• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 1,922 Views, 87 Comments

The Legend of Falling Rocks, Buffalo Brave - Titanium Dragon

Long ago, when the buffalo roamed free across the hills and plains, a brave named Falling Rocks became legend. Come, listen to the tale of how he saved his people. A story of buffalo mythology.

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Falling Rocks and the Greedy Ponies

Long ago, the buffalo owned all the lands as far as the eye could see. They roamed free over the country, and stampeded where they chose. In those days, the Great Chief Smoking Mountain guided the buffalo, and the great brave Falling Rocks saved them from snow and sun.

One day, a pony came to the buffalo, and told them that the ponies wanted to build farms on the plains. The great chief told him that the lands belonged to all the people, to stampede wherever they pleased, but the pony said that was no good, for they would crush their crops and their people would starve. The great chief told him that the buffalo would not leave, but he would not listen, and so for a third time Great Chief Smoking Mountain gathered his people so that he could speak.

“The ponies do not respect the ways of the land or our people. They say our land is their land, and that we can no longer stampede. We must fight.”

The buffalo stamped their hooves, and cheered, but Falling Rocks felt only sorrow in his heart.

“We cannot fight alone,” Falling Rocks said. “I have been to their cities and I have seen their numbers, and they are as many as the grass on the plains.”

“But we cannot give them our land,” the great chief said.

“I do not say we should give them our land,” Falling Rocks replied. “The people have many friends, and we may speak to them, and ask them to stand beside us, so that the ponies know that the cost is too great, and none have to fight.”

“Then go,” said the great chief, “and ask our friends to help us, as we have helped them.”

And so Falling Rocks went to the cattle, because they had great sharp horns just as the buffalo did.

“Cows and Bulls,” he said, “we have long been friends. You have stood by as we have stampeded across the plains for many generations. We ask for you now to come stand by us, so that we may keep the plains from the ponies.”

The cows spoke amongst themselves before their chief stepped forward. “We have long been the friends of the buffalo, but the ponies give us all the hay that we can eat. We are sorry, but we cannot help you.”

And Falling Rocks looked upon the cattle, and he felt sorrow, for he could see they had become fat and lazy eating so much hay, and could no longer fight. So Falling Rocks returned to his people, and told them of what he had seen.

“The cattle will not help us,” he said.

“Then they are no friends of ours,” the buffalo cried, and while some would deny it, all knew in their hearts it was true.

“So who will help us, then?” asked the Great Chief Smoking Mountain.

“I will go speak to the donkeys, for they are strong, and can carry many things.”

And so he did, travelling to the donkeys where they lived in their swamp. And Falling Rocks called the people together, so that he could speak.

“Donkeys,” he said, “we have long been friends. You have lived in the swamp and as we have lived on the plains. Today our home is threatened, and we ask that you may stand by us so that the ponies do not sweep us away.”

The donkeys spoke amongst themselves before their chief stepped forward. “We have long been the friends of the buffalo, but the ponies give us shiny things so that we may pull their wagons. We are sorry, but we cannot help you.”

And Falling Rocks looked upon the donkeys, and he felt sorrow, for he could see they had become stupid and swaybacked pulling the wagons, and could no longer fight. So Falling Rocks returned to his people, and told them of what he had seen.

“The donkeys will not help us,” he said.

“Then they are no friends of ours,” the buffalo cried, and while some would deny it, all knew in their hearts it was true.

“So who will help us, then?” asked the Great Chief Smoking Mountain.

“I will go speak to the caribou.”

There was much commotion amongst the buffalo. “They are too far,” one said, “far beyond the mountains. If you go, you will never return.”

“I will return,” said the brave. “The caribou are fierce warriors, and we have never done them wrong. They will help us.”

“Then go,” said the great chief, “and return with help.”

And so Falling Rocks went to the north, far away to the mountains, as the buffalo waited. Summer turned to fall, and fall to winter, but still, he did not return.

“It is too cold,” said the buffalo. “He will come in the spring.”

But spring came, and Falling Rocks did not return, but the ponies did.

“This land is our land,” they said, and the Great Chief Smoking Mountain knew that it was true, for they were as many as the grass on the plains.

“We will fight!” said the buffalo, but the Great Chief walked before them.

“We cannot fight,” Great Chief Smoking Mountain said. “They are too many, and we are too few. We would lose, and then we would have nothing.”

“But where will we go?” cried the people.

“We will go to the south, where the ponies do not want,” the Great Chief said.

“But what of Falling Rocks?” asked the buffalo. “Surely he will return with the caribou, and we will fight.”

“You are right,” Great Chief Smoking Mountain said. “But he is lost, and needs help to find his way home.”

And so the great chief spoke to the ponies, and he made a deal, that the buffalo would leave in peace if only the ponies would aid them in the search for one of their own. For many moons, buffalo and pony searched, throughout all the mountains of the land, but they could not find the buffalo brave. Finally, they agreed; they would warn all travelers to seek out the buffalo brave and, if they found him, aid him on his way back home.

And that is how the buffalo came to live in the lands of the south, far away from their ancient home. Long have the people yearned for the return of their hero, so that they may stampede across the Great Plains once more. And while the ponies have forgotten the bargain they made, believing the lands to have been forever empty before they were claimed, they still remember to leave notice on all the mountains and high places of the lands to keep an eye out for the the lost brave. The signs rest on every trail, and even up the Sacred Mountain upon which they built their great city, so long ago. Many see the signs, but few remember what they mean.

Watch for Falling Rocks.

Comments ( 66 )

I shall continue to watch for Falling Rocks, for your incredible stories of the buffalo brave have tought me of him.

This is good. All our people should know of his deeds.

You . . . you sly dog, you. That was brilliant. You did a damn fine job with this.

This story is ultimately based on an ancient Native American legend, as told to me by my father while sitting around a campfire. I really don't remember most of it, but as is the case with all deep truths, the story is not important, it is the ending that matters.

You can guess what kind of person my father is.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!


I also have to admit a certain fondness for Just So stories.

I was thinking of the Just So stories, and Kipling in general, while reading this. This has got the same mature-yet-child-like style, telling stories which are best understood with a juvenile logic. Which seems very appropriate for pony-fiction. The last line was a nice touch.
I feel it's missing a prologue, which would set the scene, maybe with a group of familiar characters sitting around a campfire... Or just a few more words from the narrator...

As soon as I read the title I knew that joke would appear at least once.

I decided to write this after realizing that many people were unaware of the Legend of Falling Rocks. It is a very important tale to share, as I'm sure you can agree. :moustache:

I actually considered doing this, and indeed, writing the legends more conversationally, as they are sometimes told, but I decided to go with this format because I felt like it would be more direct.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one familiar with Just So stories, and I've always enjoyed etiological myths, so writing one was fun.

4856314 Yes, your work spans generations of camp counselors tales of similar heroism


[1] My dad was the one who introduced me to Falling Rocks.

Camp counselors, scoutmasters, dads[1], Native Americans who keep getting pestered for the story of their people...

Yes, Falling Rocks comes from a long and venerable tradition, where each retelling only makes the legend greater.

Very interesting. This feels like the kind of mythological backstory we need in the series.

I'm glad you think so. I certainly enjoyed writing it. :twilightsmile:

I had forgotten either of those groups existed. I shall add it to them forthwith.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks to RazgrisS57, all I could think of while reading was this.

Good story, though! Always love mythology.

Yes, those darn Buffalo buffalo, buffaloing Buffalo buffalo. They're real jerks.

I'm glad you liked it. It was fun writing mythology.

Thanks for noticing. I have no idea either, so I asked.

I can't believe I didn't see that coming. :facehoof: I will, indeed, watch for Falling Rocks if ever I find myself on an Equestrian mountainside.

Everyone must, for the sake of our people. :moustache:

That was the longest setup I have ever seen, brava.

The longer it goes on, the more likely the audience is to forget that there is an odd premise and get involved in the story.

So my father has taught me.

Though, I did intend for the actual myths to be "authentic". Of course, how authentic each legend is is up to the reader; does the storyteller truly believe these legends, or is he messing with his son or some pony who was foolish enough to ask him of the legend? Or was it once a dad story, that has since become enshrined mythology? I've always wondered how many myths are stories fathers told their children that their children did not understand were jokes, and how many were jokes being played on the people transcribing oral myths. It would explain why there are so many "stories" about male genitalia.

I adore these kinds of stories.

Just the reaction I was hoping for. :moustache:

I love this type of story. Whether or not it is true, it feels as though it should be.

My father told me the tale of Falling Rocks, and I have had the pleasure of passing on the legend to a younger generation. I salute you for telling the story so earnestly, as it deserves to be.

The earnestness of the telling is very important, or else the true impact of Falling Rocks may be lost. :moustache:

Interesting premise. Can't say I agree with how the other races were generally portrayed (Although how the founder ponies were portrayed was a nice touch) but I won't fault you that. I give it a 7 out of 10 for style.

Author Interviewer

Oh you didn't.

Honestly, if not for the pun at the end, I could see this being something you could add to in the future. Seeing various historical tales from the buffaloes' perspective is just great. Thank you for ending this contest on a high note for me. :D

How else could the Legend of Falling Rocks end? :ajsmug:

I'm glad I ended the contest on a high note for you. This story wasn't even originally written for the contest; I just happened to write it in the timeframe of the contest and people pointed out that I could totally enter.

Writing faux mythology is actually really fun, but I seldom try my hand at it. I've actually always wanted to write a faux Genesis narrative, in the style of the KJV, but I don't know if I could actually pull it off.

Did you read every contest entry for the outside insight competition? :twilightoops:

Author Interviewer

Admittedly, it's a fairly obscure thing to know unless you've studied the traditions. I myself have studied... just enough to know that particual iota and little else. c.c

Did you read every contest entry for the outside insight competition?

You better believe it. Massive journal coming tomorrow.

Wow. That's... a lot of pony words. Or I suppose, not pony words in this case.

Shine on you crazy diamond.

Author Interviewer

It's basically an entire Fallout: Equestria. :B Just over one, in fact. 675k to 620k if I'm not mistaken.

That was an incredibly sad pun.

That was hilarious and terrible and hilarious.

Also, pretty good bits of mythology.

I'm glad you enjoyed! It was good to pass on to more people.

Remember the legend of Falling Rocks if you ever have kids; it is the perfect campfire story. :ajsmug:

Man, this was so good, but then that final pun... ugh... just... why?

This story was originally told to me by my father; not in this exact way, but, well, as he always taught me, the real key to telling a story like this was the journey, not the destination.

Or because I'm a monster who likes feghoots.

Falling Rocks and nobody died? My disappointment is immense. However, you did manage to nail the particular narrative style, and the stories were entertaining, so I suppose I can leave this here:

i really loved this and it inspired me to keep working on a project of mine that i had not completed.

I'm glad to hear that! Is it a faux-mythological story like this one?

not really but i have don so little with it i think it could become one.

... You've done it again! :rainbowlaugh:

Awesome story! Definitely going in my faves. :ajsmug:

There's only one thing I noticed...

“Then go,” said the great chief, “And ask our friends to help us, as we have helped them.”

"And" should not be capitalized here after the comma. This crops in a few other lines of dialogue in this chapter as well.

I'm glad you thought so! These were fun to write, and I read a bunch of Native American myths to try and get the same sort of narrative voice as is frequently employed in such legends.

Thanks, I fixed the capitalization issue.

I'll take another look through for those issues. Thank you for pointing that out. Shame on me for messing it up.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this! Always nice to hear. :twilightsmile:

It is always fun watching someone go through this story, knowing that they're getting closer and closer to the end...


You're welcome! :twilightsmile: Thanks again for making such a fun story. The ending was definitely worth the wait! :rainbowlaugh:

This is too beautiful. It needs more likes.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Gotta admit I was a bit disappointed by its reception when it came out, but such is life, I suppose.

Maybe the story summary is just offputting?

Oh my god. This is beautiful.

I had a lot of fun with it. Alas, not many folks ended up reading it, but I still look back at it fondly.

I'm glad it amused you.

Thanks! I'm flattered to hear someone else sent you my way; it is always really nice to hear someone else recommended my stuff. This was a bit of an experiment, and I'm very pleased with how it turned out.

I hope you enjoy my other works as much as you enjoyed this one!

I did not cringe at that final pun. In fact, I almost shed a tear.

Falling Rocks is lost to the world, and all who hope for the safety of their people call out his name in prayer, hoping to one day see the buffalo brave cresting the northern horizon. But more tragic than the absence of that shadow, is that few now live who remember why they call out.

I need only replace the word 'pony' with 'human', and this would sound exactly like a real North American legend. Except for the second story, that would have to stay horse because of zebras.

I hope our brave hero returns to his people.

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