• Published 18th Aug 2014
  • 10,747 Views, 301 Comments

A Good Girl Never… - Crystal Moose

During a sleepover at Twilight’s, Rarity takes the opportunity to talk about boys. The girls press Applejack into opening up a little more around them. But a good girl never talks about that kind of thing…

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Okay, I have decided to put this here: It was not my intention to use a southerner stereotype, nor insult anyone who comes "from the south."


I am an Australian author, and I am about as aware of American geography and stereotypes as many international readers would be aware of the stereotypes Australian's assign each other. Culturally, we are very different from you, my American readers, to the point that we are largely unaware of the potential political landmines we might step on.

If you are the from "the south" (sorry, you're still northern hemisphere, so you are from the north as far as I am concerned :derpytongue2:) and might be offended by such stereotypes—whether intentional or not—then I would advise against reading this story. Or at least read it with this in mind: the author isn't American, so any perceived stereotype you might think is there is purely coincidental.

A Good Girl Never…

“So,” Rarity started with a grin, “tell us more about that handsome stallion from the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight blushed profusely. “Well, he’s kind of cute… but it just seems a bit weird.”

“How ever so, my dear?” Rarity asked.

“Well, it would be kind of awkward, considering I had a crush on his alternate world doppelganger.”

“Pish Posh!” Rarity scoffed. “No reason not to get to know him. The Princess and the Royal Guard. Oh, it would be like a faerie tale!”

“Pfft, fairy tales are lame!” Rainbow scoffed.

Rarity smirked. “Oh, and that little crush you hold on Soarin—”

“—is completely different,” Dash said, cutting her off. “I mean, have you seen him in that speed suit? I know you got the whole unicorn thing going on… but we all saw you checkin’ him out at the games.”

“I was merely admiring the craftsmareship on the Wonderbolts’ uniforms, that’s all.”

By the blush that had spread across Rarity’s face, nopony in the room believed her.

“What’s not to look at‽ You could bounce a bit off those withers. Or a cupcake. Or a rubber ball… though those tend to bounce off of most things. Except taffy.” Pinkie Pie snorted with laughter.

“And what about you, Shy?” Rainbow asked. “Ever gunna work up the nerve to tell a certain somepony you like him?”


“Darling, I am sure Applejack wouldn’t have a problem with—”

Fluttershy dove towards Rarity, hastily covering the unicorn’s mouth with her hooves.

“Aww, sugarcube… no need t’ be… well, Ah was gunna say shy, but”—Applejack chuckled—“‘course Ah don’t have a problem with ya askin’ out mah brother. He could do with a marefriend who wasn’t poisoned inta likin’ ‘im!”

“What about you, Applejack?” Twilight asked. “You’ve been pretty quiet.”

“Naw,” Applejack replied. “Ah’m too busy at th’ farm t’ think about none’a that.”

“Oh, come now!” Rarity scoffed. “Certainly there has been some stallion that has caught your eye!”

“Eenope,” Applejack replied.

Rainbow Dash flew across the room and pinned her friend to the floor. “Come on, Apple-prudel! Fess up!”

“Ya grab hold’a th’ horns,” Applejack growled, “ya better be ready t’ ride, sister!” Applejack bucked hard, sending Rainbow flying. The four others laughed as Rainbow righted herself, trying to hide her embarrassment.

“Awww, come on, girls!” Pinkie Pie said, pulling Applejack into a sidelong hug. Applejack squirmed under the tightness of it. “If Applejack doesn’t want to talk about it—”

“Come on, we’ve all spilled!” Dash grumbled. “Surely there’s somepony!

“Ah was raised… well, mah momma always told me, ‘Applejack, a good girl never does those sorts of things’.”

“You can’t catch me!”

Carrot Top was visiting again. We were playin’ in the orchard while Ma and Miss Harvest were drinkin’ their tea.

Since Big Mac started helpin’ Pa out in the fields, it’d started getting a bit lonely. Ah’d told Carrot Top how Ah felt, and she made an extra effort t’ come’n visit when she could.

Carrot Top was mah best friend, an’ after that day, we played every afternoon after school. She were somethin’ special, always made an effort t’ make me feel better.

“Ah’ll catch ya! Ya can’t run from an Apple!”

Carrot Top was a mighty fine athlete… Ah always admired that about ‘er. But where she had me pegged fer speed, Ah had th’ lay of th’ land. There weren’t an Apple tree Ah didn’t know th’ position of, no bush nor rock nor—


Ah couldn’t believe it. Where did that rock come from? Ah picked mahself up from th’ ground and brushed mahself off. Ah could hear Carrot Top laughin’ at me from down the path.

“Do you need a hoof there?” she asked me, between giggles.

“Ah don’t need no help!”

Ah started t’ give chase again, but a powerful pain shot up mah leg. If’n anypony asked, that were some strange bird on th’ acres that day. Ah was an Apple, an’ Apples don’t cry out like that.

“Applejack, are you okay?”

“‘Mm-fine!” Ah said, through gritted teeth.

“Yeah, you look it.”


“Come here, Applejack. Let me give you a hoof.” Ah felt a strange feelin’ when she lifted mah foreleg over her back. “The treehouse isn’t far, let’s get there. Oh! Maybe I can get my nursing cutie mark!”

Ah shuddered t’ think what damage that mare could’a done t’ me with a first-aid kit… but Ah was kinda likin’ the attention.

Carrot helped me up th’ ramp, an’ set me down on one of th’ cushions.

“Now, can I get you anything, Clumsy?”

“Ah’m not clumsy!”

Ah could feel the heat rushin’ t’ mah face. Ah hated it when Carrot teased me, but Ah could never begrudge her… not when she gave me that little smile.

“Well, let me get a bandage for it anyway.”

Ah held mah tongue; her bandage was a strip of th’ old curtains we’d pulled down a few days before… an’ Ah hardly thought a tourniquet would do much t’ help mah sprain—

Carrot Top leaned over me as she tied the bandage. Ah could smell her mane as it brushed close to mah muzzle. It smelled of the trees, the fresh orchard air. She pulled back, lookin’ into mah eyes, and smiled.

Ah don’t know what came over me, but Ah moved forward and kissed her.

Ah’d seen mah brother do it with some’a the girls from his school. Ah always thought it was icky, and gross… why would ya put yer lips on somepony else’s?

When Ah kissed Carrot Top… Ah understood why ponies did this. Her lips were warm and soft. Ah could feel her breath on mah face. This close—even though it tickled mah nose—it felt nice. Ah felt her shaking hooves press against mah chest.

Then she pushed hard.

Ah coughed and wheezed, tryin’ t’ get mah breath back.

The look on Carrot’s face…

Ah moved toward her, wincing as Ah put weight on mah hoof.

She screamed.

“G-get away from me!” she cried, as she scrambled t’ get away from me.

Ah couldn’t do nothin’ but watch in stunned silence… as one’a mah only friends ran outta mah life.


Ah heard mah mother’s growl as Ah stepped through th’ door. Ah knew Ah was gunna be in trouble; the sun had been down fer about an hour.

“Uhh… Ah’m sorry Ah was late gettin’ home.” Ah lifted up mah bung hoof t’ show her.

“Carrot Top was crying when she got back. Anything you’d like to say about that?” Ah could hear the anger in her voice. Ah don’t know if Ah ever heard Momma that angry before.


“I didn’t raise a liar, Applejack.”

“Ah’m sorry, Momma. Ah didn’t mean t’ make her cry.”

Ah felt like mud. Carrot Top probably hated me, and mah momma was mad at me fer making her cry.

“Come and sit down in here.”

Ah stepped gently through the hall into the kitchen where she sat. It was then that Ah noticed the switch sittin’ on th’ table.

“Ah’m sorry, Momma,” Ah blubbered. “Please don’t cane me. Ah’ll be a good girl, Ah’ll go say sorry fer makin’ Carrot cry tomorrow. Ah promise!”

“Sit. Down!”

Ah’m normally a brave pony, but Ah’d seen Big Mac reduced t’ tears from a few belts o’ th’ switch. An’ next t’ Pa, he was th’ bravest pony Ah ever knew. But Ah did as Ah was told, Ah knew arguin’ would just make it worse.

“Applejack, why did you k—do what you did—to Carrot Top?”

“Ah’m sorry, Momma! Ah didn’t know she wouldn’t like i—”

Ah cried out as the first whap came down across mah withers.

“Why did you do it?”

“Ah like her, an’ Ah wanted t’ show her,” Ah sobbed.

Another whap across mah withers, hard enough to leave a welt.

“While you live under my roof,” she growled, with the switch still between her teeth, “you will not do anything like that again.”

“But Big Mac—”

Another whap.

“Do not speak back to me!”

Ah stayed quiet.

“A good girl never does… that sort of thing. Now go to your room!”

Ah laid on mah bed, tryin’ t’ ignore th’ pain in mah stomach and th’ welts on mah backside.

Ah hated her.

It wasn’t fair. Mac did that sorta thing with girls all th’ time. Momma even caught him a few times, an’ he never got the switch.

She never took th’ switch t’ those girls, either… so why was it only me that got caned?

Mah door creaked as somepony opened it.

“Ya still awake, sugarcube?”

Ah pulled th’ covers over mah head. Ah didn’t want Pa t’ see mah tears.

Ah felt the bed shift as he sat down next t’ me.

“Ah’m sorry, Applejack. Yer mother… yer mother’s just scared. An’ when she gets scared… she gets angry.”

Ah pulled the covers back down. “Why’s she scared?”

“Y’all gave her a big fright t’day with… what ya did t’ poor Carrot Top. She came a-screamin’ an’ a-hollerin’ back from yer treehouse. Her momma was mad, an’ said a few things t’ yer momma… well, ya don’t need t’ be hearin’ those words at your age.”

“Ah don’ understand what Ah did wrong… Big Mac—”

“Does th’ same thing with his girlfriend? Yeah, we know. An’ that’s okay, cause… well, sugarcube… he’s doin’ it th’ right way.”

The right way? Was that why Carrot Top ran? Was Ah doin’ it wrong?

Well, it was mah first time… Ah just needed… practice.

“Ya see, sugarcube—” Pa rolled his eyes t’ the heavens “—Celestia have mercy, Ah can’t believe Ah’m havin’ this conversation… ya see, kissin’ is somethin’ that’s only supposed t’ happen between a mare an’ a stallion… an’ only when they’re old enough, an’ know they’re in love.”

“Why can’t—”

“Ah know what yer gunna ask, sugarcube… an’ it’s cause it ain’t natural. Ya don’t see birds an’ snakes t’gether. Ya don’t see apple trees an’ orange trees mixin’. It’s jus’ not natural.

“An’ two fillies… or two colts. That’s jus’ not th’ way ponies were made t’ be. Do ya understand?”

“Yes, Pa.”

It was a lie, Ah didn’t understand. Was there somethin’ wrong with me?

Ah liked it when Ah kissed Carrot. But then… Carrot didn’t!

So maybe there was somethin’ wrong with me.

“That’s mah good girl! Ah’ll sneak ya up a fritter soon. Can’t have mah little filly goin’ t’ sleep hungry.”

“Hey, Applejack!”

Ah looked up from mah book an’ found Roseluck in mah face.

“Howdy, Rose,” Ah replied. “Can Ah do somethin’ for ya?”

“Nooooooooooooo,” she drawled. “Well, yes, actually… maybe.”

Roseluck was a strange one, a bit of an oddball. Her sisters, Daisy an’ Lilly, were in Mac’s class, and he’d dated both of them. Since then, Ah’d come t’ have a bit of a standin’ acquaintance with the strange filly.

“I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow?”

“Ah don’t got nothin’ planned, ‘cept mah chores.”

“Wellllll, Pinkie Pie got me some vouchers for the outdoor cinema… and I was wondering—”

“S’long as yer not askin’ me to ask mah brother for ya…”

That earned me a loud laugh from her.

“No, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me?”

“Oh? Uhhh, sure, Ah guess.” Ah smiled, and she returned it ten-fold. “Ah’d love ta.”

“Oh look, Berry! The fooler’s got a new friend!”

Ah could feel mah eye twitch when Ah heard Carrot Top’s voice. That girl had been on mah flank since… well, since we were foals. Since then, she’d taken every opportunity t’ bully me.

“Oh, get over yourself, Red!” Rose called back.

“Don’t encourage her,” Ah whispered.

“What did you say, Rose?” Carrot Top had crossed the classroom and glared at Rose, muzzle to muzzle.

“I said that you are suffering from a severely repressed libido complex, manifesting in a projection of your own insecurities onto others around you.”

“What?” both Carrot and I asked.

“It means you’re jelly of this!” Rose turned around and wiggled her flank at Carrot Top.

“Ugh! Get away from me, freak! Have fun with your freak filly-friend.” Carrot stormed off.

“Ah’m sorry, Rose. Maybe it’s best ya find somepony else t’ take.” Ah glared towards Carrot Top, who was yelling at Berry. “Ya’ve probably heard th’ rumors about me… Ah don’t want y’all ta have ‘em said about ya, too.”

“Pffft,” Rose scoffed. “Let them say what they want! Besides, I could think of a couple of things worse than being seen with a pretty mare like yourself. I’ll see you Saturday?” She winked at me as she picked up her saddlebag and left.

Ah could feel the heat in mah cheeks as Ah watched her go.

Roseluck had called me pretty.

Ah ain’t had nopony tell me Ah’m pretty before. Well, Granny Smith did, an’ Ma and Pa always said I was the prettiest little filly… but they were mah parents; they’re supposed t’ say stuff like that.

But Roseluck—somepony outside mah family—had told me Ah was pretty.

Ah couldn’t help but blush as Ah tied mah hair back with mah nicest ribbons.

With money as tight as it was ‘round th’ farm, Ah don’t think Ah’d been t’ the cinema since Pa took me as a little filly.

Ah doubted Roseluck would be taking me t’ see Babar the Elephant, though. Ah think we were both a little too grown-up for that.

At least, Ah hoped we were!

Figurin’ mah luck, Rose’d be takin’ us t’ see some old, sappy romance movie or somethin’. Ah guess it wouldn’t’ve been too bad even if she did—it’d be nice t’ get out of th’ house an’ hang out with a friend.

Ah hadn’t had many o’ those since Carrot Top.

“Applejack! Your friend is here!”

“Ah’m comin’, Momma!”

Ah cantered down the stairs, ignorin’ Pa as he shouted at me fer runnin’ in the house.

Ah entered th’ kitchen, an’ Momma was givin’ Roseluck a helpin’ heap o’ fritters. Can’t enter the Apple Family homestead without at least gettin’ somethin’ apple-flavoured in ya!

“Hi, Applejack!” Rose’s face lit up as Ah rounded th’ corner.

“Howdy, Rose!”

“Ready to go?”

“Ah sure am!”

‘Course, Momma never could help but fuss over mah mane.

“Now, Applejack… why didn’t you come and get me or Granny to help you with your mane?” Momma pulled out the ribbon Ah’d tied. Ah could feel the blood well in mah cheeks as Ah sat there, mah momma rebraidin’ mah mane. Roseluck sat there, guffawin’ at mah misery… thanks fer that!

“There you go. Don’t you just look the sweetest, my little darling?”

Ah was glad when she were done, Ah don’t think I had any blood left in mah body outside mah face. Ah was surprised when she hoofed over a small sack of bits.

“There you go,” she said, smilin’ as Ah opened the bag. “That way, if the two of you happen to meet some nice colts—”

Whelp, Ah was wrong! There must’a been some more blood somewhere, cause I could feel mah face gettin’ even redder.


“Oh, Applejack,” she sighed, shaking her head at me. “It wouldn’t hurt you to find a nice colt. Just no more than holding hooves… Celestia’s watching, you know?”

“C’mon, Rose!”

Ah grabbed her by the hoof and dragged her out the door. Ah don’t think Ah could’a been any more embarrassed in mah life!

Ah shoulda trusted Rose t’ not take me t’ some silly, mushy movie.

Th’ movie we watched was some sci-fi nonsense about aliens attackin’ Equestria. Ah think it was s’posed t’ be serious, but ya could see th’ strings on them flyin’ saucers. An’ th’ creatures that were attackin’? Ponies dressed in th’ funniest rubber suits Ah ever did see.

Ah don’t think th’ other moviegoers appreciated us laughin’ as much as we did, an’ in th’ end, one of th’ ushers ended up askin’ us t’ leave. Ah felt right bad about it, as Roseluck had used her birthday gift, an’ Ah went an’ ruined it with mah laughin’, but she just smiled an’ dragged me out by mah hoof, gigglin’ th’ whole way.

We went t’ Sugarcube Corner, a new place opened up by Carrot Cake an’ his fiancée, Cup O'Koffee.

“Hi, Miss Koffee,” Rose greeted the mare behind the counter. “Could we have two milkshakes and… hmmm, can I have a slice of pecan pie?” She turned to me. “What did you want to eat, Applejack?”

Ah looked over the menu… visitin’ Sugarcube Corner wasn’t somethin’ we had a lot o’ money t’ do, so Ah wasn’t sure what was on offer. Ah looked back at Rose an’ thought, t’ Tartarus with it. Ah was gunna be daring.

“Ah’ll have a slice of that chocolate-orange cake, thank ya,” Ah said, puffing mah chest out as Ah said it.

“Okay, that’ll be nine bits, thank you.”

Nothin’? Ah jus’ ordered something that didn’t have apples in it… an’ nothin’? Didn’t these ponies know how big a deal that was?

Ah hoofed over mah half’a th’ bits, deflatin’ a little, before Rose poked me in mah ribs.

“Come on, daredevil,” she said, chuckling. “Let’s get a seat by the window.”

She held mah hoof again as we walked t’ one of the window booths. Ah couldn’t help but blush. It was the third time this evenin’ we’d ended up hoof-in-hoof.

We took a booth, sharing one side. Ah know Ah coulda sat on the other side of th’ booth, but… Ah liked bein’ nexta Rose. An’ it meant she could keep holdin’ mah hoof under the table, to which Ah’d happily oblige.

We sat there, quietly lookin’ at each other an’ smilin’, waiting for our food t’ arrive.

“Hi Roseluck, hi Applejack!”

Ah turned away from Rose t’ find a familiar pony sittin’ in the seat across from us. There was no mistakin’ who she was… that unruly pink mane could probably be seen from th’ moon. An’ given that her entrance into Ponyville was marked with the biggest party th’ town had seen in years…

“Oh, hello, Pinkie Pie.” Rose greeted the little filly with a smile. “What are you doing here?”

“I work here, silly!” the chipper mare replied. “And live here too, but I’m here right now because I work here well that’s not exactly why I’m here-here, I’m here-here because Miss O'Koffee asked me to bring out your order.”

“Then where—”

Ah looked down, and noticed our food was laid out in front of us already.

“When did you—”

“Two minutes ago,” the pink mare giggled. “You two were so busy looking at each other you didn’t even notice. That’s why I said ‘Hi’ because that way you would see your food and eat it before it goes cold and the milkshakes get warm. And I’d also be able to say ‘Hi’ to two of my friend—”

A shudder seemed to run up the small pony’s spine. Her back leg kicked three times and her ears twitched.

“Gotta go! The next batch of cupcakes are going to burn!”

Before Ah could process what had happened, Pinkie Pie was gone, and the doors to the kitchen were near swingin’ off their hinges.

Rose an’ Ah shared a chuckle; that one’d been mighty strange since she’d come t’ town, but there weren’t no harm in ‘er. She was actually pretty sweet.

Ah took a bite of mah cake, and moaned. It was good. No, it was great!

‘Bout th’ only oranges mah family tolerated were mah aunt an’ uncle up in Manehattan.

“That good, Applejack?”

Ah coughed t’ hide my embarrassment. What would Granny Smith say t’ me—groanin’ like a pig at a trough?

“Uhh, yeah, it is pretty good.”

“Trade you a bite?”

Roseluck cut a small piece of her pecan pie with the edge of her fork, then held it out to me. Did she think Ah’d… that’d just been in her mouth… Ah—

Ah leaned forward with mah eyes closed as she guided the fork inta mah mouth. Ah closed mah lips around it and savoured the taste.

“Okay, now my turn!”

Ah opened mah eyes, and found Rose with her own eyes closed, mouth wide open an’ waitin’.

Ah think Ah woulda burst inta flames at that moment if ponies could do so. But never the less, Ah cut a small piece of mah cake off with mah fork, and guided it towards her mouth.

She closed her mouth around the fork, and moaned as she slowly chewed. Ah could barely breathe—all Ah could do was stare.

“You’re right,” she said, opening her eyes and lettin’ go of mah fork. “That was wonderful.

It was dark out by th’ time we finished at Sugarcube Corner.

Ah was a mite embarrassed after we were feedin’ each other. Pinkie Pie had caught us an’ had been gigglin’ hysterically for a while after that. But she left us alone in the end, and Ah still had a good time talkin’ with Rose.

Somethin’ about her jus’ made me feel comfortable. Like, Ah felt… right.

We stood at th’ entrance t’ Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie had locked the door behind us, tellin’ us how ‘super awesome extra amazing’ it would have been if she was allowed to invite us up to her room to stay. But she had homework, and Miss O'Koffee was pretty strict about that kinda thing.

“Well, Applejack, I had a wonderful time.”

Rose sure looked pretty in the soft glow of the street lamps. Not that she didn’t look pretty otherwise, but—

It was supposed t’ be chilly tonight. Why was Ah feelin’ so warm?

“A-Ah did too, Rose.” Ah leaned in for a hug. “Ah had a really nice night. Ah’m sorry again that we got kicked out of yer movie.”

Rose’s laughter in mah ear was wonderful. Ah could listen t’ that laugh fer the rest of mah life, Ah reckon.

Twitchy ear, itchy nose, tickly frog…” Pinkie’s voice squealed out of the top-floor window of the bakery. “Somepony’s about to get kissed!

“What in tarnation—”

Ah was cut off by the feeling of warm lips pressed against mah own. Ah closed mah eyes and leaned into it, feeling the warm breath across mah lips.

After what seemed like hours, Ah pulled away. Rose was blushing deeply before me, an’ Ah’m bettin’ Ah probably looked the same.

“That was… wow!

Ah couldn’t have said it better mahself.

Ah held a hoof t’ mah mouth… Ah could still feel th’ warmth of her on mah lips.

“Sorry, Applejack…” Ah watched as Rose nervously pawed the ground. “I-It… just sounded like a good idea.”

Ah couldn’t hold it back. The fears, an’ th’ worries from all those years ago. Ah finally had a new friend, an’ Ah done went an’ ruined it—


“Applejack!” Ah felt her forearms wrap around me. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry. I thought—”

“Ah’m sorry, Rose. Ah shoulda known this’d happen t’ y’all.” Ah let her hold me… Ah don’t even remember how Ah’d ended up on the ground. “Ah… Ah got somethin’ wrong with me, an’ Ah think Ah gave it t’ ya. Ah’m so sorry.”

“What do you mean?”

Ah held a hoof up t’ mah mouth. We ate cake off of each other’s forks!

Ah got her sick like me when she had mah cake.

Ah wailed. Ah felt so bad, mah first friend in so long, an’ Ah made her sick. Ah didn’t even know ya could catch what Ah had, but Ah went an’ made her sick.

“Pa… Pa told me that there’s somethin’ wrong with me,” Ah sobbed into her shoulder. “Ah got a sickness, makes me like mares when Ah’m supposed t’ like stallions. An’ now I gone an’ gave it t’ you. Ah’m sorry, please don’t hate me.”

Ah pulled back in shock as she started laughing. Ah didn’t understand, why was she—

“Applejack, you silly bumpkin!” She peppered mah tear-streaked cheeks with kisses as she spoke. “You’re not sick, and I didn’t catch anything from you.”

She laughed, then pulled me in for another kiss.

“I’ve liked mares long before I came to Ponyville with my sisters… there’s nothing wrong with it.”

She looked me direct in th’ eyes.

“There is nothing wrong with us!

“But Pa said—”

“Then your Pa is wrong!” Rose snarled as she said it. “Applejack, believe me… there is nothing wrong with who we are.”

“There ain’t? But Ah thought mares and stallions were supposed t’… ya know…” Ah made an obscene gesture with mah hooves Ah hoped Granny would never find out about. “…make little fillies and colts.”

“You’re so cute, Applejack!” Roseluck guffawed at mah little gesture, and pulled me in fer a hug. “Mares can be together… if they want. If that is who they like. And stallions can be together, too.”

“Does that mean mah brother might—”

“Hah! No, if what my sisters tell me is true… then it’s highly unlikely he would.”

“Ewww!” we both cried, before looking at each other and laughing.

“S-so there’s nothin’ wrong with me?”

“Nothing!” Roseluck said, before planting another kiss on my cheek. “So… Applejack Apple… would you like to be my special somepony?”


Ah could hear Pinkie Pie ‘sproingin’ her way up th’ path behind us. Most ponies would say ‘sproingin’ ain’t a real-soundin’ word… but they obviously never had a Pinkie Pie ‘sproingin’ after ‘em.

Roseluck was th’ first t’ hear her comin’. “Hi, Pinkie. What brings you out this way?”

“I was coming to visit Applejack’s parents… Mr. Cake needs tomorrow’s order of apples earlier if Mr. Apple can do it… and Mr. Cake entrusted me to ask him.”

“Well, Pa’ll be out in th’ fields right now, but Ma should be inside with Granny. Ya can ask her about it, if ya want. She might even have a muffin fer th’ trip back!”

Ah coulda sworn Ah heard some crazy noise as her eyes widened. “That would be amazing!

“Yeah, Momma’s cookin’ sure is somethin’ else.”

“I should get her to help cook for your party!”

“Uhh, what party?” Was Ah supposed t’ be havin’ a party? It wasn’t mah birthday, not for another—

“Six months and twelve days…” Pinkie Pie said. “But that’s not the party I was talking about. I meant your “We’re happily in love fillyfriends” party!”

Mah mouth dropped. How could she— we were always careful!

“Not. Another. Word!” Ah hissed, covering the pink menace’s mouth with mah hoof. Ah think mah angry tone an’ scowl was scarin’ her… Ah couldn’t bear t’ look at her teary eyes, so Ah pulled mah hoof away.

“Pinkie Pie,” Roseluck said, pulling the filly into a hug. “Applejack and I… we have to keep what we have a secret.”


“Well, you see… some ponies, like Mr. and Mrs. Apple, are… very old-fashioned. They don’t think that… ponies like me and Applejack should be together. It would make them very, very… sad.”

“Oh.” Pinkie Pie pawed at the ground, a frown on her face.

“So that’s why we can’t tell anypony,” Roseluck continued to explain. “We don’t want to make them sad. Do you understand?”

“Not really.”

“Pinkie, ya have t’ promise not ta tell anypony.”

“Okie dokie lokie!”

“Ah mean it, Pinkie. It’s very important.”

Ah hated it. Bein’ at th’ mercy of a kid that was more scatterbrained than not. Maybe that weren’t nice, but Ah get angry when Ah’m scared. A trait Ah share with mah momma, Ah guess.

Pinkie held up her hoof. “I promise.”

“There’s a good kid!” Roseluck ruffled the filly’s mane. Ah was surprised it didn’t get stuck in that mess. “Run along, and remember: not a word, or you’ll make them very sad.”

Pinkie didn’t sproing as she walked away. She looked… kinda depressed. It was crazy, Ah coulda sworn her mane straightened as she walked away. Ah hated t’ be th’ one t’ tell her that the world ain’t all all sunshine an’ rainbows. It was almost heart-breakin’.

“Come on, Applejack,” Roseluck said, in a voice sounding as dejected as Ah felt. “Let’s get to the tree house.”


Ah heard Pa call out mah name as Ah stepped through the door. Ah dumped mah saddlebags on the doorstep, mah books spillin’ out across th’ floor.

“Hey, Pa,” Ah called back. It were awful quiet in th’ house. Normally, Pa would be in the living room, playing with Apple Bloom, while Ma an’ Granny fixed dinner. Mac’d be up in his room listenin’ ta his crazy records. Sounded like a cat in a bag t’ me.

“Applejack, can you come in here?” Ah heard him in th’ kitchen. “Yer mother an’ Ah want t’ have a word with ya.”

Ah stepped in t’ th’ kitchen, an’ Ma and Pa were sittin’ at th’ table…

…with th’ switch.

Ah gulped as Ah took mah seat… as far away from the switch as Ah could.

“Where were you this afternoon?” Ma asked me. Her voice were colder than Ponyville Lake before Winter Wrap Up.

“Ah—Ah was out at th’ old treehouse… Ah was studyin’.”

“And who were ya with?” Pa asked.

Ah braved a glance at the switch. They couldn’t—

“Ah asked,” Pa shouted, “Who were ya with?”

“R-Roseluck, sir.”

“I never liked her…” Ma was shakin’ her head, mutterin’ angrily. “Always stunk of Manehattanite sin.”

“What were ya doin’, Applejack?”

“Ah told ya, Pa, I was stud—”

“Don’t lie t’ me!”

Ah’d never heard Pa so angry. Ma wouldn’t even look at me.

“Don’t… don’t lie t’ me.” Pa was mighty angry, but he were cryin’. “What happened t’ the good little girl Ah used t’ know? Didn’t lie, didn’t… go foolin’ around…”

Ah wasn’t lyin’, Roseluck an’ Ah were studyin’! We were studyin’ biology, but actual biology, not in th’ way my brother ‘studied’ it. We had a test comin’ up, and Ah was never good at it. Ah was lucky t’ have Roseluck help me.

“Ah’m tellin’ th—”

Before Ah knew it, Pa had the switch between his teeth, and Ah felt a powerful pain on mah backside. Ah ain’t proud t’ say it, but Ah said a few words Granny’d be disappointed in me for.

Pa rewarded me with another wallop.

“See? Look at what that… harlot… has done to our daughter,” Ma said, turning to Pa. “Didn’t I tell you she was no good?”

“Ah don’t—”

Another wallop, and another welt. Ah was wise enough t’ keep mah displeasure t’ only a yelp this time.

“That little pink filly—the one who boards with Mr. Cake…” Mah eyes widened. Ah knew Ah shouldn’ta trusted that little brat! “…she came in here, spouting some nonsense about having to get me a new dress. I was trying to look after Apple Bloom, and this stupid child was trying to drag me down to the market district for a new dress.

“I humored her, Applejack, and asked her why I needed a new dress. Do you know what she told me, Applejack?”

Ah had no idea what the pink menace had said, or how dresses fit in t’ anythin’ that mah parents were sayin’.

“She told me, Applejack, that if I had a new dress, I wouldn’t be so old-fashioned, and I’d be happy with my daughter and her girlfriend!

That dag-blasted fool—

“Ah want ya t’ stop this nonsense at once!” Pa roared. “Ah wantcha t’ tell this Roseluck t’ leave ya alone, an’ not come near ya again.”

No! Not Roseluck. Ah…Ah loved her.

Ah stood up.


“What did you say?” Ma asked.

“Ah said, ‘No!’”

Ah wasn’t gunna back down from this one, not without a fight. Roseluck… Rose was worth a fight.

“There ain’t nothin’ wrong with what’s between Roseluck an’ Ah. Y’all can just—”

Something slammed inta the side’a mah muzzle, followed by a sharp pain. A put a hoof t’ mah cheek.

“While ya live under mah roof, ya’ll not talk back t’ me or yer mother. An’ Ah’ll not abide by mah daughter… livin’ in sin with some… some… fooler!

He hit me. Mah Pa just hit me. Not with th’ switch, but with th’ back of his hoof.

“Fine!” Ah shouted, turnin’ mah back to ‘em. “Fine! Y’all want me t’ be somethin’ Ah’m not while Ah live here? Fine! Ah got a solution fer that!”

“Where are you—Applejack! Get back here, right now!” Ma chased after me as Ah walked towards the door. Pa followed not far behind her. “Applejack, don’t leave. We just want our little girl back. Just… just be a good girl and everything will be all right.”

“Well,” Ah yelled, lookin’ over mah shoulder as Ah opened th’ door. “Maybe Ah don’t wanna be yer good little girl anymore!”

Pa bit at mah tail. “Applejack, get back in here right—”

How dare he‽ He didn’t have th’ right t’ touch me. No father ever slugs his daughter. Ah crouched forward, usin’ th’ technique he taught me, an’ put all mah strength inta mah back legs.

Pa flew through th’ air, down the hall. Ah heard mother scream, but Ah didn’t care. Ah’d had enough’a th’ both of ‘em!

“Ah’ll be happy if Ah never see either of ya again!”

Roseluck’s momma was nice enough t’ let me stay with them. Rose was pretty honest with her mom about us, and she was happy to help me out when she saw th’ bruise on mah face.

She wanted t’ take me down t’ th’ police station… but Ah just wanted t’ ferget ‘em.

Ah saw Pinkie Pie at school… Ah yelled at her fer breakin’ her promise. Ah made sure she knew Ah was outta home ‘cause’a her. She cried and promised t’ make it up t’ me, but Ah told her that her promises didn’t mean nothin’… Ah couldn’t trust a word she’d say ever again.

She promised she’d never break a promise ever again… but what good would that do now?

It was nice stayin’ with Rose… though her momma made sure we stayed in our own rooms overnight. She even joked that she was gunna put a lock on Rose’s door.

At least, Ah think she was jokin’.

Ah didn’t see hide nor hair’a mah family fer a few weeks. Ah missed Apple Bloom somethin’ fierce… Ah wondered if she even noticed Ah was gone?

Th’ first time Ah saw one’a mah family members, it was Big Mac. Ah dunno if he were avoidin’ me, or just avoidin’ Daisy an’ Lilly, who joined me an’ Rose at th’ Hay Burger. Ah didn’t even get a ‘Howdy’.

Life were different, but Ah had Rose… an’ her family was real nice t’ me. Ah had t’ take a part-time job before school, but Ah was used t’ bein’ up with th’ roosters anyway. Rose’s mom wouldn’t let me outta school, though, so Ah still had t’ take that biology test.

It was hard… but Ah like t’ think Ah was happier.

A loud bangin’ at th’ door woke most’a th’ house up.

Ah could hear Rose’s momma grumblin’ as she passed by mah bedroom door. Who would be bangin’ on her door this time of night?

Ah snuck out inta th’ hall t’ listen out for who was there. Rose, Lilly and Daisy had done the same.

After some short words with the late-night caller, Rose’s momma came runnin’ back inside… with Big Mac in tow.

Mah brother was never usually one t’ care about appearances, but he looked like he’d run th’ whole way from th’ acres.

“Sis!” he panted. “Ma… Pa…”

“Ah don’t care! Ah don’t want nothin’ t’ do with ‘em ever again.”

“Applejack, wait! You should—” Rose’s mom started.

“Ah should nothin’!” Ah rounded on her. “Weren’t y’all th’ one that wanted me t’ talk t’ the police about ‘em?”

“Applejack!” mah brother shouted. “There… there was an accident… Ma and Pa— they’re…”

Ah don’t think Ah ever ran faster in mah life. Ah was surprised Rose kept up with me, but Ah guess ya can’t count an Earth pony out.

Big Mac was laggin’ behind us, but Ah guess he had already run from th’ acres.

Ah could see th’ hospital in front’a me. Ah prayed Ah’d make it in time. Ah couldn’t—”

Ah burst through th’ doors, ignoring th’ shouts of th’ nurses.

Ah saw old nurse Bleedingheart an’ ran towards her. “Where’s mah ma an’ pa?”

“Applejack? You’re here… come this way.”

Rose followed me, but the nurse stopped her. “Sorry, but family members only in emergency. We normally don’t even allow this many visitors, but…”

Ah turned t’ Rose, pleadin’ that she’d be okay.

“Go!” She said, huggin’ me tight. “Go and see them. I’ll wait out here for you.”

Th’ nurse led me an’ Mac back through the halls. We entered a large room, but it was jus’ Granny sittin’ there with Bloom.

“Where’s… where—”

“Ah’m sorry, little filly,” Granny answered, tears in her eyes. “They didn’t—”

Ah collapsed t’ th’ floor. Ah missed— Ah never had the chance—

Mah last words t’ them.

Ah never got t’ say Ah was sorry. An’ now…

Now Ah never will.

Rose stayed with me… fer th’ funeral.

Granny Smith were real quiet with me… as was Big Mac. But then, Ah wasn’t sure if he were mad, or if he was just bein’ his normal, quiet self. Ah guess that was t’ be expected.

After our friends and extended family left, Rose an’ Ah made the slow trek out t’ the treehouse. Ah couldn’t—

“Rose,” Ah said. “Ah love ya, I really do. Ah love ya more’n near anythin’—”

Roseluck dove at me and wrapped her forearms around me.

It hurt more’n any physical blow could.

“—but Ah don’t think Ah can do this no more.”

“What?” Rose pulled away from me. There was a desperate, pleading look in her eyes. “Why?”

“Ah… Ah jus’ think it was wrong. We— what we’re doin’. Ah shoulda listened t’ ma folks.”

“Why?” She pushed away from me. “Please, please Applejack. Don’t do this.”

“Ah’m sorry, Rose. Ah really am. Ah… Ah think we shouldn’t see each other no more.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and Ah knew mine were likely th’ same.

“Ah gotta be a good girl… Ah gotta be good, ‘cause Ma an’ Pa, they’ll be watchin’ down on me—”

Ah felt her hoof connect with mah cheek. It weren’t as powerful a swing as another Ah’d received recently… nowhere near. Rose turned away from me, an’ Ah watched her run down that trail cryin’, just like Carrot Top all those years ago.

“A good girl never does those sorts of things?” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Ugh! You’re such a mommy’s girl! Surely there’s been somepony!

“I don’t know, Rainbow. If she does not wish to talk about her romantic life, well, a girl should be allowed her secrets,” Rarity giggled. “Why, I think there’s a certain… old-fashioned charm to the idea.”

None of the group noticed the wince both Pinkie Pie and Applejack shared. Pinkie Pie gave Applejack a sad, knowing smile.

True to her word, Pinkie Pie had never broken another promise to this day.

Applejack knew she could trust Pinkie to keep her secret.

“Well, as fun as this has been…” Twilight said, putting a cork back in the wine bottle, “…we all have to get up bright and early tomorrow. How about we call it a night?”

Everypony agreed, none more so than Applejack and Pinkie.

Applejack crawled into her sleeping bag, happy for the warmth it provided. Twilight doused the candles around the room, and soon, everypony else was asleep.

Applejack laid there, listening to the rhythmic sound of her five friends’ breathing.

A sad smile covered her face as she tried to banish the thoughts that plagued her mind.

A good girl never…

Comments ( 301 )

Eh, coming of age gay vs 'old fashioned' fics aren't really my thing for personal reasons and the general theme of them.

That being said, it's good, subjectively, across the board, so I'll just give a like, even after my gripes about it, so good day.

--Pyro The Devout Reader

This was a nice little story, I liked it. :twilightsmile:

I understand why it might not be some people's story of choice, but I appreciate the positive feed back and the like none-the-less.

You may or may not have noted I made some changes to the start of the story after you ended up going to bed. Most notably, dropping Applejack's mom's accent.

Two of those things was enough!

Whelp, Roseluck deserves a jaw punch too. She could not fathom that Applejack is at a loss because if she didn't go with her then they might be alive, and the last words wouldn't have been said. Not that her parents were worth much outside of being family. I thought the others were being OOC with how they acted until I realized it was a flashback. I thought she was telling them.

Well, her not being there was never explicitly stated as the reason they died. She was not responsible for it in the least. I didn't even have anything in mind as to what caused their deaths. Just left it vague enough so that it could reasonably fit within the canon AJ's backstory.

I didn't want AJ's parents to come off as a one-note horrible abusive parent relationship, but I think I failed on that part. It was hard when there wasn't really much outside her sexuality that she was flashing-back to. Not to say that her parents weren't abusive in that situation, but at least in my mind, they were only like that in this particular instance (i.e. the issue of AJ's sexuality)

Sadly, I think that didn't come off at all in the story. I think I made them out like they were demonic spawn from tartarus.

I have another one-shot story in planning about a teen coming out, from the perspective of the parent who can't handle it/doesn't like it/can't come to terms with it. It'll be a challenge, considering where my own opinions lie.

As for Roseluck? Yeah, it was written as kind of shitty situation, regardless. I actually felt for Roseluck (rather than wanting to punch her) but then… they were both written to be teenagers (as by the biology test and studying) and teenagers aren't the best at handling things maturely. A breakup is a breakup, regardless of the circumstances surrounding it. Teens don't tend to handle them well at the best of times.


Darn it! I almost shed a tear.
I really hate this kind of stories , the abuse seem a little too far ...

But damn , you made an awesome story! It was very touching.

Very well thought and written, I'd say. Not exactly how I had AJ's past in mind (it's all imagination of course), but in every case worth reading.

All of the sad tags in the world cannot possibly label this as sad enough. This is watching "The Bicentennial Man" while the ending to "Terminator 2" plays on a loop with a soft viola playing all the while in the background after your cat just died choking on your bird levels of sad. :fluttercry:

Well done! Please make a sequel in which AJ gets a bit of a mental repair job will ya?

4869176 If he writes another Apple story anytime soon, I am going to have to have a serious discussion with him. Do you have ANY idea how annoying that accent is to work with? :ajbemused:

I'm kidding, of course (not about the accent— it's a b****), but I believe we have agreed to lessen the number of Apple stories at the moment for our own sanities' sakes (I'm hoping there weren't any crossies on that...:twilightangry2:).

Is it some sort of crime to not write in accents here? If so I realy ahve my work cut out for me to emulate this voice:


LD... The Liar and the what?

Slap me in leather and paddle my ass, because I am a masochist. :twilightoops:

Oh god, I love SHODAN. There is a 93.74% chance you are aware of my birth on your planet, and my rebirth into beauty on citadel station.

4869261 Nah, t'ain't no crime to not write in an accent, but some writers jus' like t' torture their editors. :ajbemused:

4869267 I will brain you if you expect me to go through that one anytime soon. We still have to finish Floret, anyway. :facehoof: That's got nine unedited chapters. NINE! :flutterrage:

Aww, you love me, you really do!

I liked it. It was sad, but it was good.

4869271 My fic An Equestrian Odyssey may or may not at some point feature Shodan. Hence me asking if writing accents is mandatory.
4869287 I see... Want to edit my work then? I assure you that after the 14th comma splice on a page that will bug you less :rainbowlaugh:

4869386 Sorry, I can't add any more stories to my editing list right now. I've already got enough on my plate with writing, editing, and real life.

4869419 No worries, I have 4 editors. 5 if you count the AI I bought to do the first sweep over.

Whoever disliked this story is an idiot.

This is a good story, but I kind of feel sad about the ending, which I'm guessing was the point. I just wish she did come to terms with her sexuality and accepted who she is. Maybe if her friends knew they would tell it's alright and she can stop blaming herself.

“While ya live under mah roof, ya’ll not talk back t’ me or yer mother. An’ Ah’ll not abide by mah daughter… livin’ in sin with some… some… fooler!”

No. Just... no.

this story made me sad :fluttercry: of course it does have a sad tag so really I suppose that was to be expected. Also it may be heartless of me but...I was a little happy when AJ's parents died

4869591 I agree with this I really hoped for Applejack to accept herself as she is and not let her parents ideas keep her from how she really feels and who she really is despite how cliche that sounds.

4869542 Or maybe they didn't find a promotion of homosexuality entertaining. :applejackunsure:

I'm just saying I really like the story. And your right.

This had so many good things. I love this story.

I want to specifically point out a few things that were really awesome icing on this sad cake.
The accent, I loved that.
Pinkie Pie as a clueless kid dealing with old fashion, her pinkie sense, and providing the origin of her dedication to always keep a promise.
I'll admit that I was expecting Pinkie to invent the 'pinkie promise' as a solution to her untrustworthyness though. Like a super special promise she will totally never break, but I like this way too.

4869678 Whatever a story's promoting has no direct bearing on how good a story is. If someone judged this story based on that, they're an idiot.


Sadly, I think that didn't come off at all in the story. I think I made them out like they were demonic spawn from tartarus.

If you are willing to hit your own child for something like that, you are some demonic spawn from tartarus. The switch only made it worse as well.

They just hid themselves far better in a parents skin rather then looking like the monsters they actually are. This wasn't some alcohol induced terror, this was a willing "I Will beat the values out of you that aren't our own"

Okay, now that I've calmed down a bit, a few more thoughts.

An’ Ah’ll not abide by mah daughter… livin’ in sin with some… some… fooler!”

Sin? Why? Why is it a sin? Are you insinuating that Applejack's family are Christians? Because that's what I see: a blatant caricature of the typical crazy, bigoted Christian. As an aside, being from the south myself(and a Christian), I am somewhat annoyed about you using the trope of the southerners being bigots. Now, yeah, there are a lot of people in the world who think like this, and that is a crying damn shame.

But this isn't the real world.

This is Equestria—land of sunshine, rainbows, and fairy farts. What possible reason is there for her parents to react so violently to her being gay? Because it's "not natural?" Says who? You're having them adhere to some kind of belief structure, but not telling us what it is. The end result is not a pair of characters who are acting in a detestable way. It's just two idiots acting like idiots for the sake of idiocy. You're transplanting values from our world into a world where they make no sense. There is no Bible for her parents to be getting this belief from(erroneously., I might add, as the original translation of the Bible never mentions the word "homosexual.")

And even if you are going for the "unnatural" angle, I have never met a secular person who believed so greatly in this supposed "natural order of things" to the point where they would beat their children over it.

So, as I said, you seem to be forcing views onto these characters that make no sense in universe. This makes the conflict feel forced and contrived; a flimsy excuse to have ponies mirror real-world issues. The story itself is pretty well-written, all things considered, but the central conceit of the fic makes little sense.

4869708 If they didn't like it for any reason, they are allowed to vote a dislike. Accept the fact that people don't like things for various reasons and move on.

4869746 I suppose. I still don't get disliking something because of a reason that doesn't pertain to the story itself.

I have never grinned as much in my life as when AJ's parents died, call me a monster, but anyone whom dares raise a hand (or hoof, in this case.) against their family, none the less their daughter, is scum that doesn't deserve to breath, ie: Shoot on Sight.
And those that does it regularly? Many think I'm joking when I say that I keep a knife at my side, at all times.
I always do.

Muet #34 · Aug 18th, 2014 · · 1 ·

Sin? Why? Why is it a sin? Are you insinuating that Applejack's family are Christians?

gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Boy-That-Escalated-Quickly-Anchorman.gif :ajbemused:


Did you even read the rest of my comment?

Holy shit that is a lot of likes for being posted right away. And this story was awesome! :rainbowkiss:

4869722 The bible mentions God finding a man lying with a man as well as women sleeping with each other disgusting in his views right along with incest and various other things. It doesn't take a genius to understand the meaning of what was said nor a word for other to understand.

4869748 Well, if the the story is about a coming of age/accepting an alternate sexuality, it IS actually pertaining to the story itself if someone dislikes it for that very reason. It's like me finding Button Mash x Sweetie ship with disdain and me down voting it regardless of how well written it is. It's kind of the same thing.


So now Applejack has magical healing powers?


Yeah, right next to him talkin about not wearing clothing o mixed fibers and eating fruit too soon after it falls from a tree. Unless you're a Hassidic Jew, I doubt you live by all Dueteronomical and Levitical law. So, where do you draw the line?

"Good girls don't...
Good girls don't...
Good girls don't...
But I do."

I liked it! Quick little tip-- most people prefer it when Applejack doesn't do the "Ah" thing. It's kind of distracting, especially when it's capitalized. The story barely takes place at the sleepover, it's as of you could almost cut out the sleepover entirely, and it'd still be just as great.

Four Raristars for you! :raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry:

4869912 The "Ah" thing is just part of her accent; that's how she actually talks. And you are the 1st person I've ever seen complain about her dialogue being written that way.


I suppose when they stop using the same law to justify it in the court of modern day legal law.

4869722 I don't want to look like I'm ignoring your opinion, but I disagree, and would like to point something out. I would quote a specific part of your comment, but most of it is centered around the whole "not in this universe" argument, so i don't know which part to pick.

Many authors on this site write stories that essentially humanize the characters of the pony world. I don't mean turning them human (i.e. Equestria Girls style), I mean giving ponies our human values, which clearly this story did. Sometimes readers like you take this seriously (I don't mean to offend, I'm just saying you're part of the group), while others overlook the fact and take the stories as they are: stories. Some may consider it out of character for the universe, but if you keep in mind some of the morals that are portrayed in the show, they are very similar to what we deal with in the human world. My favorite example is in Bridle Gossip, in which Zecora has to deal with prejudice because she is different. Does this not remind you of something similar in our world?

My point is, the way MLP:FIM has been written, Equestria really isn't, as you put it, "land of sunshine, rainbows, and fairy farts." They deal with problems similar to the ones we do here, so I think it's fair that a family could be dealing with an issue such as this.

Again, while everyone is entitled to their opinion, I respectfully disagree with your saying that the views would not exist in this universe. As you said...

Says who?


Okay, true. But again, the author is implying that being gay is a "sin" in this world, and he failed to explain "according to who?" If there is some kind of belief structure in place that says that, he needs to show us this. Otherwise, what are we supposed to think? Celestia?

4869771 badass alert.

I'm guessing you always have a katana handy as well?

This was surprisingly bitter.

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