• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 1,538 Views, 7 Comments

Equestria Noir Side Story "Modern Date" - Jacoboby1

Reunited at last, Tenebros decides to take Luna on a modern date. Will love blossum or fall?

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Modern Date

Equestria Noir

Side Story

“Modern Date”

Perspective: Luna

Why must they be so slow!? Why must time move so slowly? I swear if somepony cast a spell on me that caused all of time to seem slower I will….

“Luna will you hold still? Your fidgeting is not helping the maids move any faster.” Tia said with a sigh.

I sighed and looked back at her as several servant ponies worked on my mane and coat in the hopes of turning bed head into a relatively civil state of being. The maids were all scrambling to get me ready. They were all quite frantic. Brushing my mane, polishing my hooves, bringing clothes over for me to peruse for my outing. I should send Rarity a gift for updating my wardrobe. Hm… perhaps the little black number…

“No! Nonononono!” Celestia said, teleporting it away. “Just because you two are back together does not mean I’m letting you two...mess around.”

I frowned. “Tia, I am a grown mare.”

“A grown mare about to head out on the first date she’s been on in a thousand years,” She admonished. “I’m not about to have my little sister strap on some...number which is just asking for something to happen too soon.”

I smirked a little. “You and Voidera weren’t exactly chaste your whole love lives…”

Celestia blushed a little and the maids tried to hold back giggles at seeing my dear stoic sister all flustered. She huffed and said, “We were young, there was a lot of adrenaline and maybe a small amount of sparkling cider…”

I put a hoof on my muzzle to keep from laughing at her expression.

“But that is beside the point,” Tia said, waving her hoof dismissively. “Just please try to handle things...delicately alright?”

“Tia, I will be fine,” I said with a sigh. “You worry too much at times. We will not make fools of ourselves.”

“I just worry for good reason sister.”

“Of course Tia...and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


Perspective: Tenebros

“Are you sure that these are the fashions of the times?” I asked as I stood in the throne room. Voidera was helping straightened what is called a ‘bow tie’ around my neck. I never understood modern fashions. Why is it so insisted that something be forced around a stallion's neck? Is it to make sure that he can be hung if he was being lecherous?

“They are, Tenebros,” Voidera said, his red eyes rolling at my repeating of the inquiry. “Believe me, if I had my way I would go on this date...how do the Prench say...’Au Naturale’?”

“I just want to give Luna a proper date that she deserves,” I said, sighing and looking towards the stained glass adorning the walls of the room. It was of Tia and Luna facing Discord all those years ago. “Especially now that Nightmare has left her heart. I want nothing more than to fill that space with joy.”

Voidera sighed. “By Faust, must everything you say sound like it came out of a Spear Shaker play?”

“Is there an issue with mine speech?” I asked with a raised brow.

“Just...something that Luna had to learn,” He said with a roll of his red eyes. “Now they should be here in a moment, try not to, as the modern ponies say, ‘freak out’.”

Luna stepped into the room, a sparkly black dress on her lithe form, the skirt swirled around her slender hind legs, and its top accentuated her trim figure, the material shimmering in the subdued light seeming to harmonize with her spangled mane. She wore no regalia, but there was no mistaking who she could possibly be, with a lunar breeze playing with her hair, her indigo eyes gazing at me with a warmth I had not seen in centuries.

“I will say that I dost not miss the bustle of centuries past,” she commented. “Nor do I miss the flounced skirts. Still I do hope mine outfit tis pleasing to thine eye.”

I gulped as I found my words had ran to the farthest hills and refused to return. But I was able to speak with some strength, “Tis, most lovely Luna. Thou art fairer than any star in your night sky.”

She smiled and laughed a little at that. “I had forgotten your tongue Tenebros. I hope to hear more of you on this occasion.”

“Gladly,” I said, giving her a most adoring smile.

Our gazes were interrupted by Celestia clearing her throat. “Have fun you two, try to stay together and…” She grabbed my collar in her magic and pulled me to speak in such a manner that only my ears could hear. “Tenebros if you even think of doing something lecherous with my sister I will personally give you a tap dancing lesson on my sun.”

“Yes, Celestia,” I said nervously.

“Good,” She said with a smile, she let me go and said, “Do try to be home by when the sun is to be raised.”

“We shall sister,” Luna said, coming to me and entwining one of her forelegs in mine…”Shall we, Tenebros?” Her eyes glinted a little…

I smiled and walked out with her, our carriage was to await...as was the start of our first modern date.


Perspective: Luna

Zounds, when did the city become so bright during my night? True it allows for ponies to go about at night, but none can see my stars. Alas, thus are the compromises that one has to make so my night can be enjoyed, I suppose. So many happy ponies, out and about. So very different from before. I turn to Tene, smiling at this development. He is as handsome as I remember, too. Tonight shall be grand, I just know it.

Everything about him was as I admired all so long ago. His mane, his wings...the flashing ligh-

Wait what?

I turned to see the theater we were pulling up to. All around, cameras were flashing as the paparazzi caught a glimpse of the royal coach. I knew I should’ve asked for a less well known coach! I should’ve known this would happen!

I could hear their questions now.

“Princess Luna!”

“Who is that stallion with you?”

“Is this a date?”

“What are you wearing under that dress?”

That last one got tossed aside by one of my night guard. “Back off! Make way for her majesty!”

The door opened and Tenebros walked outside, extending his hoof for mine. I smiled, the flashing lights seeming distant as I took his hoof and excited the coach. The moment was lost however, when a flash hit Tenebros.

He hissed a little at the bright flash, covering his eyes for the briefest moments. Those foul reporters! How dare they hurt him in this way! His eyes are sensitive to light!

I used my magic to teleport in a pair of sunglasses for him. I slipped them over his eyes. That will have to do…

I guided Tenebros inside the theater, leaving the reporters behind a wall of my most loyal night guard.

Let’s see them try to disrupt our date now!


Perspective: Tenebros

“So tis a play we are partaking in, this night, milady?” I asked, as we trotted into what was obviously a theater.

“Not... a play exactly.” She said as we ventured inside a rather dark location. “You are aware of movies, correct?”

“I am, though the last ones I saw were of the silent variety.” I admitted.

“Well, apparently this film is very popular,” She said. “I had hoped it would be a nice introduction. It is talked about a lot among my guards, though I have yet to see it myself.”

“Well, it shall be a venture for both of us then,” I said, and looked to the strange buttered corn that Luna got for us...whatever it was...I shall decree it be included in the royal diet!

This place looked positively decadent. Red curtains that looked like velvet hung from either side of the screen, the seats were plush-looking, and positively luxurious. There were plenty of young ponies in the seats around us, all excited about this… movie that we were about to observe. There was but one detractor from the event. The floor of our viewing room twas abominably sticky! Sooth, I am lucky I did not wear mine shoes to this, lest they be left in the glue-like deteris of the floor.

The theater then grew darker, and the screen before me lit up...why were the buttered corn and fizzy drink telling us to venture to the lobby? Were we not there when we entered this establishment?

Oh well, maybe this...’movie’ will make more sense...I do wonder why there are a lot of teenage mares in the audience though…


Perspective: Luna

What. Is. This?

“TIS AN ABOMINATION! NIGHT PONIES DO NOT GLITTER THUS!” Tenebros uttered, obviously outraged.




“A… what?” Tenebros asked.

“A creeper. Tis a modern term for a most unpleasant, and discomforting individual. Somepony ‘creepy’, so to speak,” I explained.

“Even still, how could anypony tolerate this drivel?” He asked.

“Well, apparently everypony had the sense to leave, the theater is empty,” I said, pointing out the vacant seats around us.

“At least young ponies have some sense when it comes to entertainment,” Tenebros said with a firm nod.


Meanwhile, outside.

“Uggh! Can you believe those two? They would not keep quiet the whole movie.”

“Like, totally, just because they are alicorns and all, they think they can just shout out.”

“And it was getting good too! They were just about to profess their love for one another!”

*Sigh* It’s amazing how completely effortless and nonsensical true love is right?”

“Actually, I thought it was a bit far fetched, myself.”

“SHUT UP, you NERD!”

“Don’t you think Edward was a little bit…?”

“Broken? Depraved? Seeking the comfort of true love? Honestly, don’t you know anything about what to look for in a colt?”

“I WAS going to say creepy… Clearly I’m not looking for a problem to fix…”


Perspective: Luna

We exit the theater, I sighing in disappointment. Such rave reviews, and the movie is nothing more than some secondary schooler’s fantasy about love being easy. What a waste of bits and time. The popcorn was good, though. That is all I can say positively.

The theater owner allowed us to use the back exit and we decided a more, quiet venue was better for tonight. The streets were deserted as my moon hung in the night, cascading down on us as we strode down the street. I was thankful most ponies were asleep at this hour, I would hate to make a scene…

My eyes fell to the small park in Canterlot Square, still deserted at this time of night. “Tenebros,” I said, taking his foreleg...my it’s a nice firm for...no Luna, none of that, time to focus. “Let us relax, the movie was quite exhausting to venture through.”
“Indeed Luna,” He replied, smiling. “I would love to simply relax after such a depraved movie. I wonder how ponies ever stand such drivelry.”

“Let us focus on us now Tene…” I said, leading him into the small grassy park.

Tenebros removed his sunglasses so that he could see me properly as I sat down on the grass. The grass was cool this fine evening, as was the breeze that flowed over my blue coat. It was truly…

I watched as Tenebros came to lay beside me...zounds he looked nervous...wait...he’s looking at me and...is he...are we…?


Perspective: Tenebros

I looked upon her as she laid down in the grass. How beautiful she was. Her coat, her mane, that dress, everything melded into one harmony of beauty…

How could I have walked away from her? I was foolish and selfish, but…

Now I will never lose her again...I won’t let that happen…

I gazed upon her, saw the look in her eyes as I moved closer to her. How...How I’ve longed for this...how I’ve dreamed of this...how…

“Tene…” She looked away…

Did I...do something wrong?

FOOLISH IDIOTIC TENEBROS! Whatever did I do to fail after doing so well?! I…

“Luna, whatever is wrong?” I asked, trying not to show my panic.

“It’s just,” She said with a sigh. “After all this time...am I truly worthy?”

“What are you speaking of?” I asked.

“I have caused nothing but pain to so many...it was because of me that I was banished...my own pride and arrogance…” She closed her eyes and looked down at her hooves. “Now, here you are, as if nothing had changed...we’re happy again...but…”

“Luna,” I said, moving closer to her, reaching my wing for her. “Don’t say you don’t deserve anything, please. I am the foolish undeserving one. It’s because of me that you were filled with such a lonely soul. I should’ve…”

She put a hoof to my lips, I saw a tear fall down her eye. “But, what if it doesn’t work? What if we remember that we really hated each other? What if I fall again? Can you really say you still want to be with me af-”

I gently moved her hoof from my lips, then planted them upon her’s. Her eyes grew wide upon this motion. But I did not let up, I had to show her. I had to show her every ounce of love I feel for her! I cannot let her feel pain again! Not again…

She soon stopped being in shock and returned the kiss. Our heads tilted to deepen our kissing, and my wing held her close to my side. I felt her hoof caress my neck, as we continued to kiss, passionately. Slowly our lips parted, with us both sighing in content.

“I do love thee, fair Luna,” I whispered. “I vow to be beside thee, and catch thee shouldst thou fall, for I wilst help you back to thine hooves. It will take determination to make this work, but I wilst not be afraid of the effort. Thou art worth every bit of toil it takes to rebuild the bond betwixt us.”

“Tene…” She replied in the softest whisper, before I found myself once again caught in her passionate embrace and kisses. Oh sweet stars above...I will treasure her forever...this I swear…

This I swear by the stars...

Author's Note:

Hey guys, first off I apologize profusly for not getting a story out the last week. I had my wisdom teeth pulled and was in no mood to write. (Mostly due to having ice wrapped around my face). I'm feeling much better now and hopefully we can get back on track. See you guys in the next story!

Comments ( 7 )

Pffft, do not apologize! If we were tossing money at you to produce these works then you can apologize! Until then I think we will enjoy our new royal diet! Also, this story was suitably fluffy. I like it.

Bashing the horrendous fail-vampire movie AND creating a sweet love moment for Teneboros and Luna all in one? WORTH THE WAIT! And I normally don't like romance in stories.

Yay!!! New story! Good job jacoboby1! And there's no need to apologize, especially since ur wisdom teeth was pulled out, that's none of ur fault, but we are hoping for more stories soon. Good, good good and good, see ya next story!

Nice job with this story. I loved the adaption of the movie into this story. I loved the reviews of Popcorn. I can't wait for the next story. Good luck.

This reads like awkward first date mixed with Shakespeare. I liked it, probably laughed too much once I realized what movie they were watching; oh and the joys of wonderful popcorn.

Every word Tenebros and Luna said about "Twilight" I agree 120%.

“Don’t you think Edward was a little bit…?”

Again with Twilight Saga references Jacoboby.

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