• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 2,929 Views, 22 Comments

The Price of Being the Hero - TheOneAJ

After being so mean to him, why would Shining Armor save Princess Cadence when she dosn't deserve it?

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Exstened authors notes : The real story

Author's Note:

On the advice of an editor, I descried to put this part in a chapter as well for my readers convince since it's not part of this story.
Instead, this is the real life inspiration for said story.
Back in my 8th grade year, I was still in special ED, but I had matured enough to take regular classes provided an aid was with me and I spend at least two class periods in the ED room.
Along with me, another kid, I forget his name so I’ll simply call him Billy, had a PE class with a particularly horrible girl in it.
Again, I forget her name, so I’ll just call her Sally.
Now that we have the names, Billy was a rather large kid with much of the same issues Billy the pony has in the story. I would often try to help him lighten up and make friends, only to have him tell me to piss off or something to that degree.
Poor lad, hope he's doing better.
And of course, being the special ED kids we were, other students picking and teasing us was rather… I don’t want to say the word common, most people are better than that, but still rather frequent and unsurprising. Sally in particular was mean to us. I don't think she was a very popular girl. Personally, I like to believe that she just had a lot of problems that she reflected on me and Billy. Sine i actually had much the same attitude to my protraly of Shining Armor, she would more often pick on Billy than myself. Always finding some new way to piss him off.
Thou, to her defense, Billy would often be mean to her first.
Finally one day, it came to a boil when we were walking back fro a game of basketball. I forget what caused her to react the way she did or what pushed her over the edge.Guess it was one of those things that just happened. I want to say it was the cause of one of them being a bad sport. Either way, what I'm sure of is that it started when Billy spitting in her face.
Sally's response: she pants him. Right there, in the middle of the school, in front of everyone. Like Shining armor in the story, I called Sally out on it and even lightly whipped her with the jacket I was carrying. The next thing I know, Billy charged at her as Sally tried to attack him.
And keep in mind, she was about half his size, and wanted to kill him just as badly it seemed. So, before I could think about what I was doing, I placed myself between them just as Billy had punched Sally in the nose.
With the look in his eyes, I strongly believe that if I hadn’t come in-between them, she would have been hospitalized, at best. As it was, several adults soon showed up to break up the fight.
I’m not sure what happened to either one of them after that, probably expelled form what was able to gather. I didn’t even put too much though into the incident until my parents told me I could have gotten in trouble for being in a fight despite having saved a girl who didn’t deserve it.
Since then, no matter how much I think about what kind of trouble I could have gotten into for what I did, I would have done the exact same thing for the same reason Shining Armor had done in the story. No matter the cost, even if it meant the longest lecture from my parents, I would be the hero when the time came. for that is my virtue, selfishness and heroism. Even if it gets me killed one day, I would happily die knowing someone else could live.

An that's why fact is often stranger than fiction.

Comments ( 11 )

I'm glad you went on to explain the true story that inspired your pony one. :) I also liked how you got into Cadence's head and didn't make Celestia or her parents really too busy to deal with her (Celestia walks her to school, talks to her, the breif reference that her parents still are around but they go off to do things nobles do) and she bullies for the sheer love of bullying.

Not all bullies are misunderstood/have something terible happen to them/etc. and you did a fantastic job covering that. I would love to see a follow up with redemption for Cadance since we know how she is cannon wise.

Once again really really good story :) :twilightsmile::yay:


Nice story, it would be interesting if there was another story continuing this. Cadence's character here is very interesting and unexpected of what Twilight would later call "one of the nicest and most caring ponies ever."

This is really cool and deep man, I would actually like to see a sequel of this fic, will you make one?

Second "chapter" really spoils it.

I mean, that story was not particularly remarkable as is, but that little addition literally drops it below the bar.

I`ll try to explain why as bluntly and simply as I can. No one cares what you say. Internet heroes are dime a dosen. Let the actions speak. It`s a bit more telling, then self-aggrandizing on the net.

4908739 you didn't have to read it you know. I just put that in as an extra chapter


You didn`t have to put it in, you know. So people wouldn`t have to read it.

you should turn this into a multi-chapter story aka continue it. I'd love to see more of Cadance's transition in to a better pony while crushing on SA:scootangel:

6989148 sure, if you got someone that wouldn't mind helping

"Sine i actually had much the same attitude"
Since. I.

Haven’t you been a busy bee I see :twilightblush:

Awesome story. I liked that you made a fanfic based on a real life event and it sends out a powerful message to everyone.

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