• Published 18th Aug 2014
  • 6,179 Views, 563 Comments

Return of the Guardian - Requiem17

After a 300 year journey the Guardian of Equestria returns, only to be greeted by a very different world. Surviving is one thing, being hunted is another.

  • ...

Unexpected Company

Shadow Squad humped it along the cave floor, their breaths visible in the cooler temperature. Bright white lights crisscrossed in front of them as both their visor and weapon lights were turned on. The hustling soldiers were far from comfortable, their sweat soaked clothes causing them endless amounts of misery in the chilled environment. They had been moving at a quick pace for over three hours, having only taken one five minute break half an hour ago. There was still no sign of rebel activity in the tunnels, only adding further tension on the soldiers. They knew their enemy was out there. Not knowing where they were only frustrated and slightly unnerved them as well.

The squad continued to jog lightly, the slap of their combat boots and rustling of their armor and equipment keeping them company.

Brenden grasped the center of his shotgun with his left hand briefly, shifting a strap on his shoulder slightly to help ease the inevitable chaffing of the wet clothing under his armor. He looked up towards the head of the pack from his position near the middle, spotting Ale. The large super soldier leading the pack was moving with an impossible grace, his heavy form making barely a sound. The Spartan’s movements were very fluid like in nature, something that could only be achieved with years upon years of training and service in the field.

He shook his head slightly while taking a breath, the cool air flowing in through his helmets open air vents. “I bet he’s got an AC and heat unit packed away into that tin can,” he mumbled, a small spike of jealousy evident in his tone.

“Heh,” Ryan chuckled. “I bet if you asked nicely, he’d share some of the space in there with you.” The Private looked over his shoulder at Brenden, a small smirk visible through his visor.

“Actually, the MJOLNIR Mark VII features a climate regulating unit,” Private Daniel spoke up. “It keeps the wearer at a comfortable temperature and offers a sealed environment.” He paused to take a few breaths while adjusting his helmet briefly. “In the case of space combat, it has 90 minutes of breathable air, meani-,”

“Yeah ok! We get it. It’s fuckin Tahiti in there.” Chuck cracked his neck quickly while keeping his pace behind them. “Enough talking about it already.” The temperamental soldier avoided a slick looking rock in his path. “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Ah, don’t like being in deep dark holes?” Sean asked, the Sergeant jogging in front of Ryan.

The PFC ignored him. A hand grasped his shoulder from behind in a reassuring squeeze. “You know full well that this place is giving everyone the creeps,” Lilly announced.

She released her grasp and fell back into position behind him as Dan spoke. “Lord knows I want to see the sky again and never lose sight of it.”

“Amen to that!” Lilly said. “Besides, not everybody is as intimately acquainted with the deep dark holes of their weapons as you Sean.”

“Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.” Rico’s pack made slightly louder sounds as some of his cooking utensils have no doubt gotten a bit loose from their long hike.

Sean remained quiet, finding no good response. Alex, taking the opportunity to keep up conversation while also steering it away from more agonistic topics, asked, “Staff! Any word on where exactly we’re heading?”

Chronos, second from the rear of the pack, kept a hard look on his face. “You know as much as me kid.”

“Well then… that’s reassuring,” Sean finally said.

“Ugh, this is bullshit!” Lilly exclaimed. “I don’t know why we didn’t just blow open that gate and push through with the Hogs.”

“The terrain is pretty bad in here. It would have beat the Hogs to hell. Furthermore, we are making faster time on foot,” James said from the rear, checking over his shoulder every so often. “Every bit of explosive may be needed. We don’t know when we will get supplies next.” He paused. “Who knows? We may just get in a bigger jam that actually requires a bit of tough love.”

Sean smiled. “Yeah, I’m sure you are packing some ‘tough love’ robot man.”

“Aaaaaand we’re back full circle again,” Alex sighed.

James merely raised an eyebrow. “You’re lucky I know you, else you’d be missing some teeth about now.”

Sean mock gasped. “Oh no! I can’t go and have teeth like Rico now can I?”

“Te va a encantar el ingrediente special que le voy a poner a tu cena hoy,” Rico spoke in a low tone.

Sean turned to look at him curiously. “What?” Rico pulled off his helmet, snorted long and hard, cleared his throat, and hocked a loogie onto the cave floor before slapping his helmet back on. Sean faced forward and kept jogging, feeling slightly worried.

Meanwhile, Captain Luna checked her wrist mounted tac pad, tapping on it briefly to check the map they had found. She had deduced that most of the tunnels were just that, tunnels. There wasn’t any particularly large space or other anomaly that could signify a Rebel hideout. There was however, a particular area at the very edge of the available map that showed the tunnels moving in a more unnatural way. Nature doesn’t make straight lines. Not wanting to run into any dead ends and lacking other good options, she had decided to head towards them.

Luna couldn’t help but agree with some of the squad’s sentiments. Trudging through caves to hunt down a hidden enemy was no easy nor safe task. The situation was made even worse with the little amount of intel they had to begin with. To her, High Comm had pretty much said ‘Go in there, find them, and kill them’. Absolutely zero regard to the safety of her squad had been given. Luna sighed slightly. ‘The joys of being a highly self reliant, effective, and deadly asset.’

She looked back up and held her Assault Rifle close. Corporal Nisitra was a few meters ahead of her whilst he followed Ale at a relatively similar distance. Luna ignored the now quite chatty group of ODSTs, allowing them to talk freely after over three hours of near silence.

‘Speaking of silence….’ Luna watched as Ale continued jogging forwards, his rifle held in ready position as he scanned ahead of him. The Spartan hadn’t said anything since they left the abandoned checkpoint. Longing pulled at her soul. To just hear his voice was soothing to the dull aching within her.

Wanting just that, she sped up her pace, passing Eton. She gestured for him to slow down, allowing the entire squad to slow their pace slightly to catch their breath. Luna pulled up next to Ale, her height allowing her to keep up with the long strides of the Spartan. Ale didn’t need to be told to slow down as he had already noticed the change of pace on his radar.

Ale kept his rifle aimed forward and his eyes scanning the darkness in front of them. “Something up Captain?”

The two of them came to a slow jog, allowing more breath to be used for talking. “We are nearing a fork in the tunnel. The map doesn’t show much further beyond that.”

The Spartan looked to her briefly, “Seems like you’ll have to make a decision.”

Luna shook her head. “That’s not how it works with us. Consider this another thing that my team does differently. We all make decisions together based on our own experiences and most intelligent course of action.”

Ale turned his attention forwards with a little nod. “Alright, sounds good.” They continued for a few seconds before the Spartan spoke. “Permission to speak freely sir.”

“No need to ask Spartan. Speak your mind.”

“With all due respect sir, I’ve never encountered someone quite like you.”

An amused grin split Luna’s face as she continued moving. “I get that reaction more often than you may think. Care to elaborate?”

“Well, most leaders I’ve been around don’t consult their team like you do. They trust in their training and, more often than not, ignore what the team has to say. It’s… different, to say the least.”

Luna shook her head. “I’ve seen a lot in my life, much more than you may think. I’ve seen more battles than your average soldier and much more than that of a class taught leader. My experience has always taught me that the lowly grunts of a military are much more knowledgeable and have more instincts than that of their COs.”

“I see…” Ale didn’t offer anything more. She suddenly heard a small commotion behind them.

“Where did you get that?”

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you that. Secret cook’s code of honor.” Rico chuckled.

“Aw, c’mon! I haven’t seen a banana in years! Where would you even get your hands on one?” Sean complained.

“He probably stole it,” Lilly said. “He’ll steal anything you leave unattended.” Lilly then looked at Sean. “I didn’t realize you were so excited about stuff like that. Are you finally coming out of the closet?”

Ryan laughed. “That’s twice now she’s got you Sean!”

The squad continued to harass each other, a sign that they were still doing just fine to Luna. When soldiers didn’t bully each other, you knew that there was a problem.

“Rico!” Luna shouted.

The hispanic stopped snacking on the fruit. “Yes sir?”

“Please refrain from participating in the black market and flaunting your gains in front of the squad, understood?”

Rico nodded seriously, his helmet clutched in one hand and the half eaten fruit in the other. “Yes sir!”

“Good. From now on, I expect you to get enough for everybody next time.”

Rico stumbled slightly in astonishment. “Y-yes sir!”

Private Dan shook his head. “Is that even sanctioned?”

Sean reached in front of him and slapped the side of Dan’s helmet. “Shut your gob you idiot!”

Ale shook his head, a surprising action from the so far quiet and focused soldier. “None for me please.”

Luna quirked her head sideways briefly. “Why not? Don’t like them?”

Ale paused, his polarized visor adding further to his silent nature. He seemed to have to think about his answer before he finally replied, “I don’t actually know. I just know that I’m not supposed to have them. Strange isn’t it?” He shrugged and kept moving.

Luna’s eyes widened as her step slowed, allowing Ale to pull ahead of her. Her thoughts were tumultuous, a storm of noise and images roiling through her mind. She felt her soul ache harder, causing her to slow further.

Eton was beginning to pass her. He noticed her strange pace and spoke, “Captain? Are you ok?”

She took a staggered breath, holding her pace while also trying to recover from her thoughts. She nodded, Eton taking his cue to continue in front of her. Luna’s eyes locked onto the super soldier, memories of their first few days together running rampant. She didn’t care what Celestia said or did. ‘You are Ale. You have to be. Who else could it be but you? No, you have come back to me, my beloved.’

She stared hard at Ale, her body running on autopilot as it navigated behind Eton. ‘But why don’t you remember?’ She gritted her teeth and pushed the thoughts away, blinking a few times due to the effort. Now was not the time. She distracted herself by pulling up the mission timer on her HUD. ‘06:52:37,’ she read.

‘We’re making good time,’ she thought. She continued to jog, her extra duffel bag strapped across her back weighing her down. The newfound strain didn’t register to her as her magically induced strength and her own thousands of years of training made her more than suited to the task. She had a lot of time to practice in this body, knowing it better than others did their own.

“Ah, shit!”

Luna whipped around, her rifle raised at the source of the exclamation. The others in her team had copied her actions flawlessly and quickly assessed the situation. A member of their squad, Private Dan, had slipped off a large, slanted boulder and fell into a small muddy trench. He quickly pulled himself up and shook his arms once downward, flicking off as much mud as possible.

“Crap.” He grumbled briefly before looking back up towards his now gathered teammates, instinctively ensuring that all his gear was still in place.

“You alright?” James asked.

“Yes sir, just lost my footing.”

Corporal Alex took a few careful steps along the boulder and held out his hand, Dan taking it and pulling himself back up onto the path. “Thanks.”

Luna lowered her rifle before looking at the rest of the team. “Let’s go people.” She turned and took a few steps, falling in behind Eton and Ale.

“Hold up! I got something.” The rest of Shadow paused again as Alex shined his tactical lamp down into the mud. He swept it across before carefully vaulting into it.

“What is it Corporal?” James asked as he added his own light in an effort to help Alex as well as see for himself. Alex’s specializations in scouting meant he was able to spot things others couldn’t, a useful talent when tracking an unseen enemy. The scout walked past the turned up mud Dan had landed in and crouched near a more undisturbed part of the small mud pit.


“Rebels?” Lilly asked, excitement evident in her tone.

Alex traced a print out with his hand before setting his elbow on his knee and turning his head to look over his shoulder at the squad. “No, unless you know of any that are digitigrades.”

Silence other than the occasional drip of water permeated the cave. Alex looked back down at the tracks and studied them. Chuck sighed before tilting his head sideways slightly. “Well, guess we have some more unexpected company eh?” he said with a slight air of sarcasm.

Luna frowned before asking, “How many?”

Alex stood back up and, taking James’ hand in assistance, was pulled up onto the flat rock. “Three. But there could be more. These three could have just been careless in where they were walking.”

Luna tightened her lips in a grim line. “Alright, you know the drill people. We have some guests. Keep your eyes peeled for movement. Possible Spec Op unit. Keep an eye out for camo. If you see anything, call it. We’ve all lived through the war, we know what they are capable of.”

Luna began moving away. The rest of the squad moved in behind her with a subdued silence, their minds on high alert as they carefully hustled along. The squad’s radios crackled and popped briefly before Luna spoke, ensuring everybody could hear her.

“Alright, I know what you’re all thinking. This mission just went from finding a needle in a haystack to finding a needle in a haystack riddled with rattlesnakes.” She didn’t need verbal confirmation to know that the squad agreed. “Currently, we have some Covies who have, to our knowledge, violated the treaty and have made landfall on a current warzone without UNSC permission.”

“Covenant presence would explain what we found at the checkpoint,” James reminded.

Rico kept his eyes forward. “Sabotaging their own equipment and intel in an effort to slow their pursuers? Sounds about right.”

“However, they may not be a part of the Remnant.” At the squad’s silence Luna sighed. “Yes, as unlikely as it sounds, we don’t know their motives. So, I expect you all to approach this with extreme prejudice. Check your fire and watch your six.”


The squad continued to move for another 20 minutes, all the while talking quietly with one another every so often. While the atmosphere had become heavier with the new knowledge, the squad members themselves weren’t necessarily worried. They had dealt with the Covenant many times before together and in their original squads. The end of the war didn’t mean they could go home either, resulting in plenty of other engagements with both remnants of the Covenant and the revitalized Rebel presence. But encountering them at the same time, that didn’t happen often and was bad news for anybody caught between them.

The squad stopped talking when Ale suddenly raised a clenched fist. “We’ve reached the fork in the road, Captain.”

Luna stepped past Ale, gesturing for the troopers to set up a small perimeter. She pointed at Alex, “Corporal, see if you can find out which tunnel our targets have gone.”

The black and red ODST pointed his light into the left tunnel and moved down it slightly, scouring for any signs of use. Meanwhile, the rest of the troopers continued to stare into the surrounding darkness, daring anything to come out. Luna checked her tac pad while Ale stood by and looked between the two tunnels.

Alex stepped out of the left tunnel and moved into the right, Ale following a few steps behind him. Ale stared down the tunnel while Alex flashed his light at the ground and along the walls. He hadn’t been looking long before clicking his tongue. He walked backwards a few steps before moving back to Luna.

“Find anything?” Luna looked up from her wrist mounted computer.

The Corporal pointed to the left tunnel, “Nothing in there, at least, not recently.” He shifted to the right, just as Ale walked out of it. “There are good signs of foot traffic in the right tunnel. Recent too.”

“And the Sangheili?”

“Nada, the ground is too hard for anything distinguishable to be imprinted.”

Ale stepped up to them. “There’s fresh air coming down from there too. It has to make contact with the surface somewhere.”

Luna tilted her head before taking off a glove, holding it out towards the tunnel. Sure enough, she could feel a small, cool breeze tickling the sheen of sweat on her hand. She pulled her glove back on before nodding. “Alright,” she looked towards some of the surrounding troopers. “Form up! We’re leaving this place.”

The soldiers pulled away from their positions and rallied behind the Spartan before they funneled into the right exit, their pace quick as they looked forward to leaving the quickly growing darkness behind them.

Exotic animal calls echoed strangely off the steep yet heavily vegetated canyon walls, the thick green leaves and brightly flourishing flowers doing nothing to mute the wild life. The strange, yet fragile jungle ecosystem had been located in the canyon for centuries. Small rivers cascaded off the walls in short intervals, feeding the small, yet thick forest. The sunlight was, for the most part, blocked as trees grew away from the cliff sides and rocky riverbanks, the canopy only allowing enough light through to keep the underbrush healthy. There were breaks in the trees where only bushes grew, the trees having been knocked aside by falling boulders and landslides, allowing the systems star to shine in full when directly above the crack in the earth. A small yet well treaded path cut through the canyon’s forest, moving between the trees and sometimes going right up against the canyon walls or down to the small, raging river.

In one of the clearings up towards the top of the hilly canyon floor, near the wall of a cliff and just below the top of a small knoll, sat several large bushes. Two indistinct forms were located just beneath the skirt of the bushes, relying on the heavy shadows of the brush and the surrounding heavy vegetation to hide them from sharp eyes. A large weapon was lying on the ground and covered with some of the local fauna, blending the deadly tool into it’s environment.

Corporal Emilio Vega, or just Vega, manned this heavy weapon. His ice white visor was a few inches away from the scope, giving him enough room to look both through the scope and a wider field of view of the rest of the canyon. Corporal Sergey Petrovich sat beside him, his own rifle propped up beside him. He held an artist's notebook in his lap and was carefully moving his hand across the paper, pressing a charcoal pencil on the paper. A Spartan graced the paper, the slimmer armor giving away the gender to be female. It showed her right in the heat of battle, an assault rifle clutched in one hand while firing, a grenade being primed in the other. While it was easy to see that it was, in fact, Erika, it would unfortunately never be seen by her, instead being stored with the other numerous detailed sketches of battle, environments, and anything else that caught the sniper's eye.

‘And… done.’ Sergey finished with a flourish of his hand, marking his signature. He placed a plastic sleeve around the page before closing the very durable sketchpad. He then placed it in a tough and waterproof nylon bag used just for his sketchpad and art tools. He placed it in his rucksack and sealed it up, his motions fairly slow and quiet in order to maintain his cover. He then pulled his knees up and rested his arms on them, staring quietly down the small hill and into the jungle.

The scout snipers had purposefully avoided placing themselves at the top of the hill as it was an obvious vantage point. Instead, they settled themselves about halfway down and had tucked into the heavy foliage. The beaten path could be seen in brief intervals through the trees until a small wedge shaped break in the trees protruded from their clearing, giving a good view of the shaded trail.

Two hours ago, the small ODST team had caught up to a small band of rebels near the exit of the cave system. The rag tag bunch of soldiers were very heavily armed, but were not well equipped in armor, tools, and other miscellaneous items. The rebels had made a very brief stop to distribute a small amount of food amongst themselves. The three man sniper team had taken that time to move far ahead of them, lying in wait for their passing and trailing them to their destination.

Sergey and Vega had set up shop to report the passing of the rebels while Corporal Leonardo Wright had gone further ahead to scout out for any further resistance or reinforcements. The two ace marksmen waited patiently for their objectives, a very slight drizzle beginning to fall, the small raindrops causing an almost deafening roar in the canyon.

The strange yet effective combination of three snipers had worked out fairly well for Shadow, proving to be invaluable time and time again. The team specialized in many different tasks, ranging from assassinations, scouting, sabotaging enemy supplies, crippling leadership, torch and burn ops, etc. They softened the enemy before the calvary showed up to punch a hole through the Innies and wreak havoc. Shadow had a rep, one which rippled even in the farthest reaches of military activity, both friendly and enemy. They were spoken about in soft tones, whispering as if fearing that they would be heard by the inked legends.

Sergey counted the number of raindrops landing on his shoulder pauldron as it dripped in a steady beat from a low hanging leaf, all the while keeping his eyes unfocused, staring straight. The tactic allowed any abnormal movement in the heavy brush to be spotted almost instantaneously. Corporal Vega continued resting on his belly , ignoring the water as it slowly began to seep through the gaps in his armor and soak his clothes. He rested one arm beneath the rifle while the other held the grip in a loose, comfortable grip.

They sat this way for another 30 minutes before Vega slowly let go of his rifle and held up five fingers to Sergey. The 27 year old acknowledged with a green ping on Vega’s HUD before continuing to hold his position, giving no signs of life. Vega lowered his hand and rested it back on the rifle's grip. The rain began to pound harder.

Not more than five minutes later, indistinct voices could be heard emanating from the forest. The snipers did not move an inch. Dark clothing could be seen in the trees as the voices gained volume. Eventually, the small group of rebels walked into the ODSTs field of view along the trail in the small clearing in the trees. They were located about 700 feet from the knoll the troopers were on. The rebels looked cold and miserable, voicing their complaints loudly as they trudged along the quickly mudding path.

Vega watched through his scope as they passed through the clearing in a minute. They waited until the voices began quieting, holding still until they were deemed to be a sufficient distance away. Vega moved his head away from the scope before beginning to move onto his hands and knees to get up into a crouch. A red acknowledgment light appearing on his HUD made him stop instantly, only allowing his head to look forward very, very slowly.

He stopped when he could see back down the hill and the path. His eyes instantly locked onto three anomalies rapidly moving along the path. The bubbly ripples caused by the rain were an instant give away to the three cloaked figures, clearly Sangheili by their stance, height, and quick movement. They made no noise as they raced across the clearing and into the underbrush after the rebels.

Vega waited for a few more seconds before slowly finishing getting into his combat crouch, clutching his weapon across his torso. Sergey moved up next to him and held his rifle with his right hand, grabbing ahold of Vega’s shoulder with his left. “We got company.”

Vega nodded. “They must have stopped when the rebels did.”

Sergey patted his shoulder a few times before beginning to crouch walk out from the bushes and along the tall vegetation. “Let’s hope they didn’t see us then.”

Vega followed the camo netted soldier, keeping his head low and his weapon clear of the brush. “Things just got interesting.”

Author's Note:

I typed half of this today. Damn I'm on fire XD

Well, Vega's last statement about wraps it up. Things just got interesting.
Also, Rico's statement in Spanish was, "You're going to love the special ingredient I'm going to place in your dinner today". Shout out to marking for providing the Spanish for me XD

I was going to get this out without the sniper's part this morning, but Fimfic was down. So, in my 'are you fucking kidding me! I was just about to update a much waited chapter' induced rage, I decided to revise a few parts while I waited. I then left all day for a hot tennis match and hung out with friends for a few hours. Badda bing, badda boom, I come home and feel the urge to add the sniper part at the end. One thing led to another, and 1,500 words later, I was pumped and finished it up :) I considered adding one more little part, but I think it will fit better in the next chapter. Plus, I'm impatient XD Hope you enjoyed!

Hope yall are well. Req out~