• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 3,212 Views, 25 Comments

The Heart of An Apple - Docboy

Sibling Rivalry is one thing, but a broken heart can take away more than Family Unity

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The Impetus

Chapter 2

The sun rose higher in the sky.

The Apple family was back at work the next day. The mixed multitude of memories of grief and pleasant reminiscence were in the back of everypony's mind, however busy they were.

Applejack was carrying two big saddle baskets full of apples down to the barn. She set out in the morning with determination in her heart to fulfill the promise she made last night to Granny Smith to finish applebuck season with the best harvest Sweet Apple Acres had seen in a long time. Nothing was going to stand in between her and her bragging rights. She felt slightly annoyed when Big Macintosh reminded her to pace herself, and to not get hurt. She acknowledged him and set out to finish the harvest with just her brother and sister. The family had gone in the morning back to Appleoosa to take care of their harvest. But it was no problem. Most of the apples in Sweet Apple Acres had been harvested, and Applejack and Big Macintosh were way ahead of schedule. Applejack smiled the whole time, keeping her promise to make this the most successful applebuck season yet. Every time she passed Granny Smith’s new tombstone, she looked up in determination to work harder. The winds had died down on what was already a brisk morning. She passed Applebloom, who was carrying a much smaller set of baskets suitable to her size. Applejack smiled at her sister’s determination to help out in any way she could. But then she saw Big Macintosh. The burly pony was pulling a huge cart of apples so full, the pile of apples threatened to fall off any minute. All the apples in that single cart must have been the entire take of five whole trees. He didn’t look as concerned. He simply strained at bit when heading up a hill, but other than that, he was trouncing whatever Applejack did.

AJ felt herself blushing in embarrassment, but then caught herself.

“Shame on you Applejack.” She reprimanded herself. “You’re lucky to have Big Macintosh as a brother.”

Still, she couldn’t help but feel something she had never felt before. Resentment? Jealousy? Applejack shook in fear at the thought of resenting Big Macintosh for anything.

“Ridiculous.” She thought. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that was bothering her, whatever it was. The winds were picking up.

She continued to buck apples and bring them in as she tried to enjoy the beautiful day. Over the second hill due northwest of the farm she could see Ponyville. She wondered what her friends were doing as she saw a rainbow whizz past the town’s windmill, causing it to spin a hundred fold in speed. She chuckled at the thought of Rainbow Dash causing whatever mischief she was up to on this beautiful day. The sun was shining bright on the town. Some dark clouds were moving over the horizon past the mountains. Perhaps that’s what Rainbow Dash was so agitated about. She turned around and started back towards the barn. She felt proud as she looked at the bare trees that were ready to fall dormant for the winter.

“Yes sir, Granny.” She sighed in relief. “We didn’t let you down.”

She started to trot down the alley of trees when she saw Big Macintosh pick up speed as well. Applejack felt annoyed at the challenge, so she kicked herself into a canter. Big Macintosh only seemed to pick up more speed. Applejack was getting increasingly agitated that she was losing to her brother who was even carrying a bigger load than her. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. They were approaching the barn. Applejack panted as she begged her legs to run faster. She looked back up to see Big Mac running as fast as her. Applejack gloated to herself, assured of her victory. But her pre-victory high was short lived as she saw Big Mac put on one more mighty burst of sprinting. Some apples were even starting to fall out. Applejack was furious inside. She didn’t even notice the look of worry on his face. She sprinted for all she was worth. The opposing winds cooled her down and made her feel better as she ran past the trees that became a blur of orange and yellow, polka dotted with red. She reached the barnyard and swerved in front of her brother who was trailing behind. She turned toward him and planted herself in his path. He screeched to a stop in front of her, flabbergasted. Applejack wore a haughty, victorious look.

“Hah!” She shouted. But Big Mac simply ran past her.

“Hey! Where’r you going?” she yelled.

“Uh, sis?” said Big Mac pointing down in front of him.

Applejack gasped and ran over to Applebloom who was sprawled on the floor in front of the door to the barn. She was unconscious and had a big welt on her head. Applejacks legs turned to gelatin. She tried to move to help but her body wouldn’t respond. Big Mac wasn’t racing her. He was running to help Applebloom whom she hadn’t even noticed was out cold from a blow to the head. What the hell had come over her?

“Sis!” yelled Big Mac. Applejack shook herself out of her trance. “I’m gonna get her to the hospital! Finish the harvest without me!”

AJ did just that, but she did it in a trance. She was missing a lot of apples since her mind wasn’t completely with her work. It wasn’t the fact that Applebloom was unconscious from banging her head into a door that scared her. What made her shake in her boots was the fact that some force seemed to be egging her on to do something. The storm clouds came over the farm and it started to rain. The winds turned back into gales.

When the harvest was finally done, Applejack sat down to her usual ascetic fare of oats and cider. She couldn’t eat in peace however, as she struggled to understand what was bugging her. She couldn’t help but feel the need to compete against her brother out of a sense of some obligation to make her grandmother proud. But that didn’t make any sense to her. Granny Smith stood for unity and family togetherness. What was this feeling that was pushing Applejack on?

She turned for a moment to the kitchen and saw the pot of oats awaiting Big Macintosh for when he returned from the hospital. A sense of dread loomed over poor AJ as she got up out of no real will of her own. She started towards the medicine cabinet and found a sedative that they used whenever anypony in the Apple family had violent chills. She looked down at the pot of oats and poured in a healthy dose. Her face contorted in fear and guilt. Her conscience screamed at her and she was horrified at herself. But she continued to replace the cap on the jar of sedative and stir the new ingredient into the pot awaiting her brother. Her mind raced. She jumped at the slightest sound. But there was no one there. Outside the storm lingered as the winds howled in protest and tried to rush in through the shutters to arrest the crime.
Applejack closed the lid and went to bed.

She fell asleep doubting her role as the element of Honesty.