles of the stomach warm and tense beneath the probing fingers.

I look like some freakish minotaur. She thought as she cupped the modest bust she had been given, the soft flesh slightly too big for her hands. Compared to them I’d look positively tiny, I don’t even have horns.

She frowned as a thought occurred to her, since she woke up she hadn’t felt any sort of disconnect with her magic but without a horn how would she cast? Thinking for a moment she looked down at her hands, looking at the slim fingers that were pressing into her chest. I wonder…

Biting her lower lip slightly she turned to look at the pile of boxes on the floor and focused on lifting one in her magic. For a moment she felt power surge within her, the flow of energy roiling under her skin as it tried to find a way out. Closing her eyes, Luna concentrated on the flow as she felt the energy pour into her and focused on it. Magic felt the same at least, the raw power at her command sang possibilities as it poured into her from the thin air.

Magic, there’s nothing quite like it, She thought, a grin spreading over her face as she opened her eyes and relaxed into the stream, directing her attention inwards. She lacked a horn, a central point with which to cast so she had to find another. Inspiration sparked within her as the power flowed from her, relief washing through her as slim rectangular box floated up to eye level. She smiled as she looked down, noting with satisfaction that her hands were glowing like her horn used to. The feeling of power flowing out of them comforting in its familiarity. Figures, given how sensitive they are I’m not surprised the hands would be the focus.

Letting go of her bust as she opened the box, Luna turned to examine herself in the mirror, the body looked reasonably robust if a bit on the thin side. The musculature was familiar, she recalled the bodies of the minotaur well enough to identify similarities. But where they had been built like mountains this body was...not. The muscles were denser, she could feel it every time she moved, more streamlined. Compared to her old body this one felt more, not powerful, but more...durable, and certainly more flexible.

Advantages of having arms I suppose, She thought, shrugging as she slipped on the second piece of underwear with little fuss. Still, alien and gangly as this thing looks, it feels pretty good. What a wonderful age of technology indeed.

Luna grinned as she quickly dressed herself with her magic, making note to ask about how she was suppose to fly given her lack of wings. As the last button on the shirt was fastened Luna took a step back to admire the look. Fashion might have changed but this looks pretty nice, I think... She noted, turning slightly as she looked the outfit up and down.

The simple white button up shirt and black half vest combo did a fine job of tastefully showing off her figure, the semi loose jeans and covered black shoes giving the whole look a quasi professional air. Luna smirked as she stretched, testing the limits of the clothing which were surprisingly accommodating.

“Out with the old in with the new,” She murmured before shaking her head slightly as she looked around the room for what could possible be the last time in a long while. “It’s been a good run but it’s time for me to go.”

Like I told Tia...She thought, her eyes snapping wide as she felt her heart miss a beat as the door cracked open and her sister walked in, an apologetic Skybound on her heels. The pair froze as they locked eyes, Celestia’s mouth open as her wings dipped at her sides. Luna smiled weakly as she raised a hand, wiggling her fingers slightly.

“Hello Tia.”

Celestia just stood in place, frozen as one of her eyes twitched. Slowly she raised a hoof to the bridge of her snout and sighed. “One of these days,” She mumbled as she massaged her forehead around her horn. “Luna what happened to you?”

Luna shrugged, raising her hands into the air. “Ask the golden colt over there, apparently this is all part of the grand plan.”

The avatar gulped nervously as Celestia turned to look at it, a nervous look on it’s face as she scowled at him. Before it could open its mouth a gold aura surrounded it and pulled it uncomfortably close to the elder alicorn's face.

“Explain yourself,” She said, her voice tense as Luna walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Let him go Tia, we’ve already had a chat about this.” She said as she marveled at how soft her sister’s coat was for a second before dismissing the thought.

The gold aura vanished around the avatar who promptly scuttled away. “I’ll leave you two alone,” It said as it quickly made beeline for the exit.

As soon as it vanished from sight Celestia sighed and looked at her sister wearily, the both of them noting that they were equal height. She smiled weakly, her eyes growing moist as she raised a hoof to cup her sister’s cheek. “What have they done to you,” She whispered, pulling her into a hug. “You’re actually leaving.”

Luna slid her arms around her sister’s neck as her sister cried into her shoulder, her own eyes growing moist.

“I don’t know, Tia. What’s going to happen to me?” She whispered, her voice quiet as she held her sister close, committing everything about her to memory. Deep in the pit of her stomach she had this feeling they wouldn’t be seeing each other for a long while. From the way Tia was acting it was obvious she felt the same way.

Celestia just hugged her tighter as her voice failed her, her breathing turning ragged as she wept into her younger sister’s shoulder. In her lifetime, Luna had only seen her sister cry like this twice, once after they had failed to save the Crystal Empire from Sombra and again after she’d been returned and a thousand years of guilt had taken its toll on her. To see her again like this, it was heart breaking.

It’s not fair, it’s not fair. Luna thought as they slowly collapsed onto the ground. “I, don’t, want you, to go,” Celestia spluttered as her heart broke, the reality that she was leaving bearing down on her like an unstoppable juggernaut. Sniffing as she lifted her head, Celestia cupped her younger sister’s face in her hooves. “Just come back, please please promise you’ll come back.”

Luna nodded as she pulled herself up, her sister’s hooves sliding down her face as the stared at each other. She smiled weakly at the crying alicorn, trying to put on brave face for her sister. “We waited a thousand years to see each other again Tia, what’s another few years? I’ll promise to come back as long as you promise me something in return.”

Celestia looked up from the floor and into the alien face of the creature her sister had been forced into. “Anything.” She whispered, a desperate look on her face.

“Make some friends Tia, can you do that for me?” Luna replied, a sad smile on her face as she brushed a hand against her sisters cheek.

Celestia just nodded quietly as she raised a hoof to meet Luna’s hand, the strange appendage wrapping around it like a vine. For a few seconds they just stood like that, hand over hoof as they stared into each other’s eyes. Nothing need to be said, they both knew what the other wanted to say, so they just sat in silence and let their love fill the room.

“Luna,” A voice called from the doorway softly and the mood was gone. Luna sighed, breaking away from her sister as she turned to face Skybound.

“It’s time isn’t it,” She stated, tidying her new vest as Celestia stood shakily.

“A shuttle will be arriving out on the airway for us shortly,” The avatar replied, smiling sadly as their eyes met and she realised the AI was genuinely sorry. Though whether it was for breaking them up or for its part in her troubles she had no idea. “It’s only a minute away, I’ll be waiting on the launch pad for you,” It said, slipping out.

“Thank you,” Luna said as she turned to her sister who had managed to compose herself somewhat.

“The last time I could meet your eyes like this I sent you away,” The white alicorn noted, her voice weary. “This time it’s you leaving me.”

“Isn’t fate grand,” Luna remarked, drawing a sad smile on both their faces. “At least it won't be for a thousand years.”

Celestia smiled back at her and shook her head, a thin tortured chuckle drawing it’s way out of her. “I hope not.”

“It won't,” Luna replied as she felt the moment pass, looking down at her hands noting with surprise they were clenched tight. Relaxing them as she took a deep breath, Luna felt herself smile despite the crushing sadness in her heart. She couldn’t deny she was excited to go, a part of her anyway.

“You always loved to explore as a filly,” Her sister noted with a wistful smile. “Always so eager to see the world,” A soft chuckle filled the room as Celestia reminisced about their youth.

Shaking her head slightly, Luna pecked her sister on the cheek and patted her on the shoulder. “I’ll be home before you know it, until then enjoy yourself. For me.”

“I will Luna, I’ll write you as often as I can.” Celestia replied, smiling sadly as they began walking to the door. “Your friend told me that the ship would still be able to receive some messages every now and again. I suppose we should be grateful for small blessings.”

“I suppose so, don’t worry yourself too much okay? I’ll respond whenever I can.” Luna said as the pair exited her room, a lump forming in her throat as she felt the door click shut behind her. To her ears the sound was heavier than a mountain, an augur of finality signalling that her path was well and truly confirmed.

“Luna?” Her sister voice called to her, the comforting pressure of a wing on her back drawing her back to the present.

“Just, just letting go Tia.” She replied as her hand slipped free of the handle, her breath shuddering as she turned away and walked away with a heavy heart. Even though she felt like a mountain was weigh on her shoulder she could feel her heart shedding it’s worries with every step. A nervous excitement was building within her as she stepped out onto the matte black material of the landing pad. She hated it, hated that a part of her was eager to go. But she couldn't deny it, deny that she was eager to leap into this adventure laid out before her.

She felt a nudge on her back as the shuttle daintily glided in, Celestia beckoning her to go with a sad smile. There were no more words to be said, the moment for them had past so they just embraced one last time as the golden avatar stepped up beside them and a door slid open. The sleek predatory shape of the shuttle beckoned to her as it floated on wings of glowing blue light, drawing her away from her home and her sister. Celestia watched sorrowfully as the machine tilted in silence and slipped the surly bonds, soaring into the heavens with nary a sound.

And from the highest tower, watching as the shuttle receded into a dot and vanished, Twilight stood. Her mane of black and purple fire dancing of it’s own volition as her steely visage betrayed no hint of the emotions within. “Fly well Luna,” She whispered to the silent air. “You’d never believe me if I told you,”

A thin smile cracked the visage and for a few seconds she looked tired, tired and old as she slumped inwards slightly. “But I’m sorry, for everything. At least this way you might be happy.”

Author's Note:

So this is a big chapter eh? Turns out I have been doing stuff!

Well, this chapter will either make or break this story for a lot of people. *Freaking out intensifies*