• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 1,089 Views, 13 Comments

Buttons society - Furious Thestral

Buttons addiction to games have taken him away from social life, but what if destiny gives him something better than a simple game? what if his life can be the biggest game ever?

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Video games or robots


yelled Love Tap directly to the top floor calling for her foal. After a minute of no response she exhaled loudly and made her march straight to the little colt room, just to find him playing with his game console with the sounds setting at high, as usual.

"Come on. Come and get me... That's right you can't beat me," said Button at the game console, while he was moving frenetic the control, "take that and that. You too over there, take this" continued Button smiling and laughing over his continued victories, until suddenly the TV turned off immediately.

"Bwah-WHAT!?" shouted Button as he suddenly looked at the TV off, searching around to look where the problem was. "MOOOM! I was winning!" Button cried, as he notice that his mother had unplugged the console.

"I don't care button, this addiction to games has gotten too far," his mother was angry, packing up the X-sphere and the controllers without stopping to look the worried glances that her son gave, "and it's time to put a stop to it" she added, Placing the game in the highest part of the wardrobe.

"Bu-but mom!" pleaded Button as he tried to stop her from taking his game.

"No but's, Button," she replied as she locked the wardrobe with a key, "I always leave you play your games for far to long and I believe It's time for you to take a rest from them." she walked towards the door, not daring to look back.

Button ran towards his mother and hugged her left rear hoof, "Please, I'll do anything but don't make me leave the games, please!" Button begged, holding to dear life for his games as he clutched harder on his mother’s leg.

"I am sorry Button, it's for your own good. A week without video games should be enough for you" she said as she pry herself from the grip his son gave.

"But what am I going to do in a week without video games?" Button, frantically, as he was beginning to cry.

Love Tap huffed in annoyance and glared at her son, "well, you could always go and have some fun in the park, for starters, or go with one of your friends and play some more healthy games" she suggested.

"But none of them have video games," Button wailed desperately, standing up from the floor, hesitating if he should hug his mother one more time.

"That's the idea, mister" was the only answer that came from the elder mare as she leaves the room, closing the door behind her, leaving the little colt alone.

Button wiped his tears and took a deep breath to calm himself, thinking in a way to get his way with the cruel punishment until the idea came to him quickly. "Wait, I know! the arcades from the market district," shouted Button to himself, galloping as fast as he can directly to the front door, passing next to his mom. "Bye mom, I'm going to the park".

"be careful dear, and be here before lunch!" she replied, smiling when he leaved, knowing well that he might enjoying the day with his friends or wail in despair.

Button ran as fast as he could towards the arcade, passing by some ponies on the way, not stopping until he reached the market district while he began to slow down and began to trot, calming his rushing expression of excitement, until he finally he arrived to the arcade he began to smile as he walked towards the owner. "Um, excuse me Mr. Joy can you change me these bits for tokens?" asked Buttons to the owner, not wasting any second as he showed five bits from his hoof to the older stallion.

"I'm sorry kid, but your mother told me just yesterday not to offer you any service for an entire week" said Mr. Joy shaking his head sadly.

"Seriously!?" Button was surprised, he never knew that her mother had planned this countermeasure in his punishment in advance and felt the cold feeling dwelling inside him.

"Yeah kid, she really said that, sorry, but I can't help without evoking her anger on me," replied Mr. Joy as he returned back to work, leaving Button alone.

Button felt as if he just lost the only place of solace and decided to walk now through the park he began to think in his next move. "Okay Button, it's not like the end of the world, so keep your cool and go on with this" he said to himself trying not to fall in despair.

"Well? who could have a video game that can we borrow from?" he asked to himself, walking around the fountain thinking in the possible friends that would share him a good game.

"Well Sweetie Belle would borrow me her pony Station 5, but she is spending the next five days with her sister and she would never let us play in her house, bummer," he said to himself as he began to walk to the statue that was in the other side of the park, "wait, how about I ask to Snails? nah, that won’t work because i don't know him that much" he continued on, shaking the thought away, as he reached the statue at the center of the park he then sat next to the it, still thinking in a way to have what he need, "I know, maybe Apple Bloom will sure let me play with her neightendo!," he shouted with hope in his eyes. "Now that I remember! she won't borrow me her games, not since I accidentally deleted all her memory progress of her console" he continued to say for himself, once again depressed.

"Diamond Tiara perhaps? I know that her father buy her all neat stuff and possible games that are brand new... but I think that she would humiliate me to no end before she could even allow me a game to borrow. If she borrows me one, to begin with" he said again to himself as his desperation began to grow.

"Oh, I wish I could buy a game *sob*, but all *sob* of them are being *sob* sold in Manehattan and I can't *sob* go that far" he began to cry, as he walked to the part of the park that not many ponies would frequently go.

Button seemed all depressed, for all his options going down one by one, as he sat down by a tree, observing all the ponies walking from side to side enjoying one beautiful and bright day in Ponyville, where the birds chirped delightfully, probably a song that they learned from Fluttershy, and all the other foals were playing with around in different activities,

"Maybe Mom was right, I might go and enjoy the day with all the ponies and even go and play with Rumble and the gang. Yeah I should do that" Button mumbled to himself as he then stand up from his place, with certain determination, and headed towards the other foals were.

As he began to trot. A speck of light was caught in the corner of his eyes that came in through the bushes, "what is that?" he asked to himself, approaching near to the strange object he made space into the bushes, he managed to see what it was, It was a box in color of metallic black with neon blue lines. Button observed the box, that was made in steel but it wasn't very heavy, strangely he notice a button in it "hmm, what does this button do?" as soon as he presses it the box exhaled some gas and opened from the top.

"No way!" shouted Button in surprise once he saw what was inside the container. He then pressed the button again and the box closed. Running at full speed towards his house passing by the door running towards his room.

"Button, sweetie, are you here?" asked his mother from the kitchen.

"Yeah mom, I'm here, I was in the park and played with some friends" Button replied as he began to walk the stairs one by one.

"Well that is nice sweetie. See? It's more fun to play with friends outside rather than being here alone?" Love Tap said with her sweet tone while focusing on her cooking.

"Yeah mom, I'll be in my room drawing or something" Button didn’t paid much attention to her mother, as he ended up in the second floor to rush straight forward to his room and closed the door. He's excitement was overflowing as he, once again pressed the button of the box, opening it. Revealing that inside the box was a robot.

Button wondered whether if it was a simple toy or a real one as he examined it closer to see an type of characteristics in it.

The robot seemed to have the form of an egg with colors of metallic crimson with emerald lights in the four sides.

When he was about to tap it, the robot quickly began to float from the ground to reach the height of the foal, “activating all systems” a female mechanical voice was heard from the machine.

The voice made Button step back, scared, having no idea of what to do in this situation while looking for the door and possibly anything that he can defend himself with.

the robot then raised an antenna from its top as a green light illuminated through the entire room, before focusing only on Button, “owner detected, commencing introduction. Greetings I am Hyperbolic Neutralizer Oscillator number 05, better known as HYPNO-5, at your service” the machine stated, hovering around.

Button was surprised as he torn a smile, in his face as the only word could describe this situation was the most fitting for it.
