• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 20,390 Views, 722 Comments

World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

  • ...

Pageantry, and Revealings.


...And so it was that the great Alicorn Kingdom was laid low, its cities laid low and its people enslaved by the Valhrua. With this victory in hand, the Valhrua held the entirety of the Middle lands and Southern Lands, and all the resources which these lands held, thus beginning the dawn of the Valhruan Empire...

The script went on, and with each paragraph, Discord felt himself grow more impressed with each word, and his awe and fear grow as well.

"If Castus is a Valhrua...but how can that be, he wasn't born here." Discord said, and looked further till he stumbled upon a section that gave an answer.

The Valhrua's knowledge of the Wind, the great driving force upon which they drew their powerful spells, enabled them to extend their influence and culture outside their world, though the process was difficult and not without risk. Never the less, they established colonies upon several other worlds...

From there it went on about the expansion of the Valhrua home side, as this book detailed the history of this world. Was it possible that Castus' world was one of those colonized by the Valhrua? It was possible, and Discord had a feeling it was the truth.

Discord returned his gaze to the book, and read on. There was so much to learn of these Valhrua, and while Discord preferred to learn as he went, he decided that it might be better if he was better informed for the future.


Castus sat once more alone in the hotel room, a book in his hand as he read by the light of the lamp.

Fluttershy and the girls had left earlier in the afternoon to see their pageant. And while he could not see it, Fluttershy had packed a book for him to take out when alone later to read, that was more of a history of the events of the pageant.

That and a delicious piece of cake she had saved from her dinner with her friends the other night. He had eaten that after they left, so he could eat like a civilized being with a fork.

'So....wendigo's here are...Ice Spirits?' Castus thought as he read about the beings that brought the great winter.

He found this rather odd that his world, and this world had a similar name for a creature...but two very, VERY different personalities. An Equestrian Windigo seemed to be an ice spirit that bring horrible blizzards and fed off of hate and fighting, while a Wendigo from his world was a monstrous, human flesh eating cannibal.

'Then again, since Equestrians are all herbivore in nature, I doubt they have had to deal with the taboo of cannibalism. Not like my kind which can eat meat...and has at times had to eat other humans.' Castus thought. It made him wonder if diet had any influence over the construction of folk lore, legends and traditions.

Castus looked up at the clock, as he got up to put the book back into Fluttershy's bag. The girls would be back soon, no doubt the pageant had finished and they had strolled through the park to see the big tree that Fluttershy spoke of. She planned to take him out as well, just the two of them when she got back.

He smiled at the thought.

"We're baaaaack!" Pinkie cheered, as the door burst open. The hyperactive pink pony rushed in and Castus jumped back till his back was pressed against the arm of the couch, and cringed as he felt the pink pony wrap him in a hug.

A hug which was....getting very tight; and maybe a bit....painful.

"Oooh, we missed you sooooo much!" Pinkie said as she lifted Castus from the couch and spun him around in a hugnado.

Castus felt himself getting sick from the spinning, and was grateful when Pinkie suddenly stopped. His eyes spun as he saw Fluttershy's hoof on Pinkie shoulder with a tight grip.

"Now Pinkie...maybe you can let him go now? He might not like being spun like that." Fluttershy said with an intense look on her face. A very commanding tone in her voice.

Pinkie and Castus blinked and stared at Fluttershy a moment, causing the pony to blush and realize the tone she had.

"Oh...uh...well I mean...um...I-if you want too." She said, hiding in her mane as she fidgeted uncomfortably now.

"Oh, sure," Pinkie said, back to her perky self as she set Castus back on the couch.

Castus breathed deep a moment, glad to be out of the pink pony's grip. He didn't know Pinkie all that well, but he knew enough to stay that: One, she was crazy. Two, she had no sense of personal space. And three, she really enjoyed giving hugs. Especially to him for whatever reason, not that he minded.

Well okay, maybe he did mind a little. He really didn't want to know if she was able to break his spine with a hug, though it had felt like she had come close several times.

"Still, we really missed you. You would have loved the actress that played the actor that played Chancellor Puddinghead. I bet she was at the pageant when I played Puddinghead, cause she went through the chimney like I did." Pinkie said with a giggle.

"Uh, yes she did....though it still isn't part of the script..." Fluttershy mumbled softly.

Castus would have facepalmed if he could. Only Pinkie would do.....that. Worse he knew her enough to realize that was normal. Among other things that simply made him wonder about the sanity of this pony.

"Oh and the tree. I didn't think a tree could get sooo big." Pinkie said, talking about the big pine tree in the city center.

"Oh, speaking of, I should take Castus for a walk. I know he'd like to see it." Fluttershy said, getting the leash and attaching it to Castus' collar.

Pinkie flopped down onto her bed, pulling off her socks when she saw the leash, "Wow, didn't know you two liked that." She then gave the a half closed eye look with a smirk.

Fluttershy blinked and looked at Pinkie, and Castus just blinked.

"Uhh....what?" Fluttershy asked, though Castus could see a faint blush on her face.

'Why would she be....' Than Castus looked at the leash and thought for a moment before realizing it, 'Oooooh.' He felt his own face heating up and turned to look at the wall so the back of his head was facing Pinkie.

"Oh, wait. Not there yet. Never mind. Lalalala." Pinkie said, before going about her business. The sound of the bathroom door opening and close told Castus she went in.

He then looked to Fluttershy, who looked at him. The two of them looked at each other, than to the leash and they both flushed immediately.

Well...things couldn't get more awkward now.

"Let's just....not speak of this." Castus whispered. Fluttershy nodded and the two got up and left.

Castus felt sure of it now. Pinkie was......not normal.

And also very perverted.

Snow drifted down from the sky as Castus and Fluttershy walked the streets of Manehatten. Eventually the two reached the park that Fluttershy spoke of, and at the center stood what Castus could only describe as the largest pine tree he had ever seen.

'It's huge!' He thought as he looked up at the tree.

The tree must have been nearly as tall as an apartment building several stories high. It probably rivaled the tallest redwood back on his world. Bright lights and decorations dotted the tree, and at the lower branches, little kids ran about adding little decorations of their own, some stands stood offering decorations for ponies to place on the tree, some with names and others with funny designs.

The two stood there, looking up at the glittering tree for a time. Castus got a deep feeling of nostalgia, and he felt memories of his world resurface. He closed his eyes, and gave a soft sigh. He wondered if the seasons mirrored each other between his world and this one. If so, that would mean his family and friends were all enjoying the holiday season....if perhaps in a melancholy mood as he felt being they were now separated.

He felt a tightening around his hand, and Castus looked down to see Fluttershy's hoof squeezing his gently. He looked to her face and saw her giving him a small smile. She could tell how he was feeling, and wanted him to know she was there for him. He smiled only brief, feeling warmth in his heart.

By now it was getting late, and many ponies had left, leaving the park nearly empty save for the few couples and single ponies sitting on benches, gazing up at the tree, or walking the park paths. Fluttershy and Castus finally moved on, and decided to walk a long path through the park as they headed back to the hotel.

On the way, the two stopped at an area of the park that had no other ponies around. Fluttershy sat down at a bench and looked to Castus with a smile.

"I know it probably wasn't much. But it was nice to show you the tree. It is a lovely sight this time of year. They actually don't cut down a tree, but have grown the tree there years ago. I wish you could have seen the pageant though." She said.

"It was impressive. Some towns in my world do something similar," Castus said as he sat down beside her, "Gotta say, would have liked to see it as well. I was reading that book about the history of the pageant, and it definitely was interesting."

Fluttershy frowned, "I'm really sorry you had to be cooped up in the hotel most of this trip."

Castus smirked and rubbed the back of his head, "Eh...it wasn't so bad. Though a t.v. might have been nice."

Fluttershy frowned, but Castus quickly said, "But don't worry. It's the way things work here. I mean I can't really go parading around like I usually do. I'll adapt though, always do."

"But-" Fluttershy started with a frown.

"Hey no buts. This...this is just something that is." Castus said, cutting Fluttershy off, "besides, I can always be myself around you, and that's enough for me."

"Really?" Fluttershy asked.

Castus nodded, "Yeah. I'm probably very lucky you were the one that rescued me and all. I mean, I doubt any other pony would have accepted to well. God knows what Twilight would have done, probably strap me to a table with a bunch of wires stuck into me to figure out how I worked like some science project."

Fluttershy gasped, "Oh no, she wouldn't do that...well...I mean there was that time with Pinkie Pie but..."

Castus chuckled, which than caused Fluttershy to giggle.

The two laughed for a moment before Castus stood up, "Well, what's say we head back. It's late and we've got a long trip back tomorrow."

Fluttershy nodded and stood up, but as the two walked off, Fluttershy suddenly started to slip and fall back as he hoof stepped upon a patch of ice on the ground.

Castus acted fast, grabbing her hoof quickly and pulling her back towards him to keep her from hitting the ground. Fluttershy gasped in surprise by the change in direction as she found herself pressed against Castus' chest, and she looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Uh...umm..you okay?" He asked feeling his face heating up.

"I...uh...yes....thank you." Fluttershy said, looking down at her hooves and stepping back slightly from Castus.

The two stood there, awkward for a moment before Castus handed the leash back to Fluttershy, and the two walked off. All the way, the two of them trying to calm their beating hearts.

A light snow began to fall, as had been scheduled no doubt, as they were halfway to the hotel. The streets were quiet, save for the odd cart pulled here and there. There were not many ponies out now, but the sounds coming from taverns and bars told that the streets would soon be lined with revealers later.

As they moved on, passing a number of stores and alleyways, that Castus started....feeling something. He couldn't really describe it, but he felt as if something was...calling him. He stopped dead in his tracks as he felt the feeling across his mind, and looked around trying to determine the source of it.

"Castus?" Fluttershy said, looking at curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Something...this way." Castus said softly, turning toward an alley and headed down the dark corridor.

"Wh-what? Wait." Fluttershy said, as she followed after Castus.

Castus kept on, following the feeling as he glanced side to side. It was this way, somewhere. Though what he didn't know.

"Um, Castus...I...where are we going? And m-maybe we can do it...tomorrow when it's not so...dark." Fluttershy asked, making a noise of fear by the dark confines of the alley.

Castus said nothing, but he finally stopped moving and turned toward a door of a building, a sign hanging above the entrance. The sense was coming from within.

"Um, Castus...th-this is a curio store." Fluttershy said, noting the building.

Castus didn't say anything, and gripped the door knob.

"I...I doubt thy would be opened. It is late after all and.." The ringing of a bell though cut Fluttershy off as the door opened up.

The inside of the store was dark, and looked to be filled with boxes of junk and stuff. Castus walked in, with Fluttershy trailing behind him. He felt the leash tighten a bit, and looked behind to see Fluttershy gripping it harder as she looked around nervously.

"Th-this place is....scary." She said simply with a gulp.

Castus frowned, he didn't wish to make her uncomfortable...but he had to find what was calling him. He turned and started looking around, noting the various shelves about that were loaded with antiques and other stuff.

"Oh, welcome to my shop fair beauty." A voice said, making Fluttershy jump and cling to Castus in surprise.

From behind a shelf stepped a stallion dressed in a tan coat, and red scarf. A hat covered his head and a small pair of glasses decorated his face. The owner Castus suspected.

"O-oh...u-um hello." Fluttershy said, letting go of Castus and looking at the ground, "We-I mean...if it is too late...I'll leave."

"Oh no no, do stay. My store is always open. Come, come let me see how I can help you. Perhaps you have come seeking something?" The stallion said as he moved to stand behind the counter.

Fluttershy and Castus walked over and Castus looked around the shelves behind the counter. It was close.

"Oh...U-um well...maybe." Fluttershy said, looking at Castus a moment.

"Well, you have come to the right place then. I hold any number of rare and old artifacts, charms and antiques." The stallion said as he ducked down and pulled a skull from under the counter.

"Perhaps you seek old fossils of creatures gone past? To learn what wisdom can be gained from their ageless bones?" The stallion said as he placed the skull onto the counter.

Fluttershy gasped and stepped back slightly from the skull. As for Castus he blinked in surprise when he saw it. The skull was shaped like a cats, and had two large sabers at the front of its jaw.

'A sabertooth cat?' He thought. It made him wonder if this world and his shared a near evolutionary tree of animals.

"Oh do not be frightened my dear. These old bones cannot hurt you. This piece was found many years ago in an archeological dig in the Zebra lands before the Dragon King's fury broke it so many years ago." The stallion said with a smile.

Fluttershy gulped, "I-it is interesting...but..."

The stallion quickly put the skull away, "Ah yes, perhaps old bones are not what you seek. Perhaps something older, and more mysterious." The stallion went behind a shelf at the back and returned carrying a small cloth covered tray.

Pulling the cover, the stallion revealed a selection of coins, necklaces, and even a few bracelets. The coins themselves were gold, tough worn by age. The stallion held one up for them to see. Fluttershy leaned closer to look.

"Perhaps ancient coin and jewelry is what you seek?. Some say these items come from the ancient civilization of Eridu." The stallion said, before lifting up one of the necklaces.

Castus ignored those. Whatever was calling him was right here! It was so close, he could almost taste it. If he didn't have to have this damned leash on and put on an act for this pony...

"I-I'm not looking for..." Fluttershy said, but was again cut off.

"Oh yes of course. You obviously seek something far greater and far more mysterious." The stallion said, covering the tray once more and setting it away. He reached to the top of a shelf, and pulled down a cloth covered item.

The feeling grew stronger now, and Castus felt his eyes snap toward the clothed covered item the stallion held.

"I notice you have a human with you. Odd things humans. Well, if you have an interest in humans I have something you may like." The stallion said and set the item down as he slowly unwrapped it.

Castus and Fluttershy looked at the item was it was slowly revealed. It was a statue, perhaps four or five inches in length. It depicted a cloaked figure kneeling in a symbol of prayer with a large orb above the tips of the fingers. Indeed it was fingers as the figure depicted was that of a human, not a pony.

"Wh-what is it?" Fluttershy asked, generally awed now.

"Oh, it is a very old item that I came across in my travels. It was said to have been held within a dragons hoard that was plundered a by a group of brave adventurers many years ago. It is suspected to be from Eridu itself, though yet it shows no sign of age what so ever. And look." The stallion said as he set the item down and removed a chisel and hammer from under the counter.

Fluttershy watched, while Castus kept his eyes glued on the statue.

'That's it. That's it.....what is it?' He thought as he looked at the item. His fingers twitched so slightly.

The stallion placed the chisel upon the statue and than smashed down upon it with the hammer. Fluttershy gasped, but looked at the statue in surprise as the stallion removed the tools and set them down.

"Behold, yet even with such force the item is not cracked, broken or marred in any shape or form." He said, lifting it up for her to see.

"B-but how?" Fluttershy asked.

"No pony knows. It seems to be made from a substance stronger than any we ponies know today." The stallion said with a coy smile.

"Wow...that is amazing, b-but I'm not here too..." Fluttershy began, but jumped when Castus had shot forward and grabbed the statue from the stallion.

"I say unhand that you!" The stallion said, trying to grab the statue from Castus.

Castus held it high in his hand, out of reach and felt his breathing quicken as he held the item.

"C-Castus. Put that down!" Fluttershy said.

Castus ignored them as he looked at the statue, and as he held it he could feel a great sensation of power. It took Castus a moment to realize that even the Wind he heard was blowing harder, its gentle bell tone now a deeper rumble like some of the great giant bells of Notre Dame.

The stallion finally managed to get a hoof on the statue, and Castus felt himself growl as he lifted a leg and kicked the stallion hard in the gut, sending him back and into the counter with a grunt.

"Castus!" Fluttershy gasped.

Castus ignored her as he looked at the statue again and felt the Wind grow stronger. As it blew he felt a warm sensation within the Wind that now began to touch his body and mind. Castus couldn't explain it, but he could feel a great warmth within the Wind, blocked only by what he felt was a thin membrane of....something.

That warmth called to him, like the sirens of old it seemed to mingle within the bell tone song of the Wind and Castus felt himself....reaching out so it were toward the warmth, his mind piercing through the membrane and into the warm light of the Wind and felt warmth begin to fill his entire being and with it all his sense suddenly going into overdrive.

'Sweet mother of god.' Castus thought as he saw the room he stood grow lighter, as if his eyes could better pierce the darkness and the light from the candle only seemed to grow more vibrant. He noticed the stallion, who slowly got up with a hoof over his gut. The color of his clothing, mane and fur seemed more full and clear.

'What is that smell?' Castus thought, picking out a sweet delicious smell among the dust and odors of the building. He turned and saw that it was Fluttershy who smelled so divine....and looked so stunningly beautiful that Castus felt for the briefest moment he was staring upon the visage of an angel from the heavens.

Her entire being seemed brighter, and her eyes seem to glow in the light. Though dim the store was, it only seemed to accent her beauty. And god was she beautiful; Castus licked his lips as he felt a strong desire to take her right then and there and to hell who watched.

"Castus, what's wrong?" She asked, "P-please give the statue back and let's go."

Castus only stared as he felt the warmth fill his body further, the statue growing warm. It felt like his entire body was starting to burn. His blood felt like it was on fire, and the statue continued to grow hotter, before slipping to cold and back to hot. This flickering caused Castus to frown as he drew further upon the warmth of the Wind, and the Wind howling now like a tempest.

'Something....is wrong.' Castus thought as he felt the statue flicker between hot and cold. A shudder seemed to tremble through the statue. Castus felt his eyes widen as the statue suddenly cracked down the middle...and with it Castus body suddenly felt like an inferno. His whole body suddenly spasmed in pain, and it felt like his skin was ripping apart as if he would burst like a balloon.

'Too much! Too much!' It hurts!' Castus thought as he began to scream. His whole body burned, yet he couldn't stop the flow of warmth from the wind flowing into his body and the pain only grew worse.

"Castus! Castus!" Fluttershy screamed, grabbing him as he fell to his knees. Castus only screamed further, his head feeling like it was going to explode!

"It burns! It burns! It burns!" He screamed, and suddenly began slamming his fists into the ground, the whole shop shaking which sent dust up as he did.

"Sweet Celestia!" The stallion gasped, though if at Castus screamed words or the sudden shaking it was not known.

"Castus!" Fluttershy gasped, tears in her eyes, "Please tell me what's wrong! What burns!?"

"Everything!" Castus screamed as he slammed the ground over and over again. The ground shaking and the wooden floor splintering and his fists breaking through wood and slamming into dirt below. Each slam seeming to make the entire world shake.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Castus screamed as he grabbed his head and curled into a ball and began jerking left and right as he screamed. The shaking stopped but wind began howling in the shop, knocking over shelves and items. Fluttershy cried in fear as she placed her body over Castus.

"Stopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstopitstopit!" Castus howled, his words becoming a single long pleading for mercy. It felt like he was going to die!

'ENOUGH!' A voice shouted in his mind, and the flow of warmth into his body suddenly ceased and what remained in his body was pushed out into the ground and out to the city beyond. His whole body was cold now, and everything seemed duller now. As if the colors of the world became vibrant.

Castus' body went still, though his breathed ragged gasps and his body shook. His lips quivered in fear, as he mouthed words.

"C-Castus?" Fluttershy sniffled, tears from her eyes dripping onto Castus' face.

Castus couldn't respond, as darkness seemed to begin covering his sight and he slipped into unconsciousness.

Luna and Celestia

Celestia felt her eyes shoot open and she immediately jumped from the warm water of her bath, slipping on the tile floor as she did.

"Buck." She swore, getting up and levitating her bathrobe around her, a towel wrapping up around her mane.

She rushed out the door, taking the maid who was on her way with a warm towel, and the two guards stationed outside the room, by surprise.

"Your Highness!" The maid gasped in surprise as Celestia ran past her. The guards blinked in shock, but quickly ran after to guard their princess.

As she ran, Celestia passed several other servants of the castle, all jumping out of the way and watching their princess ran past them in little more than a robe, leaving a trail of dripping water in her wake to show her path. If any visiting nobles were to see her, it would be quiet a scandal.

'No time. If I felt it, Luna felt it.' She thought as she ran, finally reaching the doors to her sister's room.

Celestia pushed open the door, and saw Luna standing at the balcony. Her sister turned to the door in surprise by the sudden entrance, but relaxed upon seeing Celestia. Though she did give her a bit of a look concerning her sister's...apparel.

"You felt it as well?" Celestia said, stepping in and shutting the door. Her horn glowed as she began setting spells upon the door, the walls and even floor and roof. No ears must hear what was spoken, and the spells she wove would be sure that need for privacy.

"Yes. It was faint, but there. But where it is coming from, we cannot tell." Luna said, turning back to look out toward the horizon.

"But you and I know that if we felt it as merely a faint pointing here this far, than it is a far greater strength at its core." Celestia said low, joining her sister on the balcony and staring out with her.

Luna bit her lip and nodded, crossing her hooves under her breasts and hugging herself tightly. The bandages upon her flank starting to sting some.

"Yes, and it only proves what I told you as the truth." Luna said, giving her sister a look.

Celestia sighed, "It is not that I did not believe you Luna. But they have bee dead for longer than time can remember. Their knowledge lost. I did not think it would be wise for us to take steps without being sure; for all we knew it could have merely been Discord playing his tricks."

Luna frowned, "Not even Discord could have pushed me from the Dream World as was done to me. That being knew the workings of the world, enough to cause me physical harm." She placed a hoof to her flank and winced slightly.

The wound she had received had not been severe. In fact, it had looked more like someone had taken a riding crop to hard to her flank, or a flog. It had been utterly embarrassing, and only brought up old memories that made Luna quiver with anger.

"I know. But still, maybe this is not they. Maybe a pony merely stumbled upon the magic themselves. You and I both know it was not limited to them, they merely had the greater chance of being born with the ability naturally. Perhaps it is that." Despite her desire, Celestia sounded unsure in saying this and it felt as if she was trying to convince herself more than anything else.

Luna shook her head, "Perhaps, but I have my doubts. It was a human I had seen in the dream, and it was a human that had sent me from the dream. It is a human that is using the Wind."

Celestia slammed her hoof onto the balcony rail, "Buck!"

"Sister!" Luna gasped in shock.

Celestia sighed, "Forgive me..I...I just....buck it. This is not right!"

Luna stared at her sister. It was rare to see Celestia lose her temper so. Even when Discord had become free before his reforming, or when Tirek started stealing magic, or all the times she could have acted with more anger she had not. But this was the first time she had heard her sister swear.

It did not make Luna feel any more confident than she had previously felt. And that had not been much starting.


Fluttershy sniffled and wiped her eyes as she looked down at the still body of Castus. She placed a hoof to his neck, and breathed sigh in relief when she felt a pulse.

'Thank goodness.' She thought. She had been so worried when he started screaming.

She didn't know what had been wrong, but that scream...that terrible scream. It sounded like Castus was in terrible pain. And than the shaking, and his hands. His hands were bloody and cut up where he had been slamming them into the ground.


Fluttershy looked over and saw the store stallion staring at them, or perhaps Castus, with wide eyes. He pointed a hoof at him and said, "What is he?"

"Oh dear...looks like someone caused a scene."

Fluttershy gasped as Discord appeared in a flash. He gave her a smile, before frowning and looking down at Castus.

"D-Discord?" Fluttershy said.

"In the flesh. Looks like Castus here caused a fuss." Discord said with a chuckle.

"D-do you know what happened to him? Please, tell me he is okay." Fluttershy said, looking up at Discord with pleading eyes.

"Now calm down Fluttershy, he is fine...I think." Discord said, "But let's first get you out of here. After all, things are...a bit chaotic outside. But first..."

Discord turned to the stallion, who looked up at the Draconeques with fear as Discord snapped a finger. The stallion suddenly fell forward and began snoring...loudly.

"There we go. A little nap will do him wonders, and when he wakes up...he won't remember a thing of what happened here." Discord said with a chuckle, "Wonder how he will react when he sees his store like this."

Before Fluttershy should say anything, Discord snapped his fingers once more and in a flash she, Castus and he were suddenly back at the hotel, in one of the rooms she shared with the girls. Around her Twilight and the others jumped in surprise by their sudden appearance.

"What the!?"


"Discord? What are you doing here; were you the one behind that earthquake!?" Twilight asked, pointing a hoof.

"Pfft, pleeeease," Discord said, "I'm reformed remember. Besides, I could think of something waaaay better than a simple earthquake."

"At least you are safe Fluttershy darling. We were absolutely worried about you and Castus when we felt the tremor." Rarity said, giving Fluttershy a hug.

"But what happened? And what's up with Castus?" Rainbow Dash asked, pointing at the unconscious human.

"He...he uh...the earthquake caused him to hit his head against a wall." Fluttershy said quickly. She didn't know how to answer that, and she hated lying to her friends.

...but she had to protect Castus.

"Goodness. Well let us set him down." Rarity said, lifting the human up with her magic and setting him on the couch.

"Thank you." Fluttershy said, and moved over to Castus to sit beside him.

"What is going on out there sugarcube," Applejack asked, "We started feeling the building shake, and I saw flashes of fire from outside my window."

"I-I don't know." Fluttershy said. There were fires?

"Goodness, well this is certainly a fine event to happen." Rarity said with a sigh of disappointment.

"It was awesome! My voice got all silly again, like when those cows were stampeding." Pinkie said with a giggle.

"An earthquake is no laughing manner Pinkie. Sweet Celestia I though the earth was going to rip open or the building collapse around us." Twilight said, giving the pink pony a disapproving look.

While Pinkie was a joy, sometimes she found the most...peculiar things amusing.

"Still, how do we know you didn't have anything to do with it Discord. After all, you are here right after it happened." Rainbow Dash said, looking suspiciously at Discord.

All the other girls, save Fluttershy, did the same.

Discord scoffed, "Ah, well I never. Here I come to check on all my 'dear' friends, and this is what I get." He scooped the girls up into his arms as he said this before letting them go.

"Right." Applejack said skeptically, readjusting her hat.

Fluttershy watched the exchange with a smile, before looking back down at Castus. She pushed some hair from his face, and checked his pulse once more to be sure he was okay.

He had to be okay, he just had to be.

Suddenly, he groaned, his eyes starting to flutter open.

"Hey, is he waking up?" Rainbow Dash asked, hearing the groan.

The other girls looked toward Castus as well, watching with smiles as the human slowly opened his eyes.

"Ugh...my head hurts." Castus groaned as he slowly pushed himself up and rubbed at his forehead.

Everything got....very silent. So silent Discord dropped a pin to see if he could hear it drop.

Fluttershy placed a hoof over her mouth, eyes wide as she slowly turned to look at her friends.

Suffice to say, they all looked shocked.

Finally, Rainbow Dash spoke up, "Uuuuuhhh, did he just.....talk?"

"It couldn't be. I-it defies all logic. No human can talk, it goes against current science." Twilight said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I'll bet Discord's behind this. Probably some joke, playing some ventriloquist mojo." Applejack said.

"Y-yes....that must be it." Rarity said, "After all, there is simply no way a human can-"

"Talk! Of course he can talk." Pinkie said with a cheer, making the girls look at her.

"How-Pinkie, there is no way a human can talk." Twilight said.

Pinkie gave a raspberry, "Oh Twilight, don't be silly. Of course he can talk, I've known since the first chapter."

"Huh?" All the girls said at once, looking at their pink friend confused. Even Discord looked at Pinkie oddly.

Pinkie just ignored them as she jumped over her friends and onto the couch, making Castus jump and look at them all with wide eyes.

Fluttershy tried to think of what to do next, though was having a hard time. What would happen now? And why was Discord wearing a pair of sunglasses?

"This is great now! I was waiting for you to talk," Pinkie said, leaning forward against Castus with a smile.

Castus just lay there, mouth open, silent.

Pinkie frowned, "Awww, we broke him. Oh don't worry I can fix it!" She than took Castus face in her hooves.

"P-Pinkie what are you-" But Fluttershy went silent and her eyes going wide as Pinkie locked lips with Castus in a kiss.

The silence was upon them once more, as all stared at Pinkie in utter shock.

The kiss went on for while till finally, Pinkie pulled back with a big smile.

Castus sat there, eyes wide before saying in a whisper, "....wow...."

"See! It worked!" Pinkie giggled.


"Soooo," Rainbow Dash said, rubbing the back of her head, "You're from another world, where humans are like ponies here."

"Yeah." Castus said with a nod.

"And Discord brought you here." Applejack finished.

Discord snickered, "Guilty as charged."

The girls all stared at Castus then at Discord. Fluttershy stood to the side, her eyes lingering on Castus. He couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable from that stare. It felt like she was looking at him as if he done something wrong.

'Well...now she knows. Or well, maybe she doesn't but she sure as hell probably suspects something.' Castus thought.

The girls were silent till finally Rainbow Dash said, "Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, it's hard to believe..."

"It is very difficult." Rarity said with a nod.

"But if it involves Discord, it usually always seems farfetched." Applejack said with a shrug.

Twilight pressed her lips and rubbed her chin in thought before speaking, "Well, it isn't that too far fetched. Starswirl the Bearded has written several documents concerning the possibility of parallel worlds, alternate dimensions and universes." She then gasped and levitated a notepad and quill from the desk.

"Oh, this is the perfect chance to interview with an alternate dimensional creature!" Twilight said with excitement, her eyes wide with joy, "What is the environmental nature of your world? Can you give me any information concerning your kinds evolutionary history? Are there any similarities that you see with our world and yours?"

Castus leaned back in discomfort by the questions, as well as the near manic look that Twilight had in her eyes. Before she didn't pay him much attention when she did see him, but now she looked at him as if he was the most important thing to observe right now.

'I think I was better off not being noticed.' Castus wondered.

"What I don't get is, why did ya bring him here?" Applejack asked, looking at Discord suspiciously.

Discord shrugged, "Do I need a reason? I'm the Lord of Chaos, my actions don't have reasoning."

"So you just brought him here on a whim?" Rainbow Dash asked, skeptical.

"Of course." Discord said.

"And no plan ta cause any sort a mischief?" Applejack asked, peering closely at Discord.

Discord scuffed, "Ah, well if I am going to be suspected of foul play like this, I don't know why I stay." Discord crossed his arms.

"Girls, Discord hasn't any ill deeds in mind." Fluttershy said, coming to his defense.

"Yeah, maybe." Dash said with a flick of her mane.

"Well, all suspect aside, if he has been able to talk all this time, then how come you haven't told us Fluttershy." Rarity asked, crossing her arms.

"Hmm, that is curious." Twilight pondered looking at Fluttershy.

Castus sighed in relief, glad the attention was on Fluttershy now, who was wilting from the stares.

"Uh...I-well..." Fluttershy stammered.

Castus couldn't help but smirk as he watched Fluttershy try to explain her reasoning. She looked so cute like that, but he felt bad that he was enjoying her stress and so decided to come to her rescue.

"I asked her not to. I was uncertain how other ponies might react and I didn't want to take unknown risks." Castus said.

"Unknown risks?" Twilight asked.

"Whatever do you mean?" Rarity asked as well.

"Well, after my initial run in with Applejack," Castus said, looking at the cowpony.

"Hey, you were eating my apples. Though I guess I'm sorry if I was too rough on ya." Applejack said in her defense.

Castus rolled his eyes, "Anyway, after meeting her as I did and the events following, I felt that if ponies learned I was more than what they thought, I might end up on some science table or something."

"What? That's nonsense, Princess Celestia has passed several laws detailing prohibited acts that the scientific community can't do, you would be in no danger of harm." Twilight said.

"Maybe, but I'd rather my real self be kept on a low tone. At least for awhile, and maybe slowly make myself known. Is that too much to ask for?" Castus said.

"Of course not," Rarity said, "Your privacy is your right. I for one will keep my lips sealed concerning your nature as you have proven to be very well behaved."

"Uh...thanks?" Castus said, not sure of how Rarity said that.

"Reckon no pony would believe us even if we told. Just don't expect me ta lie if somepony asks if ya are intelligent, I ain't the best at lying." Applejack said, scratching her mane a bit.

"Aww, but I want to throw you a welcome to Equestira party." Pinkie whined with a frown.

"Maybe some other time." Castus said.

Pinkie Pie pouted, pushing her lower lip out. It was rather cute, but she brightened and said with a playful wink, "Okie dokie loki. I promise not to tell anypony. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She finished by placing a hoof over her eye.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, "Sure, why not."

"Personally, I still think you have nothing to fear. But I guess if you really want to keep it a secret for a bit longer." Twilight said.

"I'd like that." Castus said.

Twilight nodded, "Very well. Besides, this will make it a certain I can personally study you without interruption from the scientific community. I could be the first to present a whole new field of study!" Twilight clapped her hooves together in giddy glee.

"Uh...right." Castus said, not sure he felt comfortable when Twilight said field of study.

'Definitely gonna have to be careful around her.' He thought. He could imaging Twilight strapping him down and putting all sorts of wires on him.

A glance at the clock revealed that it was getting late, and so it was decided that it was time to rest, as tomorrow they would be leaving as soon as possible. The earthquake had shaken a few nerves.

Castus was thankful that no one talked much about it, in fact he felt sure that Fluttershy hadn't even told them his....part of the earthquake. He knew he had caused it and he shivered remembering the pain. Though from the look she gave him, he knew he would need to explain.

'I just have to figure out now what I did....' He thought with a sigh.

Back in their room, Castus felt his body was suddenly very apparent of its physical and mental exhaustion, feeling like he had run twelve marathons none stop and he collapsed onto the soft pillows of the couch and fell asleep.

And as he slept....he dreamed.

Castus stood once more in that ruined city, this time in the middle of the Great Square. The Great Square was the gathering point of any merchant trains when they visited the cities, and at the peak of the day would be filled with endless colored tents and stalls holding various products and items from across the empire. But now it lay empty and barren, like all the rest.

"A child you are. And children are always foolish." He heard a voice say.

Castus blinked and turned, the voice had sounded almost like his, and he stepped back when he saw the same statue from before. It's hand outstretched, beckoning him.

"Seek me out! Obey or have all you hold dear at risk." The statue said, though its lips did not move.

"What do you mean?" Castus asked, though he felt a strong wind begin to blow.

"Seek me out! Do not wait! OBEY!" The statue said with a roar as the wind blew Castus off his feet, and he shot up from slumber to find himself in the hotel room. He shivered and placed a hand over his eyes.

'What the hell is happening?' He thought, the jingle of the Wind across his ears making his shiver even more.