• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 591 Views, 5 Comments

Radiant Silver Star - JamesBurton

Silver Star is the faithful student of Twilight Sparkle who is studing magic in secret from the humans that banned it and must solve the mystery on how did the humans appear? And why cant anybody remember anything before they showed up.

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Chapter 1- Spring

In a small cottage in a small town called Plantation Two, an eight year old unicorn colt awakens from his peaceful slumber. His name is Silver Star, a name given to him by his teacher and mother Twilight Sparkle. Although she wasn't his real mother he loved her just as much as she loved him. She taught him many things such as basic magic spells and history lessons, she even told him that once upon a time Plantation Two was once known as small rural town called Ponyville. But one thing always bothered her though. Why was she even in Ponyville in the first place and how did she even know that this town was called Ponyville?

Silver Star sits up stretching his stiff limbs and rubs his silver mane back. "Ugh man ." He reaches over to his nightstand picks up his brush and looks at it and sighs. "C'mon, now is not the time for this. You're a grown stallion now." He starts to brush his gray coat smoothing it out. He lived alone in his small cottage ever since his older roommate was sold away to another plantation. He raises from his bed and walks over to a single table with a bowl sitting on top. He looks in a cabinet and retrieves a box of oats and pours some in the bowl eating in silence like always.


Silver Star stops eating his breakfast and glances out the window where a cream colored earth pony mare was on her knees crying her heart out at the human who had her foal. "JACK PLEASE! DONT DO THIS TO US!" She sobbed. But he pays her no mind as he continued to the carriage.

Some of the others who are watching the scene approach the hysterical mare holding her back as she watches hopelessly as her foal is taken away. "PLEASE! I"LL DO ANYTHING!" Her voice slowly dies down as Jack enters the carriage and leaves with her foal. "J-j-just don't take my baby away." She breaks down in tears as the group lead the poor mare back inside her home.

"Ha Ha Ha. If you want your useless spawn back leave Earth and never come back!" A young voice said entering the carriage.

Silver Star glares at the young child. His name was Jonathan and he was Jack's only child due to his mother dying after giving birth to him. He was an eight year old boy with blond hair and blue eyes and in Silver Star's opinion rather stupid. He was cruel and enjoyed watching his father ruin families with a smile. Sometimes he just wanted to hit him but the ramifications of such an action would be dire, which was the only thing saving him at this point. Watching the carriage ride off with the foal Silver Star couldn't help but think about his parents. Sometimes he would lay awake at night wondering if his actual parents fought hard to keep him and if they still remember him.

After finishing his breakfast and shaking away his thoughts Silver Star rises from his seat and heads for the door. Today Twilight was going to teach some more history about Equestria. He hoped that it wouldn't last as long as it did last night. Why did she have to give out so many tests?

Meanwhile in a carriage two humans and a sleeping foal were riding off to an unknown destination. Jack is sitting with his arms folded and his eyes closed while Jonathon is looking out the window.

"So where are we going dad?" Jonathon asked looking at the landscape. "Are we going to the city?"

"No. We are going to Plantation Five." He replied not breaking his posture.

Jonathon looks back at his father with mild curiosity. "The farming one? Dad, why are we going there?" He glances at the sleeping foal then back at his father. "But she isn't going to sell for much."

"Because I'm not selling her. I'm trading her for a farming earth pony."

Now Jonathon was really confused. "But why dad?"

"Because we need one. Eric does not want to have to keep selling ponies just to keep making money for the Plantation." Jack opens his eyes and looks at his son. "If we can get an earth pony that can farm we can start growing our own crops and save a little bit of money and maybe make some in the process. I don't like doing this but." Jack glances at the little filly sleeping next to him as the carriage comes to a stop. "We're here." He grabs the foal and exits the carriage. "Lets go."

Plantation Five also known as The Garden for its fertile soil and many types of crops that grew there. Many farmers both human and pony lived there growing food and raising cattle for the other the other four plantations. Jack and Jonathon walk past the farmers while they continued to work growing crops and continued towards a white two storied house off in the distance.

"Alright Jonathon." Jack began as they approached the front door. "I want you to be on your best behavior while we're here." He knocks on the door signaling their arrival. "Got it?"

Jonathon quickly nods as the front door opens up reveling an older portly male wearing a white suit. He wore rounded glasses and his hair and was snow white and greeted them with a southern accent.

"Well howdy there gents." He said. "Ah've been expecting your arrival. Please come inside and rest a spell." He stand to the side and invites them into his home. "Can I offer you boys a drink?"

Jack shakes hid head. "No thanks. If you don't mind I would like to complete our arrangement before the sun drops. I don't want to have to deal with a certain group again."

"Ah yes those pesky Anonymous Riders. Very well then, bring her out." One of his maids brought out a small earth filly wearing a red bow on her head in a cage. "This here's Apple Bloom." He said. "This here little filly as been a farmer since she was a young'un."

"Why is she in a cage?" Jonathon asked while walking up to the cage. As soon as he was close enough Apple Bloom charges at him trying to grab him. The startled child shrieks and runs behind his father's legs shaking.

"That's why sonny." He replied chuckling.

Jack looks at the filly sitting in the cage who looked very distraught. Once again he would to take a child from their home all because they didn't know how to grow their own food. For a place known as The Library which had all the books on how to grow food, but every time they actually tried to grow some crops it would fail, basically anybody could read how to grow food but nobody knew how to grow food.

"So, did ya'll fine gents bring me the foal that I requested?" Jack holds out the foal to the man who takes it in his arms. "Ah excellent!" He rings a bell in a maid quickly appears with a bow. "Take this foal over to Applejack but be careful, she may be madder than a rattlesnake." The maid bows once a again and leaves the room with the foal. "And with that our agreement is completed, I thank ya kindly for stopping by and don't worry Applejack will take good care for the young'un."

Jack shakes the man hand and grabs the cage. "Come on Jonathon, lets go."

"And that concludes our history lesson for today." Said a purple unicorn putting some books away. "Any questions?" Twilight Sparkle former student of Princess Celestia until her imprisonment in Plantation Seven, was just finishing teaching her faithful student and adopted son. She was also the lead researcher on the pony side trying to solve the mystery of the humans arrival and why cant anybody both human and pony cant remember anything about it.

"Just a couple, If Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were so powerful, how did the humans beat them?" Asked Silver Star. "And why cant us unicorns do magic anymore?"

Twilight uses her magic to levitate a book over to her and opens it. "Silver, we can still do magic and the only reason why the humans banned it was because they couldn't understand how it worked. For some reason they think that magic is the main cause of our little problem. And as for them beating the Princess." She closes her book and sighs. "I have no idea. I cant remember and neither can Eric, everything is just one big blur. I want to- no NEED to know what happened!"

Silver Star slowly backs away. It would seem that Twilight was having another one of her episodes.

"But not only that, I keep seeing five other ponies who I never saw before but I feel like I know them Silver, I feel like they are very special to me somehow." Twilight grabs her book and throws it at a vase shattering it in frustration. "But what does it mean?!"


The lavender unicorn sighs heavily and rubs her mane. "No Trixie just letting off some steam."

A light blue unicorn enters the room with a stern look on her face. "Oh really? Because the shattered vase and a book that's tossed on the ground tell me otherwise." Twilight's cheeks turn a little red as Trixie picks up the mess that she made. "Look Twilight, I know that you have been working hard trying to figure out this whole mass amnesia thing but after I spent all day cleaning up you go and smash stuff."

"I'm sorry Trixie." Twilight apologized. "I know that you work hard around the house all day, but I cant help but get severely frustrated trying to remember something that I've forgotten."

Trixie puts the shattered remains of the vase in the trash. "Maybe you should go for a walk, its a beautiful night tonight and maybe a little fresh air will clear you head."

"But what about the-" Trixie put a hoof on Twilight's nose silencing her. "Don't worry about them just go and clear your head ok." Twilight nods her head and leaves the room lost in thought as Trixie and Silver Star stand in the room. "Silver Star."

"Yes?" He asked looking at her.

"Go with her." She said. "I'm pretty sure that after a long day of studying with Twilight you could use a break as well." Silver Star nods his head and follows Twilight out the door eager to take a break.

It was a beautiful spring night in the small town known as Plantation Two, the moon and the stars were shinning brightly in the evening sky as Twilight Sparkle and her student Silver Star were walking down the streets while the purple unicorn looked up the sky. "You know Silver once upon a time Princess Luna raised the moon and made the stars."

"Yeah I know. You told me that the Princesses co-ruled Equestria." He said. "Many times."

"But now the sun rises and sets by itself and nopony makes the stars anymore and it even rains without the use of a pegasus." Twilight said sadly. "But I remember Princess Celestia raising the sun when I was a filly. I'm I trying to remember something that never happened or did it happen? Everything is so confusing Silver."

"Don't worry about it mom." Silver Star replied with a smile. "I know you'll figure it out someday."

Twilight smiles back as the two continued to walk throughout the town occasionally passing some of the other residents who were also enjoying the starry night sky.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" Twilight Sparkle and Silver Star both turn to the sound of the voice that they both knew very well.

"Oh hello Jack." Twilight said walking over to him. "Is there something I can help you with?"

He reaches into the carriage and pulls out a cage containing the earth filly. Twilight's eyes widen at this yellow earth pony who looks back at her angrily not saying a word.

"Why is she so young?" Asked Silver Star curiously. "She cant be no more than my age."

Jack looks at the filly in the cage with a look of regret. "She is your age Silver Star. The owner of Plantation Five wouldn't give me anybody else. After all he only had three farming earth ponies that he could spare, and of course he would keep the best two to himself."

"What's her name?" Asked Silver Star looking at the cage.

"Apple Bloom" Replied Twilight softly but loud enough for the others to hear who look at her with stunned expressions.

"That's right?" Jack replied. "How did you know that Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle look at him with confused widen eyes. "I-I don't know." How did she know that her name was Apple Bloom? The lavender unicorn was both scared and confused, she needed to leave now. "Uh, I need to go, If Eric asks she's with me." She grabs the cage with her magic. "Come on Silver lets go." They leave Jack who stands there rubbing his chin in thought.

After taking Apple Bloom away from Jack,Twilight Sparkle quickly returns to Silver Star's cottage with the two young foals. She sits the cage down on the floor and opens it. "It okay, we wont hurt you." She said softy.

Apple Bloom quickly dashes out of the cage and to the opposite side of the room watching the two very carefully not saying a word.

"Okay how about we introduce ourselves." Twilight suggested not moving from her spot not wanting to scare the poor filly even more. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, lead researcher for The Library or as most ponies and people call it Plantation Two. And this here is my son and student Silver Star." He slightly bows his head in recognition of his name being called. "My assistant who is helping me solve the mystery of the mass amnesia."

Apple Bloom continues watching the two silently not breaking eye contact. "Um, are you hungry?" Twilight asked unsure of what else to say. "Silver do you have anything to eat here?"

"Just oats." He replied.

"Why do you have only oats?" She asked. "Don't you ever eat anything else besides oats? What about vegetables? Do you even have those?"

Silver Star shifts his eyes. "Yes?"

"Remind me to give you a lesson on the values proper healthy eating habits later."

Ah wanna go home. Mutter the yellow filly.

Silver and Twilight stop their conversation and look at the yellow earth filly. "I'm sorry did you say something?" Asked Twilight.


Both ponies look at each other then look back at the yellow filly. "You don't understand do you?" Began Silver Star. "This is your home now."

"You're lyin." She said glaring at the silver unicorn pony.

"I'm afraid he's telling the truth." Sighed the purple unicorn. "I know that this must be hard for you to understand-."

"Oh Ah understand perfectly." Interrupted Apple Bloom. "Ah was taken from mah home and mah family and taken to a place far away from them." Tears start to form in the young filly's eyes. "And Ah may never get to see them again, and you have the nerve to tell me that Ah don't understand." The tears are starting come down now. "Oh Ah understand. Ah understand perfectly." Apple Bloom starts crying now as Twilight and Silver look at each other unsure what to do.

"Hey hey it will be alright." Twilight replied pulling Apple Bloom in for a hug as she continued to cry. "Look its been a long day how about we discuss things tomorrow. I'm sure Eric would like to see you and I sure he will give you the reason why you're here. He's a very reasonable human. How does that sound?"

Apple Bloom sniffs and nods her head. "Good, now I need to be heading back home. I'm sure Trixie is tearing her mane out with all the foals." Twilight turns her Silver who looks at her. "Silver you don't mind if she stays with you for tonight?"


"Good I didn't think you would." Silver Star blinks in confusion while Twilight smiles at Apple Bloom. "Don't worry, tomorrow well get everything settled." She heads for the front door.

"Ya promise?" Apple Bloom asked with a hopeful smile.

"I promise. Good night." Twilight Sparkle leaves the cottage to return home leaving Silver Star with Apple Bloom.

Once again he had another roommate, hopefully this one wont last as long as the other one did, but until that time he guess she was staying with him. "Well its getting late, we should probably be heading off to bed." He hops in his bed and pulls the covers over him.

"Hey where am ah supposed to sleep at?" Apple Bloom asked looking around.

Silver Star doesn't turn his head back. "In the bed, duh."

"But aren't ya afraid ya might catch the cooties?" She asked fearfully. "Ah'm a filly ya know."

The gray unicorn looks at Apple Bloom deadpanned expression. "The 'cooties' do not exist, I once had to sit through a fourteen hour lecture by my mother disproving the existence of cooties with a test at the end." He turns his head back away from Apple Bloom. "And I would rather not go through that again. Now either get in the bed or sleep on the floor, I really don't care."

Apple Bloom looks at the bed, it was certainly big enough for two and the floor was really dirty. After weighing her options Apple Bloom decides to get in the bed and soon fell asleep. It was comfortable and it reminded her of home. She hoped that she could return to her family, but for now her dreams would have to do.

Author's Note:

Alright a new story that I've been planning since my little hiatus. A tragic story that may not seem that way now but from here on out. It gets no better. Also I'm trying out something new. Hopefully it works. Also I may need a Editor for this one.