• Published 19th Aug 2014
  • 401 Views, 16 Comments

Washed Away - lyra_lover777

In a futuristic Equestria, all hope to join The Society. A group of three friends learn startling secrets about the place they know and love.

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Stories and Storms

Decadent laughed out loud as she galloped out of the hospital door, Storm right behind her, spinning around in the sky.

She only knew one thing.


She and Storm returned home to the Sparkle Building. They got close to his room, and Decadent, with all her sights better than they had been before, pressed Storm against the door to his room.

She smiled naughtily at him. She was so overwhelmed with the feeling, so overwhelmed that she couldn't hold anything back.

She softly pressed her gray lips against Storm's azure ones before snaking her tongue into her mouth and pushing against him hard as he pushed back. They were like that way for a long time, enlocked in each other in the long hallway covered in lavender paint and light pink carpet.

After what seemed an eternity, the pair broke, a thin trail of spit hanging between their mouths. Storm smiled, breaking the trail.

Decadent extracted herself off of him, shaking her plot in his face before almost skipping down the hallway in glee.

She reached her room, fumbling with the key and pouncing onto her bed, making the book on mining fall off and hit the ground, bouncing away into a shadowy corner.

The feeling of hightened senses did not ho away as Decadent sat around in her room for an hour, energetic. After bouncing around for a while like a filly on an overdose of coffee, she became slightly tired and trotted down to the pool to rest in the sun's loving rays for a spell.

She trotted down the final flight of steps, soon reaching the main floor. Dusty was waiting there for her along with Storm, who had a black and blue striped towel wrapped around his neck and a pair of swimming goggles covering his eyes.

"Decadent! Come here!" Dusty shouted.

It took her a minute to remember who Dusty was. Her memory felt a little blurry around the edges. She tried to think back a day, but nothing was there, just empty space. But Dusty called again and Decadent was racked from her thoughts.

She galloped over to her guide, who still had the crazy big smile plastered on her face. But now Decadent ha done on her muzzle, too.

"You two need to get jobs so you can sustain yourself. The Society cannot pay for everything for a pony. Luckily, here we do not have to pay rent."

Decadent tried to remember when she or anypony she knew had to pay rent. Nothing. Nothing at all.

"Storm, you might be interested in a job at the weather team. One of the slots for cloudkicker has just been opened up since one of the workers has Left us."

Storm nodded graciously.

"What does Left mean?" Decadent asked curiously.

"You shall learn in due time," Dusty said. "Decadent, a pony by the name of Golden Circlet has opened up a new jewelry shop and is looking for some new hires. Would you be interested?"

"Of course!" Decadent said, flabbergasted.

"Alright then, done deal!" Dusty said. "Now you two go have fun at the pool." Dusty then promptly turned around, heading out the giant doors.

Storm and Decadent smiled at each other. A small flat screen TV was stationed by the door to the pool. A male pegasus announcer wearing a maroon tux was reminding everypony that a mandatory storm from the weather team would be put into motion in ten minutes. But, of course, the two younger ponies galloped outside and jumped into the crystal clear pool with a loud splash.

He surfaced and splashed her with water playfully. His green mane was clinging to his neck and head, and his deep purple eyes shone in the light.

But soon dark clouds gathered over them. Either they did not notice or did not care. Either way, the were soon the only ones left in the pool.

Then it began to pour. Hard.

Storm pushed Decadent up against the side of the pool, kissing her softly as the rain began to pitter and patter against the pool's once serene surface.

Soon it was rippling and controrting from the raindrops while they kissed.

But when Storm pushed his lips harder, she hit her head against the pool wall. She was brought back to reality with clarity of thought for a miniscule second.

Why was she making out with a pony she just met?

Why was she so happy?

And why was her memory so bad?

But then her clarity was lost and she was lost once again in Storm.


Firetta sat on the cold, wooden floor of Bubbly's house. He had cracked open yet another bottle of bubbling wine. Firetta's mother was also was addicted to beer and wine. Both had much to do and worry about, a the drink just banished it for a night of not knowing and not caring.

"Tell me, children. What do you know of this land's history?" Bubbly inquired.

New, who was a foot away from her, answered.

"Basically all three Princesses except Princess Cadence went crazy. Cadence sacrificed herself to stop the manical Princesses and their may followers."

"Quite the opposite, my dear son. Now I shall tell you the true story of this land's past."

Bubbly cleared his throat loudly and then began.

One day Princess Cadence, princess of love, traveled deep into her snowy realm. She found an ancient artifact of the times when only alicorns lived upon the Earth.

The artifact, a silver necklace, had the power to make the wearer join with any living thing the wearer desired.

She originally brought it back to her castle to destroy it, but ended up just locking it away in a secret room.

One year later, on the day of Princess Twilight and Queen Chrysalis's union in marriage, Shining Armor suffered from a tragic heart attack. He survived, but was on the brim of death. H e could easily suffer another at any time.

Cadence rushed her husband back to the Crystal Empire. When the doctors announced with great sadness that he would not make it through the night, Cadence made the hard decision to join together with him so he could live.

After they joined, greed overcame Cadence's mind. It had turned out even Twilight would have more power than her. Now she was on the low end of the pecking order. The darkness swirled about her head while the princesses noticed her changes. No one knew she had joined with her husband. They just thought he had simply died in Cadence's arms. The only weird thing was that she refused to disclose the location of the grave.

It won out after ten months of frantic struggling, and she consumed her second victim, a pegasus known as Flash Sentry. Soon she became even more greedy and started consuming servants and civilians during the night.

One day while in Ponyville, her anger won out and she joined with Lyra, the musical unicorn. But Lyra helped warn everyone by shoiwng herself to Princess Twilight.

Now the princes shad to many bodies in her and their parts would shift in and out. She was forced to wear dark robes that were mistaken for mourner's robes. They hid her changing body, that one time would have her pink leg, then Lyra's mint one, then her husband's white one.

One day at Twilight's castle, the Lyra part called out to Twilight when her mouth became Cadence's. Twilight took off the cape to see the mismatched body underneath.

She and her wife fought valiantly, but Cadence had also swallowed ten royal magic unicorn guards, amping her power up.

Chrysalis and Twilight both became one with Cadence, who was then known as "The Shifter." They warned Celestia and Luna just before they were consumed into Cadence.

Cadence then went on a search for the most dastardly villains. First she sought Tirek from the bowels of the underworld, and became one with him. She also joined with Trixie, Gilda, Sombra, Discord(which took a heavy toll on her), and Ahuizotl. She also joined with over a hundred regular civilians.

Celestia and Luna attempted to face her. It seemed that they would win, but Cadence evoked the last remains of Nightmare Moon out of Luna, and Nightmare took Cadence's side, helping her sister and her counterpart, the real Luna, become one with Cadence.

But she did not spare Nightmare, No, she just consumed her too.

With no higher powers in her way, the monstrosity that had once been a kind princess attacked the cities of Equestria, but left enough ponies to keep a good amount of followers.

When she approached Ponyville, of the five remaining friends, only Applejack and Fluttershy stayed behind. Fluttershy showed the uptmost bravery, and Rainbow Dash failed miserably for her element of Loyalty, but in the end Pinkie, Rarity, and RD escaped intot he unknown, never to be seen again.

"Now, her is the info you will find most helpful. She created-"

But all of the sudden a crack of lightning from outside could be heard. None of the trio had heard it begin to rain.

But the lightning had hit the home, engulfing it in deep orange flames.