• Published 7th Aug 2015
  • 5,802 Views, 656 Comments

Metroid Equis II: Duality - Flammenwerfer

Two and a half years after Samus' successful mission to Equis, the Hunter is reunited with her companions. The circumstances of their reunion, and what they find hidden on the planet, threaten the very place that she now calls home...

  • ...

2. Lunar Solace

Metroid Equis II: Duality

Section 2

Lunar Solace

Galactic Federation NIPRNET

GFOS v7.9

Please identify yourself:


pass: ***********

Welcome back, CMDR Malkovich.

Enter Request:

Synthesize and display all major non-classified news items relating to Equestria and Planet Equis from the close of the Equis Incident to present.

Processing request…



Generating synthesized report…

Time = 0 months
-Departure from Planet Equis to Norion

Time = 2 months
-Princesses Celestia and Luna call a global summit to discuss provisional membership in the Galactic Federation
-All signatory nations of Equis are officially under Federation Protectorate Status.
-Equestria establishes itself as central trading and networking hub.
-Heightened economic activity in Equestria, the Griffon Kingdom, and Minotauria.

Time = 5 months
-Equestrian economic performance surpasses expectations of Federation analysts.
-Renewable crystalline resource native to Equestria found to have favorable properties for Galactic Federation capital ship hulls. Unfathomable amounts of untapped precious metals are also discovered. Massive demand for resources ensues and money pours into the treasury.
-With the finalization of the exchange rate between the two currencies, the Federation credit becomes tacitly-accepted money.
-Demand for labor to meet trade obligations rises sharply. Largest number of ponies, notably unicorns, in over two hundred years has come of working age; prevents a labor market collapse. New cutie marks begin appearing.
-Princess Luna announces a vast military restructuring to align Equestrian forces with current Federation doctrine, as well as hybridized standards. Other world powers follow suit in the coming months.

Time = 9 months
-Equestrian Gross Domestic Product has nearly doubled. Trade deficits quickly become consecutive trade surpluses.
-Infrastructural overhaul begins, mainly in larger population centers such as Canterlot and Manehattan.
-Joint efforts by Equestrian and Federation science teams, as exercises, lead to the reverse-engineering of numerous pieces of technology, including the internal combustion engine and afloraltite- and fuel gel-driven starship engines. Federation aid advances Equestrian technology levels between three and five decades.
-Military investment increases by nearly one thousand percent.
-Staffing problems arise for military. Insufficient numbers of enlistees entering the service to meet Equestrian restructuring goals. Princess Luna refuses to implement any form of conscription.
-The Warhorse is designated a Class III Weapon of Mass Destruction and, pursuant to Federation conventions, is decommissioned.

Time = 15 months
-Immigration into Equestria surges as the nation’s prosperity flourishes without a loss of national identity.
-Princess Celestia is convinced of the need for a strong military. Approves an incentive program to bolster the Equestrian ranks in support of Princess Luna’s restructuring.
-First Equestrian ambassadors are transported to Earth and Daiban as part of an Equisian delegation.
-Under Federation supervision, Equestrian scientists, in collaboration with their Griffon counterparts, successfully reverse engineer the translight engine and slipspace drive.
-The First Equisian Fleet’s framework is approved and enters an aggressive production timetable at recently established shipyards in Equestria’s North Fields, the Griffon Kingdom’s Ostgarden region, and Zebranica’s Midlands.

Time = 18 months
-Princess Luna dissolves the Magickakorps, and announces its restructuring into the new Equestrian Special Forces.

Time = 21 months
-Fueled by gratitude and loyalty to the Princesses, loyalty to Equestria, a new appreciation for the military, and potential opportunity to take the fight to the Space Pirates, ponies swarm recruiting centers all over the nation. Many recruits are recently naturalized ponies; notably high number of unicorns, perhaps due to the intrigue surrounding the actions of the Magickakorps during the conflict.
-Staffing problems are overwhelmingly resolved, and mass military restructuring continues as planned.
-Equestria’s military-industrial complex has advanced to the point where they can now domestically manufacture sufficient weapons and armor to supply their forces.
-To bolster the First Equisian Fleet’s strength, the Fourth Fleet signs over a complement of frigates and cruisers, along with one Olympus-class battleship and the full fighter complement for each vessel. Domestic shipyards produce several more frigates, cruisers, and a second Olympus-class under license, along with the fleet’s flagship, a new vessel of unknown type. The Federation ships contain skeleton crews; ponies, griffons, and others make up the rest of the personnel aboard.
-The Equestrian Special Forces are fully commissioned.

Time = 25 months
-By this time, the First Equisian Fleet is at 75% total strength, with the remainder of the complement expected by the end of the galactic year.
-Military reconstructuring successfully completes. Princess Luna officially activates the Galactic Federation 49th Army, known as the Royal Army of Equestria. Its structure is classified, but its strength, including active-duty and reserve personnel, is estimated at 255,000.

Time = 28 months
-The Galactic Federation High Council bestows Princess Luna the title of ‘admiral,’ officially recognizing the First Equisian Fleet. Taking command of the expeditionary fleet, she takes it on a maiden, ceremonial voyage to Earth and Daiban.

The Hunter attempted to scroll down more on her tablet but the news synthesis stopped at twenty-eight months, or about three months prior. When she hit the digital wall, she closed out the application and locked the device, leaning back in her pilot’s chair and staring out of the cockpit for what seemed like another two hours. Samus, her body free from the confines of her 'Unidentified Suit,' eventually tore her eyes away from the eternal, perpetual void of space and focused on the computer in front of her.

"Adam?" she queried gently, the blank console screen of her ship flickering to life and displaying the omnipresent 'eye' that she had become so used to on BSL Station.

"Samus," it—no, he, she reminded herself—answered in monotone. With each passing day she could almost hear the resemblance.

"How long have we been cruising?"

"Exactly six days, fifteen hours, twenty-eight minutes, and five seconds."

Samus did not respond immediately, sparing a glance behind her towards the three etecoons and two dachorae peacefully sleeping once more. The sight elicited a gentle smirk from the Hunter, still pleasantly surprised that the five creatures managed to not only help her again, but escape BSL Station without infection from the X. Likewise, she was certainly glad that this ship was stocked with supplies, but when the hyperdrive malfunctioned a bit over three quarters of the way in, it would be a long journey to anywhere... and there was truly only one place that Samus could call friendly with any certainty.

"Any idea how long until we reach our destination?" Samus asked, returning her gaze back to Adam.

"With thrusters at maximum power and no obstacles, I'm predicting approximately no less than two weeks until arrival at Planet VK109H... but likely much more than that."

Samus shook her head as she exhaled, cursing silently. After everything had been said and done, all of her adventures after her stay on Equis had taken its toll: Phaaze, SR388, Zebes, The Bottle Ship, and now the X and BSL Station... combined, she had been away for a bit more than two and a half years with no way to contact anyone (she tried), and perfectly timed interruptions dispelling any ideas of planned visits (she also tried).

They're all probably pissed at me... god I'm gonna get it the moment I touch down.

Samus looked down and tangled the little trinket in her fingers, the one she was given by her friends when she left, the finishes on each bead having worn down over the past couple of years, as well as their magical glow eventually being snuffed out by time. Even so, it never failed to bring a smile to her face, reminding her that even though she had jobs to do, lives to save, and enemies to kill, she, as an often cold, calculating warrior, still had friends who missed and cared for her deeply... something Samus did not anticipate missing as much as she most certainly did. In summary, waiting for her, she had great company, a warm bed, and freshly cooked food.


Samus' reminiscing was cut short when Adam lit up the ship's console in a 'warning' manner.

"Unidentified fleet of warships ahead. Analyzing..."

"Shit... what're we in for?" Samus asked, silently hoping that, had they stumbled upon a Federation fleet, that they either did not know what transpired, did not care, or were out of the loop altogether. Steeling her gaze through the cockpit window, the fleet of about twenty ships—an expeditionary force by its size—slowly started to grow larger as their paths converged. The formation appeared to be heading at right angles to her line of flight, but more interestingly, there was one ship whose class she had never laid eyes on before, or at least, that’s how it appeared at this distance. Samus decreased thruster-speed as they approached quickly.

"Identity confirmed: Galactic Federation Fourteenth Fleet. It appears to be more well-known as the Fleet of Lunar Solace," Adam stated, as close to curiously as a computer could manage. "They appear to be friendly as of now."

"As of now," Samus parroted with extra emphasis on that clause. Her ship's motion trackers immediately picked up two objects moving towards them at high speed: Stiletto Fighters. The two ships broke formation and took up flanking positions to either side of her ship.

“We’re being hailed,” Adam reported tersely.

“Patch it through,” Samus responded.

"Unidentified Federation craft: you are approaching a Galactic Federation Military Formation. Switch to a secure radio frequency, and please transmit your identity code now."

"Well Adam," Samus began saying as she keyed in the appropriate characters on her computer's command console. "How do you think this will turn out?"

"As non-ideal as this may be, we will have to just see what happens. Transmitting identification key now."

Once the key was sent off, the radio went dead as, undoubtedly, the fighters relayed her information to their superiors. As seconds turned to minutes, Samus grew more uncomfortable, the tension settling on her like a weight and almost being tangible; something had to have gone awry. Finally, the fighters’ voice broke over the comms again:

"Transmission verified. Greetings, Samus. Stand by; you are being patched through to the commander of the Faust."

The line again went dead before Samus could even respond, but before she could even convey her pleasant surprise to Adam, he cut her off with a notification:

"Incoming Transmission. Patching it through now."

When the next voice spoke, it was at once the last voice Samus expected to hear in command of a Galactic Federation vessel, and yet, oddly enough, the one she most wanted to.

"Do you recognize my voice, Samus?" an authoritative yet painfully familiar voice pierced the silence, almost immediately dispelling the tension in the cockpit and replacing it with an air of belonging. Samus, for her part, widened her eyes and her mouth went ever so slightly slack as she processed the tone through her ears.

"L-Luna?" Samus asked just to confirm she was not hearing things.

"Huzzah! You do remember," Luna replied playfully. “It has been some time... I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about us!”

"I... haven't been able to visit. I hope you understand," the Hunter replied with unexpected, marginal emotion, sighing in a mix of relief, happiness, and a modicum of guilt. She had little idea how amazing would feel to hear a friendly voice after so long. "For what it's worth though, I was on my way back."

"You know I do... and so you were, as your ship has so kindly provided me with your flight path. Luckily for the both of us, we are headed to the same place."

Samus could not help the smirk that slowly began to etch its way onto her face, her eyes staring back at the fleet in front of her. She did not need to reply, as Luna continued:

"Come, Samus. I’m sending you a waypoint now; land in the Faust’s hangar.” Indeed, Samus’ navigation console began lighting up, the underside of the unknown ship blinking placidly. “It’s time for you to come home.”

Samus sunk into her chair even more, much more relaxed than she had been in the last couple of years, a lengthy breath escaping her lips as a lazy, almost tired smile etched itself onto her face.

“So soon, Princess? I was having a ton of fun just lounging around and drifting slowly towards Equestria in my ship…” Samus mock-whined, her much more amiable and friendly side beginning to show already in the presence of one who helped bring it out. The Hunter could hear a subtle giggle on the other end of the line.

“Do not give me that, Samus; it’s past your bedtime, young lady,” Luna replied with equal demeanor, eliciting another smirk from the girl. “I’ll personally greet you in the hangar… I expect to see you there.”

The Faust cut the channel and Samus placed her ship in autopilot, beginning the small voyage to the designated landing spot. The same fighters that greeted her took their places on either side of her ship, giving her a proper escort as they returned to their positions within the battle group. Fighters buzzed to and fro in their own squadrons, but a few fighter groups had drawn Samus’ curiosity as they flew past, passing her from back to front.

Are those… pegasi?

Indeed, a formation of craft with much the same color scheme as the Stiletto Fighter came into view, though they were certainly smaller. In fact, they appeared to actually be pegasi free-flying through space, though with the aid of what appeared to be some sort of full-body armored flight-suit. The suit of armor was bulky and their four legs were allowed freedom of movement, much like a pegasi would orient them to fly, though their wings were replaced with what appeared to be much larger, hardlight versions of physical, air-pushing ones. The colors varied from unit to unit and the energy wings even flapped. While almost identical in function to what she saw Ridley using when he escaped to Tallon IV, she’d ask Luna about them when she saw her.

Samus had been seeing many more squadrons of these seemingly space-faring pegasi, but what stole her attention yet again was when she ended up getting a much closer look at the fleet’s flagship: the G.F.S. Faust.

Passing in front of an Olympus-class battleship, Samus’ window pane was occupied by a ship that did not seem to follow any design doctrine of the Galactic Federation. Design-wise, the Faust was not sharply angled like its Federation counterparts, but rather rounded and quite ovular in nature. It was easily three times the length of an Olympus Battleship and half again its height… the size of a decent city, not counting its girth! Eight monstrous engines gently nudged the behemoth along through space while Samus could make out what looked like dozens of hangars and firing bays with massive cannons on them. What was truly the standout feature, however, was the easily over a thousand foot-tall ‘horn,’ which jutted out at a forty degree angle and tapered off to a rounded point.


Samus’ Stiletto escort eventually broke off, being replaced by two of the pegasi she saw earlier, who assumed a ground control function, bracketing her as her ship coaxed itself towards its destination. Disengaging autopilot and taking over control for the final descent, Samus angled her ship properly before setting it down, feeling the satisfying thud of the ‘legs’ of her ship making contact with the hangar floor.

“Alright Adam,” Samus finally spoke after complete silence during the journey to the capital ship. “Looks like we’re in friendly territory now.”

“So it would seem. I’ll look after the ship and let you know of any developments,” Adam replied, pinging Samus’ wrist console as a show of contact. She huffed in approval, flashing a gentle smirk to the main console of her ship before turning back towards her animal friends still sleeping peacefully.

“I’ll be in touch.”

Stepping over to the gravlift, the Zero Suit-clad Hunter allowed her ship to slowly lower her down onto the metal floor of the hangar, though what she found waiting for her was certainly a surprise: an honor guard, comprised of dozens of pony troops garbed in fearsome, yet gleaming Federation armor standing at attention and creating a path for the Hunter, a path which led straight to a very familiar alicorn. Across the hangar, the human and alicorn locked eyes with each other and did nothing about their lips upturning in brilliant smiles.

As Samus began her trek between the two columns, each pair of soldiers saluted her as she sauntered past. The two friends never broke eye contact and Samus could see Princess Luna had donned a rather iconic uniform of a Federation Admiral, complete with the silver visor-cap and tassels. Regardless of her genuinely ecstatic demeanor, Samus had to admit that Luna still carried the very essence of a commanding officer; the confident, fierce stature necessary in any high ranking position.

The Princess fit the mold perfectly in every conceivable way, if Samus’ experience alongside her was any judge.

“Princess Luna…” Samus spoke first as she approached within acceptable speaking distance. “An admiral at that, too…” she added, giving her a respectful, if humorous salute. Luna, however, righted her posture more before lunging at the human, enveloping her in a crushing hug.

“OH JOYOUS OCCASION! SHE HAS RETURNED TO US!!” she screamed in delight with her Royal Voice, swinging Samus around in her death-grip. Samus flailed her legs and let out strangled, pleading cries for mercy, her ribs creaking in protest. Eventually, Luna did get the message and set the human down, affording the two another chance to glance at each other.

“It’s…” Samus began, collecting her words to accurately portray her good feelings. “Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t really excited to have heard your voice, and now to see you again,” she finally admitted, still not entirely keen on jumping for joy at the moment, though perhaps that would change when she actually got back to Equis and Equestria.

“Most definitely, Samus,” Luna replied endearingly, giving the human woman a friendly nuzzle on her cheek, a gesture Samus happily accepted. The Princess then beckoned Samus to walk alongside her with a curt tilt of her head before dismissing her troops in the welcoming party. “Come, let us walk.”

“Erm, I have some animals in my ship that are very near and dear to me… is it possible to ensure they’re taken care of?” Samus asked hesitantly, not entirely thrilled about leaving the etecoons and dachorae to fend for themselves aboard her ship. Luna responded with a deep nod.

“Of course, Samus. They’ll be taken care of,” Luna affirmed, looking to one of her soldiers standing by and nodding to them. They saluted and took off to complete their task. Once more, Luna beckoned the Hunter to fall into step with her and they moved to exit the hangar.

“Have you eaten, Samus? You must be starving for a proper meal,” Luna surmised with measurable concern, looking over the human walking next to her. Samus pursed her lips, doing her best to fight back a knowing smile; though she wouldn’t admit it in so many words, she was sorely looking forward to enjoying Equestrian cuisine once again.

The pair of warriors crossed from the expanse of the Faust’s hangar into the intimate closeness of one of the vessel’s major access corridors and all of its traffic, allowing Samus a brief moment to rein in her enthusiasm.

“I could definitely eat if you don’t mind,” Samus agreed. She had been living off of MREs for good while and some actual food tickled her fancy quite nicely. Luna nodded and continued walking, military personnel both human and nonhuman flowed around them, though, as apt for an Equisian vessel, the majority of personnel were ponies. All species, however, rendered salutes to Luna as they passed.

“We shall stop by a cafeteria near the bridge. On our way, I’ll give you a small tour,” Luna suggested as she continued on, leading them both out of the docking wing and into a transit hub. Such a room carried elevators, moving walkways, and teleportation nodes.

“Sounds good to me! You have an impressive ship here, I might add,” Samus confessed, still quite taken with the architecture and complexity of the warship. The two stepped on a moving walkway and it took them at comfortable speed past several other wings on the right, while an observation pane on the left ran the entire length of the walkway.

“You could say this ship, an Alicorn-class dreadnought, is my home away from home. We’ve made several refinements to the standard Federation design doctrine; I’m sure you’ve noticed the observation panes throughout the ship.” Luna waved a hoof dismissively towards the panel to their left. “In addition, Equisian shipwrights forwent one single hangar in favor of multiple smaller ones along the port and starboard... dozens, actually, and multiple fighter squadrons per each as a complement. We have full armories and even manufacture a portion of our own munitions on board which will be crucial in battle. We have several hundred heavy batteries that are fairly standard throughout Federation warships.”

“What I’m really curious about is the giant horn sticking out of the top of the ship,” Samus added, earning a knowing chuckle from the princess.

“Ahh yes, the main armament of the Alicorn-class…” Luna began, but was quickly interrupted.

“Wait, that’s the main armament?” Samus asked for clarification, believing it was merely for show, though in hindsight, that would be a terrible burden on a ship for the mere sake of identity.

“Indeed it is! Our shipwrights patterned the weapon off of an alicorn’s horn; along its length, hundreds of self-recharging aetheric batteries funnel a magical charge upwards, to the tip, reminiscent of any unicorn’s horn. When released, it fires a highly-concentrated ‘shell’ of raw magic.” An air of pride emanated off of Luna’s words as she continued. “Our simulations suggest no material nor shielding system in existence can withstand even a single direct strike.”

“What’s the catch?” Samus asks, frowning. “I mean, this thing’s a damn superweapon,” Samus thought out loud, continuing the conversation as they stepped off the moving walkway and into an elevator to take them closer to the bridge.

“It’s a massive target, I admit, and requires its own separate shield generators at the base of the horn; the traditional arrangement couldn’t be adapted to properly shield it. The weapon itself is unusable for about forty-five minutes between shots as it recharges. It’s also worth noting that such a massive discharge of magical energy does not take the ship offline, thankfully… As you can imagine, shot placement is critical, and while the horn is recharging, the Faust has to fall back behind a fighter screen for preventative safety, though it is more than capable of defending itself,” Luna explained, which made proper tactical sense to Samus. Samus certainly wouldn’t want to be the first one into the breach against such a vessel. As Luna pointed out, it wasn’t like the ship was defenseless while its main weapon recharged, either, with the sheer number of defensive batteries.

The two exited the elevator and continued down another busy corridor towards the cafeteria while Luna continued to cover matters and nuances of the Equisian fleet versus a standard Federation fleet in depth. As well, one of her first questions had been answered: the ‘space pegasi’ operated identically as she had believed. Their suits were a cut-down version of a Federation EVA suit, as thin as it could be while still retaining pressure for maximum maneuverability. Their hard-magic wings were, in principle, the same as Samus saw Meta-Ridley use when escaping the Orpheon. Aptly designated as ‘Pegasus Fighters,’ they boasted far greater maneuverability than a Stiletto, coupled with the ability to make devastatingly accurate precision strikes. However, owing to their smaller size, they were more fragile, could neither accelerate as quickly nor travel as fast and carried a reduced and often limited types of ordinance. Additionally, because they lacked their own slipspace drive, they relied on their host vessel for long-distance transport.

Samus’ questions about those topics, as well as what she missed back in Equestria, never ended; not even the change of environment to a cafeteria table stopped her inquiries… at least until Luna forced a brief end: Samus was ordered to help herself to whatever she wished in the sparsely populated dining court, and the Hunter certainly made good on that; loading up on meat and fresh fruit in particular.

As she drank, and Samus ate, Luna felt a wave of sympathy rising as she watched Samus almost ravenously descend on her food. Luna considered her a close friend, and the thought of the warrior woman gallivanting across the galaxy without a decent meal anywhere in sight broke her heart.

“Better?” Luna asked as Samus pushed her now empty plate away, an expression of blissful contentment befalling Samus’ face.

“Oh hell yeah… I needed that.”

“So, when do I get to hear about your galactic exploits?” the alicorn pressed informally, more than curious as to what she had seen and what left her in a slightly different state than what Luna remembered. Luna could notice subtle differences in Samus’ movements and expressions—a closeness of the shoulders, an overall closed-off stance—that indicated a few less-than wonderful experiences over the last two and a half years.

“How about when I get to see the rest of the girls? They’ll have the same questions too and I’d rather have everyone there at once,” Samus deferred, running a hand through her unkempt hair. At that moment, her console vibrated; when she checked it, she found a silent message from Adam, notifying her that an Equisian service member had taken her passengers to safety. “Other than what we discussed, anything else I missed?”

Luna stared at her for a few moments, pursing her lips and questioning whether she should reveal the material her special forces squad had found the previous year… was it too soon to start calling in assistance?

“Well… I don’t know if you wish hear about Chozo-related discoveries…”

“You found more Chozo artifacts?” Samus asked, leaning forward and setting her hands on the table.

“Ehhh… it is a bit more complicated than that, Samus. You remember Vector Squad, yes? One of my units that joined with the humans and formed a joint task force?” Luna asked, her previous frivolity draining from her tone. Samus was unphased, eager for more news from her adoptive homeworld.

“Oh yeah! Are they still active?” Samus asked, smirking as fond memories resurfaced.

“Very much so, though the last time they were deployed was to investigate an abandoned Chozo structure deep in the Everfree. After recovering that unknown item you lost when you were on Equestria for the first time, they figured out that it was in fact, a key of sorts which opened a path to an underground laboratory,” the princess continued, magically willing a datapad into existence and presenting Samus with a few pictures that were taken via Vector’s helmet cameras.

“Definitely Chozo, no doubt about that,” Samus said, indicating a section of an image detailing the Chozoid inscriptions on the wall and general architecture. “Anything interesting inside?”

“Quite so,” Luna replied. “The laboratory, which had been well warded against degradation, held a stasis tank at the very end of it. Inside…” Luna shook her head, taking a breath. “Inside the tank was something I still can’t explain, nor can any of my scientists.” She cocked her head. “Maybe you know something? Small, gelatinous creatures, no real form to them. They’re beigeish, and…” Her voice trailed off as her eyes refocused on her conversation partner. “...Samus? Is everything alright?”

Samus had gone still, her expression of relaxation slipping off her face, replaced by a blank mask of stoicism. “Beige, gelatinous creatures?” she asked in a much softer tone. Luna manipulated her datapad and brought up a picture, confronting the Hunter with a perfect photograph of a nightmare she thought she had rid herself and the galaxy of: The X Parasite.

Samus, however, did not respond immediately, her eyes relaxing into the middle distance, her mood darkening. Attuned as she was, Luna quickly sensed a myriad of conflicting feelings pouring up from underneath Samus’ exterior. Samus reached for her glass of water and as she brought it to her lips, her hand trembled with barely-leashed emotion. She set her glass back down on the table with seemingly exaggerated care. A few moments later, however, her fist convulsively clenched, shattering the glass with a sharp report, causing her alicorn counterpart to harshly flinch.

She pushed the tablet back towards Luna with a sullen expression. The latter quickly called up some magic to dry up the water and dispose of the broken glass.

Samus’ nostrils flared as her eyes sought Luna’s. “You found a living sample of the X Parasite in a random Chozo structure?” Samus asked for confirmation, donning a much darker complexion along with her her tone being deathly low.

“The ‘X Parasite?’ Well, it appears we now have a name for our mysterious creatures.” The forced levity faded from Luna’s voice. “I take it from your sudden change in demeanor that these are not benevolent in nature?” Luna asked half-heartedly, already knowing her answer but still, on some level, pleased that she was making some headway in solving this mystery after a year.

“Luna… I literally just got done battling this goddamn parasite on a research station. The amount of damage it could do, should it get loose… I’d rather not discuss it now. ...I programmed the station out of orbit and slammed it into this parasite’s home planet...it should be over. This parasite should no longer exist! Why is it here?!” Samus hissed through clenched teeth, clearly not at all happy about this revelation, and growing more agitated by the moment, though not at her host. Luna was quick to act.

“Samus, please do not fret… the parasite has not been, and will not be released. It is still contained in the same facility we found it in. We have not touched it, but merely observed it and attempted to study it. The stasis tank it resides in is quite sturdy; my scientists tell me it would take a huge amount of force to breach it. All is well,” she reassured her, placing a comforting hoof on Samus’ hand, who unexpectedly curled her fingers around it.

“Alright… that’s good to know. Still, it begs the question: why?” Samus began, musing out loud because the whole scenario made absolutely no sense to her. “The X are the single greatest threat to this galaxy and the universe… even more so than the metroids. Why would the Chozo in all their wisdom, and of their own volition, remove a sample from SR388, and bring it to Equis of all places?”

Samus folded her arms together on the table and rested her forehead on them, attempting to make sense of her ever mysterious caretakers’ logic. Luna, now, had similar questions.

“Perhaps we can shed light on this subject,” Luna proposed, scrolling through pictures on her datapad.

“Luna, does the Federation know about this??” Samus asked urgently, shooting her head back up. To her relief, however, Luna shook her head, slightly bemused at both the question and the urgency with which it was asked

“They do not. I only have a few scientists working at the facility and a platoon of my finest troops monitoring it at all times—Crusader-Vector Joint Task Force included. As a matter of routine, I do not disclose matters related to The Visitors or the Alicorns to the Galactic Federation, as quite frankly...it does not concern them.”

“Good… otherwise things could become very ugly, very quickly,” Samus concluded, though that led to a new series of questions in Luna’s mind as she slid the datapad back toward the Hunter. What did Samus know about this parasite in relation to the Federation? Those questions could be asked at a later time, though.

“Here...my soldiers recovered these samples of the writing found in the facility. Perhaps you can decipher some of it?” the alicorn asked.

“In my sleep,” Samus replied, bringing up her wrist console to scan the picture. Samus could understand a few words of the script at first glance, though despite knowing the language, advanced scientific texts or religious scripts were still better left to the translator in her suit’s computer. As soon as her console finished the job, Samus read aloud so Luna could hear.

[Recorded to Logbook]

[Chozo Lore | Chozo Script translated]

[This section of this magical forest has not been touched in eons… a perfect place to perform our crucial testing. The discovery of the Parasite on SR388 is most unfortunate, and the seers, with their infinite wisdom, have unanimously prophesied the destruction of the known universe should this pestilence spread. Our greatest mystics and scientific minds have bent their labors to the task, and have proposed two options to eradicate this threat from the galaxy, one of which has only recently been confirmed viable. One path we may take is to create a life form that preys on this parasite… one that will ensure its extinction. Another solution, however, may involve the planet Equis’ recently discovered, strong, natural aetheric field. More research is required, and will take several lifetimes, but we are optimistic that the second option shall bear fruit. We Chozo wish to influence life, and ensure life continues on its own natural, benevolent path… It is not our place to draw forth life out of nothing, and so we place our faith in aetheric research.]

“So it appears this was a secret research lab,” Luna confirmed the obvious, though definitely concerned about the destructive power of such a parasite should it get released. “And this confirms that our decision to not agitate the holding tank was a wise one.”

“Yup, but it looks like we may get an answer as to why the Chozo would even remove them from their home planet…. or at least, I hope so. Is there any more?” Samus asked as Luna scrolled to another picture.

“Right here.”

“Well, from first glance it appears there’s some chronology here,” Samus remarked as she let her console scan the photograph. “That, and these writings were taking place decades apart.”

[Recorded to Logbook]

[Chozo Lore | Chozo Script translated]

[Preliminary test results on the Parasite sample removed from SR388 are most promising. The ambient aetheric field that naturally permeates this planet appears to act to hold the Parasite’s nature in check; greatly reducing aggressiveness, reigning in virulence, and interfering with its ability to quickly take the shape of its host. This calls for more research; we wish to investigate the effects of directed-energy aetheric exposure. . The High Council is eagerly awaiting more results, and if our research continues to yield results, we may yet redirect our efforts away from the predator project. As ever, the rest of the Chozo remain unaware; the Council wills it that the vast majority of our Empire be ignorant of the general threat, though their reasons, we know not.]

“Really…” Samus murmured to herself after reading the translation, resting her chin in the web of her thumb and forefinger as she pondered the words of her adoptive people. Luna, however, was more interested in a select couple of sentences from both translations.

“What do they mean by ‘creating a predator?’” she asked uncertainly.

“I’m wondering the same thing… but what’s weird is that before one of my...escapades, I was in critical condition, medically speaking, and my life was essentially saved by a vaccine created from metroids,” Samus explained, forcing Luna to recall what metroids were at the second mention of their name, and she eventually remembered in full.

“What are you thinking?” Luna asked, pressing for how Samus thought that detail might be related.

“After extensive study, Federation scientists concluded that metroids were the sole natural predator of the X Parasite… but…” Samus cocked her head, frowning. “...from what’s being said here, there’s an inherent insinuation that the Chozo created the metroid,” Samus elaborated, though by the way she said it, she seemed to be trying to convince herself rather than Luna. Gray Voice, Old Bird, nor the others mentioned anything about the creation of the metroid, to her at least.

“Wait a minute… were you able to find anything else? There has to be more...” the Hunter asked, her thirst for knowing rearing its head full-force. That, and she wanted to be certain, in the end, that the X posed no threat to Equestria and Equis.

“There’s one more image that the squad captured. Here,” Luna affirmed, displaying the final wall of script on the datapad’s screen.

[Recorded to Logbook]

[Chozo Lore | Chozo Script translated]

[It appears our faith in our abilities has not gone unrewarded… direct, concentrated exposure to the aetheric field of this planet acts as a retardant to the Parasite, completely inhibiting its abilities beyond that of a simple disease and overall, rendering it quite lethargic. This news bears fantastic implications with it, and now all that remains is to channel some of this natural magic into a tangible state so it may be weaponized as a preventative measure against the Parasite. No direct action may be taken until the High Council approves of such a plan, however, until that day arrives, Project ‘Ultimate Warrior’ shall continue as a failsafe.]

“You clever bastards…” In one breath, Samus cursed and praised the ingenuity of the Chozo. “The signs were all there...and I didn’t even see it. Completely extinct, to my knowledge, and your secrets still continue to surprise me,” she continued to talk to herself.

“Samus… to ensure we are on the same page, what sense can you draw from this?” Luna asked. Luna trusted Samus with her life, and because she had more (and recent) experience in dealing with the X, she would follow the Hunter’s recommendations for exactly what to do with the sample of the X.

Samus sighed and curled up in her chair, burying her face in her palms.

Gray Voice… you and I are gonna have a little chat later. And god I’m in desperate need of a shower.

“From what I’m gathering, the Chozo discovered that Equis’ aetheric… or magical field proved effective at rendering the X rather docile, and the Chozo were attempting to use that to combat it instead of, apparently, creating the metroids. It looks like, for whatever reason, they stopped that line of research, because the metroids exist… or, did exist,” Samus explained, recalling how she exterminated all of the creatures. “There’s no reason to keep the Parasite, Luna. They need to be destroyed.”

“Very well. I’ll give the order for thermic sterilization,” Luna agreed, but Samus quickly shook her head.

“No, that won’t work. The X are horrifyingly adaptive, and even though magic is making them lethargic I’d rather not risk the X adapting to the heat and somehow breaching the tank. I’ll destroy them myself but we need to get back to Equestria as soon as possible,” Samus added with great urgency. Luna, however, held up one of her hooves and gave the girl another calming smile.

“Samus, please, you truly work too hard. Nothing will happen to the Parasite without my order. When we return to Equestria, I shall personally take you to the facility where you may dispose of them how you please. But for now, promise me that you will take a break?”

As the two gazed at each other, Samus’ sense of urgency slowly died under Luna’s comforting smile. After all, she had apparently had this whole situation under control for over a year and nothing bad had happened… so another little while would not cause a problem. Two times in a row, she had to be settled down.

Guess I’m still a bit in ‘battle mode,’ heh.

“Alright… and yeah, there’s definitely a few ponies I want to see before we go,” Samus said, finally relaxing and thinking about six specific ponies and one dragon who were eagerly awaiting her return.

“I can certainly imagine,” Luna replied knowingly. “Now then, how about I show you to your quarters?” she added, the two getting back to their hooves and feet.

“I’d like that, actually. After everything that’s happened and what we just learned… I just wanna sleep right now,” Samus admitted, the very essence of fatigue lacing every word. “Just show me to the nearest barracks, I’ll take an empty bunk.”

“Over my dead carcass!” the Lunar Alicorn protested, shocked. “We have vacant rooms in the Commander’s Wing; you shall rest in only the finest we can offer you,” Luna vehemently insisted. Samus, while she appreciated the gesture, was more than fine with a simple mattress and blanket. Any bunk with the troops would do.

“Thank you, Luna, but really, it’s—”

“The mattresses are ‘cloud’ and you have your own, expansive shower,” Luna interrupted tersely, and while Samus merely stared at her in clear contemplation, the princess already knew to take her silence as tacit agreement.

“On second thought, if you’re offering…” she said with a grin.

“I figured that you would see it my way. Now, come Samus. I must return to the bridge soon so I’d like to take you there now,” Luna stated, beckoning the Hunter along and leading the way towards the vast bridge. The two continued to talk the entire way, though as Samus’ worrying began to completely subside, her tiredness from it all began to slowly take its toll; despite being on her ship for nearly a week doing nothing, she was still absolutely exhausted. A ‘paradox of inaction,’ in her eyes.

“And here we are,” Luna proclaimed as the duo entered into the Commander’s Wing and stopped right in front of a rather elegant-looking, ebony-wood door. There was no nameplate on it unlike the others in the area, but a quick look around revealed that this room was right next to Princess Luna’s. Opening the door for her, the princess gestured inside and allowed the Hunter to enter (though she had to duck a bit under the door-frame) and turn on the lights, revealing an expansive living arrangement… almost like a fully furnished, expensive hotel room with a queen-sized bed, a small refrigerator, and a door leading to a gorgeous bathroom.

“Well? Will it do?” Luna asked excitedly, awaiting the verdict and eliciting a chuckle out of the girl.

“It’s perfect… it’s too much, actually,” Samus confessed, though was clearly pleased with her setup.

“Nonsense!” Luna protested, again, not having any of it. She waved her hoof dismissively and shook her head. “You’ve been away for too long, taking on responsibilities that would kill anypony else… you’ve earned every bit of this and even more! Now, there’s something I’d like you to do for me…” Luna began, taking on a much more serious tone and trailing off her sentence to leave room for Samus to interject. The Hunter faced her as she returned from the middle of the room.

“What is it?” she asked curiously. Luna placed her her right hoof on the side of Samus’ left bicep and locked eyes with her.

“Bathe yourself from all of your troubles. Then, I would like you to lie down and get some actual sleep… do not attempt to persuade me that you have been sleeping much, either,” Luna stated.

Samus only smirked.

“Okay, Luna. I will.”

“Very good. I must return to the bridge now, so I’ll leave you to your own devices. The fleet will be entering hyperspace again in about an hour and a half, so we’ll return to Equestria hopefully in about two days or so,” Luna informed her.

“Okay. I’ll see you...tomorrow, then?” Samus replied, suddenly realizing she didn’t know what time it was aboard the Faust. A quick glance at the room’s clock, synchronized to Equestria time, quickly confirmed that her assumption was accurate. Luna nodded before continuing.

“Have a good night, Hunter.”

“Goodnight, Luna.”

The door sealed shut as Luna walked off back to the bridge, leaving Samus alone… though she was not truly alone, being reminded as such when her wrist console blipped.

“Are you alright, Samus?” Adam asked, as if he could sense a slight change in mood. He didn’t really even need to ask; connected as he was to the Hunter’s computer, he could easily read her biometrics. The sudden sound of his voice suddenly permeating the quiet atmosphere startled Samus out of her reverie. Looking down at her console, the the simple purple ‘eye’ occupied her screen, identical to what she would see in the Information Rooms on BSL Station. What was once a cold, omnipresent, and often intimidating conduit for curt orders and dry information was now oddly comforting for the Hunter.

“Yeah… yeah I’m fine, Adam. I just need a shower,” Samus replied coolly, beginning the process of removing her Zero Suit and stripping down… was not like Adam’s ‘eye’ could see anything, right? Not that she cared, though. Sauntering to the bathroom, she began running the shower and as she waited for the water to heat up to her preferred temperature, better befitting Norfair than her skin, she took a look at herself in the mirror.

There were easily-visible bags under her eyes and her hair was wholly unkempt, split ends everywhere and matted with sweat. Her skin had actually darkened due to dried sweat and general grime, especially on her face, which was notably darker than the rest of her body by virtue of not being exposed.

She turned away and stepped into the pristine, porcelain shower, a sigh emerging unbidden from her lips as the perfect-temperature water flowed over and down her body. Samus took her time luxuriating under the spray, letting the hot water relax her muscles, before beginning to actively clean herself. As she began the process, murky and darkened water flowed off of her, the remnants of physical souvenirs from her most recent missions flowing down the drain.

As she cleaned herself, the soothing effects of the hot water and the mist it formed were having a similar effect on her mind as they were her body. Despite being on the Faust for barely a couple of hours, she had already been through a combination of different emotions, a testament to her missions. However, only now did it truly start registering in her head that she was in friendly hands… or hooves, and most importantly, headed home. She only hoped that the Federation would not attempt to harass her too much.

Samus sat herself down on the shower’s small porcelain seat and rested her soaked body against the equally porcelain side wall, more than content with allowing the water to rain down upon her. She closed her eyes as she sighed once more, the edges of her lips upturning in blissful peace.

Author's Note:

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