• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 1,781 Views, 6 Comments

Misfortunes - Spectral

During a seemingly beautiful autumn day, Applejack and Rainbow Dash goes for a picknick. Bad idea.

  • ...

A good day

Chapter 1

The ponies of Ponyville were enjoying a beautiful autumn day. It was warm, and just a few clouds were on the sky. Almost everypony was out relaxing in the sunshine. It wasn't even midday yet.
Applejack was out in the sunshine too, but she wasn't relaxing. She was applebucking.
"Everyday should be like this", she thought to herself as she used both her hind legs to kick a tree, smiling with satisfaction as the apples fell down into the cart placed below. She noted that the cart, which was a quite large cart mostly used by Big Mac, was starting to get full. She looked around and saw that there were only a few trees left for today, so she decided to get the last of the apples before making her way back to the barn. As she started to pull the cart towards the next tree, she noted that is was quite heavy. This made her wonder if she would even be able to move the cart when she was done.
When the last tree had been bucked she realized that her concerns were true, she couldn't move the cart at all. Swearing loudly she tried even harder but the cart wouldn't , she heard someone laughing above her. Looking up, she saw Rainbow Dash looking down at her from a small cloud. Apparently, the blue pegasus was having a fun time at Applejack not being able to pull the cart any further.
"Oh, Applejack" she giggled. "You ever heard the saying 'Don't bite off more apples than you can chew'?"
"Well", Applejack snorted. "Instead of ya layin up there doin no good, how bout ya come down here and help."
"I guess I could" Rainbow said casually while turning on her back."But on the other hand, it's quite nice up here."
"Jeeze" Applejack sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Besides, I didn't hear the magic word."
"Fine." Applejack sighed again."Rainbow Dash, will you please help me get these apples to the barn?"
"Okay" she said, smiling as she flew down to the ground. Rainbow Dash put both her forelegs on the back of the cart, while flapping her wings as hard as she could. Together, they managed to get the cart back to the barn.
"Phew." Applejack lay down on the ground, a straw in her mouth. She was exhausted, and telling from the look of Rainbow Dash, she was as well. A few seconds later, Dash sat down next to her, leaning back in the shadow of a large apple tree. They lay like that, just watching the clouds for a minute or two, until Applejack broke the silence.
"Real nice weather we got today."
"Yeah. Shame it won't last long though."
"It won't?" Applejack sat up, surprised.
"Nope. Big storm coming tomorrow afternoon. Will be raining for rest of the week." Rainbow Dash sounded disappointed."And of course, it will be windy as well, probably alot, soo I won't be able to fly at all."
"Well, that's too bad." Applejack lay back down on the ground. She was really enjoying the sunshine."Least I'm done applebucking for this season."
"Yeah" said Rainbow Dash thoughtfully."You know, we should go out and do something today, since it's the last beautiful day for at least a week."
"Well that's an excellent idea!" Applejack said, excited."We should ask the others as well!"
"Actually," Rainbow Dash said."I think they're all busy."
"Aw, Really?"
"Yeah, Twilight said something about a huge report to the princess while i visited her earlier today. Fluttershy has gone to Cloudsdale to visit her parents and Rarity is in the middle of a very important project she has to finish before tomorrow. Dunno about Pinkie Pie though."
"Pinkie Pie's gone to Canterlot to stock up on some party supplies" Applejack said."She told me bout it yesterday."
"Oh, okay. Well, I guess just the two of us could go" Rainbow Dash suggested.
"That'be nice" Applejack smiled."I could bring some food for us."
"Awesome! We could go to Whitetail Wood. It's really beautiful this time of year, before all the leaves falls down."
"Sounds good to me. I'll go get some stuff packed." Applejack smiled again."You stay here."
"Okie dokie!" Rainbow Dash answered, as Applejack walked off to get the supplies. Rainbow Dash really enjoyed the company of Applejack. She is always honest and reliable, and she's always nice to everypony. Of all her friends, Applejack is the one that's easiest to hang with. Even though it happened sometimes that they argued and fought, Applejack was usually the first to apologize for her behavior. Afterwards, Rainbow Dash always felt ashamed that she hadn't realized how stupid she was.
Applejack interrupted her thoughts by calling.
"Hey Dashie, what ya prefer to eat? Is apple pie alright?"
"Alright? That would be awesome! Your famliy makes the best apple pies in all of Equestria!"
Applejack smiled as she went back to packing. She really liked spending time with Rainbow Dash, it was something about her that made Applejack feel very calm and secure. On the other hand, sometimes she found herself looking at Dash in a way that wasn't really normal for mares being just friends, and getting butterflies in her stomach by just thinking about her. She hadn't told anypony, not even Rainbow Dash, about those feelings. She valued her friendship to high to risk loosing it that way. She shook off those thoughts as she finished packing their bags. Walking out of the door, she looked up at the sky. The sun hadn't even reached the middle of the sky yet. It was gonna be a good day, she could just feel it.

Thanks for reading!
Original Story posted here, by me.
~ Rainbow Breeze