• Published 2nd Oct 2014
  • 869 Views, 17 Comments

New guy in town - DarkShadow95

So a new pony is in Ponyville. Sounds normal right? Well not this time, things take a little turn for the worst.

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Chp2. Redemption

Pinkie was slumped on her bed on the second floor, her mane was deflated form its usual puffy state. She was sad, and that was obviously apparent. She had spent all night helping the cakes to get half the order back after she had destroyed the rest with flour. The Cakes were relieved to see the 'Vampire pony' go away, much to Mrs Cake especially. They would have to tell Twilight sparkle the next day once the storm had died down, it was a little dangerous for anypony to go outside tonight.

She had been sat there for the last hour, completely still, thinking about her over reaction. Yes, Pinkie was still unsure about whether that pony was indeed a vampire pony, but she also had doubt in that theory. She assumed that if he was a vampire pony, he would not of cried walking out of the café. This just made her confused and sad at the same time.

The feeling of hurting a pony and the frustration of curiosity was not doing her brain cells any good. So much so that it was causing a migraine. She would not be getting any sleep tonight. She fell down onto the bed letting out a very loud sigh. She wondered where the pony had gone now? Was he safe from the storm? That question just made her feel even worse, to the point to tears in fact. She just laid in her bed trying to think of someway to redeem herself. She just felt terrible from it all.

On that spot she decided to find that vampire pony and make him smile again. She would get up tomorrow and make it her mission to find him and throw a party for him. This would be her sole mission, nothing would stop her, but she would still have to say to twilight that there was another vampire pony in town. The last incident involved Fluttershy causing chaos in Sweet apple acres.

"I don't know who you are, or where you are from. But I have a very particular set of skills, skills that can make anypony like you, smile. I will look for you Mr vampire and I will find you and I will make you party." she whispered quietly before shutting her eyes.

Light Bite walked through the downpour. His cloak was still soaked through and so was his coat making him shiver. If he did not find shelter soon he would suffer from hypothermia. He still had some bits left, so maybe he could find an Inn. But he would have to keep his face concealed he would not like another incident like the one earlier. He trotted along the streets looking for anypony for directions, but the rain stopped anyone from being out. He could not knock for anyone for risk of panic. It was tough being a bat pony, everypony was afraid of you.
He then walked into a square where a huge circular building was. He looked at it and saw a sign 'town hall' but what said underneath gave him some hope 'and inn'.

Finally he could shelter from this downpour. He walked up the steps to the front door and opened the doors inward. It was quiet and no pony around, perfect. He slowly made his way in and gently shut the door. He looked around seeing a small reception, it was alone after all from the huge hall that was in the middle. He walked up and rung a bell that was sat on the desk. Soon as he did so a head popped round from the curtain of the stage. Quill, an earth pony was a young intern at the town hall working as the mayors aid. He was lively and active with his blue dark blue mane and brown coat. He smiled as he walked back to the reception, happy that he had some work to do from this slow uneventful day.

"Good evening, how may I help you today?" he quirked.

Light bite looked up, but still kept it low enough to hide his face "Yes I would like a room for tonight please"

"Sure it is 5 bits a night here"

Light handed the intern 10 bits for 2 nights, Quill gladly accepted and gave him a key and directions to the rooms on the second floor. Light climbed the stairs relieved he did not have to reveal himself to the pony. At least he had a bed for the night, tomorrow he can get supplies then go back home the following day.

He came to his room, the corresponding number 9 on the door and key. He opened it to find a wooden bed with red covers on and a small en suite bathroom to the left. He was glad, now he could have a nice warm shower to get rid of the cold. Right now he was trying to distract himself from his broken dreams. He threw off his cloak and took off his bags and headed straight into the shower turning it to warm. He took a long shower thinking of what to do next. Right now he was unsure and still a bit emotional so making any decisions right now would be unwise.

He got out and dried off using the towels provided. He slumped on the bed thinking of what to do. He went into his saddle bags and took out his remaining bits and counted 50 to use and 700 in savings. He then took out a picture of his parents and looked right into it. It gave him memories of the time his parents were proud of their son getting his mark. There he was in-between the two of them giving his toothy grin. His dad was looking down at him smiling, radiating pride. As was his mother smiling with joy. A tear ran down Lights cheek as he realised he was crying, crying that all his work was just gone. He did not what to tell his parents about what happened, but he would have to eventually. He did not know how his father would react, he was the one who was most proud of him. Plus he would have to live through the torture of all the other bat ponies saying 'I told you so'.

He let out a groan in frustration and fell on his bed. What to do? His head was swimming in ideas thoughts and emotion. He then decided maybe he could figure it out tomorrow. No rush to try anything. He got into the bed and shut his eyes trying to sleep but he could not drift off. His mind was just too active, even if he tried to blank his mind. So he just laid there, awake confused and frustrated.

The next day was a lot better than the last. The usual sun was shining in the sky, evaporating the water from the ground. But some was still soaked into the ground making it muddy. This did not stop all the residents of Ponyville though, they were out as they would on a normal day. Running errands, going to work or just doing household chores, it was all back to normal. But in the window of the town hall, Light bite slumped on the window sill, looking out at all the ponies getting on with the beautiful day. He was trying to build up the courage to go outside again, but the thoughts of last night still haunted him. He could see himself tripping in his cloak and revealing his identity. Making everypony panic and run away, leaving him in the dirt, alone.

After a few minutes his stomach rumbled loudly, he realised he had not eaten since yesterday and for a bat pony low blood sugar was not good. He then knew he would have to go out. So he grabbed his now dry cloak and bags put them on and looked in the mirror behind the door. Making sure his face or body was obscure from view. With one deep breath he opened the door and proceeded to go outside. With each step his mind told him to stop, but right now his stomach was guiding him straight to food. Right now he craved an apple, just something with sugar for his high metabolism.

He walked up and squinted at the bright day. The downside with being a bat pony is that you are sensitive to sunlight. He walked through the town, trying to act casual. Not trying to draw attention to himself but the cloak did not really help. Every so often a pony would stare at him but he just kept his head down trying to look for something to eat. He eventually came across a large courtyard full of market stalls, jackpot.

Meanwhile on the other side of town Pinkie was up and also being stealthy. She was hid behind a large plant pot, that was still being watered by Rose luck. She leapt out before the water hit her and commando rolled to a sign trying to match its shape. Slowly she moved cover to cover, closer to Twilights house. The cakes already told her to go there and explain what happened, but she was going to tell her of what she saw.
Twilight was one of her best friends, a lavender unicorn pony that came to Ponyville to learn friendship. Over time they bonded and went on adventure also occasionally saving all of Equestria. Twilight was the bookworm type, always reading and learning. Finally she reached to door to Twilights house, a library no matter for a bookworm it was heaven. She sat in a bush next to the stable door, peering out making sure she was not being watched. A pink hoof raised out of the bush and gently knocked on the door before darting back into the shrub.
A moment later the door opened to reveal Twilight Sparkle, her friend. The purple straight manned unicorn looked around to find no pony about. Twilight assumed it was the CMC or rainbow playing another prank, she took a step out to look up to see if anypony was above her with a bucket of water like last time. When suddenly she was attacked by, what appeared to her to be a tree monster.

The green monster pushed Twilight back into the library and kept hold rolling the two of them back. The door slammed shut behind them from the force created from the collision. Finally they came to a stop and pinkies head popped out of the bush smiling, looking down at twilight face to face.

"Hi Twilight!" Pinkie greeted.

"Pinkie pie!? What in Luna? You could of just knocked like a normal pony" the unicorn replied.

"Well duh, I did silly billy!"

Pinkie then bounced off Twilight and kept bouncing on the spot, eager to tell her the story.

"Pinkie, what are you doing here? Don't you have to work today at Sugarcube?" Twilight asked getting up from the floor.

"Well," Pinkie stopped bouncing and slumped on the floor, her ears went back and mane deflated. Suddenly she looked up into twilight's face and began to ramble

"LastnightwegotagueastwhowasavampireponyIranbackintotheki-" Pinkie was cut off by a hoof being placed in her mouth by Twilight.

"Pinkie slow down. What happened?" Twilight then removed her hoof, and began to listen to her frantic friend.

Pinkie began to tell her tale more slowly, but with no less drama as expected. From the part where she sent the fillies to sleep to the point where she saw the vampire pony leave. Twilight listened to her every word, she was concerned when she described the pony thinking it was another flutter bat incident. But what she was hearing was this was nothing like that. "And that's when I came here to tell you!" Pinkie finished with a smile "Please tell me you can help?"
"Pinkie from what you have said, I don't think its a vampire pony"

"But it had fangs and bat wings!" Pinkie replied somehow making a cloak appear, pretending to be Dracula.

"Pinkie, Its a bat pony that came to you, a very rare type of pony. A bat pony," Pinkie then put down the cape and listened to twilight. "They make up half of Luna's personal guard and there is only one known place they all exist. Ponies are scared of them because they look different and with fangs they all run away in fright. That's why they all converged in one place."
"So I upset a normal pony?" Pinkie's suspicions were correct, it was just a normal pony. She now felt like crying all over again. Twilight noticed this and put a hoof around her friend for reassurance.

"Pinkie, if there is any pony that can make a pony smile, its you. We should go find this pony if we can, it would be interesting to learn of his type." Pinkie picked up and grabbed Twilight in a bear hug. "Thank you Twilight, you're the best pony ever!"

"We should get going now. He may still be in Ponyville, did you see where he went?"
Pinkie let go eventually "No I didn't" It was just getting tougher and tougher for her.

"Well lets just have a look, maybe somepony saw him." Twilight then went to the door, pinkie in pursuit. They where going to hunt down the bat pony and find out why he is here and to make amends for last night.

Twilight and Pinkie made there way around the edges of Ponyville. Asking around if they saw any odd looking ponies, or anypony in a cloak. They had been searching all morning, even recruited the help of the CMC in the search. But no pony saw anything that they described.
They were just making their way into the centre to see if there was any luck there. Twilight said it would be good to start in the centre and work out. She suspected that he could of stayed in the inn section of the town hall. Its what she would do if you were a foreign pony.
They made their way in and looked for they mayor pony but she was not around. No pony was insight so twilight rang the bell,

Leaving Pinkie to hop around shouting 'hello'. AN earth pony popped out from under the desk scaring Twilight and himself.

"Ah!" screamed twilight.

"Ah!" scream quill. "Sorry you scared me, can I help you?"

"Yes have you seen an unusual pony? Maybe he was wearing a cloak?"

Quill looked up for a second before remembering last night "Yes! we did he paid for 2 nights he's staying in room 7. He set out this morning I think he went to the market." Twilight then realised she may of hit the jackpot.

"If he comes back can you tell him to come to the library please?"


"Pinkie! He went to the market c'mon if we hurry we can catch him!" Shouted Twilight to her pink friend who was still hopping. They both galloped for the door slamming it open in hot pursuit of their unknown pony.

Author's Note:

I am doing this story before Twilight becomes a princess. It makes it easier, I think anyway.