• Published 1st Aug 2014
  • 3,692 Views, 47 Comments

The Great and Powerful Snails - Michael Hudson

Snails has always been told he isn't good enough for Trixie, but he still thinks he can win her over. Even if it means taking... drastic measures.

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Comments ( 13 )

I LOVED THIS STORY! I kinda hope there might be a little sex in the sequel.... Also I wish to help ANY way I can!


I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! HA HA!!!!!!!!!! SEE INTERNET!? I WILL GET MY SEQUEL AFTER ALL!!!!!!!! HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::pinkiecrazy:
oh... well.. uh.. yeah I loved this story wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy to much.... great work! :twilightblush::applecry::heart::heart::derpytongue2:

5148062 From beginning to end we found that he has earned the title "snails the reluctant master" in spades, well done.

This Fic has made me very happy, and as a connisuer of clop(or at least i like to think), very well done. You now get 1 out of 1 Derpy Hooves:derpytongue2:

5166209 Yay! I don't have to ask what went wrong!

6374145 I'm happy you enjoyed it so much, and the only thing I want to touch on in what you had to say was the cop's reasoning. See, they still wanted Trixie found and safe, but they had a problem morally with that, as their only suspect was Snails. To them, Snails was not only a part of the force, but one of the kindest, most naive kids they knew. To imagine him performing a kidnapping was almost inconceivable. However, when they had concrete proof, they were more then willing to perform their duties, and they still removed Snails from the force because he had proven himself dangerous.

So, long story short, this had little to do with their disposition towards Trixie, and more towards their past with Snails on the cop's part.

6374670 An interesting counterpoint, but one I still find a bit lacking. I will repeat again that despite my point of view, and distaste for what I see from the cop, I still find it quite believable. I've seen that happen in reality first hand, so I know that it can and does happen. While you make a good case for "The Thin Blue Line" being a factor, which it most certainly was, there are a couple of things that make it very clear that the police didn't actually care about Trixie, or would want to find her if it wasn't their job.

All of the evidence comes from Silver Badge himself.

"We don’t really think you had actually did it, but we were hoping you might be able to tell us to call off the search. Save us all a lot of work no one wants to do.”

“Because of her frequent visits. Everytime she comes there is always some new bit of madness that follows. Whether it’s her humiliating other ponies or lighting a few buildings on fire with her ‘new and improved’ fireworks. If she wasn’t kidnapped then we want to know so we don’t have to bring you in to interrogate Snips.”

“Other than you, he’s the only other pony who might want to keep Trixie in Ponyville rather then kick her out with a swift boot, even with the falling out on his seventeenth birthday.”

The first statement makes it clear that nobody thinks Snails did it, even with the early evidence pointing toward him. It also makes it very clear nobody wants to look for her, and they are hoping Snails gives them a reason, any reason, to just give up. The second gives more reasoning why nobody in Ponyville wants her around, and third one makes it clear everyone else wants her to vanish and never turn up again. They may not actually want her harmed in anyway, but her disappearing its a relief to them. Police included.

Final note, some how I missed the final chapter when I read this story, so I will read that now, then respond again.

6374670 Well finished the final chapter, still not sure how the hell I missed it. Damn shame the sequel was never done, as it leaves SO MUCH potential. Twilight actually cares, and simply didn't know about these events in the first place? While I can easily see Twilight caring, both as Princess of Friendship and with her admitted relationship with the Goddess of Love as well, I'm going to call BS on part of it. She didn't know? Can't see that happening. Ponyville is a crazy place, this it true. Twilight is almost always doing one thing or another, also true. But Ponyville is also a very small town, and everyone always seems to hear about everything. Baring an attempted coverup, which neither Snails nor Trixie would do, leaving only the police to have done so, these events would most certainly be major news, or at the very least huge gossip. Rarity would certainly have heard about it, and I can't see her not sharing that with at least AJ and RD as well, given their past with Trixie, a past Twilight shares as well.

:twilightangry2:“A dirty cop that deserves possible forced reformation, a process that requires the stunting of one’s mental faculties and change of personality, and all of a sudden the police chief wants the record wiped? I mean no offense, but this sounds a little fishy.”

Thank you Twilight. There are so many reasons that Twilight should have known about this, her not knowing makes it seem like there really was a cover up. Given that only the police would have been behind it, that cinches things for the police not wanting to have investigated in the first place. After all it was a known menance to Ponyville as the victim, and the perpetrator was a member of the force. And PPD then let the guy have his victim back. Yeah I can see them not wanting the public to know about this, because it makes them look REALLY fucking bad. Lazy, incompetent, corrupt, if not all three. No spin could be put on that crap that would make it do anything but stink.

Snails isn't a monster, he was/is deluded/too simple minded to understand what he was doing to its full extent. It's not until the end that he begins to realize "Oh Luna what have I become!?" and by then the damage is done and lasting. He clearly regrets his actions, and keeping Trixie around is in part a penance in Snails simple mind, he is constantly reminded of the terrible things he did to the one he loved, and I really got the feeling he genuinely loved her.

Trixie is broken, at least partly, and she knows it. But I honestly think deep down she believes that Snails is the only one who really cares about her, and its very likely he is the only person who knows the real Trixie that has actually stilled cared for her. She understands she has used Snails, treated him like crap, and he STILL loves her. Still doesn't change/excuse the rape, kidnapping and brainwashing. That being said, there is a very real chance of her actually having genuine affection/love for Snails, especially the longer she is with him.

This... this just makes me sadder that a sequel was never done. Twilight does whatever she feels is right, and damn the consequences. Its a key trait for her. I can see her coming in full force, even if she cant arrest Snails for anything, and removing Trixie by force. Neither Snails nor Trixie have the power, magical or political, to remotely contest Twilight. I can also see Twilight calling her fellow Princesses, most especially Cadence. Luna will likely back Twilight on this, seeing the entire thing as an abomination that should never have been allowed to continue, leading with her passion/emotions like Twilight herself does most often. Sunbutt is likely wanting to understand everything she can before she acts, as she rarely loses her cool or even expresses much emotion. But what of Cadence... Love is what she is, and this situation is a tangled mess of it. If anyone can tell the truth of it all, it would be Cadence. And should Trixie genuinely care for Snails, below all the brainwashing... What would Cadence think of it all... What would Love do when love was behind the tragedy in the first place... And if she spoke in favor of the pair... what would the other 3 do in response... So much potential, and it never got to come to light...

6378763 And I am sorry it never came to light. To be honest, I tried. The idea was that Twilight would seek to make Trixie waver, giving them the proof needed to have her press charges and get Snails punished, and the main 5 would help her in this. However, the chapters were really short, and stupid, and I did not like writing it, even if it did open up the third fic which I'll keep quiet about for now. I might try one idea though, thanks to this. Twilight calls for a re-evaluation of Trixie, by Cadance, who talks to the woman for a while, about Snails and her relatonship, and what she thinks. At the end, have Cadance declare that what the two have is an odd type of love, but one she can respect, and endorse, as Snails only cares for his slave, and does not see her as property.

I'm shocked the Chief didn't just flat out lie to Twilight, would've been easy here with Snips' involvement. Least crooked cop in existence right here.

Snails lives in a world of vertigo, the mistakes he made felt almost inevitable.
Trixie lived in a world of motion and delusion, her wanderlust stole reality from her, but perhaps she wasn't born like this. One day she was a little girl who flourished in showmanship, and the next she was only a showman. No personality, no dream, just a flowing existence attempting a complete freedom from reality.

The man, or pony, in an unfamiliar world manifests his desires upon her as she drifts far too close. To him, a caress of a flower. Her, death of the showman. Her only persona.

Underneath, roiling in a space of Ill minds and possessed thoughts her ten-year-old self is confronted and demanded of for answers to her ruination. Trixie is constructed true, but tainted from the vertigo.

A child's husk remains. She wants love, she has love. She was lonely, she has company. She was hurt, now she has hurting.

All from a deficiency of the mind. Vertigo could have just, taken one decisive step, and changed everything. One change, and he would have lived, and so too she would have more a chance as she floated on. But he never saw the need. So he crushed the only beauty in the world he'd ever wanted.

So desperate to take even the smallest of things from life, never to consider it's delicacy. For even the immutibilities of earth share perfection and can run every river in the world, so long as they live to change.

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