• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 698 Views, 18 Comments

It's In The Cards - Zurvan

When Nightmare Moon returns Luna calls for help. Help comes from an unexpected place.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Help!

Author's Note:

The dialog in here was originally Japanese but has been changed for the ease of the reader. Until such time as it becomes prevalent to the story I will continue to do so, and after that I will provide you you with the translation in brackets.

Disclaimer: I don’t own MLP or Cardcaptor Sakura, or any of the characters therein.

Chapter 2: Help!

Yukito was sleeping uneasily next to his life-mate Toya. They both knew of Yukito’s other form, Yue, the judge, and his connection to Toya’s sister Sakura. Yukito suddenly awakens and steps out of bed.

“Yuki?” Toya asks groggily as the other man gets out of bed only to see his lover transform into Yue and disappear. Toya sighs and throws on some clothes. “So much for getting any more sleep.”


A pounding at their door rouses the the recently hand-fasted Sakura and Syaoran. “Give me a minute!” Sakura yells as she wraps herself in a kimoto and walks to the door only to see Yue standing there. “Yue, what’s the matter?”

“Mistress, forgive me for waking you, but we urgently need to talk.” Yue says.

Sakura nods. “Please give us a few minutes to get dressed and we will come to the kitchen.”

“Very well.” Yue says and walks away.

Sakura closes the door. “Syaoran?”

“Already getting dressed.”Syaoran answers. Sakura walks into the dressing room and sees her husband putting on his green fighting clothes. “If Yue needs us we should be ready for a fight.”

Sakura nods and looks over her clothes before she sees a garment bag she doesn’t recognize. She opens it up to find a pink version of Syaoran’s clothes. “Syaoran, is this your doing?”

Syaoran looks at the outfit in her hand. “That’s obviously Tomoyo’s doing, look at the symbol.”

Sakura looked an instead of the family crest that Syaoran wears her outfit has a star, exactly like the one on the back of her Sakura cards. “I suppose it’s not as bad as some of the outfits she’s made for me.” She says as she changes into it. Next she grabs the star wand necklace and puts it on, then slips the Sakura cards in the hidden pocket of the outfit. The two of them go downstairs only to find Yukito and Toya eating.

“Eat, I made plenty.” Toya says indicating a couple of plates. “Then you three can talk.”

Sakura and Syaoran sit and eat, after they finish eating and they all step into the kitchen Yukito changes back into Yue. “What’s going on?” Sakura asks.

“I have received an urgent plea for help from another world.” Yue answers.

“What do you mean another world?” Sakura asks.

“Clow Reed discovered there are many other worlds out there right beside ours, you might call them parallel dimensions. Whomever is in trouble in this other world can call upon the power of the moon. It’s through the power of the moon that I heard her message.”

“What’s this have to do with us?” Syaoran asks. ‘"It’s not like we can travel to the moon.”

“No, but with Keroberus help I can open up a gateway to the world that the call came from.” Yue answers. “I want you two to go through the gateway and help. Then when you two are finished we can reopen the gate from this side. Me and Keroberus will have to wait on this side for you.”

“But don’t you need my magic to use yours?” Sakura asks.

“You’ve given me ample magic to use my powers for awhile, as long as you aren’t gone longer than a lunar cycle I can open the gateway with little problem. I will conserve energy by remaining in my mundane form as much as possible too.”

“We should grab some clothes and such and go.” Sakura says.

Syaoran nods. “I agree.”

They go back up to their room and pack up some stuff. “Sakura, are we sure this is a good idea? Yue doesn’t know anything about this other world.”

“Someone’s in danger and we have the power to help them, what good are our powers for if we can’t help people Syaoran?”

Syaoran nods, obviously a bit reluctant. “Fine let’s go.” They leave their room only to run into Tomoyo who is as usual holding her video camera.

“Hey you two, enjoying your honeymoon?” Tomoyo asks.

“Tomoyo, we’re hand-fasted.” Sakura says. “So we don’t really get a honeymoon.”

“You two are sharing a room, pretty much the same thing, right?” Tomoyo asks and the couple blushes heavily. “In fact from the looks of it you two are going away for a couple days.”

“Someone in another world needs our help Tomoyo, we’re going to go help them.” Sakura states.

“Is that why you’re wearing the newest outfit I made for you?” Tomoyo asks.

“Yes, we strongly suspect that we will need to fight where we are going.”

“Can I come and videotape the whole thing?” Tomoyo asks. “I love watching Sakura-chan use her magic,”

“Yue and Kero have to open up a gateway for us to go through, I doubt that their magic is strong enough to let you pass too Tomoyo.” Syaoran says.

“Sorry, Tomoyo-chan.” Sakura says hanging her head slightly.

“I understand.” Tomoyo says sadly.

“We should go.” Syaoran says and all three of them leave the apartment and go to the park where they meet Kero and Yue.

“We are ready to open the gateway.” Yue says as Kero changes into his true form.

“Any chance I could go with them?” Tomoyo asks hopefully.

“You can try and follow through after them, but I make no guarantee what would happen to you, you may not make it through. Sakura and Syaoran’s magic and their bond is what’s going to pull them through the gateway.

Tomoyo nods in understanding. “I will just wait then, it’s safer.”

Shaoran takes the video recorder from Tomoyo. “I’ll tape what I can, no promises."

Tomoyo smiles slightly. “Thank you.”

“We’re ready when you are.” Sakura says.

Yue nods and places his hand on Kero’s head. The two close their eyes for a minute and suddenly a doorway appears. “It is ready, go!”

“We’ll hurry back.” Sakura says as she and Syaoran step through the doorway and into the dimensional rift.