• Published 8th Aug 2014
  • 8,889 Views, 540 Comments

6 Shades of Rainbow - fimfic4ever

Twilight's latest spell goes haywire and ends up splitting Rainbow Dash into six distinct and emotionally driven ponies

  • ...

Apples, flanks and shypie

Twilight and Rarity galloped to Sweet Apple Acres as fast as their hooves would take them. They stormed onto the farmland searching for anypony to point them in the right direction.

Big Mac sat solemnly outside the farmhouse, his ears drooped down and eyes fixed to the ground. He couldn’t stand to see his sister like that, the Apples were always known to be strong, especially Applejack, if something caused her to break down like that, it would have to be big.

He was snapped from thought by a voice calling out to him, “Big Mac! Big Mac!” He looked up just in time to see Twilight and Rarity coming to a sudden stop in front of him. “Big Mac, have you seen Applejack?” Twilight asked.

“Eeyup.” He sighed, Big Mac looked up to the second story of the house and pointed to a nearby window.

“Is she ok?” Twilight asked.

Big Mac gently shook his head from side to side. “Nope,” he muttered.

Twilight and Rarity shared a quick glance before galloping upstairs and heading for Applejack’s room. Rarity rapped softly on the door.

“Go away, Big Mac!” Applejack yelled from the other side of the door, her voice breaking slightly, “I told ya Ah’m fine.”

“Applejack, it’s Rarity and Twilight,” Rarity said through the door.

“Oh, heya girls, mind if we talk later? Ah’m uh… not dressed to receive company,” Applejack said nervously.

“Applejack, dear, I believe it was you who once told me how we ponies ‘don’t normally wear cloths’.”

“Oh… right… well Ah’m just a bit busy at the moment so if y'all don’t mind Ah-”

“Applejack.” Twilight interrupted, “we know what happened, or at least we have an idea… but you need to open this door now so we can-”

The door swung open, Applejack stood there, her hair disheveled, bloodshot eyes and tears staining the fur on her cheeks, “you think you have an idea, Twilight? You have NO idea what this feels like! To want something so desperately for so long, and just as soon as ya get it, it’s torn from ya in the worse possible way.”

“Applejack dear, what happened?” Rarity attempted to place a comforting hoof on Applejack’s shoulder, only to have it shrugged off. Applejack walked back inside her room, closely followed by Twilight and Rarity.

“Ah suppose Ah oughta be honest with y'all,” Applejack sighed.

“It is what you do best.” Twilight added, trotting over to Applejack’s side.

Applejack gave a sad smile before to turning her gaze to the window, looking out at the orchard below. “Ever since Rainbow Dash first came to Ponyville there’s always been something ‘bout her. At first Ah thought it was just friendship, we had a fair few things in common so it was easy ta bond. I don’t know when it happened exactly, but somewhere down the line things changed, guess ya spend enough time with somepony and ya start ta look at ‘em differently. The things that made ya smile, make ya grin that silly way ya do when yer smitten, next thing ya know yer doin’ what ya can just ta get ‘em to look yer way…”

“Applejack, there’s been a mistake…” Twilight began.

“Twilight’s right,” Rarity concurred, “no matter what happened earlier I can assure you Rainbow Dash feels the same way.”

Applejack sighed and laid her head on the windowsill, “there was a mistake alright… but Rainbow Dash doesn’t care for me… at least, not like that.”

“Applejack you don’t understand, earlier today there was an accident,” Twilight explained, “Rainbow Dash was caught in a spell I was experimenting with, it split her into multiple ponies. The pony you encountered before was not Rainbow Dash, but her lust… perhaps it’s better if I show you.”

Twilight came to the window and gestured to a nearby tree, it was decorated with several pony sized balls, each containing one of the dashs. Applejack stared in disbelief at the tree, even going so far as to wipe her eyes incase that would clear up an object she assumed couldn’t really be there.

"Wha- how can there be all those dashs down there?" Applejack asked in disbelief.

"Like I said... accident, magic, bunch of dashs... those are just the ones we've managed to catch, and that's why we need your help... to catch the rest." Twilight explained.

"Ah see..." Applejack said, still trying to wrap her head around the situation.

“It’s a bit of a strain containing the ones we have, I’m just lucky they’re not resisting too much… anyway, the point I’m trying to make here is the Dash before wasn’t really her, just a small part.”

“This don’t make no difference, Twi!” Applejack exclaimed.

“That’s a double negative.” Twilight pointed out, much to Applejack’s irritation, “and it does make a difference.”

“Either way ya look at it, the only Dash that came for me was just Lust, nothin’ more.”

“Darling you can’t think like that,” Rarity interjected, “we can’t be sure that that they are truly acting with Rainbow’s real feeling and thoughts.”

“Course we can, Rarity,” Applejack snapped “there’s a reason that Dash came here instead of just hopping on some other pony… and there’s a reason she left right after… just leave me be, Ah really don’t want to see Dash right now, much less several.”

“Applejack, I may not know what it feels to be in your position, but I do know one thing…” Twilight said firmly, “you’d never be able to just sit around when one of your friends is in trouble, and right now Rainbow Dash needs your help.”

Applejack could be a stubborn pony at times, but she could admit when a pony had her, and right now, she knew there was no way to argue with Twilight. If they didn’t help Rainbow she could be gone forever, and not having her at all was worse than having her as just a friend.

“You’re right, Twilight,” Applejack said, “Rainbow’s one of the most important ponies in my life, and nothin’ is gonna stop me from getting her back.”

“Thank you, Applejack, I know Rainbow would appreciate that,” Twilight said, placing a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder.

“And I’m sure everything will work out for you and Rainbow once all of this is cleared up,” Rarity added in a comforting tone.

“Ah don’t know ‘bout all that, Rarity,” Applejack replied, shaking her head, “but no matter what, Rainbow’s my friend, and it’s time to get that friend back.”

Anger and Sadness, having recently discussed their plans, decided it time to set off from their spot behind Quills and Sofas, and head to towards their objective, however it seemed to have slipped Anger’s mind how much her partner in crime was weighing her down.

“Come on, Sadness, we need to move!” Anger groaned, hovering a few feet off the ground, “the girls are already together so we need to move on to stage 2."

“I told you, I’m not very good at flying,” Sadness cried, lowering her head.

“Could you at least give it a try?” Anger asked impatiently.

Sadness sighed and raised her head, “…ok, I’ll try,” she said weakly. She flapped her wings repeatedly, giving herself a little distance from the ground.

“There, you’re up… now can we-” Anger stopped mid-sentence as Sadness crashed back down on the ground. Anger facehoofed so hard her face went almost as red as her hair, “Forget it, I’m carrying you.”

“But you’re always so rough,” Sadness moaned.

Anger wrapped hooves around Sadness and squeezed her unnecessarily tightly, “deal with it”. She began flapping her wings harder, lifting them both in the air and carrying them outside of town, “now we just have to hope no pony sees us leave, or the girls might find out what we’re up to.”

A few buildings down, two ponies were sitting down for lunch. Bon Bon had recently fallen asleep, leaving Lyra to her rambling. “…So then I turned to Vinyl and said ‘how can you say they’re not a couple? Look at them playing the piano together, making googly eyes and getting lovey dovey, it’s so obvious!’ Then she’s all ‘well me and Octavia-” Lyra cut herself off as she saw two nearly identical ponies flying out of town together, that’s when she remembered what Twilight had said earlier in the town centre.

“Bon Bon look, Dashs! Dashs!” Lyra yelled, waving her hoof wildly at the pegasi.

Bon Bon, now awoken by Lyra’s yelling, began to wipe the sleep from her eyes. “Are they friends of those human things you go on about?”

“No no no, the Rainbow dashs,” Lyra explained, “we better go find Twilight.” Lyra hooked her hoof around Bon Bon’s, and began dragging her off to find the purple alicorn.

“Remind me why I put up with you again?” Bon Bon sighed.

“I think it’s probably the flank,” Lyra giggled, “but dare I say it… my flank may not be the most important thing right now.”

Pinkie Pie galloped as quickly as she could to Fluttershy’s cottage, she leapt right over the small bridge and sudden stop at the front door. Probably shouldn’t go barging in, Fluttershy’s probably had enough scary stuff for one day, she reasoned.

Pinkie gently rapped on the door a few times and spoke in a loud whisper, “Fluttershy? You in there? It’s Pinkie.” After a minute of nothing Pinkie was about to knock again until the door creaked open slightly and Angel Bunny came hopping out.

“Angel, have you seen Fluttershy? Is she ok?” Pinkie asked.

Angel cautiously looked all around them, making sure there was nopony else nearby. He then swung the door completely open and gestured Pinkie inside. Pinkie, already being familiar with Fluttershy’s house, quickly went from room to room in a frenzied search to find her. Pinkie eventually came to a stop in Fluttershy’s bedroom upon finding a small bump under her bed sheets.

Pinkie laid herself down next to the bump, and gently placed a hoof on top of it, causing a small ‘eep’ to escape from the sheets occupant. “Hey, Fluttershy, it’s Pinkie… you ok in there?”

Fluttershy pulled the sheet off of herself just enough to reveal her muzzle and tear stained eyes, the two ponies maintained eye contact for a brief moment before Fluttershy buried her face into Pinkie’s shoulder.

Pinkie wrapped her hooves around Fluttershy’s neck and embraced her, should probably take that as a no… poor Fluttershy… Pinkie tightened her grip around Fluttershy … I’ll get whoever did this, nopony makes my Fluttershy cry.

“Fluttershy, do you think you could tell me what happened?” Pinkie asked, “A lot’s been going on today, so I could help explain something you might not understand.”

“I understand it perfectly, Pinkie,” Fluttershy said through sniffles and tears, “Rainbow Dash… hates me.”

“Hates you?” Pinkie asked, completely dumbfounded, “Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash could never hate you.”

“She does, Pinkie!” Fluttershy whimpered, “she told me she’s sick of me, that I just slow everyone else down… maybe I should just take her advice and shut up altogether…”

“Don’t do that, Fluttershy!” Pinkie said, very alarmed, “I don’t think I could go on if I thought I could never hear your beautiful voice again.”

“You’re just saying that, Pinkie,” Fluttershy sighed, “I must have the most annoying, shrill voice ever.”

“No way, Fluttershy, your voice is angelic. When you speak, it’s like music to ears, don’t even get me started on how I feel when sing.”

Fluttershy gazed into Pinkie’s eyes, in them she saw nothing but sincerity and love, this brought a small smile to Fluttershy’s lips. “Oh, Pinkie…” she whispered, before giving Pinkie a gentle kiss on the lips.

The sound of someone clearing their throat brought Fluttershy and Pinkie’s attention to the door, there stood Spike, who looked very uncomfortable. “Um… should I come back…”

“N-no it’s ok, Spike,” Fluttershy stammered with embarrassment, “please come in.”

Spike turned his attention to Pinkie, “Have you explained what’s going on yet?” he asked.

“Uh… not yet,” Pinkie said, scratching the back of her neck, “I was just getting to it.”

“Just figured you’d kiss her first huh?” Spike asked with smirk.

“Wait, explain what? What’s happening?” Fluttershy asked in concern.

“It’s about Rainbow Dash, see she kind of got into an accident and split off into several ponies, some were nice, some were sad, and I think the one that you talked to earlier was a meanie Dash.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow in disbelief, “Pinkie, how much candy have you had today?”

“It’s true, Fluttershy,” Spike said, “Twilight was experimenting with a new spell when Rainbow accidently got caught in her magic. We’ve been spending the day trying to round them all up but I think we’re still missing a few.”

“So the Rainbow Dash that I talked to earlier… wasn’t really Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy concluded.

“Exactly, like I said, Rainbow Dash could never hate you,” Pinkie said reassuringly.

“I think we should get going, Twilight would probably want us to be as quick as possible.”

“Right… are you gonna be ok, Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked.

“I guess so… but I think I’ll be better once I’m sure Rainbow Dash is herself again.”

“You’re not the only one,” Spike said sheepishly.

Author's Note:

Hooray! Finally got a new chapter out! (anyone else feel like I've said that before :rainbowlaugh:)

Thank you all so much for your patience with me and for taking your time to read this, it means a lot :twilightsmile:

If you're interested in checking some extra stuff out, here's a blog about the 'behind the scenes stuff' of 6 Shades of Rainbow. Plus I've started a review blog series, here's my review of Rainbow Rocks. If you have any fimfiction stories or mlp episodes you want to suggest for the review series, send me a PM.

Comments ( 38 )

Pffha. Funny that Pinkie would love the sound of Fluttershy's voice so much, given they have the same VA. Same for Rainbow and AJ, actually. Some kinda voicecest goin' on here.

“Pinkie, how much candy have you had today?”

Proof that Fluttershy knows that Pinkie condones drugs.

5325128 ha! I didn't even think about that 'til now :rainbowlaugh:

We need to make voicecest a thing! :pinkiegasp:

What's with all the shippings? I thought this was about Rainbow Dash!

5325244 yeah, it's crazy how this story's changed from my original plan of it, BUT then next couple chapters should focus more on the dashs and appledash.

I loved the whole thing! :pinkiehappy: keep it up!

I guess that this story has a...Dash of humor!

The dialogue between Fluttershy and Pinkie seemed way out of character, not to mention hokey. I understand they'd be out of sorts, which could lead to acting strangely, but that was too much.

Good story so far cant wait to read more

well Ah’m just a bit busy at the moment so if ya’ll don’t mind Ah-”

“Ah suppose Ah oughta be honest with ya’ll,”


“Applejack dear, what happen?”


“the girls are already together so we need to move on to stage 2.

needs end " marks.

Pinkie wrapped her hooves around Fluttershy’s neck and embraced her, should probably take that as a no… poor Fluttershy… Pinkie tightened her grip around Fluttershy … I’ll get whoever did this, nopony makes my Fluttershy cry.

You need to fix this. Italicize the parts that are Pinkie's thoughts so tthat they don't get mixed in with the narative.

Spike turned his attention to Pinkie,

delete " mark.

Yay! You're alive.

Oh god, more shipping.

5325631 Thank you very much, and I will :twilightsmile:

5326387 Thanks, I hope I can keep you entertained :twilightsmile:

5326878 Thanks for the fixes :twilightsmile:

I'm not quite dead yet, just slow as f*ck :twilightsheepish:


I know how that can be :rainbowlaugh:. Good to know you aren't a zombie yet.

sidenote: Had a joke lined up with that, but I can't find the comic from complex actions about an undead workforce.

No way, Fluttershy, your voice is angelic. When you speak, it’s like music to ears, don’t even get me started on how I feel when sing.”

I think you meant, "how I feel when you sing."

Wow, this fic has so much shipping I'm already overloaded! Just how I like it! :pinkiehappy:

So, it's what now... Twilight captured Lust, Joy, and Mischief, and Lyra and Bon-Bon reported Sadness and Anger, so now... Only Ego is left! How are you going to write that in when she doesn't have company?

All in all this chapter was really great! Keep up the great work! :derpytongue2:

5342508 thanks for the fix :twilightsmile:

It's always fun to overload with ships :rainbowlaugh:

The thing you have to remember about Ego: she's never too far from the spotlight, it's just not in her nature :raritywink:

Thanks a bunch, and I will :twilightsmile:

So, in Applejack's case, since just one of the Dashes professed love to her, that means all of Dash loves her.

And in Fluttershy's case, since only one of the Dashes said that she hates her, that means that Dash herself doesn't hate her.

...you know, when an explanation can be used to justify two opposite things, that usually means it's not a very good explanation :trixieshiftright:

I really hope this gets addressed further on in the story.

Can't wait to see how this story ends :pinkiehappy:

This has been rather interesting so far. I'm liking it and hope that it finally gets resolved at some point in the near future.

Amazing story, very funny and entertaining, I hope you can continue in some time!

6108732 thanks :twilightsmile: I hope to be able to continue writing it very soon, after a long leave of absence, I'm eager to get back, let's just hope I have the time and focus to get it done :raritywink:


Fluttershy raised an eyebrow in disbelief, “Pinkie, how much candy have you had today?”

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
Anyways, how long is this long leave of absence? This is a really good story and I can't wait to see what you have in store!


6582435 Glad to hear you are enjoying the story :twilightsmile:

As for the leave of absence I'm am unsure how long it will be, it's already been 11 months longer than I'd like. I do already have outlines/basic drafts for future chapters, plus the next one is already mostly done, but I still couldn't give you a definite time. :applejackunsure:

When are you going to continue this story??

sorry to interupt or annoy you but when are you to finish the next ch. cuz its been for two years now

6582970 is reminds me of that one ten Titans episode, the colors of Raven! :derpytongue2:

It's funny, I never even thought of Teen Titans while writing this, but so many people have commented about them I'm like 'how did I not see this earlier? I love Teen Titans!'

HA! I love that movie, I suppose my story and the movie do have some odd similarities :twilightsheepish:

Sorry for a late response, I was going of some things, noticed I didn't reply to these comments and thought you all deserved an answer.

I am still definitely writing this, really it would have been out a while ago, I even had multiple chapters completely written and ready to be published a bit ago but it's been a real series of unfortunate events that's lead me to have to completely rewrite it. I might post a blog detailing so of the stuff that happened but for now just know I am writing it and will continue to do so until the story is complete, however long that takes.

More plz:pinkiehappy:

I liked to see this one finished

ya know what I like this.
And its a good thing lust came to her senses for a second I was worried she would actually molest the CMC!
Glad to see I was wrong for once. Anyway please update this soon.
liked and faved

Neither am I but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying these kinds of ships has it!?
Don't ruin it for the rest of us yeah.

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