• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 2,937 Views, 54 Comments

Fluttercord - lingonberries

Fluttershy has a crush on Discord, and she finally tells him, getting great results. They start dating. *Read Full Description Please!

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Chapter 6

"Oh Fluttershy, I'm so glad that -" she began, until she noticed her eyes.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?" Roared Rainbow Dash, looking straight into Discord's eyes with an angry expression.
"Umm..." He grinned sheepishly.
"BRING OUR FLUTTERSHY BACK! NOW!!" Rainbow Dash commanded.
"Fine," Discord grumbled and snapped his fingers.
"Wh-what happened?" Asked a dazed Fluttershy.
"Discord put you in a trance, and I just happened to be flying around -" Rainbow Dash began.
"Wait, wait. Hold on. Discord put me in a trance?!" The pegasus stared at The Lord of Chaos, her expression half anger, half surprise.
"Maybe?" He grimaced.
"You put me in a trance so you could control me so I couldn't go and see my friends?!" The normally quiet pony raged.
She then gave him the Stare, making him shrink down in fright.
"You go, Fluttershy!" Cheered Rainbow Dash.
"You evil, selfish little beast! You just wanted to have me all to yourself all day! Well, sometimes, I need to spend time with OTHER PONIES! Have you ever thought about that?" She then turned her back on him and said, "Come on, Rainbow Dash, we're leaving."
Then, his beautiful pegasus took off with Rainbow Dash.
"Fluttershy, wait!" He called after her.
He swore that he saw her hesitate a moment, considering looking back. But then she continued flying away, away from him.


As Fluttershy was flying away, she heard Discord ask her to come back. She hesitated a moment, thinking of him, of how much she loved him. But he would have to deal with a consequence for this. She shook her head and continued to follow Rainbow Dash away from the Spirit of Chaos that was her lover.