• Published 9th Aug 2014
  • 2,269 Views, 22 Comments

Country Gems - Nightlock106

Apple Bloom has feelings for her friend, Sweetie Belle, but doesn't really know what to do about them. She turns to family for help and soon finds her special somepony.

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Moving In Pt.1

I went downstairs after I got out of the shower. I walked into the kitchen and was greeted to the smells of freshly cooked hay bacon, apple cinnamon toast, and freshly brewed coffee. I sat down at the table were Applejack was bust making our plates. I looked across the kitchen to see Granny sipping on her cup of coffee. She glared at me and then went back to sipping her coffee. I let out a sigh and put my chin on my hoof.

"Apple Bloom, do you have your things packed yet?" Applejack asked as she set my plate down in front of me.

"Not yet." I picked up my fork and began to poke randomly at my food.

"Well, after breakfast I'll help you get ready so we can head on over to Rarity's."

"But do we really have to go stay with Rarity?"

Applejack sat down next to me and sighed, "I know you're worried about it. But right now, it's our only option."

"What about Fluttershy?"

"She's in Canterlot right now to help Princess Celestia take care of Philomena."

"How about Pinkie Pie?"

"She's off for the big desert contest. And Twilight's going to be doing some more studies for the next couple of days."

I looked down at my plate and sighed heavily. It's not the fact that I want to go over to Rarity's, it's just that I was still really nervous about telling Sweetie Belle how I feel about her. I wish that I was more like Applejack, then I wouldn't be so nervous about telling her. Why did I have to fall in love with her? If I wasn't a filly-fooler, then none of this would be happening.

I pushed my plate away from me and got up from my seat, "I'm not really that hungry." I walked back upstairs and went back to my room. I sat down on the bed and stared out the window, watching as the sun continued to climb into the sky. "I wish that I never fell in love with Sweetie Belle. At least then I'd still be living here."

"Why should you not living here change the way you feel about her?"

I turned my head to see Big Mac standing in the door of my room, "Because it's effecting me worse than I thought it would."

Big Mac walked over and sat next to me on my bed, "Apple Bloom, just because Granny is making you move out, it doesn't mean that you have to stop loving Sweetie Belle. I know it's hard to take it all in because you're still really young, but you will always have ponies willing to look out for you in times of need."

Tears started to fall down my face and I looked back out the window, "I know but..."

"You shouldn't let what other ponies think bother you so much. I know it's not right for Granny to treat you this way, but you shouldn't let her change who you are. There are many things that ponies will always look down on, but no matter what, it doesn't change who they are. And it shouldn't change who you are either. It hasn't changed me at all either."

I turn back to face Big Mac in shock, "Y-You mean you're..."

Big Mac smiled at me and rubbed my head, "Eyup, though I've never told Granny about it, and I probably never will."

"Are you scared of getting kicked out?"

"No, it's just that she expects me to carry on the Apple name. And if she found out that I wasn't going to be able to, she'd yell the roof off."

I shiver at the thought of Granny yelling at Big Mac until the roof flew off.

"Listen, all I'm saying is, you shouldn't let other ponies opinions change who you are inside."

I gave Big Mac a hug and he rubbed my head again, "Thank you Big Mac."

"You're welcome."

There was a knock on my door and I saw Applejack standing in the doorway with a suitcase. Big Mac got up from my bed and left the room to go downstairs. I looked at the suitcase and then at Applejack. She sat the suitcase next to me on the bed and looked at me, sorrow in her eyes, "Are you ready to start packing?"

"I guess. But sis?"

"Yeah Apple Bloom?"

"Do you think that maybe you could wrap my breakfast up for me when we're done?" My stomach let out an audible growl.

Applejack smiled, "Sure."

I hopped off from my bed and began to gather up what I was going to take with me over to Rarity's house. I still felt nervous about moving in with Sweetie Belle, but in a way I felt that this was one of the first steps to really telling her how I feel. Though, I was still bothered by what she might think about me. Would she think that I was not right for being a filly-fooler? Would she stop wanting to be my friend once I told her how I felt about her? Would she end up being like Nova and start ruining my reputation? I know it really shouldn't be bothering me, but it was still one of the fears that I had about all of this.

We finally finished packing up my things and we went downstairs to wrap up my breakfast. We said our goodbyes and finally started to make our way towards Carousel Boutique.