• Published 16th Apr 2012
  • 2,251 Views, 24 Comments

It calls itself Nightmare - Slick Dash

Luna's diary entries from her final 13 days before she became the dreaded Nightmare Moon!

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Days: 7, 8 & 9

From the desk of the second princess of Equestria: Luna.

Day: 7

Something is happening. I slept another sound night, and yet today as I walked through the statue gardens me and Strafe were in yesterday... Another thought came into my head. I was walking through the statue garden, and I found his statue! Discord! I’ve seen the statue a thousand times before, but today that manic smile he wore set my mind on fire with rage!

The idea was simply. Smash it! Smash the statue, not crack it to allow his escape. But smash the statue into a thousand tiny pieces, ending the damned Chimera once and for all! How did that thought come to be? I appal the idea of murder, even after all Discord did; I believe his incarceration is the best possible punishment. And yet...

I tried to do it! I reached out with a hoof and began to push at the base. Making it wobble to the point of nearly toppling, but before I could finish the task. Strafe arrived. He stopped me before I could do something I would regret. When he touched me, I felt cold. I dropped in his arms, and I don’t remember what happened next.

I woke in here, my chambers. With Strafe by my bedside watching over me. I feel humiliated! How could I have been so foolish to fall prey to such petty and violent thoughts? I am supposed to be a princess of Equestria! Not some terrible murderer! I’m weak, when I should be strong! I’m submissive when I should be dominant, I’m flawed...when I should be perfect like Tia.

What is happening to me?

From the desk of the second princess of Equestria: Luna.

Day: 8

I’ve been ordered to stay in bed today, Strafe pleaded with me to stay safe while he tried a new potion to help me. He’s such a wonderful pony! He still hasn’t told Tia, and he’s trying oh so hard to help me. Why?

Before these changes, I never really spoke to him. And now he never leaves my side. He is truly wonderful.

I think I understand the feelings I was having a few days ago now. I think... I may be falling in love! With Strafe! But I can’t be sure he feels the same, he probably only see’s me as his princess, this is all out of his duty as court physician most likely.

How can I be sure?

From the desk of the second princess of Equestria: Luna.

Day: 9

I failed to raise the moon!

I was attending to the setting of the sun and the raising of the moon with Tia, and when the sun left the land in darkness, I tried to raise the silver orb. It never came! I used all my magic to raise it, and yet nothing happened! This is insanity! How am I supposed to be like my sister when I can’t even do the job I have been raised to do all of my life?!

Tia’s now taken over both the duties of the day AND night, making me obsolete and useless. Strafe tried to comfort me when I returned to my chambers. He stroked my mane as I cried into his shoulder. He told that we would find a way to stop all of this! All I had to do was be patient.

I DON’T WANT TO BE PATIENT! I want to be normal again! I’m descending into some kind of creature without purpose, I’m slowly losing all that makes me... me!

I tried to tell Strafe all of this, but I couldn’t speak through the tears!

He seemed to understand all I wanted to say though! He nodded, he stroked my mane, he comforted me... he kissed. I wanted to kiss him back, but I couldn’t! I don’t know why! But what I did next was the worst possible thing. I pushed him away. I had him thrown from my chambers in my grief stricken state.

Now that I sit here writing this, I feel disgusted with myself. The stallion I love; and I threw him out for kissing me! I hate myself! I am not who I am supposed to be! I’M NOTHING BUT A MONSTER!