• Published 23rd Aug 2014
  • 1,598 Views, 3 Comments

A Captain in treatment - anoymust or Uni_Kylie

Will Kylie ever be back to be enthusiactic teaching? Will she ever go back to teaching? Let's find it out. Warning: This story is about ponies who likes diapers and act foalishly. If you are offended and/or weirded out, please don't read t

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1st Chaper - A river of everything

Author's Note:

Well, a new chapter is coming for quite a few days... I'm in a hospital oh and expect the worst, because my grammar is not good. But anywho, hope you like this!

By the way.

Again Warning : This is a story to which the character is either has age regress, or already age regressed. So it means it can have some AF;DL, Adult Foal; Diaper Lover to be exact, so... If you don't want to read this, read some other stories.

Word count : 3,242

One day, Shining Armor was preparing some paper work for the test of the newly recruited ponies, while doing this, his door flew open and a feminine stallion-like voice is heard “Sir!” hearing the voice Shining knew it was Kylie. Definitely because she’s the only mare in the highest rank, who have permission to that freely.

Shining groaned in annoyance “Kylie, what is it now?” he said as he looked towards her. Seeing Kylie, her mane and tail was rumpled, scratches can be seen all around her. “whoa… what happened?” he said worriedly.

“Oh nothing,” Kylie said walking towards him “it’s just… THEY ARE SO LIKE FOALS! THEY DO NOT LISTEN! THEY JUST SHOUT EVERY TIME I SHOUT ‘QUIET’. I know they are only teens but, why in the hay are we going to give up the old one!? They can last more longer! and they are better!” she said as she waved her hooves in front of Shining.

Shining stopped the her hooves and placed it back on the ground “Kylie, listen… They are old, they need to go, they are not like the Princesses, who can live long.” Shining said as he tried to make the mare to calm down.

“No! Dash danit! They are too much! I can’t take it!” Kylie groaned and looked at the clock, then sighs “Lunch is done. I must be prepared, and so are they…” Kylie said as she turned around towards the door.

“Oh Kylie!” Shining quickly shouted as she came near the door.

“What is it?”

“Meet me here again. Later night after the new ones dismissal okay?”

Kylie nod and put her hoof on her forehead “Yes Sir!” she placed hoof back onto the ground and walked away towards her classroom.

As soon as Kylie was gone, Shining deeply sighs “Oh no. Not another one” He said rubbing his temples. He then grabbed a paper from his desk and writes something ‘Dear Cadence, can you please come to my office, because another one has been hit. I hope this one don’t get weirded out. But let’s just try it, let’s see if she can handle it. Your love, Shining.’ as He finished, made the paper into a scroll then, “Guard!” he shouted.

A white coated colt appeared from the doors “Yes, sir?”

“I want you to deliver this to Cadence ok? Oh and it has to be ASAP. So, go now.”

The guard nod and quickly ran outside levitating the letter.


Meanwhile, Kylie, who was now going towards her classroom, suddenly. The door flew open, and two stallions bursts through it, both of them rabling each other Ugh, not again… Kylie thought “Light! Chime! Stop this rambling this instant!” as those words reached the two stallions, they stopped.

“Sorry ma’am” They said in chorus.

“Who’s the start of this!?” Kylie shouted, then looked inside the classroom.

“It was him!” They said again in chorus, and pointing at each other

Upon looking inside, all of the stallions, and mares are in their seats, Kylie tilted her head “huh…” She looked back at the two stallions “Go, in. Now” She said sternly

The stallions stood up and saluted “Yes ma’am” Then they all went into the classroom.

The stallions sat in their seats, and Kylie sat on her chair “Ok, prepare for morning activity, so pack up and we’re going to the field.”

“Yes ma’am!” The students said.



Princess Cadence is at Canterlot and doing some paper work for her own kingdom. The Crystal Empire. Then a knock was heard “Princess, a letter from Shining Armor.” A stallion voice said through the door.

“Come in!” Cadence said “What’s it about?” She said turning around.

“About an emergency Princess.” The guard said “here you go ma’am.” he placed the scroll on Cadence’s table.

“Thank you,” Cadence said with a nod “you can go now…”

The guard nod, turned around, walked out, and closed the door.

Cadence sighs “I hope this is not about teachers again…” She said rubbing her temples. She levitated the scroll in front of her face and slowly opens it. “Knew it.” She said as she read through the letter. “Well, I really hope this one don’t get weirded out… Well time to prepare…” She then walked towards her closet and opened it, and seeing inside was full of various things that can’t be seen because it was disguised “Okay, everything… This, good. This, still good. This? Still good. I think everything is perfect,” She said levitating a saddle bag, she placed the letter inside and with the contents. “Okay, let’s just get on the other side of the town…”.


Meanwhile at the field

“GO! GO! GO! I KNOW YOU FILLIES AND COLTS CAN DO IT!” Kylie shouted on top of a hill, looking down on her students, they were exhausted, they went through some obstacle, done some trotting around the city, she made her students suffer, and now, they are on their last phase. Climbing the hill.

As the ponies march up the hill, other was fallen onto their bellies; other fainted, and fails the physical test.

Alas, only ¼ of the ponies reached the top, and ⅓ of them failed, and they will be going under through written exams. “GOOD! NOW LET’S TAKE A REST AND BACK TO BASE! UNDERSTOOD!?”

“Yes ma’am!” the ponies said in chorus.

“good” Kylie said and sighs. This is so tiring! She shouted in thought. Then she sat beside a tree on the top of the hill, A nap is not that bad… right? Kylie asked herself Nah, it won’t Kylie, it won’t and then Kylie took a ‘little’ nap.

But as Kylie went further in her light sleep, her students was now again ready. And ready to head back to base.

“Ma’am, Ma’am! MA’AM! ” One of her students shouted “Wake up, we’re ready to go.”

As the rude awakening disturbed her, her subconscious mind takes over “Let’s do it later…” She said motioning her hoof to make one of her students away.

“But Ma’am we r-“ Chuck was silenced with Kylie’s pink hoof.

“No ‘Buts’ I need my rest.” She again slept, and now gone deep into Luna’s realm.

“So? What now Chuck?” Lace said.

“Sir.Shining will be angry… Let’s just carry her back to base, and let’s hope Sir.Shining will give us rewards.” Chuck said, “Yea let’s carry her back to base...” But Chuck was cut off by a foreign sound. “Do you hear that Lace?”

“Yeah, That hissing soun…” As Lace looked at the source, he saw a small yellow river coming off from Kylie. He sighs “Hm… Let’s just clean her up and go back to base… TROOPS! LET’S GO!” As those words came out, the students came into formation of two lines, and they marched. Except for Chuck and Lace “Lace, do you have a spare towel?” He said looking at Kylie.

“Oh, yea” Lace placed his bag onto the ground and levitated a small towel “Heh, I don’t want to leave my sweat towel, but it’s clean.” Then he levitated the towel to Chuck.

“Thanks.” He grabbed the towel and fluttered to Kylie, and cleaned her. He wiped every inch, from her flank to her marehood, and she barely moved. Once that was done “A little help?” Chuck said trying to carry Kylie.

“Oh.” Lace used his unicorn magic, and levitated Kylie with ease “Dude, She’s not that heavy” He teased.

“Let’s just go” Chuck said drying and squeezing the urine filled towel then placing it in his bag “move out.” With that, Kylie was left asleep, levitated by her own student, and was cleaned from her student. And so, they made their way back to Base.


Later on, the massive group of the student soldiers reached their Head Quarters, but there was some ponies missing. Two of the students still haven’t reached their base, even their teacher.

While the others waited, Shining Armor came in to their base, or know as school. “What happened? Why were you all late? All of you were supposed to be back hours ago.”

The mare near Shining stood up, saluted, then “Sir, Ma’am Kylie fallen asleep when we reached our checkpoint, but she was in deep sleep so she dint woke up, Lace and Chuck are going to be here with her…Uhh, still asleep.”

Shining Armor smiled as he heard the status of Kylie “When the three came here, tell them to send Kylie to my office okay? Oh, and after you all clean up, you can go home.”

“Yes Sir.” The mare then turned around and signaled her classmates to clean up.

Shining then gone back to his office, but was cut off “Honey!” Shining knew that voice. So he looked back to see Cadence walking with saddle bags on her. He then raced towards her, and then hugged her.

“Oh Cadence, I just hope she’s okay.” Shining said worried.

“Why? Who is it Honey?” Cadence said brushing her husband’s mane.

“It’s just. Kylie. She’s still not here, and her students said she fell asleep, so two of her students are still carrying her and to-…” Shining was cut off as the warm hug is stopped. As he looked behind he saw the three ponies, and one of them is floating “Hey, there they are.”

Lace and Chuck walked side by side, Lace levitating Kylie, they saluted as they reached Shining “Sir.” They said in chorus.

Shining smiled at Kylie who was still asleep, and Cadence just “D`aawww” at the cute sight of the sleeping ‘filly’ “Shining I’ll just take her to the office okay? Just, do whatever you wanted to do with them” Cadence’s indigo aura became mixed with the green aura, and then Lace lets go. Now only the indigo aura is now surrounding Kylie “Wow, I can’t believe she’s… Light.” Cadence nod at the two student soldiers and walked towards Shining’s office.

As Cadence and Kylie gone off, Shining tilted his at the two students “After you two graduated I’ll promote both of you okay?” They smiled and nodded enthusiastically. They bowed “Go clean up and you two can go home.” They nod, and quickly trotted towards the other group. Shining closed his eyes and sighs “I hope this works.” He said softly, then he head off to his office.

Meanwhile, as Cadence reached her husband’s office, she placed Kylie down on the floor. She then levitated her saddle bags onto Shining’s table, she then pulled out a folded rubber thing out of her bag and she unfolded it. As she unfolds it, it was a changing mat. But it’s bigger. Cadence placed the mat on the ground, and then levitated Kylie. Placing her down on the mat, her subconscious kicked in and she squirmed on the mat like foal, Cadence giggled at her actions “Settle down now.” Cadence placed her hoof on Kylie belly, and she slowly rubbed it. Kylie’s squirming faded; Cadence then levitated some supplies from her bag, wipes, powder, rash cream, and last but not the least, a thick plastic garment. Cadence firstly unfolded the light blue plastic garment only to produce it was a diaper, the crinkling sound made Cadence smile and she placed it beside Kylie.

Kylie rolled to the left, but Cadence rolled her unto her back. Cadence took no more seconds and proceeds to diaper her, Cadence levitated Kylie’s hind legs up and then placed the diaper under her, after that, Cadence opened the wipes and levitated some of them and each one of them cleaned Kylie’s nether regions, her hind legs, and to the tip of her tail. Once done, she applied rash cream to the edges where the guard leak of the diaper rested, then powered her, the smell of talcum filled the room as she spreads the powder. As she finishes, Cadence pulled up the front of the diaper and the edge of it just below her belly button, she then taped the two tapes in front of the diaper, she then rolled Kylie onto her side, crinkling can be heard and her hind legs was pushed apart due to the thick ness of the garment, the last tape was placed, and Cadence pulled her Kylie’s tail to see if the tapes were correctly in place, and the diaper snuggly fit. Rolling Kylie back onto her back she pats the front of it, to signal it was finished.

Shining then came in his office and the sight of the pink pony with a light blue diaper made him chuckle “Hm, you’ve done a good job…Wait she’s still asleep?” Shining asked surprised.

“Yes, she was asleep like a foal, but she’s squirms a lot.” Cadence said with a chuckle “Oh well, how long it will this be?”

“5 days if she cooperated. If not, only until tomorrow.” Shining said looking at the ground.

“Well then, let’s just see later… oh, and I think dinner will be fun!” Cadence said excitingly.

“I just hope she enjoys it… It’s hard to find a teacher like her.” Shining said worriedly.


A few hours has passed and Shining Armor already did some paper works for Kylie’s day off, as he signs some papers, Cadence watched the adorable pink pony, she cooed at Kylie in her deep sleep in the crib. Shining Armor’s office became into a nursery in just a snap, with a little help from his wife of course. Toys were scattered around the room, the changing table came, and some of the foalish things came too. But then as night came, the moon is raised from the mountains, Kylie groaned, She shook her head and rubbed her eyes “Evening sleepy head” Cadence cooed “You know you look cute in that.”

Kylie became still as she heard that familiar voice, she looked up and saw Cadence “H-huh!? P-Princess!” Kylie stood up and saluted, the diaper crinkled in her swift move “W-what in the hay?” Kylie looked for the source and only to see a garment on her bum “What in the… Wait! Where am I!?” Panic filled Kylie as bars surrounded her, Kylie started to breathe heavily.

Cadence knew she’s going into a panic in any second, with knowledge of foal sitting, Cadence knew Kylie is going to lose it, Cadence quickly levitated Kylie and placed Kylie in her hooves, well because she’s small after all, “Shhhh… Don’t worry; Aunt Cadence is here to help, and uncle Shining is here too.” Kylie’s heart skipped a beat; she stiffens at what she just heard. Closing her eyes in confusion, she pressed her head into Cadence’s chest “Good girl…” Shining Armor approached the two mares. And he brushed Kylie’s hair. “Nothing is going to hurt you, just relax, and we’re going to take care of you.” Cadence said nuzzling Kylie’s ear.

After a few seconds of silence, she calmed down “W-Why a-are we d-doing this?” Kylie stutters.

“Kylie, in my observance, you’ve been too hard for the new recruited ponies. And I think you need a day off…A long one… And it’s going to be loving, caring day off” Shining said levitating his paperwork to the side of the table.

“So? Shall we eat dinner?” Cadence said excited.

“D-Dinner!? I was asleep for that long!? And h-how did I even g-“ Kylie was cut off. By a pacifier “HHMM!!!”

“Shh. I’ll just get your ba-ba okay? Honey? Can you?” Cadence said handing out Kylie.

“O-oh, okay…” Shining then levitated Kylie and then onto his hooves “Go on, I’ll just do a little pep talk with little Kylie”

Cadence smiled and walked out the door. Shining then pulled out the pacifier from Kylie’s mouth “Okay, so. I have some few questions to ask you Kylie.” he said with a comfortable smile, Kylie nod and she looked to the side. Shining pulled Kylie’s head to make eye contact “For now… or until Tuesday. You have to call me Daddy, and Cadence, Mommy. Are you okay with that? Or you just wanted us to be called uncle and aunt?” Shining asked. Kylie was still confused and just tilted her head with a confused face “I’ll take that as a yes, and for now you’re going to call us mommy and daddy. Good, so are you stressed?” Kylie was unable to respond, and just let her mouth hanging “I’ll take that as a yes. So, do you like this treatment so far?” Kylie’s face frowned to that statement, it wasn’t a prank, and it was a treatment…Her brain is getting jumbled up; she didn't know what to say. She took a deep breath but was cut off, again, but this time, it was bottle. Kylie’s eyes went wide as she saw chocolate milk inside. She was now again levitated, but now; she was levitated unto the floor.

“Drink up, so you won’t have any tummy ache” Cadence cooed “Come on, don’t you tell me you don’t know how to suckle” Kylie blushed as she was ordered to drink that bottle, so Kylie started to suckle on it, bubbles appearing in the bottle with every suckle she made, the sound made Cadence happy “Good girl, just finish that up and then bath time. Okay?” Kylie then nodded in approval.

While that was going, Cadence walked towards Shining and whispered to him “We should talk about this outside… She might hear it.” Shining looked at Kylie, then at Cadence. He nod and walked out. Cadence approached Kylie, then brushed it “Stay here okay? I’ll just… Do some big ponies work.” She smiled and walked out.

I think this is my time to think… Kylie thought. First, I am being treated as a foal… And they said it was a treatment. Weird… And why am I enjoying this? Kylie, why are you enjoying this!? Kylie’s train of thoughts never stopped. But meanwhile just through the door.

“She’s going pretty well…” Cadence said trying to think back at all events “Hm, I even saw her tried hoof sucking while she was asleep… That’s pretty strange to a grown mare.”

Shining just sighs “Yeah… I think she’s starting to like this… But let’s just make a sharp observation… See if she really likes it or not… That’s what we just need, an answer, if it is a yes or no.” Shining peeked through the door to see Kylie, her eyes narrowed towards the bottle,and four hooves are now holding the bottle. “Hm, she does look pretty cute.” He smiled at the sight.

“Should we now come in?” Cadence asked Shining.

“Let’s wait if she’s going to do something… more foalish.

Kylie is now on thin ice as her train of thoughts running smoothly “I guess… Doing this is making me. Comfortable…” She tried to said but only murmurs come out “But… Why?” Kylie narrowed her vision into the bottle she was holding. Then she didn't noticed that her hooves were leaning and it caused her to fall onto her side. She let out a little giggle because of that act “This is fun… More fun than those obstacle.” She tried to said, but again, only murmurs is being heard because of the bottle.

Kylie made the moves again and again, until her bottle was finished. But her last move was facing the doors. She examined it and noticed it was a little open. Curious, she stood up, her bottle fell as she released her jaw, and waddled to it.

Comments ( 3 )

story is good, just needs an editor

Skylar is right, I think if you had an editor you'd be off much better. Try not to mind the dislikes, it sort of comes with the territory.

Reminds me of my first story, of the same theme,

It reminds me too mush

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