• Published 16th Apr 2012
  • 837 Views, 4 Comments

The Equestrian Account - Ariathina

The account of the April 1st EqD blog event.

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The Equestrian Account

The Equestrian Account

A recount of the events of the April 1st
Battle for Equestria Daily as told by
Commander Aria of the
Cloudstriker, Azeroth Division.

It was like any other day in post-Cataclysm Azeroth; Boring and uneventful. I walked out onto the bridge and greeted my Ensign and First Mate.

I pulled up the ships status report on one of the monitors: green lights, same as per usual. I was Captain of the fastest Interdimentional warship in Azeroth and beyond. Even the legendary Normandy couldn't keep up.

My daze was broken when alarms blared. A distress beacon. The location: Equestria.

Not taking any chances I scrambled the troops. Sending out a CTA to all ships across the Galaxy. We set the coordinates and in a flash we were above the war-zone that was Equestria.

Our first priority was to locate ally forces and identify the hostiles. I opened the com channel and got instant responses.

“This is the Dawn. Requesting back up! I repeat, requesting back up!”

“This is Commander Aria of the Cloudstriker, We are in the vicinity and en route to your location. Polarized Friendship Cannons are warming up. ETA 2 minutes Dawn.” Out ship was outfitted with Cannons that could match the power of the Orbital Defense Grid. They were the only ones of their kind and experimental, but this situation called for a bit of field testing. We opened fire on the enemy ships with a minimal amount of power output and it vaporized the 6 enemy ships trying to bring down the Dawn.

“All ships report in! Whats your status?” I called over the radio.

“This is the Spirit of Equestria. Our weapons systems are offline but we can still provide assistance with the power from our Harmony drive. Its ready should you need it Commander.”

“Very well. Fall back to a defensive position. We will call you should we need it.”

“This is the 1st Equestrian Infantry Regiment. Awaiting orders Commander!”

“1st EIR take point and push back the forces closing on our location.”

“Dawn what is our Enemy here? Who is causing all this?”

The radio cracked out a buzz.

“Say again Dawn?”

The radio buzzed on again. “Discord, Commander.”

Discord. The Lord of Chaos had returned to Equestria. This battle was much more than a war against an invasion force. We were fighting discorded versions of ponies from our time and from past generations. They were heavily armed and ready to destroy us all and take Equestria in the name of Chaos. I wasn't about to let my new home get annihilated so easily.

“Ensign run a scan. Find their HQ! Number 2, radio Ponyville, Find the mane 6!”

I grabbed the radio again. “1st EIR hold position and keep them back. Dawn radio the OFC and get them online. We are going to need that firepower! Spirit of Equestria, relay your power conduits to the OFC, they are going to need that extra firepower.”

The scan systems went off. It was the mane 6! The radio channels buzzed open. “Commander, This is the 1st EIR we have the mane 6. Falling back to your location. Requesting evac for them. We will hold back the enemy.”

This was it. We had the power to stop Discord, now we needed to get inside. “Dawn, we have found the mane 6, I repeat, we have found the mane 6! Authorizing MAC usage. Keep their ships from getting out of Discord's Fortress.”

“OFC whats your status?”

“Not good Commander, We lost cannons 1-3 to Discorded forces. Cannon 5 is under internal assault by their own teams. Discord's changed a whole platoon stationed in their. Cannon 4 was under construction. Its risky but we are going to try and get the cannon online regardless. You will have your shot.”

“Affirmative. Commander Aria over and out.”

“Commander, we have a situation! Discorded AA Cannon has just surfaced on the fortress. We can't get near it to keep back those ships!”

My comm link clicked on. “This is SRT-1. We have been able to infiltrate Discord's compound and disrupted his comm jamming. This stuff is gooey! We're doing out best to get you the diversion you need but we're pinned down in the east loading bay.”

“Redirect SRT-1. Get that power system offline. It should be nearby, we need that AA cannon's shields disabled!”

“This is the Spirit of Equestria. Redirecting Wonderbolt Strike teams Alpha, Beta, and Omega to draw their fire.”

Perfect. With a team inside we have a chance again. “Bring the ship around. We're moving in!” I called the my Ensign. Suddenly and explosion went off within the ship. “Engineering status!”

“Comm...der, Dis.... for..s...Sab.....age....*bzzzzzzt*”

Sabotage. Discord was able to change over half our engineering team. They started tearing parts off the engines causing a power overload. The ship started to veer to the left. “Ensign hold her steady!”

“She cant stay up Commander. We're going down!”

“Hold her together!”

“I can't hold it! She's breaking up!

I grabbed the radio. “MAYDAY MAYDAY! Our engines are down! Losing altitude! Requesti... *bzzzzt*”

The ship went down about 2 clicks from the compound. Only myself and my number 2 survived the crash due to being near the mane 6. Twilight put up a protective barrier around us before impact. I grabbed my comm link. “This is Commander Aria. We lost the Cloudstriker. Continue with the mission. Mobilizing the mane 6 on foot. Whats the ETA SRT-1?”

“Power mainframe fried! You have you're opening Dawn!”

“Roger that! All Ships! Fire! Take out that Cannon!”

MAC rounds fired from the Dawn's main gun. The first 2 put two large dents in the side of the cannon. The 3rd tore the cannon clean off the top of the compound.

“Thats done it! OFC you are clear to fire!”

“Roger! Friendship Cannons heating up. Watch your heads Commander!”

A blazing rainbow beam shot down from the sky. It connected with the door of the compound and tore it clean off. The massive chaos infused building writhed as if it were in pain. It was now or never.

“Lets go!” I called to my number 2 and the mane 6. We rushed into the compound. It was a strange place. The diversion SRT-1 had caused had moved their internal forces away from the throne room. It was a straight shot through the discorded walls right to Discord himself.

I called over the comm link. “All troops, focus fire on the compound. The mane 6 have made it to the throne room! Engaging the Lord of Chaos himself! Its now or never everypony!”

We burst through the door of the throne room with a swing from my number 2's mighty sword. Discord cackled manically as out endeavor. “Hahaha, You think you can beat me so easily? Minion! Attack!” He summoned up a hulking monstrosity that looked like a Manticore. The Elements needed time to charge before they could unleash their power. It was up to me to keep that beast away from them. I lunged at them drawing my wing blades. Its hide was stronger than it looked. My blade connected and split it rock head in two, but I felt at least 6 bones in my wing shatter. I hit the ground as I heard Discord's howl of terror. The Elements fired while he stood stunned. We did it. He was sealed away once more. The compound started to dissolve around us. The chaotic magic that fueled it no longer around to sustain it. I opened the comm link.

“We did it everypony. Its over. Discord is sealed away once more.”

The radio buzzed “It true! The enemy forces have turned into heaps of ash! It over! They did it!”

As the ceiling opened up we could hear the resonating cheers from all over Equestria. Everypony was celebrating the victory we achieved.

Once the mess caused by Discord's forces was cleaned up, and our towns and cities rebuilt, a monument was erected atop the hill which Discord's fortress once sat. It held the names of everypony who gave their lives in the defense of Equestria. Their sacrifices will never be forgotten.

Comments ( 4 )

ok, let's see how much I'll have to rethink the story through.....

Post-read edit: Ok..... I won't have anything to change since this was as rushed as it could possibly be XD
after all, in our case, we decided to BASE the story on the War(instead of recollecting thought for thought), but we're pretty much modifying the events and killing OCs as Excel counts down their HPs......

and by the way..... did I just get first comment?

458131 Yes, yes you did XD


I now understand your username.:rainbowderp:

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