• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 8,692 Views, 78 Comments

Fading Colors - J-Webb

Applejack confesses her feelings to Dash. Only to find out that Dash's past stills haunts her.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: |

|Shipping| |Sad| |Dark|


Twilight Sparkle sat quietly beside Fluttershy and Applejack. The Earth pony wept softly to herself, still grieving over the state of her best friend.

The weather had took a turn for the worse, as the skies opened up, unleashing a torrential downpour upon the town. Glancing out the window Twilight Sparkle could only make out darkness, setting her on edge. 'Of all the times, the weather patrol could have scheduled a storm, why did it have to come up now!' She thought to herself, as the rain continued to pelt the great oak. The only other sound at the time was Applejack's sobbing. It pained the lavender Unicorn to see her friend in such a hurt state; she cast her glance to Rainbow Dash. The Pegasus lay not far from the group of friends, her mane and coat nearly colorless. It was clear that wherever she was internally, she was far beyond her friends' reach.

Spike deciding to do something useful, had returned to putting the library back in some sort of order. Fluttershy did her best to explain to Twilight what had happened, Applejack occasionally filling in the blanks when needed.

"Well, that is quite the story, Applejack. I must say this is 'different,' but I accept you for who you are," Twilight reassured her broken friend.

Applejack gave her a weak smile in return. It seemed to take a load off the Earth pony.

There was a knocking sound at the door. "D-did you hear something?" Fluttershy questioned her two friends.

Twilight had heard the rapping, hope of Princess Celestia's arrival springing in her. "It's just somepony at the door, Fluttershy. There's no need to be so worried," 'Not over the storm, anyway,' she thought looking down to the colorless Pegasus they were taking care of. Using her magic, Twilight opened the door, revealing a tall pony hidden under a dark blue cloak. Lightning flashed in the distance, casting the visitors shadow long across the room. Fluttershy jumped at the flash, diving under a table for cover. Twilight rolled her eyes at her friend's behavior, though she knew how the pony got when the weather was bad. She turned back to the pony at the door. "I'm sorry, but we're closed…" She stopped mid-sentence as the figured stepped into the library. Applejack looked ready to charge but stopped as the figure dropped its hood.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight and Applejack called out.

Fluttershy poked her head out from beneath her cover, realizing who the pony was; she quickly joined her friends in a bow.

"Tia is out of Equestria at the moment, visiting the Griffin lands," Luna explained. "I have taken over her duties for the time." The royal pony removed her cloak, hanging it by the door. "Now, your letter did not give much detail, Twilight Sparkle. Please fill me in on the situation." her voice was soft but stern.

Chills ran up Twilight's back as the princess spoke her name. "Well Princess… Take a look for yourself."

The three friends moved aside revealing their unconscious friend. Luna merely glanced over the Pegasus, instantly grasping the situation. "Well it looks like she is battling with her mind."

Twilight's expression became one of confusion. "I'm not sure I follow, Princess?"

Luna cleared the confusion. "Her mind is very confused, and as such it has locked her in the dream realm until she can figure out what is right. Not much we can do for her I'm afraid."

The three friends shared an exchange of gasps and scared looks. "Hang on just one applebuckin' minute!" Applejack exclaimed in frustration, almost forgetting she was speaking with royalty. "Yer tellin' me that tha' only thing we can do is sit around and wait fer her ta wake up?"

Luna grinned shyly, trying to ease the tension in the room. "Yes that is what needs to be done."

Applejack bit back; after all, it was her fault that Dash was in such a state. "…How long?" she choked out, tears threatening the corners of her eyes.

"The mind is a complex thing, my little pony," the Princess cooed, trying to soothe the worried farmer. "You must understand this. She could wake up any time now, or not at all. How bad was the incident that drove her to this state, may I ask?"

A silence loomed over the friends. Twilight Sparkle thought she would have to say it. She opened her mouth to speak. Only to find herself cut off by the timid Pegasus at her side.

Fluttershy of all ponies, answered the Princess. "It started years ago when she was in flight school. Bullies tormented her so hard that she pushed it to the back of her mind… It's just now coming back…"

"This is more serious than I thought," the Princess spoke regretfully. "If she's repressed these problems for so long, there's no telling-"

"It's all mah fault!" interrupted Applejack, desperately pleading the Alicorn for help. "Princess, ya gotta do somthin'! Ah can't just sit 'ere an watch her suffer like this…"

A sad look came across Luna's face, "there is one thing."

"Anything, Princess!" the Earth pony pleaded, now on the brink of tears.

Luna sighed, realizing the gravity of the request. "If you are really up to it, I can send you into your friend's mind. There, you can help her find her way back. However, you have to be careful! Her mind is very troubled, and any danger you encounter within will be just as real in there as in our physical world."

Without missing a beat, the Earth pony gave her answer. "Ah'll do it!"

"B-but, Applejack," Fluttershy interjected. "Are you sure you want to do that? I mean, it could be dangerous."

"Fluttershy has point Applejack," Twilight followed. "We don't know what Dash is going through right now. This could be very bad."

Applejack had made her choice. "Girls, this is somethin' Ah hafta do. Ah couldn't live with mahself knowing Ah caused her this trouble and did nothin' about it," explained the apple farmer, offering her friends a hopeful smile.

Her two friends knew she would not change her mind. "Please be careful." Fluttershy hugged her friend, shallow tears leaking from her eyes.

"Good luck, Applejack." It was Twilight's turn to hug her friend.

"Thank ya'll," expressed Applejack, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Are you ready?" Luna questioned the Earth pony.

"As Ah'll ever be."

Luna motioned for her to lie down beside her friend. Applejack did as instructed. "Now close your eyes, and let your mind go blank."

Applejack let her eyes rest, her last thought ran through her head. "Don't worry Rainbow, Ah'm coming."


Applejack felt herself sink back into consciousness from some distant, ethereal darkness. As her senses returned, she could feel the new surroundings beneath her coat. She felt damp and chilled. A cool breeze blew past making her skin crawl. Applejack's eyes slowly opened, taking in the new world of Dash's mind. Almost immediately, she noticed the strange texture she lied on was that of a cloud. She bolted to her hooves, sending her head into a whirling confusion from the sudden fright. She dropped into a curled ball, thinking she would slip through any moment and fall helplessly to her death. After a few seconds of waiting, she realized how solid the cloud was under her hooves. She stood again, letting her senses analyze the world better.

The Earth pony cast a glance into the sky, noticing for the first time the strange lack of color this new place held. It was as if somepony had sucked all the life out of the sky. Nerves on edge, she looked at her fore hooves, seeing her own orange coat in unsettling contrast against the gray world around her. Applejack didn't understand why there was no color, but she was happy she to still have her own.

"Ah'm sure Ah'll stick out like a rotten apple…" the apple farmer thought aloud.

Turning around, the Earth pony found herself just outside of a massive cloud city. Despite being there only one in her life, Applejack knew the city as Cloudsdale.

"Might as well start there…," decided Applejack, sighing loudly as she started to move towards the city.

'So…what are ya gonna say ta her?' her mind asked.

'Ah'm sorry?'

'Pfft, what a lame apology, might as well give up now with that kinda attitude.'

Applejack was becoming very annoyed by her minds doubts. 'Well, what in the hay am Ah suppose ta say?'

'Calm down, Sally, Ah'm on yer side.'

'Ah don't need any help,' she snorted to herself.

'Ah'm here weather ya'll like it or not. Ah'm all you got.'

Before she knew it, Applejack found herself wandering the streets of the massive cloud city. Many levels of the city left inaccessible, requiring flight, but it seemed she could search around well enough in spite of the hindrance.

'Alright, where ya gonna start?' her mind asked.

Applejack cast a glance around her. This was Cloudsdale, but it was Cloudsdale as Dash viewed it. She needed a clue to where the Pegasus would be in her own world. At the intersection was a sign that read. 'Cloudsdale Flight School.' Next to the sign was an arrow pointing left.

"Of course!" Applejack thought aloud, if Dash was anywhere in this world, she would be at her school. The Earth pony quickly crossed the street and followed the sign's direction.

The bare streets of the massive cloud city took Applejack by surprise. It felt like the city was empty, with the normal bustle of life replaced by a low buzz in the back of her mind. She had seen a few Pegasi flying above, but, to her surprise, none of them seemed to notice the out of place Earth pony walking around the streets.

One pony moved down the street towards her, flying low. Applejack could clearly see this Pegasus. Something was off with the pony, as it came closer, Applejack could pick out why. The floating pony shape was faceless, lacking mane, tail, and Cutie Mark. With motionless wings, it looked as if was one of Rarity's mannequins, flying as if on strings. She moved aside to let the animate statue pass, unnerved by the event.

With this discovery, she looked closer at the world. Many of the buildings she passed had looked normal before, but with a more scrupulous eye, she noticed they were without doors, and the windows only revealed a small box of what would really be inside. Many of the city's towering structures were twisting and bending at odd angels, with few straight lines. Looking to the distance, she could see the world's end, almost disappearing back into a white haze. She had not considered it before, but the more she thought, the more she realized just how little detail really existed in dreams without the delusion of the experience. Here, she was free of the clouded perception of sleep, and could see what was really around her. It was all so surreal.

After a quick trot, Applejack arrived in front of the flight school. Luckily, there was a small bridge of cloud leading to the door. She stood on the path halfway to the entrance of the school. Just then, the school doors burst open, pouring forth hundreds of faceless school-aged Pegasi. Applejack jumped off the bridge, landing softly on the cloud floor below. The faceless Pegasi swarmed unto the surrounding area joining into groups of their friends. Applejack scanned the mob of ponies, trying to spot her friends familiar features in the sea of pony shapes.

Several minutes passed, not more than a couple dozen ponies remained. Most moved in groups of three or four, spread about in front of the school, chatting in impossibly soundless voices about what Applejack interpreted as the day's activities. About to give up and try somewhere else, the doors to the school opened again, drawing her attention. Stepping through the open doors were two fillies. On the left stood a young filly, though Applejack couldn't make out her mane and coat color, as there was no color to be made out. Standing next to the Pegasus was another filly, though very familiar, even with all the color gone. She could tell it was Rainbow Dash. Applejack's jaw dropped. It was the first time she had seen Dash so young. The duo took off trotting, zooming right past the stunned Earth pony as if she stood invisible. Quickly, Applejack spun herself around to see the duo turn, heading off down the street she had just come from. Applejack took after them, trailing behind the pair to remain undetected.

After a short distance the two Pegasi slowed down, soon after they stopped completely. The pair stood in front of a cloud home. It was like all the other houses Applejack had seen since being here, made entirely of cloud on the outside, but something made this one different. The entire building seemed more real than the world around; she swore she could see color fighting to shine through. Applejack shook her head, reclaiming herself. She had to get closer if she wanted to hear what the two were saying.

She expertly crept towards them, hiding behind a street lamp made of none other than cloud.

"Alright, Skyfire, I'll see you tomorrow?" filly Dash questioned, smiling intently at her friend.

Skyfire smiled at the brash Pegasus. "You betcha, Dash," she cooed, leaning over and kissing Dash lightly on the cheek.

Skyfire pulled away, giggling softly at Dash, whose wings stood completely flared out. If color still remained, Dash's face would be the brightest crimson ever seen. Skyfire walked forward, opening the door in front of her. "See you tomorrow, Dashie," she called, as she blew a kiss goodbye and shut the door.

Applejack's jaw once again fell open at the display. She looked at the filly in front of her, noticing something off about her younger friend besides the lack of color. She couldn't figure out what it was. Applejack took another glance over the filly, dragging her eyes from head to hoof trying to piece together what was different. "No Cutie Mark!" she shouted aloud before she could stop herself.

"Who the hay are you! And what are you doing watching me, you creep!"

The Earth pony snapped back to reality, if that is what you could call this place. Rainbow Dash was feet from her, glaring daggers.

"R… Rainbow…"

Applejack could feel her eyes filling up at her friend's sharp words.

The small Pegasus seemed to grow angrier. "How do you know my name? Are you a spy?"

Applejack had only ever heard Dash use a tone like that once before, when she had told her to go away. "Dash… it's me, Applejack. Ah'm yer friend."

Dash's death stare faltered and faded to one of confusion. "You're lying! I've never seen you before in my life!"


"Hey wait a minute. You're an Earth pony. How can you walk on clouds?"


"Hey Rainbow Dash, who are you talking to?" interrupted an approaching colt.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack turned in the direction of the voice, both stunned to see another Pegasus heading their way. Getting closer to the pair was a colt, a little taller than Dash but obviously the same age. He stopped just before the two ponies.

"Oh hey Cloud Twister, I was just asking this SPY some questions!" Replied Dash, making the Earth pony cringe at the anger in her friend's tone.

Cloud Twister looked around in bewilderment. "Spy? Where? I don't see anypony."

Dash looked between the Earth pony and her friend, now more confused than ever. "She's right here!" Dash exclaimed pointing a hoof at Applejack.

"Umm… Dash, are you ok? There's nopony there," Cloud Twister explained, a concerned look upon his face.

Dash looked utterly dumbfounded. How could her friend not see the pony right in front of them?

"Umm… So, you want to go to the park?" Cloud Twister asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

Dash quickly regained her composer. "Uhh, sure, last one there is a featherbrain!" she yelled, taking off past her friend. Not wasting any time, Cloud Twister took off after her.

Applejack stepped around the pole to get a better look at the fleeing Pegasi. She noticed Dash glancing back at her. They locked eyes for just for a brief second, and Applejack could have sworn she seen something click in Dash's eyes. 'Maybe, not all hope is lost.' she thought to herself, as a shimmer of hope radiated from her eyes.


After an hour of walking, Applejack finally found the park. It was not too far from the school, just in the opposite direction than she had been going. It was a simple park; it offered a seesaw, a jungle gym, and a field. Applejack took note of how soft the cloud was, knowing that she would probably have to sleep here for the night.

She hung back, out of sight from the rainbow-maned Pegasus and her friend. After a couple of hours, the two school Pegasi left, going their separate ways back home for the night. The Earth pony cast a glance skyward. Judging by the sun's position it was just after sunset and darkness would be approaching fast. Dream world or no, the day seemed to follow a pattern similar to reality, for which she felt thankful, realizing just how tired her body was. Walking over to the edge of the field, she lay down. She pulled a sheet of cloud over her as a blanket from the cool of the night. She shut her eyes, drifting off into a deep, dreamless slumber.


As the Earth pony slept, no dream came to her. Instead, a strange being greeted her. The being offered her a riddle of advice, warning her of the dangers that lay ahead.

Her darkest hour nears; it has bothered her for years.

Help her through, and she will remember you.

Fail to do this; truly, she will be missed.

Her life is fading, an inner demon needs persuading.


Applejack shot into consciousness, eyes wide open from the startling sound. She was on her hooves already. Glancing around the small park, the Earth pony could see little featureless Pegasi with their parents all pointing their empty faced eyes skyward as a seemingly colorless rainbow was being drawn across the sky. The Earth pony knew this spectacle to well, having seen it in full spectrum at the Best Young Fliers competition. She broke into a full gallop towards the source of the rainbow; in the back of her thoughts a rhyme rang out warning her about Dash's state of being.

Time seemed to fly by for the Earth pony, before she knew it she was back at the school. This time Applejack walked right in, knowing nopony could see her. Luckily, she had slept most of the day away, due to exhaustion and stress. Being within another's dream was more taxing than she could have imagined, as if the very matrix of it fought to expel the foreign intruder. She would not have to wait long now for the school day to be over.

'This school is huge!' she thought to herself. She had already spent a good hour searching the halls, going from class to class to find the multicolour-maned Pegasus. Midway down the second floor hallway, she heard a familiar, confident voice coming from a nearby room. Quickly, she galloped to the door, stopping just outside. The Earth pony peaked into the classroom. In the middle of the room stood Dash, her filly friend, Skyfire stood beside her. Applejack noticed two differences about Dash. The first being that she was now the center of attention, the second being she now had a Cutie Mark.

Before Applejack's brain could register what it had just heard, the bell rang, the halls began filling with more faceless school Pegasi. Applejack scrambled to get away from Dash's class, knowing her friend could see her. As she galloped down the hall, a little pony stepped out in front of her. Applejack slammed on the breaks trying to stop, but it was too late; she was barreling down on the figure. Applejack closed her eyes and braced for impact, but it never came. She opened her eyes soon after. The Pegasus was nowhere in sight. Casting a glance backwards, she spotted the pony, walking as if nothing happened. Applejack was stunned; she had past right through the Pegasus. Just then, Dash and Skyfire had appeared in the hallway, walking the other direction. The Earth pony let out a sigh of relief; she started pursuing the pair, trailing far behind to stay hidden. Applejack was a good two heads taller than most of the school Pegasi. She tried to stay low to remain hidden.

After a short time, she managed to follow the duo out the front door. This time, a huge gathering of Pegasi surrounded the front yard, all cheering Dash on in there bizarre toneless voices. Applejack looked stunned. Everypony seemed to be congratulating Dash on her Sonic Rainboom. She joined in at the back of the crowd, knowing she would be safe from Dash's eyes.

"Nice Sonic Rainboom, Dash!" yelled a colt in front of Applejack. "It was so… Awesome!" shouted another voice from her left. She noticed Dash basking in all the glory of her peers. The rainbow-maned Pegasus looked so happy, like it was the best time in her life. Applejack had only ever seen Rainbow Dash that happy once before, when she pulled off her second Sonic Rainboom at the Best Young Fliers competition. After what felt like an hour, Dash finally said her goodbyes to her newly acquired fans, and her filly friend Skyfire.

Applejack had trailed the Pegasus home. Bewildered by how happy and confident her friend had become since yesterday. Finally, Dash turned off the sidewalk, moving up to another vivid-looking cloud home. She opened the door and stepped in, shutting it behind her. Applejack, however, walked along the side of the house, trying to find the Pegasus' room. The second window on the right side of the house seemed to be a perfect match. She ducked down below it waiting for the familiar voice.

After some time, the door to the room opened out of sight. The Earth pony peered over the bottom of the window. Sure enough, standing just inside the room was Dash. The cyan Pegasus was busy admiring her newly acquired Cutie Mark.

"So, that's what yer first Rainboom looked like." Applejack stated, jumping through the window of the Pegasus' room.

Rainbow Dash leapt into the air, all her limbs going stiff. She fell onto her back, frozen in fear.

Applejack giggled. "Whoa, nelly, Ah didn't mean ta startle ya."

"Oh, it's you…" Dash retorted, righting herself back on four hooves. "You're not real," Dash exclaimed. "Just my imagination," the little Pegasus said bluntly, sizing the Earth pony up.

"Rainbow…" Applejack felt a lump well up in her throat. "Ah'm here to help you."

"You! Help me? Bahaha, are you kidding me?" The small Pegasus fell onto her back, holding her sides in laughter. "Did you see the way those ponies praised me? Everything's going great for me now!"

"Dash, this ain't real. Look around ya." Applejack motioned to the room around the two. "Do ya see any color, besides me?"

"Hmm…" The filly put on a look of deep thought at the Earth pony's question.

'Ah'm on ta somthin' now,' Applejack thought.

"Now that you mention it that is kinda weird…" the Pegasus replied, still pondering what it could mean.

"Ya see? None of this is real Sugarcube. Ah came to help you." Applejack stepped closer to her lost friend.

"If none of this is real, then where am I in the real world?"

"Yer in Twilight's Library, in Ponyville."

"Twilight who? I've never left Cloudsdale! Let alone heard of Ponyville!" the Pegasus replied, her tone becoming more skeptical.

Applejack wasn't going to let the bridge she had been building to her disconnected friend fall so easily. "Twilight is yer friend Dash. She's the main reason Ah was able to get here. If it wasn't fer her, the Princess woulda never sent me here."

Dash looked shocked, "The Pr-Princess?"

Applejack nodded. "Well, one'a 'em, Princess Luna, but Ah'm guessin' you don't remember her either?"

"Alright, even if it is true," Dash began, "Why am I here? What happened to me?"

Applejack's smile faded. Somehow, she knew this question would come up. She fiddled with her brain, trying to find the best way to drop the bad news to her friend. She took a deep breath, letting it out softly.

"Well… ya see. When ya were younger, bullies teased ya a lot. See, yer older in the real world. Ah guess ya pushed the painful memories to tha' back of yer head, but Ah sorta brought 'em out again, and well… Ya didn't react so good to 'em." She paused, making eye contact with Dash. She wanted to see any reaction, but got none. She started again. "So, Ah came here, into yer mind ta help ya overcome them."

Dash's face held a mix between anger and confusion. "Me? being bullied? Ha! That's a good one! To think I almost bought that! Bahaha!" wiping a tear of laughter from her eyes, the Pegasus turned on the Earth pony.

"Now why don't you. Leave. Me. ALONE!" screamed Dash, flaring her wings as she took a fighting stance, ready to change the Earth pony at any second.

Applejack recoiled, backing into the wall behind her. "Dash… What Ah'm sayin' is tha' honest truth." Tears ran softly off the Earth pony's cheeks.

"You know who I think you are?" the irate Pegasus spoke. "You're the self-doubt I get, always telling me that I can't do it, or that I should just give up. Well, you know what? I will never ever give up my dreams! Now, leave!" Dash pressed forward, forcing the Earth pony back out the window she had entered.

Dash approached the window. "I don't want to ever see you again, you got that!? Even if you are real, I'm sure you only caused me pain! I'm living the dream! I have an amazing filly friend! Ponies respect me! And I'm not going to drop it all just cause some colorful Earth pony that only I can see and hear tells me to! So long, Applejack, if that is your real name!" shrieked Dash, pushing a cloud over the hole she used as a window.

Applejack collapsed, sobbing heavily. She would stay that way until she drifted into another dreamless sleep.


"Stupid imagination, creating ponies that don't exist," murmured Rainbow Dash aloud. Falling unto her cloud bed, the Pegasus closed her eyes in relaxation.

Deep down inside the mind of the cyan Pegasus a voice of a much older version of herself rang out.

"Applejack, help me!" echoed the voice, unheard by any through the darkness.

The filly Pegasus drifted off, thoughts of her newly gained popularity taking over her mind.