• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 1,561 Views, 9 Comments

Mah oblaan Monahven - The Psychopath

Solv Skog, the last dragonborn, finds himself at the throat of the world before Paarthurnax, ready to read the Elder Scroll, but something wrong happens.

  • ...

I am in control

Ponies were fleeing left and right as their small city rose up in purple flames and black smoke. The dragon's flesh was reforming as it began to pull itself out of the rock. It was taking on a flayed-flesh appearance with strange protrusions coming from the shoulders and the top of the head. It seemed to be laughing as it continued to expel a demonic flame upon the little ponies below it. These sort of things were practically impossible, so nopony knew what to do. Instead, they just ran in circles or towards the borders of Daisypace. Dinoksildov laughed powerfully as he watched his prey run for their lives.

"Hahaha! Ru malkeyye! RU!" he bellowed.

A small foal began to cry in the streets as it couldn't find its parents. Their fate was something that would be best left unspoken of. The little foal was snatched up by a passing couple and taken away just in time for a rock to land where the tiny pony had previously been. Another roar bellowed through the sky as the reawakening dragon stretched his reforming wings. As he gazed once more upon his work of art, Dinoksildov witnessed a single, elderly pony glowing with ancient red runes. He stood firm and glared at the dragon with unbridled fury. Even when the others smacked into him and houses began to crumble around, he stood firm.

"Hm? Daar Los?"

"It has been said that the ancient, demonic dragon bones in the mountain would one day reawaken, and so I shall uphold the mission my ancestors upheld as demon hunters and reawaken the Banisher!"

The elderly stallion began to tap his body in various areas while chanting various words unknown to the daedric dovah. It only took a final word for the runes to raise themselves from his body, taking away his life force as a sacrifice, and heading underground near the outskirts of the town. Besides the screaming and crackling of flame, not much else happened, but the dragon was curious. He leaned a bit further from his former tomb as his body was just finishing its reforming and stretched his neck upwards to get a better view. He hadn't gotten his lower legs out of the stone yet.

Just like the dragon, something began to rise up from the ground as a harmless mound of dirt. One long leg pierced through and slammed on the ground, then another, and another, until eight legs were above ground. It didn't take long for the main body to follow. The creature was a dragon sized spider covered with the glowing red runes and who seemed to be undead. It coughed up various poisons from its mouth, charring the ground in the process.

"The demonic dragon from another world. I thought you were going to stay under the mountain for all eternity," it spoke with a raspy voice as though gasping for air.

"What manner of creature are you? From what deity do you hail? Akatosh? Arkay? Kynareth?"

"I know not of these deities. I am a creation of the God of Bindings: Bomafoon of the Zebras."

"Haha! What a ridiculous name. And what do you plan to do to me? Kill me? Seal my soul once more?"

"In a tighter casket this time."

From afar, a patrol of the Royal Guards had seen the entire event and were rather traumatized by the whole thing.

"What in Equestria is that thing?" a guard whisper shouted.

"It's a dragon and a giant zombie spider..." another answered.

"I know that, but what is that dragon? I've never any of its ilk before."

"Perhaps it is why the dragons and the ejge have been getting riled up as of late. It has been over four centuries since the great ones had been born," a third soldier said.

The other two shushed him.

"Quiet! We don't want any prying ears to hear that the war is coming. We need to report to Princess Celestia at once! Now let's go!" the first guard insisted.

"Wait...what's it doing?" the second guard wondered aloud.

The three pegasi turned to face the danger from afar to see that the dragon had green smoke emanating from its mouth and the spider had lost two legs.

"Viidost Su Faaz!" the dragon bellowed.

A torrential cloud of green mist funneled at the spider, chipping away at its body and causing the unfortunate pieces who didn't fly off to gradually melt into a sludge. The monster began laughing as it saw its power returning to it little by little. Full of fright, the pegasi flew off towards the castle to announce of the impending menace.

"Hahahaha! I feel so powerful! I have even learned the language of the mun! It is kulgut this way! I shall bring death to the dovah upon this world and have enough power to destroy Vus!"

"Last of the dovahkiin. I did not realize you were so easily corrupt and absorbed by one of these scaled beasts," a strange voice spoke out of nowhere.

"Who speaks to me as if I were some simple pet?" Dinoksildov roared as he spun around to find the source.

"I was not speaking to you, reaper. Gol Hah Dov!"

No matter how hard he tried, the dragon felt himself falling to his knees. He was not yet powerful enough and began to pant in fatigue. The black mist that was surrounding the dragon, as well as the sparkling flames in his eyes began to dissipate. His features even began to smoothen, but they still kept the atypical fleshy-spiked appearance of the daedra and the planes of Oblivion.

"M...Miraak?" a calmer voice spoke from the wailing beast's mouth.

"Ha! So it is true. You have been called by the Dragon Reaper!" the old dragon priest mocked.

"Where are you?"

"I am in your mind, but I will not do this often. My soul has been awakened by the power of the Dovahdinok: The death dragon."

"I...I do not understand. I was told this was a daedric dragon."

"It is. It was meant to send all souls of the dovah to Oblivion where they would serve the princes for all eternity. it did not work. Those nine divines you foolishly worship and serve caught it before it could breach the barriers between worlds and was both destroyed and banished to this world. Judging by what I overheard, it was sealed into the mountain by a local deity. No doubt it caused quite the stir."

"But...why are you helping me...overcome this creature?"

"I am not. I am simply lax to see you do nothing. We had a great fight in Apocrypha, one that had not been seen in millennia, and here you are wasting away as the feast of this false dovah."

"You're right...Talos told me to stay strong...I must find the Silver Dragon, but I do not know where it is. Have you ever heard of this 'Silver Dragon'? ...Miraak? Hmph. I guess I will have to find the locals of this place. I hope this beast did not do anything unsavory. Now...how do I walk and fly?"

He had only now managed to take control of this new body thanks to the intervention of Miraak's creepy disembodied voice, but Solv had no idea how to walk like a dragon. The four limbs were bizarrely powerful but clumsy, and the wings on his back were foreign to him.

"Now, one step forward-aaaaaaand I'm falling," Solv said as he fell down on his left side.

Forcing himself back up, Solv thought:

"Yeesh. If walking is that hard, what is it like when I try to fly?"

It took some time, but the dovahkiin got the hang of walking, somewhat. He still looked like a child walking for the first time, in his mind. Now that he was finally able to walk, a horrid thought passed through his mind:

"Wait...how do I find this Silver Dragon? Maybe he's like Paarthurnax and sits upon this world's throat? No. Two like that are highly unlikely. There seems to be a town far away. Perhaps it would be best I start there. They cannot harm me and I refuse to harm them. Perhaps there would be a way to speak to them without causing a ruckus."

The three guards had gotten far away from the burning city leaving a trail of dust in their wake. They needed to get to their patrol camp as fast as they could and report to their superiors, but they could feel themselves tiring out.

"I can't keep this up...I'm getting exhausted..." the third guard whined.

"Quit your belly-aching. We're going to get there in at least an hour," the first said.

"An hour of galloping?! Why can't we fly?" the third answered.

"Guys, what's that in front of us?" the second asked.

"What's wh--"

Before the first guard could finish his question, the three slammed into a painfully solid, black barrier, then slowly sunk into it like jelly. The three could not breathe, and the jelly was immensely thick, so all they could see were darkened, twisted forms through the substance. They had just appeared without any warning or explanation. Strangely, though, they could hear what was being said on the other side. They seemed to be speaking in quick succession as if they could read each other's mind or were the same being.

"The Dragons' Reaper is gone," said one.

"No. It is stumbling along. It is not here," spoke another.

"Then we must protect it, for it shall bring about a new era of existence. We shall evolve into powerful draconic beings through the bloodshed of the unworthy ones."

"But what are we to do with these two?" a third asked.

"You mean three?" a fourth answered.

"I did not ask to be mocked."

"But you were deserving of it."

"Shall we kill them? They must not put our evolution in peril," a fifth spoke.

"They shall die eventually in this trap," the second said.

"But what about the survivors?" the fourth asked.

"They will be dealt with in time."

"That shall only save us time. A patrol will eventually come here, and after we have eliminated the third, they will send a search group of several armed and powerfully armored guards," a sixth added.

"So we shall follow the Reaper and the gods who have created him. All hail the grat Reaper! Glory be unto those who serve the Blazened Gods! Death to those who would stand in our way!" the first shouted.

The other five shouted the same words.

"Oh. They are dead," the second noted.



"We must go."

"Then we shall absorb the essence of the unworthy dragons and become the first of the Reaper's servants and commanders in his righteous fury."

"We must simply ensure that the Binding God and his agents do not reach him like before."

"It is enough he was sealed once, but we have ways to counter their spells, now."