• Published 26th Aug 2014
  • 1,950 Views, 49 Comments

Daddy - fluttercord4ever

Scootaloo been kidnapped by her father and it's up for the main 6, Apple bloom, and Sweetie belle to find her.

  • ...

Help is on the way


Fluttershy heard a voice in the distance.


She heard the voice again yet louder.


Fluttershy eyes opened wide in surprise. She looked around and saw Rainbow next to her with tears in her eyes.


Rainbow wiped the tears out of her eyes before speaking.

"Man Flutters, what is with you getting yourself hurt these days? You just crashed into a tree. I mean, I know you are a treehugger but isn't that a little to far."

Fluttershy rolled her eyes with both anger yet happy eyes.

"You know you always say or do things that makes ponies angry at you, Rainbow. Yet you always end up making them forgive you."

Fluttershy said with a smile before pulling her friend into a hug. Rainbow gave Fluttershy a small smile before hugging her friend back.

"I'm sorry I said that make there. I shouldn't have brought Scootaloo into the conversation. I just didn't want anything happening to you Flutters. I care about you, I don't want that rotten of a stallion to take you away."

Fluttershy looked into Rainbow's eyes.

"I know Rainbow but the more time we wait, the more time Scootaloo is with Lighten. I mean who knows what he is doing to her. He could be hurting her or worst."

Rainbow closed her eyes tightly trying her best to keep her tears in place but failed.

"I know and it's eating me alive. I feel like it's my fault. I was the one that was supposed to look after her when Scootaloo was in town or where ever her and her friends went for there crusading. When I saw Scootaloo was with you, I went home thinking that you were gonna fillysit her. I wished I could have spoken up long before that party, maybe things wouldn't turn out the way things did."

Fluttershy wiped the tears from Rainbows eyes and gave her a comforting smile.

"It's not your fault Rainbow. If it's anypony fault, it's me. I was the one who made the chose of dating and marrying Lighten. I was so stupid to think he was my special somepony."

Fluttershy got up to her hooves and looked out into the night shy above them.

"Come on Rainbow. Scootaloo is waiting for us. Lets get that scooter and go back to Twilight and the others."

Rainbow nodded as the both of them flew off to Fluttershy's cottage.

"There you girls are? We were getting so worried."

Twilight said running out of the library with relief expression on her face.

"Yeah, sorry Twilight. I just couldn't stop Fluttershy from hugging a tree."

Rainbow joked as she looked a Fluttershy. Twilight gave Fluttershy a confusing look.

"I'll tell you later Twilight. Now lets get that spell going and find Scootaloo."

Twilight nodded and called out to spike and the others to come out and to bring the map. The six ponies walked out carrying the map.

"Ok, do you girls have the scooter?''

Fluttershy and Rainbow nodded pushing the scooter foreword to Twilight. Twilight nod in approval as her horn glowed. The magic surrounded the scooter in the purple glow. A beam shot from the scooter and hit the map in a bright flash. Once the light died down there was a arrow there the group of ponies where standing.

"The map says that Scooaloo is west from where we are standing. If we follow the arrow it'll leave us to her."

Twilight said looking at each of the ponies. Fluttershy stepped foreword to Twilight and said.

"Lets go. The more time we wait, the more time Scootaloo is with Lighten."

All ponies nodded and they started to running west.

"Help is on the way Scootaloo. You and my sister will be saved by tomorrow afternoon. Lighten be prepared for your just dessert."