• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 7,609 Views, 28 Comments

Play time with Auntie Pinkie - Mesme Rize

Twilight Sparkle was invited over to Pinkie Pie, who had something special planned for her. Surely this can't go wrong, right?

  • ...

Good end

Pinkie looked at the totally entranced Twilight, now ripe for suggestion.

"Twilight, listen to my voice. You no longer fear snakes. Whenever you see a snake, you will treat it as if it was just another animal. You will not fear snakes for the rest of your life."

Pinkie waited for the words to seep in, once again giving a little squeeze for her to associate snakes with feelings of peace and calm.

Twilight took Pinkies suggestion in. It took a bit to get rid of the fear, since it was so deeply sinked in Twilights mind. she was afraid of Snakes since she was a little filly, but now, she would fear them no more.

Twilight answered monotonly. "Yes Auntie Pinkie, i don't fear snakes anymore." She felt calm and peace in Pinkies coils.

Pinkie smiled. She'd accomplished her goal. Now all that was left would be to ease Twilight out of trance.

"Twilight, listen to Auntie Pinkie, when you come out of this trance, you'll remember everything, and will have enjoyed it. The only thing you won't remember is this command telling you that you were happy, but you'll think that it was of your own volition."

Slowly, Pinkie unraveled Twilight, leaving her bare on the bed of coils.

Twilight listend to everything Pinkie said. She was a good girl and she would never disobey Auntie Pinkie. She was giving a slide nod and was laying on the Bed of Coils, a bit shivering now that the she was no longer in a cocoon.

"Alright, Twi, be a good little girl and stay there while Auntie Pinkie fetches something."

Pinkie slithered over to her sink, taking the still mindless Twilight along with her. Reaching underneath, Pinkie grabbed a bucket and filled it with water.

"Well, this is how they wake people up in the funnies..." Pinkie thought to herself as she carried the bucket of water in her mouth. When she positioned herself above Twilight, Pinkie tilted the bucket and let its entire contents cascade over the purple mare.

Twilight was a good girl, she would never do anything bad. Twilight was feeling in such bliss that she cou- "SPLASH" All of a sudden she was awoken by cold water that was spilled by Pinkie all over her whole body.

Twilight was in schock. "AAAAAAAAAH. COLD SO COLD, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN, WHERE AM I?" Twilight was snapped so fast out of it, that she couldn't think rationally.

Pinkie giggled seeing Twilight wake up. "Just like in the Sunday comics!" Pinkie said as she leaned back with laughter.

Once Pinkie had her fill, she thought that she had better make sure she hadn't given Twilight brain damage or something.

"You're in my apartment, with me, your good friend Pinkie Pie! Dontcha remember, silly filly?" she said giving Twilight a hug.

Twilight finally composed herself after trying for 3 minutes to breath for air. She saw Pinkie having a giggling fit and finally remembered where she was. It was nice from her friend to give her a warm hug, but she still was bit cold.

"Wasn't there a much more subtle way to wake me up? Do you wake all your friends up like this?" Twilight wasn't mad, but she was a bit displeased.

"YOU BETCHA! There's nothing funnier than a bucket of water to the face. Twilight, you need to read up on classic comedy." Pinkie said with a lecturing tone.

"Look on the bright side, I got rid of your phobia. See?" Pinkie said as she looped the tip of her tail around Twilight's foreleg. "I told you Auntie Pinkie wouldn't do anything to not help you."

Twilight still couldn't laugh, it would have been nicer if she was just tapped her head or something, but that's Pinkie Pie she said to herself.

Twilight saw the loop on her forelegs. She didn't panic, she didn't scream, she didn't even shiver. Twilight was really free of her phobia.

"Oh my god, you're right." Twilight cheered. "You really helped me Aun....."

All of a sudden, Twilights head became a deep red. Was she really so deep in trance that she...

"Pinkie. Did i call you Auntie Pinkie?" Twilight asked, embarrased.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, you probably did. Don't worry though, we'll get the kinks ironed out sooner or later. Or, maybe not if you liked it. You looked like you were having the time of your life under that spell."

Pinkie thought for a moment.

"Hey! I know what we can do to celebrate you getting over your phobia! It'll be a super duper "Twilight isn't afraid of snakes anymore" bash! And to top it all off, I'll pour the rest of the potion into the punch. That way everyone can see you aren't afraid of snakes anymore. It'll be great!"

Twilight couldn't help, but hug Pinkie.

"I am so sorry Pinkie. I can't believe how dumb i was. You just wanted to help me and i kicked your trust with my hooves. I am a terrible friend." Twilight lightly sobbed in Pinkies shoulders.

Pinkie hugged Twilight hard in return. Not just an ordinary hug, but one that showed that the other really cared about you.

"Aww, don't worry. I should have asked. Though, what would I say really? Hey Twilight! Mind if I turned your brain to mush?"

Pinkie broke the embrace.

"Besides, we still have to eat the sugar cookies before they get cold. Want me to give you a lift to the kitchen? All about the S.S. Pinkie!"

Twilight smiled at her friend. Like she always said, she might be a bit weird, but she can make you smile in the darkest hours.

Comments ( 22 )

Woo, awesome randomness with snakeponies!!! :pinkiehappy: :twilightoops: :pinkiehappy:
Gonna be blunt, there were quite a few spelling slips but nothing to take away from the story.
I would like to see some form of follow up, maybe for both endings because who doesn't want to see a) Pinkie controlling the rest of her friends, and b) a room full of mane 6 lamias?

Thanks for the comment.
Who knows. Maybe i will look deep into my big brain and actually come up with a follow up. Can't guarantee anything though.

Ooh, another hypno writer. Good show.

Can't go wrong with hypnosis. I like that it required more than just a few seconds to have Twilight hypnotized like a lot of hypnofics.

Yeah, i find it boring in some fics, when the victim is so easily hypnotized. For me, the induction is a very important part of the fic. Seeing how the victims mind crumbles, as the hypnotist sends all these words into your head.

Great that you like it.

Go ahead. I have nothing against Anthro. Lamia is still Lamia. :rainbowwild:

Comment posted by Thingamajig deleted Aug 23rd, 2014
Comment posted by Thingamajig deleted Aug 23rd, 2014

Don't turn this comment section into a Pro/Anti clop discussion, thats not what it's there for.

4893757 Sorry it wasnt my intention, Ill delete the posts

I think this is the first story on FIMfiction to have a lamia in it. I congratulate you.

That's actually not true. There are several other lamia stories on here, that i was inspired by.

aw :( in any case, it was really good.

Yeah, i know. But i didn't wanted vore, since that would've been too obvious. :scootangel:

Well, I just read all the chapters in this...
And while the first chapter got creepy near the end (and I'm not going to comment on the 'Bad End') this ending balanced it right out to nominal creepiness levels! Yay!

Probably won't read this ever again but I'll leave an up-vote just for the experience of reading this!

Hey, no problem. I know that it's not for everyone and i can even see that some people might be creeped out by it.
Thanks for the upvote though. :twilightsmile:

I was reading hypnofics and i really want a sequel to the bad end IT WAS JUST SO GOOD

:pinkiecrazy: :twilightsmile:

I won't say that I liked the bad end, but I do think the good end was sufficiently pinkie-natured.

Not sure that a single instruction to not fear snakes would be sufficient to work like that, but hey, this is magic hypnosis.

Well this was fun, while the good ending did make more sense for Pinkie's character I still like the bad ending just as much cause I'm a sucker
for these kinda books
:pinkiehappy: You have pleased Pinkie, BYE!

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