• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,591 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 1: Lunch Time; Battle of the Bands

Battle of Gods Saga

Twilight quickly got on one knee next to Goku and put a arm around his shoulder cooing to him that everything is going to be alright. She then heard the sound of foot steps and saw Vegeta and Rainbow Dash running towards them.

"What happened?" asked Rainbow in a worried tone.

"We were talking and then he just started crying, I didn't mean to..." replied Twilight.

"Twilight," said Goku putting a hand on her shoulder wiping a tear, "It's ok, you didn't know, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright," started Vegeta, "You two go ahead I would like to talk to Kakarot for a while." Rainbow and Twilight nodded as they continued with Goku and Vegeta following close behind. Vegeta sent Goku a glare which made him feel nervous to his stomach. Goku let out a sigh and try to avoid eye contact. "Kakarot what is wrong with you?" Vegeta finally said breaking Goku from his train of thought.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you crying like an infant! What did she say that could get the 'legendary' Goku all worked up."

"It's not about what she said, It's about what she has." Vegeta was silent, what does he mean 'what she has'.

"Kakarot, what does she have."

"Her eyes, they're like Chi-Chi's." There was a brief silence between the two teen saiyans, Vegeta let out a sigh, he couldn't really blame him for missing his wife. Vegeta missed Bulma and his son as well, even though he never said it, he cared for them and would protect them if it means giving uo his own life, but he had to accept that now there was no way of bringing them back and had to accept the fact that their off in otherworld living the afterlife.

"Kakarot, you need to let go. You think I don't miss Bulma, but I let her go because I know she would've wanted me to and We have another task at hand, do you know what that is?"

"Helping out the girls?"

"Exactly, and you can't do that if you're crying about every time they bring up the past."

"Alright, I see what you mean." Vegeta nodded and they both caught up with Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike. They made it to Rainbow's house where she convinced her parents to let them sleep over as long as Goku and Vegeta slept on the couches downstairs. Meanwhile upstairs Rainbow and Twilight were getting ready to turn it in for the night.

"Hey Twi'?" asked Rainbow

"Yeah?" replied Twilight covering Spike with a blanket as he slept on a chair.

"What was wrong with Goku back there?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't know. We were just talking about what happened at Sugar Cube Corner when he just started crying."

"Huh, I wonder why we should ask them tomorrow at school, but for now lets get some shut eye." Rainbow gently closed her eyes waiting for a good night sleep.

"Yeah can't have you looking like a sleepless zombie in front of Vegeta tomorrow." joked Twilight as Rainbow's eye snapped opened and glared at Twilight.

"What is that supposed to mean!" Rainbow said as her cheeks started to burn.

"It means that you have a crush on him!" squealed Twilight with glee.

"NO! We are just friends, plus he can be a big hard head sometimes, ugh, I'm gonna get Applejack for this."

"Oh, come on,don't deny it." Rainbow sent another glare a t Twilight but then it turned into a sly grin.

"Fine then, I'll just let Goku and Vegeta know about Flash Sentry." Twilight's smile instantly faded.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

"Goodnight Rainbow."

"You too, Twi'."

Rainbow Dash's House

Goku and Vegeta slowly drifted awake from the sun flashing in their eyes from the seems of the windows, and surprisingly Goku was feeling one hundred percent better, he still missed his friends and family but surprisingly the talk from Vegeta made him kind of happy. The two saiyans glanced around and noticed that Twilight, Spike and Rainbow were rushing around the room. After they greeted them it turned out they were going to be late for school.

"Come on! We need to leave now or we'll never make it!" screamed Rainbow as she rushed out the door only for her to miss the bus that was waiting for them.

"Can't your parents drive you to school?" asked Vegeta with a grunt.

"My parents go to work in Cloudsdale, so they have to wake up early which is why I take the bus, that we just missed."

"Perfect," Vegeta said with a relieved smile, "Now me and Kakarot can get there easier."

"What do you mean by-" Before Rainbow could finish Vegeta grabbed her waist and zoomed off in the air, making Rainbow scream of fear but then to excitement. Goku chuckled and walked next to Twilight and Spike who were gawking at Vegeta and Rainbow soaring through the sky. Twilight knew that these boys were special from what her friends told her but not this special!

"You ready to go?" asked Goku giving them a warm smile.

"Uh, I don't know I'm not that good with heights." said Spike nervously.

"You seem to like it when you rode on back when I flew back in Equestria." questioned Twilight.

"Yeah but you didn't go that fast!" retorted Spike as he retreated into Twilight's backpack. He poked his head out only for Goku to scratch him behind the ears.

"Don't worry Spike I'll go nice and slow." Spike nodded in response and as Goku then looked to Twilight, "You ready?"

"Just try to be gentle." pleaded Twilight as Goku grabbed her by the waist and took off. Twilight held on to Goku tightly as they soared above the town , she had flown before but not like this, there was something peaceful and calm about it. Almost like-

"Hey Twi'!" yelled Rainbow as Twilight was snapped from her thoughts and glanced to the side to see Rainbow being carried by Vegeta.

"Yeah?" Twilight responded.

"This is so awesome! Bet Goku can't beat Vegeta in a quick race!"

"I don't know. I kind of like the pace we're going now."

"Oh come on!" Vegeta chuckled at Rainbow, She has pride I'll give her that, thought Vegeta when a thought entered his mind.

"Kakarot, are you accepting this challenge because you know I am." scoffed Vegeta.

"Well....Alright!" said Goku happily.

"Oh no no no, you said you would be gentle." glared Twilight.

"Yeah sorry, I lied." laughed Goku as he charged up his ki making Vegeta smirk as he charged up his ki as well. Spike whimpered in Twilight's backpack, overhearing the conversation, and Twilight shuffled nervously in Goku's arms as Rainbow squealed in excitement.

"OK! Ready, set GO!" screamed Rainbow as the two saiyans took off like two missiles creating two sonic booms in their quake.

Twilight and Spike screamed at the top of their lungs as Goku zoomed over the city racing Vegeta to the school. Twilight was instantly beating on oku's chest which made him chuckle, Goku glanced at his opponent and noticed that Rainbow and Vegeta were.......laughing? Goku hasn't seen Vegeta laugh since they defeated Majin Buu, or when he was with.....Bulma. Goku was snapped out of his thoughts when a bird hit his face.

"Ha! Serves you right!" screamed/ laughed Twilight as Goku spat out some feathers.

"Heh sorry, I can't help not accepting a challenge, it's part of being saiyan." apologized Goku.

"Well it's okay-" before Twilight could finish he speed off like a bullet causing Twilight to resume her thrashing and Spike to his screaming. Goku and Vegeta were neck and neck they flew over buildings and through the streets of the town to reach their destination. The two saiyans had so much pride to win the race to the school they forgot they were carrying the girls and Spike. They both charged up again creating another sonic boom through the town as they saw the school coming in to view.

"Vegeta! Do you think you might want to slow down!" yelled Rainbow.

"Not after I beat Kakarot!" snapped Vegeta.

"Goku! Stop!" Twilight protested.

"Wait! Almost there!" protested Goku.

Goku and Vegeta was closing in in the school with their passengers in tow. Twilight and Rainbow covered their eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came. They opened their eyes to see them standing right outside the entrance of the school with Goku and Vegeta still holding on to them. Spike popped his head out of Twilight's back pack hyperventilating.

"We tied again!" yelled Vegeta in frustration.

"We really need to stop that." said Goku in agreement. The two saiyans then noticed their three passengers who were dazed. Twilight's and Rainbow's hair was a mess and their clothes wrinkled. The two saiyans let the the girls out of their grasp as they came to their senses too. Goku blushed a bit knowing that they over did it again and Vegeta laughed at how the two girls looked.Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow glared at the two saiyans in anger.

"What's so funny?" snarled Rainbow.

"Yeah?" replied Twilight.

"hehe," chuckled Vegeta as he wiped a tear, "the way you two look is ridiculous."

"Sorry about getting carried away back there." said Goku with a nervous smile.

"Just don't do that again. I almost lost my lunch." said Spike hopping back into Twilight's backpack.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!NOOOOO!!!NOOOOOOO!!!!!" screamed Goku surprising the three.

"What is it!" said Twilight with concern.

"We forgot breakfast!!!!" yelled Goku as the three deadpanned and walked in the school before the bell rang for class.

(stop song)

Canterlot High Hallways

Goku and Vegeta walked down the hallways after their three periods of class, Vegeta was relieved that he could be out that boring classroom and could stretch his legs, but all Goku could think about was lunch. He hadn't eaten anything all day and felt like he was going to drop from starvation. Deep in his thoughts Goku accidently bumped into a blue skinned girl with silver hair.

"Oh, sorry about that." apologized Goku innocently.

"You watch where you going idiot, The Great and Powerful Trixie does not have time to deal with morons like you." scolded the girl as she walked off into the cafeteria. Goku raised an eyebrow in confusion as he glanced at Vegeta.

"What was that about?" asked Goku.

"I don't care, lets hurry up and eat so we can continue with this stupid school day." grunted Vegeta as Goku nodded and they both walked into the cafeteria. The two observed the cafeteria and noticed that it was bigger than they expected tables with benches with kids having conversations, Goku then smelled the glorious aroma of food. He followed his nose until he got to the lunch line when he saw two lunch staff handing out trays of food.

"Alright, since ya' new, all ya' have ta' do is hand out the trays to da' youngin's." said the thick lunch lady who had green skin and a hair net and Goku noticed that she sounded a bit like Applejack.

"YES MA'M!" said a high pitched voice that Goku and Vegeta never forgot that made their eyes bulge out of their skulls. they quickly went up to the person with the voice and instantly realized the chubby pink skin and his hair shaped like an antenna. and small eyes that looked like his eyes are closed.

"BUU, READY FOR DUTY!!" screamed the chubby pink man and saluted with a smile.

"You have got to be kidding me!" exclaimed Vegeta as him and Goku walked up being next in line to retrieve their trays of food. Goku was now confused yesterday in the gym they saw Krillin and Piccolo who weren't supposed to be here and now here's Buu. What exactly is going on? Why is his friends that are supposed to be in Other World here?

"HERE YOU GO!" said Buu as he handed Goku and Vegeta their trays. Goku and Vegeta looked at their trays and noticed that there were mashed potatoes, green beans, and a taco. The two confusingly observing their food, was this all they were getting?

"Umm, excuse me," asked Goku getting Buu's attention, "Can we have some more trays."

"OK!" said Buu happily as he gave them another tray.

"maybe another."




"Another", after about five minutes Goku and Vegeta had thirty-five trays stacked on each other Goku happily thanked Buu as they left to go find their seats. The other students behind them gawked, but at the same time angry at how much food they got. Sighing one of the students went to get his tray when Buu shook his head.

"Sorry! All gone!" said Buu as he put a closed sign on the counter and went in to the kitchen causing the students to groan in disappointment.

Goku and Vegeta walked around the cafeteria trying to find their seats but everytime they tried to sit at a table they would get pushed off, they were lucky Vegeta were holding all his trays or it would be a huge problem. They looked around until they saw seven familiar girls and a dog sitting at a table. Goku smiled and motioned Vegeta to come and join the girls at the table, who all stared in surprise at how much food they had let alone being allowed to have that much.

"W-Why do you have that much food?" asked Sunset.

"Saiyans have large appetites so we consume large amounts of food." answered Vegeta.

"But there is no way ya'll eat all that before lunch, let alone finish it." added Applejack.

"HA! I ate more than this."

"Yeah, I even eat more than Vegeta." said Goku

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe?" Vegeta gave a chuckle as they both dug in to their trays scarfing down their food like wild dogs fighting over their downed prey. The girls looked in shock as they already reached their fifth plate of food in under a minute!

"How rude! You two should not be eating like that in front of a lady!" scolded Rarity.

"Sorry *munch* can't hear over *munch* me enjoying this food *munch*" said Goku between his bites of food.

"Better *munch* hurry up Kakarot *munch* I'm already *munch* ahead." said Vegeta with pride as they ate faster.

"Is it always a competition with you two? If you don't mind me asking." asked Fluttershy.

"No probs," swallowing his food, "Yeah, me and Vegeta are always competitive but that what makes it fun...HEY! Vegeta no cheating! *munch*!"

"Wow! You two should totally sign up for the cupcake eating contest at Sugar Cube Corner!"

"Another contest I can best Kakarot at, I accept."said Vegeta.

"Yeah, plus free food!" added Goku.

"Hey Vegeta," Twilight suddenly said causing all the attention to be turned on to her.

"What is it" he responded putting another taco in his mouth.

"From I've been told you raced Rainbow."

"Yeah, what about it."

"Well, if I'm not mistaken Rainbow transformed into her element form by will when, she should've needed all six of us to transform. SO I was wondering if you knew anything about that."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that too, but then I noticed I was just that awesome!" boasted Rainbow as Twilight rolled her eyes and Vegeta chuckled.

"Hehehe, the answer is quite simple, you all are like me and Kakarot...."

"You mean were saiyans! Awe..."

"Good God NO!! I mean that you all can control your ki like me and Kakarot."

"But how is that possible we only have magic and the only way we can even transform is if we are all together, minus Sunset no offense." said Twilight with a nervous smile.

"None taken." said Sunset slightly annoyed.

"I think I can answer that" said Goku, "Well, you see every living thing has ki built up inside them its just a matter of controlling like me and Vegeta, so I wonder if your magic has somehow mixed with your ki energy giving you the power to transform at will."

"But how do they do that? Rainbow doesn't even know how she did that." asked Sunset with a raised eyebrow.

"If it's anything like transforming into a super saiyan, then me and Vegeta can teach you guys."

"If you girls could transform this entire time and have immense power together, why don't you use it on those three witches that you think is terrorizing the school." said Vegeta.

"Well, first off they ARE controlling the school, second.....that's actually not a bad idea." said Rarity, "but forgive me for getting off topic but you two need to be more careful with Twilight and Rainbow. I had to get them all fixed up after you two flew them here!"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that too, me and Vegeta just-" Goku's expression immediately went serious and so did Vegeta as they turned their heads to the energy spike that had just come from outside the cafeteria. The girls looked in confusion as to why they are on alert like someone's out to get them.

"Uhm, are you guys alright?" asked Fluttershy tilting her head.

"You guys don't hear that?" said Goku.

"Hear what?"

"It's like sing-" before Goku could finish the doors to the cafeteria swung open revealing the Dazzlings coming in with grace singing in a light and attractive tone.

Vegeta suddenly clutched his head in pain as he screamed in the air. Goku and the girls quickly went by his side to see what was wrong but all he did was keep on screaming. Goku then felt Vegeta's ki spike up like a rocket and knew what was going to happen.

"Girls get back!" ordered Goku as they did so and Vegeta transforming into a super saiyan. Goku glanced around trying to figure out the cause of the problem when he noticed the green smoke and the students arguing in the cafeteria, and that's when it hit him. If he remembered correctly the Dazzlings are sirens and they feed off of negative energy and has the ability to control almost anything with it, and Vegeta had a lot of it.

"Twilight!" screamed Goku gaining her attention.

"What is it?" answered Twilight.

"You have to use your elements on the Dazzlings now! It's the only way to break the spell!" Twilight nodded and motioned the girls to follow her as Sunset went to Goku.

"Is there anything I can help with?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah try to help me calm him-" Goku was then cut off by Twilight screaming something causing the whole gym to go quiet.

"FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!!!!" she screamed as the the Dazzlings stopped singing and the green mist disappeared and everyone looking at them. Goku and Sunset had expected the power of the elements but nothing happened. Sunset put a hand on her face in embarrassment. Goku looked to Vegeta and noticed that his ki was returning to normal but he was still in his super saiyan form. Goku and Sunset carefully helped Vegeta to his feet.

Twilight and the girls feeling embarrassed rushed out the lunch room with Sunset, Goku, and Vegeta in tow. Aria and Sonata looked confused on how it didn't work on them.

"Why didn't they spell work on them?" asked Sonata.

"Yeah, they should've been turned like the rest." replied Aria as Adagio chuckled evilly, "What's so funny can't you see that their not under our control like we wanted to."

"Oh but this is much better," said Adagio, "the reason the spell didn't work on them is because they have Equestrian magic, and we did get one of them that Vegeta character, but he is resilient I'll tell you that."

"So how do we get him on our side?" asked Sonata.

"We simply give him a little push." said Adagio grimly.

Canterlot High Hallways

The group now walked through the hallways of Canterlot high trying to figure out what happened and why didn't their magic work. Meanwhile Vegeta was trying to convert to his normal form but for some reason he couldn't.

"Arggh!" yelled Vegeta in frustration

"What's wrong?" asked Goku.

"I can't revert to my normal state, Bah! It was probably those witches spell I'll crush them for this." growled Vegeta.

"There is no need fer that Vegeta, mah' problem is that why didn't our magic work." added Applejack.

"I have a theory since I don't have my crown with me I can't channel it's magic to transform but if you guys told me what was correct about you guys able to transform by playing music all we have to do is enter the Battle of the Bands and use it against the Dazzlings and break their spell." explained Twilight

"Already ahead of ya' Twi', the Rainbooms have already signed up for it." said Rainbow

"But we have a problem the Battle of the Bands start tomorrow after school." said Rarity

"Then that means we have to practice even harder!"

"Yeah, once I write a reverse spell we can play and the Dazzlings spell will be -oof" before Twilight could finish she bumped in to a boy with orange skin and blue hair, knowing instantly that it was Flash Sentry. He instantly caught her and pulled up as Twilight gave a light blush.

"H-hey Flash, long time no see." said Twilight with a nervous smile.

"Yeah, what do you want." said Flash with a glare, "I heard your little talk with your friends and these two monkeys and there is no way I'm not letting you take this competition from me!" Twilight was taken back by the outburst. What happened to Flash while she was gone.

"B-b-but," Twilight stuttered as her eyes started to be filled with tears.

"Just stay out of the way!" grunted Flash as he stomped past the group as Vegeta and Goku have him a glare, "Nice hair do Veggie." said Flash sarcastically as he walked off. Goku looked to see Twilight wiping tears from her eyes, he felt rage build up inside him as he clenched his fists, until he glanced at a lone pencil on the ground.

Goku picked it up and glanced at it for a second then looking to Flash walking away. Goku looked to Vegeta and gave chuckle with a sly grin, which Goku did so in return. Goku then flicked the pencil across the hall and watched as the pencil struck Flash in the back of the head, knocking him out instantly.

vegeta let out a laugh as he hit the ground as Goku turned to see Twilight giving him a sad smile. Goku then went over to Twilight but was caught by surprise when Twilight gave him a hug.

"You didn't have to do that." she said as she looked up at him.

"Yeah, but I don't do well with bullies." said Goku with a smile of his own.


"No problem." said Goku as Twilight let go with the blush coming back to her face knowing that she was hugging too long. Vegeta went up to Goku and gave a light chuckle as they watched the group walk ahead of them.

"You care for her her, don't you Kakarot?" asked Vegeta walking up to his side.

"What!? No!, well yeah as a friend but..." said Goku as he tried to find the right answer.

"There is no need for that, I know love when I see it and there is no hiding it."

"But what if.."

"She doesn't like you back?"

Goku nodded.

"Then tell her how you feel after we beat the Dazzlings, I have feelings for Rainbow but you don't see me moping around."

"Yeah...wait, Rainbow seriously?"

"Goku stay focused."

"Why are you being so nice, when did you get romance advice, and WHEN do you call me Goku!" Goku said with a bit concern for his friend.

"Just helping out a friend." said Vegeta in a happy but creepy voice as Goku gave a nervous chuckle and walked a head a little faster to catch up with the girls, not noticing the flash of green in Vegeta's eyes.

Author's Note:

Whew, sorry for the wait but that was a pain to write with the writers block and stuff but I pulled through it. Also I don't really know what the forms are called when the HuMane 5...6...7 whatever it is transformations is called so it would help if you leave a comment and tell me what it is, but for now I'm sticking with Element Form.

Also after being so pumped up for a certain movie that's coming out May 1st and if you follow my blogs. I may be writing a story about it after I see it.

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