• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 7,929 Views, 257 Comments

My Overbearing Aunt: Alternate Perspectives - Sketchy Changeling

A parallel to the original My Overbearing Aunt, detailing untold events form the viewpoint of the female characters.

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12 - Defining Love


“Just picture it: the two of us, united in marriage as prince and princess. We would look just lovely together, and I will treat you like the flawless goddess you are. So you see, Princess Luna, I am obviously the perfect choice.”

“I think that you really should consider this stallion, Princess,” said Withers. “He seems to be a very good suitor.”

I was practically fighting to stay awake during that long-winded proposal, giving a momentary glance down at the stallion in question. He was a tall, built earth pony with a pale red coat and a light grey mane and tail. I took a few whiffs of the air and resisted the urge to scrunch my nose in disgust.

“For pony’s sake, I can smell his hair gel from here! Has this stallion ever heard of moderation?” I thought. With his proposal over, it was now time for me to make my decision. “Okay, what is his name again… uh… Oh, right!” I stood up from my throne and cleared my throat as I prepared to make my judgement.

“Platinum Vault, I don’t know how you got the idea that I would want to marry you, but since you’re here, let me explain it to you nice and slow. I have no kind of attraction or interest in you, and most likely never will. Coming here was a waste of your time, and more importantly, a waste of my time. Your presence reeks of arrogance and I can easily tell that marrying you would be the single worst mistake I’ve ever made in all my years of living, now scurry on home and don’t get your tail caught in the door on your way out.”

…is what I would have said.

Instead, the more rational side of me let him down easily. “While you make a… compelling offer, Platinum Vault, I will have to decline,” I told him. “Like I’ve told the suitors that came before you, marriage is not a priority for me at the moment. I’m sorry for all the trouble you went through to see me.” There. That’s a lot nicer, or at least, as nicely as I could put it.

Naturally, Platinum Vault was left dejected and somewhat embarrassed, but he left the throne room without another word, which was more than I could say for some of the more… disgruntled suitors.

Some stallions don’t take rejection very well.

I stepped down my throne and gave my wings and arms a good stretch as Withers caught up to me with a flustered look on his face. “P-Princess! You’ve turned down yet another potential husband? That’s the fifth one today! Why?” he whined.

It was at this point that I wondered whether the decrepit stallion had short term memory loss, or was just stubborn. “As I’ve told you before, Withers,” I explained for the umpteenth time, “I have no interest in finding a husband right now. It’s been merely two years since my return. Don’t you think I’d rather enjoy my life first before I make such a big step? We go through this nonsense twice a year. What’s the point?”

“It’s tradition, princess.”

I scoffed. “A tradition that I would like to be rid of. Furthermore, why are you harassing me with this frivolity instead of Celestia? Why isn’t she going through this ‘tradition’?”

He hesitated and cleared his throat. “Well, Celestia said that she didn’t want to be married just yet.”

My ear twitched and I resisted the urge to use the Royal Canterlot Voice on him. “Hmph. So you’ll respect my sister’s wishes, but you won’t respect mine?” I asked, trying not to look at Withers lest I do something that I’d regret later. “I will be in my bedchambers.”

I stormed out of the hallway, leaving a stunned Withers behind as I made my way to my room. After all I’d been through today, I really felt the need to get away from… well, everything, to be completely truthful. I had grown fed up with Withers’ constant nagging; if it wasn’t about my weight, it was about my status as an unmarried mare. Right now, it’s best that I don’t see him for the rest of the day.

For his sake as well as my own.

I arrived at my bedroom and shut the door behind me, startling my sleeping pet as he let out a surprised squeak.

“Oh, my apologies, Tiberius,” I told him. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

He gave an understanding nod and scampered up towards me, and I knelt down to pick him up and give him a loving nuzzle. With a concerned look, he reached up and rubbed my snout, letting out a low squeak.

“I’m fine, Tibbles,” I assured him. “I’m just… stressed, is all.”

I got up and set my pet down on the bed before changing into something more comfortable, namely a pair of elastic shorts and a T-shirt that read “Best Princess.”

What? The custom T-shirt store downtown gave me a good deal.

With a sigh, I lied down on the bed with Tiberius climbing into my tail, wriggling around until he got comfortable. “You know, Tibbles, it wouldn’t kill those stallions to work on their personalities instead of trying to charm me with their riches. I don’t want any of that.”

He nodded in agreement.

“I mean, is it too much to ask for them to be a little more sensitive? Even if I were in agreement with this idea of arranged marriage, I’d prefer someone more grounded, someone that knows me, someone that I get along with really well and can have an actual conversation with.”

Tiberius squeaked again.

“Someone like Marcus?” I asked. “I guess that makes sense. It’d be nice to have a partner that gets me as much as he-”

He shook his head and articulated his point with three firm squeaks.

“Wait… you mean Marcus himself?” I asked, receiving a nod in response. My face contorted into a confused expression as I pondered the thought “I mean yes, he and I are very close, but I don’t know if I’d consider it to be a romantic kind of connection. Besides, he’s technically my nephew, I don’t think it’d be right for us to be together anyway.”

Tiberius continued to argue with me.

“Well, it is true that we aren’t related by blood, so I suppose that a romantic relationship with him could work out, but… I don’t know, Tibbles,” I groaned, putting a hand to my forehead. “All this talk about romance is wearing me out, and frankly, it’s making my head hurt.”


My ears twitched as I looked over to my bedroom door. “Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s Marcus. Can I come in?”

Wow. Speak of the devil. “I’m really not in the mood to talk right now,” I told him.

“Please, Luna. If something’s bothering you, you know you can tell me,” Marcus pled.

Great. Now I felt bad. Marcus was only trying to help, after all. Would it really hurt to let him at least see that I was okay?

Probably not.

“You can come in,” I said, unlocking the door with my magic while Tiberius sunk back into my tail. I heard the door open and close as Marcus made his way in, not a word being exchanged as he shuffled out of his shoes and climbed into the bed next to me.

“I saw what happened in the throne room,” he said. “You want to talk about it?”

I hesitated for a moment, but I let out a conceding sigh. “I suppose it would make me feel better if I did.” I turned my head to look at him. “Marcus, you’re more acclimated to modern society than I am. What’s the general consensus on marriage?”

He stared at me, unsure of how to answer the question, and I could practically see the cogs turning in his head as he tried to come up with a response. “Ugh… what am I thinking, asking a seventeen-year-old such a hard question?” I thought. “He’s probably never given any thought to it until now-”

“Well, I honestly can’t speak for everyone, so I can’t tell you what everyone else thinks, but here’s my view on marriage,” he spoke up, then paused. “Marriage is when… two individuals, who have been in a steady romantic relationship for a long time, decide to make a vow to each other that… that they’ll stay together for the rest of their lives, committed to each other and only each other.”

I scoffed. “Rather profound for a seventeen-year-old. Are you simply regurgitating something you read in a book?”

Marcus chuckled lightly. “I know it sounds like that, but that’s really how I feel.”

“By your definition, then, you must believe that when these two individuals make this vow, it should be made after they have already been romantically involved for a considerable amount of time, yes?”

He nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“That’s what I thought. Which brings us to the problem I’m having: this tradition of interviewing suitors and simply picking one as my committed husband for life seems archaic and rather ridiculous.”

“I can agree with you on that.”

“I don’t see why Withers makes me go through this routine of looking through all the stallions that just want my hand in marriage for the sole reason of earning a position in the royal family,” I wanted to end it there, as I didn’t want to throw all my problems at poor Marcus, but I just kept going. It was like a knob breaking off of a running faucet; I just couldn’t stop. “Why can’t I be with someone that I have a true connection with? A committed relationship is fine, but why rush into marriage so soon? I would rather have a normal romantic relationship with someone I truly loved than an empty marriage with someone with whom I share practically no true connection.”

I was short of breath by the end of my little rant, a tinge of guilt within me for dumping so much onto Marcus, but when I looked at him, he still seemed calm, unfazed by my sudden venting. “What would your ideal relationship be like?” he asked.

“It would be a lot like ours,” I said without thinking, my heart skipping a beat as I realized what I had just said.

A light blush appeared on Marcus’s face, and I silently panicked. Was he embarrassed? Scared? Disgusted? The conversation was going so well, and now I made it awkward!

“What kind of relationship do you think we have?” he continued, much to my surprise.

Once again, I was taken aback by how calm he was about this, and I looked back up at the ceiling as I tried to come up with something to say that didn’t sound strange. “I think that we have the kind of relationship where… There’s an unconditional trust between us,” I told him. Yeah, that’s a good way to put it.


Okay, how do I say this… “Well, I feel like I can tell you anything, no matter what it is,” I continued. “I also feel that you can come to me about anything, too, because that’s how much we trust each other. I feel connected to you on a level where I can tell when something is wrong with you and you can tell when something is wrong with me.” That feeling of a broken faucet came over me again, and I kept on going, attempting to convey my feelings as best as I could. “We can also be ourselves around each other without feeling self-conscious about it. You like me for who I am, and I like you for who you are.”

I paused for a moment, looking over to Marcus. “Lastly, I feel like we look out for each other. One of us is there to catch the other when they fall. I feel like you would do anything for me, as I would do anything for you.” I gave him a small smile and looked back up. “Yes, that’s the kind of relationship that I think we have.”

A warmth welled up in my chest as I finally got all of those emotions off my chest, my mind feeling much clearer, and I realized how much I needed to let it out. I looked back at Marcus, who was blushing even harder than before, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. “I never thought you felt that way about me,” he told me.

“In that case, you don’t give yourself enough credit,” I giggled.

He looked down and scratched his cheek sheepishly. “I guess not.”

This talk was going a lot better than I had imagined. I wonder… should I ask him if he feels the same way about us? He seemed pretty open to everything so far, so I guess it’s worth a try.

I took a quick breath and gave it a try. “So, Marcus, do you feel the same way I do? About our relationship, I mean.” He opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped himself and averted his eyes. He seemed hesitant to give me an answer, and I grew more and more nervous with each passing moment. Had I finally gone too far? Had I crossed some line that I shouldn’t have? “Marcus?” I asked again, hoping he would at least say something and not leave me hanging in uncertainty.

He blinked and looked at me, his mouth opening again, but no words coming out. I bit my bottom lip nervously, but then a smile, small as it was, slowly grew on Marcus’s face. “Yeah,” he said, “I think so…”

Without even thinking, I pulled him into a warm hug, humming contently as I nuzzled him. “Thank you, Marcus. I feel a lot better now.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” he said before I let him go. He sat up and stretched his arms with a yawn. “Well, I’d hate to leave you, but I need to get going.”

“Really? Where to?”

“I need to see your sister about something.”

I tilted my head in confusion. “I thought you were supposed to be avoiding her.”

His eyed widened. “Oh, right! I forgot to tell you, I’m off punishment. Everything’s all good now.”

I chuckled. “That’s good. In retrospect, I should have suspected as much considering you’re seeing me in person without any guards accompanying you.”

“Yeah, it feels weird now. I was getting used to it.”

“Well, I’ll see you later, then,” I said, waving him off as he left, shutting the door behind him.

I felt a rustling in my tail, and Tiberius’s head suddenly popped out, a smug smile painted across his face, silently telling me “I told you so.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Not. One. Word.”

Honey Pot

There was a skip in my step as I headed down one of the many long hallways of the castle. My afternoon break had just started, and I was on my way back to my room to take a quick power nap. I hummed a happy tune to myself, wallowing in my delight like a pig in mud.

Everything was going perfectly! Just as I planned, I’ve made myself known to Marcus and have gotten closer to him.

“I wonder if he enjoyed that little present I gave him last night,” I thought with a devious smile. “He must have loved it! How many boys can say that they have the loving affection of someone older? Soon enough he’ll want to make me his marefriend, and then Princess Celestia will happily bless our relationship, and once he graduates we’ll get married and have beautiful kids! I wonder what kind of wedding he’d like. I’d prefer a big one, but if he wants a more modest ceremony, I’d be more than happy with that. After all, a wedding is a wedding.”

My thoughts suddenly stopped as I caught a glimpse of my sweet Marcus rounding one of the corners into the hall, and my tail wagged excitedly at the sight of him. “Marcus! Over here, sweetie!” I called.

He turned to look at me, only to turn back around and keep walking, this time with a more hurried pace.

“Aw! He’s shy. I guess he’s not used to a mare being so open with him.” I watched him as he rounded another corner, while I took a little shortcut to catch up with him.

You learn a few things working in a castle this big for so long.

In no time flat, I caught up with Marcus, surprising him as I jumped out of a corner. “BOO!” I said, making the boy jump and let out a frightened yell.

“How… How did you…” he struggled to say through heavy breaths.

I flipped my mane and chuckled. “I’ve been a maid at this castle for years. I know it like the back of my hand, so that means I know all the shortcuts.” I smirked at him and brought my face closer to his, batting my eyes cutely. “It’s pointless to run from me, Marcus. Cute, yes, but pointless.”

I blinked as he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me away. “Ever heard of personal space?” he asked. “And since when do you call me by just my name?”

“Well, I figured that after the intimate moment we shared yesterday, you wouldn’t mind if I was less formal when addressing you,” I giggled.

He rolled his eyes. “That was anything but intimate.”

“Heh, I see the game you’re playing now, Marcus. You’re not shy. You’re just being a sly little tease.”

“Oh, by the way, did you find my gift?” I asked, not letting his little act faze me.


“And what did you do with it?”

“I contemplated burning it at first, but I just hid it somewhere.”

I giggled again. His little ruse was cute, but I knew how to crack that façade of his. I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his sides, being sure to press my chest against his as I looked up at him with half-lidded eyes. His effort to hold back his arousal was clear as day.

“You know,” I said with a low, husky voice, “while I simply love this little game of hard-to-get that you’re playing, part of me wishes you’d just cut the bullshit and admit you want me, already.”

“You know… There are ponies of which I’ve heard of. I believe they call them… ‘creepy stalkers’! And there is such a thing called ‘sexual harassment’. Maybe I should just quit running and simply report you,” he threatened.

I let out a low purr. “Oooooooh~ You’ve suddenly turned into the forceful type. I like that, but please relax, my master. I am simply here to serve you.” I lowered my voice and traced a finger along his chest. “Perhaps I can… ‘convince’ you to drop your charges if I… help you to relieve the tension that has been plaguing you lately.” I then moved my hands to the muscles between Marcus’s shoulders and began massaging them, and I could hear his breaths becoming slower and calmer. For the clincher, I leaned towards his ear and whispered “Trust me, I know when a man is torn up inside. A mare can feel those things.”

“Aren’t you cold in that skimpy outfit?” he asked, which took me by surprise. The boy had more willpower than I thought. “It’s November, and all the other maids are wearing coats over their uniforms.”

“Humph. While I appreciate your concern for my health, I’d rather not cover up my assets,” I said before bending over and showing off the generous view of cleavage that my uniform gave him. “Besides, if I covered up, how will you be able to see my beautiful babies? I know you miss them.”

“Trust me, I don’t, and I hope I don’t see them again anytime soon.”

“Oh, come oooooooooon! Stop denying it. Admit it, you know you want another chance to cop a feel.”

“Will you leave me alone?”

I smirked devilishly. “Your lips say ‘leave me alone,’ but your hormones say-”

“‘Go away’.” he finished.

Hm… You know what? I’ll let him win the game this time. I didn’t want to miss out on my nap. “Alright, fine. I’ll go. For now, at least. I’ll see you when I come by your room with your dinner.”

“No you won’t,” he corrected. “I’m not grounded anymore, so you won’t be taking meals to my room anymore.”

“Heh, I’ll still see you around, sweet cheeks,” I taunted, not letting that small setback affect me. I tried to smack Marcus’s butt with my hand, only for him to catch me before I could make impact.

“Cut that shit out. It’s getting old.”

“Ooh, feisty. Honey likes,” I said, deliberately licking my lips slowly as I could. Just as I intended, his eyes followed my tongue as it made its way around my lips. I bet he didn’t even know he was doing it. Marcus shuddered in feigned disgust as he walked away from me, and I decided to get one last word in. “Oh, and one more thing! Have fun jerking off to my photo, pervert! I know you’ll be doing it every night before you go to bed!” I let out a hearty laugh as my beloved and I parted ways. That was a fun little act that he put on, but he’ll eventually get over it.

He’s just having fun with me, and I’m more than willing to play along.


I shuddered in anticipation as his warm breath caressed my neck, my heartbeat getting more and more erratic. His hand slowly moved down my sides, his fingers gliding gently down my coat…

“Wow… Maria was right,” I muttered to myself as I continued to read. “This book is pretty good.” Just then, I heard several knocks on my bedroom door. “Who is it?” I called.

“It’s Marcus.”

My ears perked as I looked up at the door. “Oh! Come in, sweetie!”

The door opened and my precious nephew walked in, a warm smile on his face. “What’cha reading?” he asked.

“Oh, it’s just a romance novel that your mother introduced me to.”

“Really? What’s it about?”

I cleared my throat and closed the book. “Actually, it’s best if you don’t know. It’s not very appropriate.” I placed the book in my nightstand drawer while Marcus took a seat next to me on the bed.

“Listen, Auntie,” he said. “I need to talk to you about something. Something serious.”

My eyes widened and my ears twitched at his change in tone. “Oh, really? What is it?”

He sat uncomfortably, his hands fidgeting as he tried to find the right words to say. “Before I tell you anything… promise me you won’t tell anypony about it.”

I nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I promise.”

“Okay…” He took a deep breath before continuing. “There are these three mares that I really like, each for different reasons, and I don’t know which one I like the most.”

Wait, Marcus was having mare problems?

I sighed and put my arm around him. “Torn between three mares, I see. If I may make a guess, those mares that were with you at the party, are they two of the three?”

“Um… yeah.”

Two down. I wonder, if that picture I found in his room was anything to go on...

“And the third mare is Honey Pot, right?” I asked.

He gave me an incredulous look. “What!? No! It’s somepony else!”

Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting, but if the third mare wasn’t Honey Pot, then who else could it be. Did he have another friend from school that I didn’t know about? “Oh really? Then who?” I asked.

My nephew’s face flushed red as he looked away from me. “It’s… um…”

I could see the hesitation in his eyes. For whatever reason, Marcus didn’t feel completely comfortable telling me who the third mare was, whoever she was. I pulled him closer to me, hoping to soothe him. “It’s okay, Marcus. You can tell me. I promise I won’t judge you, whoever this mare happens to be.”

He rested his head against my shoulder, taking a moment to think about it. At this point, the only thing I could do was wait for him to say something. Eventually, I saw his lips quiver, and he finally opened his mouth to speak.

“What if I told you,” he said quietly, “that the third mare I liked… was your little sister?”

My heart skipped a beat. Did… did I hear him right? He liked Luna? The same Luna that was technically his aunt? That Luna?

I honestly didn’t know what to think. I mean, I knew that they were close, but I never thought that Marcus would think of Luna in that kind of way. Did she know about this? Does she feel the same way?

Then again, it wouldn’t really be wrong for them to be together. My status as Marcus’s aunt is only a legal relationship. Neither I nor Luna were related to him by blood, so the only real concern would be if Luna returned Marcus’s affections. I wouldn’t want his feelings to be hurt.

Regardless, I needed to be there for my nephew.

I put my other arm around him and embraced him warmly. “I wouldn’t be mad at you,” I whispered.

“Really?” he asked, surprised at my acceptance. “You don’t have any problem with it? I mean, she’s my aunt. It would be the same as having feelings for you.”

“While something like this is rather… unheard of, and while I’m not one hundred percent comfortable with the idea, at the end of the day, I can’t tell you who you can and can’t have feelings for. That isn’t my right.”

“Would you have a problem if I ever decided to choose all three?”

I shook my head. “Of course not, Marcus. However, if you want my honest opinion, I think you’d be better off in a monogamous relationship.”

He looked up at me with a puzzled face. “Really? Why?”

“While it is true that having multiple partners isn’t uncommon in Equestria, a romantic bond is stronger when shared between just two partners, in my opinion. You’re the only ones that matter to each other, and your love for each other will be much stronger because of it. Also, I feel that you only want to be with all three mares because you don’t want to hurt any of their feelings.”

“Well, yeah,” he said.

I sighed. “Unfortunately, Marcus, that’s not a very good reason.”

“Why not?”

“There are times in life where you have to make choices, choices which, no matter what you decide, will end up hurting someone. I’ve been a princess for over one thousand years, and I’ve been in this situation many a time. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from those experiences, it’s that if you try to please Everypony, you’ll ultimately end up pleasing nopony, especially yourself.”

“That sucks…”

I nodded sadly. “Yes, it does, but it’s a part of life that we all must deal with. If it’s any reassurance, I’m certain that if Rarity, Octavia, and Luna like you as much as you like them, they’ll be happy for you no matter which of the three you choose.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, looking up at me again.

I looked down at him and smiled. “I’m positive.”

I once again got to see Marcus’s beautiful smile, and it warmed my heart to know that I was able to comfort him in his time of need, but then, his smile suddenly turned into a confused frown. “Wait, how do you know Rarity and Octavia’s names?” he asked.

“I’m well acquainted with both mares,” I chuckled. “Octavia’s ensemble played at the Grand Galloping Gala about a year and a half ago. As for Rarity, she’s a close friend of a former student of mine.”


“That’s right. She’s even helped to save Equestria on multiple occasions.”

“What!? You’re lying!”

“Nope. Despite this, though, her and her friends’ contributions usually go unnoticed. That aside, I think the best thing you can do is be honest an up-front about your feelings. I don’t know about human females, but when it comes to us mares, we prefer the direct approach.”

“And how do I do that?”

I smiled and put a finger on Marcus’s nose. “You’ll have to figure that out on your own, nephew. I can’t give you all the answers.”

He furrowed his eyebrows at me for a moment, but he quickly conceded. “I guess you’re right.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” I said with a smile. “Oh, and in regard to Luna, she’ll be an exception to the ‘direct approach’ that I just mentioned. I think you should take some time to truly figure out how you feel about her before you admit anything to her.”

“I thought you said that you weren’t going to give me all the answers.”

“Well, I won’t give you any more answers starting now,” I giggled, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey! Don’t do that!” he squirmed.

“What? I figured that since we’re on good terms again, we could return to that ‘five hugs, three kisses’ deal we had going on.”

“Celeste…” Marcus growled.

“Okay, okay, how about three hugs and two kisses?”

While he did grumble for a bit, he eventually agreed. “Fine… Oh, I was wondering, why did you think that I liked Honey Pot?”

“Oh… I just had a hunch,” I said with a grin as I put my hand behind my back and pulled my “evidence” out of the air with my magic. “Oh, and I also found this photo in your room.” I revealed the picture and held it in front of Marcus’s face, which lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree. “I figured that you’d harbor feelings for your ‘kinky kitty’. So, how did you even get this picture from her?”

“All I did was ask her to run an errand for me, and now she thinks that I have a thing for her,” he explained grumpily. “I don’t see how getting a bowl of Nightmare Night candy would make her believe-”

“Okay, I get the gist,” I said before leaning closer to him. “Be honest with me, though, did you have some fun with this picture last night?”

Marcus suddenly pried himself from me and threw his hands up. “That’s it, I’m out of here!”

“Oh, come on! I’m just teasing! It’s fine if you do, though. Everyone likes to get in touch with themselves from time to time!”


“Do you at least want the picture back?”

“You can keep it!” he yelled, running out the door as fast as he could.

“Ah, boys,” I sighed. “They’re so easy to tease! Maybe I should give this picture to Luna and let her have some fun with it!”

The picture was quite funny, in all honesty. I never pegged Honey Pot as a jokester, though.

In any case, I’m glad that I was able to help my nephew out, and I hoped that whichever mare he chose would make him happy.

Even if that mare ends up being my little sister.

Author's Note:

Man, sorry it took so long to get this done. Hopefully this chapter's usual length makes up for it. I plan on getting back into the usual update schedule from here on, so look out for the next chapter next month.

Until then, let me know your thoughts on this chapter in the comments. Keep it sketchy, folks!

Comments ( 29 )


As much as Honey Pot needs to learn 'no means no', I do hope she ends up with someone at the conclusion of this side of the story. She's not a bad pony; she just really needs to listen. Which, being honest, is a problem a lot of people have.

Honey pot is best pony.

6217879 I imagine Samuel Jackson voicing that.

I imagine Charlton Heston voicing that.

No zombie is safe from you.

True, true.

*sees horde approaching*

that's the good stuff right here


Honey's truly blinded by her desires that she doesn't see the situation for what it is.
But at least it gave Tia ammo for the teasing :rainbowlaugh:

Seen the chapter title this is what went through my head.

6218343 Eeeeee... Whatever floats your boat, I guess?

6367111 LOL I know I said I like some fat but not around booty. No I prefer small buts.


What is love?:trollestia:

I've thrown down the gauntlet, let's see if I get any takers!:rainbowkiss:

Huzzah!! (There really needs to be a Luna emoticon) All caught up!!:scootangel:

6377169 I prefer to let the reader of my comment to come up with his or her own conclusion.:twilightsmile:

As much as I like Hate Thy Neighbor, I would love to see some updates on this story. Not a demand or anything like that, just really like this story.

Yeah, I'm hoping to get back to updating this come January.

...Update? Didn't you say something about it for January? It's almost April already o.o

7072699 Thank you for the response

*finishes reading the last sentence of this chapter*

Huh, that was pretty good. Nice to see things from a different perspective. Now onto the nex--!!!

I'm.....i'm all caught up with the story....... O!o

Really hoping you continue this someday. By the way i love your stories and artwork. You're a cool guy.:eeyup:

It's honestly very unlikely. I have less and less time for writing, and since this is a retelling of an existing story, it's more than likely that this story will be cancelled.

This was an interesting perspective on the main story. It provided a lot background and character motivation. Even gave more insight into Celly's character.

“I think that we have the kind of relationship where… There’s an unconditional trust between us,”

And, back in the original story, this was where my mind put up a sign that said "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" I mean, show-don't-tell, right? There's just not enough interaction between these two for there to be unconditional trust. I get that the plot required it (for some reason...? because that never made much sense to me), but it's still quite a stretch, especially with princess Luna.

I don't know... It's nice when they're wearing their emotions on their sleeves like this, but... I think I prefer it when they're showing their "centuries-old, shrewd diplomat and ruler" sides. Sounds much more genuine, because that's what you'd expect from someone who's been ruling their country, and dealing with underhanded diplomats (not to mention nobles), for centuries.

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