• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 3,312 Views, 138 Comments

AppleShy Series - PatRoison

Applejack and Fluttershy start a relationship, but Fluttershy's past catches up with her.

  • ...

Him: Family Affairs

This was a small house, even by pegasus standards, and in a bad state of neglect. Under normal circumstances he wouldn't be caught dead near such a home, but his charge was to come here and he always fulfilled his obligations. Cautiously, he made his way to the front door and rang the bell.

A few minutes passed and a pegasus opened the door. She had been drinking though it was still early, "Yes? What do you want?"

The pegasus stallion cleared his throat, "Forgive the intrusion, but I have been ordered to offer you a proposition. I understand that you have fallen on hard times, and while you are provided somewhat by the government..." He trailed off and glanced back to the unkempt cloud yard, "A little more can always help."

"What do you want?" She was interested, and had no negotiating skills.

"Well, if I may be blunt. My employer, a great civic leader by the name of Storm Ring has instructed me to offer you a reward."

The pegasus's ears picked up at the sound of the name, "You mean The Storm Ring? Wasn't his son killed or something?"

"Sadly, he was taken from us much too soon, and we have good information that it was none other than your own daughter that killed him."

The laugh that came from the pegasus surprised the stallion, "Fluttershy? That waste of a pegasus couldn't harm a fly. She was born useless and never bothered to get better."

"Yes, well she is now a murderer and if you can help my employer get justice you will be rewarded."

"You mean help you get her arrested?"

"I mean help us 'deal' with her." 'Don't dig deeper you stupid foal.'

"How much?"

'Oh thank Celestia for greed,' he thought. "I am prepared to offer you a sum of two hundred thousand bits."

"Double it."

"Madam, you extort me."

The mare just smiled.

"Very well, four hundred thousand bits, to be paid once Fluttershy had been 'dealt' with." 'This is why I love working with idiots.' He closed the deal and was able to keep three hundred thousand bits for himself. He handed the mare an envelope, "Here are the instructions. Should your daughter come to you for help, simply follow the instructions and she will be brought to justice. As an act of good faith, I am authorized to give you ten thousand bits in advance." He reached into his bag and handed her a bag heavy with bits and could barely hide a smile when he heard her gasp. "It certainly was a pleasure doing business with you, but if you'll excuse me, I must be off." He walked out of the yard and took to the air glad to be rid of the slums

The mare walked back inside and looked at a picture of her late husband with a smile, "It looks like our little 'expired lottery ticket' can finally be cashed in after all."


The Orange Family brownstone stood just as intimidating as it had all those years ago when Applejack was just a filly. It stood at the corner of the upper-class section of Manehattan, and was the home of her aunt and uncle. The same ponies who took her in while she searched for her special talent. 'If anypony'll help me it'd be them,' Applejack thought.

She walked up the stoop and froze at the door. 'I can't do it.' Panic began to overwhelm her and she made her way back down to the street. Looking back up to the building she closed her eyes and remembered why she was there, 'Fluttershy.' She smiled as the thoughts of the beautiful yellow pegasus filled her mind. With renewed resolve, she knocked on the door and smiled as a familiar face opened the door.

"Ms. Applejack? Could it really be you after all these years?"

"Howdy, Mr. Banks. May I come in?"

"Of course." The stallion stepped aside and Applejack entered. She had hoped that it would just be her aunt and uncle home, and they would eventually make their way to a lawyer's office. This would not be the case as Applejack found herself in the middle of an Orange Family Reunion.

'Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into this time?' Applejack gulped and quietly made her way around the ponies and searched for her aunt and uncle. The affair was smaller than an Apple family reunion, but far more extravagant. All the ponies were dressed in fancy clothes and Rarity would have been able to mingle with no trouble, 'Why isn't that fuss bucket here? I could really use some help.'

"Applejack, is that you?"

Applejack spun around and smiled at her aunt, "Auntie Orange, mighty good to see ya." She hugged the mare and relaxed when she received a smile in return.

"It is certainly wonderful to see you dear. Please tell me you brought your family with you. I would simply love to give little Applebloom a gown I saw at the store. It's a bit formal, but I'm certain that even a village such as Ponyville has cause for celebration once in a while." She led the increasingly confused pony towards a table and sat her down. "Have you been eating dear? No matter, we will make certain that you have plenty to eat? Oh and what about that big brother of yours? How does young Macintosh fare these days? Does he have a special pony in his life?"

"Uh, well. First off, lemme just apologize for barging in here like this."

"Applejack what do you mean," her aunt looked confused, "You certainly are not barging into anything. The Apples are always invited to the reunion. To be honest, this is the first year that one came."

"Wait a second. You mean that my family was invited to the reunion?"

"Of course, dear. It won't be much of a reunion if a large part of it is missing. Didn't you receive an invitation?"

"If we had, the entire family would be here," Applejack said, "I guess things get lost in the mail."

"Every year, Applejack," her aunt asked, "For the post to lose one is understandable, but every year for the past eight years? Honestly, Applejack just tell me if you had no desire to visit. I understand."

"It's not that. Well, not entirely. I just feel so-"

"Stop right there," her aunt became angry, "I never want to hear you utter anything that would diminish yourself in any way. You are an Apple, and more than that you are the spitting image of your mother. My dear sister. She was strong enough to turn away from life here to be with the pony she loved, and not once apologized nor put herself down for it. You owe it to her to carry yourself better."

Applejack looked down, "Yes, ma'am. Ah'm sorry, but I'm being honest. We have never received any invitations to the Orange family reunions." 'Would I even come if we did,' she thought to herself. The only reason she was here was for Fluttershy not to spend time with a half of her family that despised her. Or at least she thought despised her.

Her aunt sighed, "Well I suppose it can't be helped. Technically, you have no business interacting with any Orange. After your mother left, she was disowned by our father." She laughed, "Of course our mother would have none of it. She made certain that the papers were never filed and as such your mother and all her children, yourself included young Applejack, are considered a part of the Orange family." She put her hoof to Applejack's chin, "I cannot express how sorry I am that there are family members that take great pains to make you feel bad. Now if you didn't come to the reunion, then why are you here, if I may ask?"

"Well, have ya'll heard bout this pony that was killed a lil' while ago?"

"Dear this is a big city. Could you narrow it down?"

"This pony was called Grey Ring." Applejack's face darkened at the thought of the pony that cause Fluttershy so much pain, and then suddenly saddened, 'I hurt her too.' She let out a small sad sigh.

"Oh. Him," her aunt looked at her niece closer, "Why are you so interested in the death of a rapist?"

"Um," Applejack looked around the room, "Can we talk in private?"

"Of course." Both ponies entered a small study, "Now please tell me."

"Ok. The thing is I know who killed him, and she's trying to gather up evidence to help her case."

"I take it this pony is a friend of yours?"

Applejack nodded, 'Really Applejack. That's all she is to ya now? You don't deserve her.' "No, she's more than that. Ah love her." She looked her aunt in the eye and waited.

"I see. Well, I won't lie, but I suspected there was something, uh shall we say 'different' about you Applejack." The shocked look on Applejack's face brought a laugh from her aunt, "I take it that it's not very common in Ponyville?"

"Not really. Ah mean there are a few, but not a lot."

"Well it's a bit more common here, and it makes some sense now. I remember that some colts were admiring your looks, but you ignored all of them. I also noticed you staring at some fillies a bit longer than you should have. At the time, I thought you were admiring their cutie marks, but now I know. What exactly did you have in mind?"

"Well, I know it's a longshot, but she's gonna need a damn good lawyer to help her in court."

"And you thought that we would just hand over the funds to pay for this lawyer?"

Applejack looked down, "I said it was a longshot, and I don't expect ya'll to just help me out. I think we can work something out."

Her aunt smiled, "I knew you had a head for business. What do you have in mind?"

Applejack pulled out a small folder from her saddlebag, "I know you know what this is."

"Do you intend to use it," the expression on her aunt had not changed.

"If I have to," Applejack said, "I'd rather not, but Fluttershy needs my help. Uh, that's her name."

"I see," her aunt walked over to a table where there were various spirits. She carefully lifted a dark brown red and poured two glasses. She motioned for Applejack to come over.

"Have a drink."

"I'd better not."

"I'm not asking."

"Yes ma'am," Applejack said softly. Both ponies sat down and Applejack took a sip of the liquor. It was bitter and burned slightly but thankfully she was able to keep a straight face.

"All business should be handled like this within a family." She looked to Applejack and continued, "I know of a very good lawyer. He works for a firm that does business with us regularly. He won't be cheap." She looked Applejack in the eye, "Half."

"Half of what?"

"Your farm."

"What?" Applejack was stunned.

"Well Applejack? What will it be?"

Applejack took a sip of her drink and said, "No."

"No? I suppose you have no interest aiding you lover then."

"I didn't say that, but if you think I'll just hand over half of my farm, half of my home, half of my family and heritage to ya'll then you're outta your mind."

"Then we're done here."

"No we ain't. I guess you forgot about mom's stock."

Her aunt's face showed concern for a moment but regained her composure, "What of it?"

"Well I could cause a lot of trouble for you Oranges and I know ya'll don't want that. All I'm asking for is a lawyer for Fluttershy."

"You wouldn't dare use that against your own family," her aunt was becoming agitated at the thought.

"Why not? You were planning on extorting me outta half my home with no problem. Not much fun when it's happening to ya'll is it?"

A small smile crept onto her aunt's face, "Fine. Hand over that stock and we have a deal."

"No. You get a third."

"A third will lose you any form of controlling interest in the company. May as well just hand it all over."

Applejack grinned and her aunt knew that she was outplayed. Applejack said "A quarter. We keep the same arrangement my mom made. We stay outta your business and ya'll stay outta ours."

"And if I refuse?"

"I'll just mosey on down to the offices and have a few choice words with a certain board. Having a controlling stock will get me in and all I have to do is make a few 'suggestions' to cause some major headaches for ya'll."

"Why are you doing this?"

"You know why? Fluttershy needs help and you're the only ones that can give it to her. I'm sorry Aunt Orange, and I hate disrespecting ya like this but there's something more at stake here."

"I see. You are just like your mother. Did you know that she and your grandfather had a similar exchange right here. I believe in these exact chairs too."

"I guess the Apple don't fall too far from the tree then," Applejack was feeling quite proud that there was hope for Fluttershy.

"I suppose not. Applejack you should be proud. You are a shrewd negotiator." She took the agreed stock and Applejack placed the folder back into her pack.

Her aunt motioned over to a nearby bathroom, "Wash up, and we'll head over to speak to the lawyer. Well, after you eat of course."

"Is there any reason why ya'll are willing to help me? Ah mean besides the blackmail?"

Her aunt laughed, "That's a reason, and I think I'll use it as the 'official' reason when asked, but there is another one. I would like to see that smug Storm Ring squirm a bit."

"Do ya'll know him?"

"By distant association only. He has attempted to get us to alter weather shipments to certain interests of his, but we have obligations. The return of Princess Luna has done much to change how the weather traffic lanes work." The confused look on Applejack's face spurred her to continue, "It would seem that before the Princess's banishment, she was in control of the Equestrian military and that includes the old air lanes." She laughed, "The last thing I would want is to anger Nightmare Moon."

"Ya know she ain't like that anymore?"

"I heard that some of the ponies from Ponyville along with Princess Celestia's pupil saved Princess Luna. It's certainly wonderful to know that one of them is family. I won't pry into the details as I'm certain you would like to keep them private, but it must be wonderful to know both Princesses."

"Well," Applejack said embarrassed, "I'm not all that close the 'em. They're still our rulers, and I'd rather be on the farm."

"Oh I understand. Like I said, go wash up and we will head off."

"Ok," Applejack made her way to the small bathroom and began to wash her face. She looked up and smiled at the pony in the reflection. This was the first time in days that she was proud of her reflection. 'I love you Fluttershy, and if you won' have me back I'll still be there for you.'


"Hey Fluttershy," Rainbow called to her friend who hadn't said a word since they left Manehattan, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Fluttershy said with annoyance in her voice.

"You are not fine. What's wrong?"

Fluttershy sighed, "'Doing a better job than you have'?" She turned to Rainbow, "I know you're mad, but she didn't deserve that."

"She deserves worse. If you weren't there I'd have kicked her flank."

"Rainbow! How would that have helped?"

"It would make me feel better."

"And it would be my fault," Fluttershy lost any anger she had, "But that's nothing new. I seem to only cause trouble." She sighed, "I guess it would have been best if that swarm of butterflies didn't catch me."

"What the hay are you talking about?"

"Remember when we were foals, and our parents were encouraged to sign for insurance in case of, um accidents?"

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "I think my parents still have the policy open."

"Well," Fluttershy continued, "It took me a while to return home since I wanted to spend more time with my new animal friends. I didn't know that word spread that I fell off the clouds, and my weak flying was well known. My parents assumed the worst, or best, I guess it depends on how you look at it. Well, I returned and they had contacted the insurance company. The claims adjuster saw me and informed my parents that as I was unharmed that they couldn't file for payment." Fluttershy looked down and when she looked back to Rainbow she was crying, "My father said that the moment I walked into the house was the same as finding a winning lottery ticket and finding out it expired the day before."

"Fluttershy, that's awful. I'm so sorry. I had no idea." She held the yellow pegasus, "You need to deal with this."


"Fluttershy, you're stronger and braver than ever, and you're getting better each time you face your past. This is part of it. If we have time, we'll do it, but first let's find the next victim. What was her name?"

Fluttershy stopped and slapped her face with her hoof.

Rainbow stared at Fluttershy for a moment and burst out in laughter, "You forgot to check?" She kept laughing and when she stopped she was relieved that Fluttershy was smiling, "I really needed a good laugh. Sorry Fluttershy."

"It's alright," Fluttershy said, "Um, I guess since we are here I guess I should visit my parents." She looked to Rainbow, "As much as I want you to be there, I think I should go alone."

"You can talk to your parents in private, but I'm not leaving your side. Not-"

"Enough. That was then and this is now. You can't keep beating yourself up over something that you had no control over." Fluttershy put her hoof to Rainbow's cheek, "How many times do I have to forgive you before you can finally forgive yourself?"

"Forgiveness is a kindness thing. All I have is loyalty, and-"

"If you don't stand by your friends all the time then how loyal are you?"

Rainbow looked into Fluttershy's eyes. There was no judgment or sarcasm in them. There was only the warmth and kindness that always reminded Rainbow that the world actually could be a wonderful place. "I guess. Look, I know what you mean Fluttershy. It's just that I can't help but feel that I let you down."

"You have always been there for me when I needed you. You're always there. If you didn't deserve to be the Element of Loyalty, then you wouldn't be here right now." Fluttershy hugged her friend, "When are you going to stand by yourself?" She tilted her head, "That sounded weird."

Rainbow laughed, "I know what you meant. That's the problem. I only look out for myself."

Fluttershy sighed, "Rainbow I have faith in you. Why can't you see that you are being the most loyal friend I could possibly have? There is nothing that would drive you away from me right now."

Rainbow smiled at Fluttershy, "Yeah you're right. I guess I got a little carried away. It's just that lately I worry that I'm being too selfish."

"Rainbow. There is nothing wrong in wanting to pursue your dreams. Going after what truly makes you happy isn't selfish. You have a responsibility to yourself, and I want you to know that I will always support you."

"Thanks Fluttershy."

Fluttershy nodded, "Ok I guess it's time to go back home." She gulped and began to fly towards a place she thought she would ever set hoof into again.


Applejacks stepped out of the bathroom and smiled at her aunt, "Alright, I reckon we're ready to go anytime now."

"Applejack you must eat first."

"Right. Look Aunt Orange," Applejack was about to come up with an excuse to get out of interacting with her family, but suddenly had a change of heart. 'If Fluttershy can face down her demons, then so should I.' "After you ma'am."

"Of course," Applejack's aunt stepped into the dining room and announced, "Well everypony, I believe that it is time to eat." She turned to Applejack, "Go ahead and sit next to your uncle."

"Applejack? Is that really you?" The stallion walked over and hugged Applejack.

"Yeah, it's me, Uncle Orange." Applejack sat down and cautiously looked around the table. A few eyed her curiously and the rest were enjoying their meals. She sat down and waited for the servers to bring her a plate. She remembered the last meal she had here and was ready for the meager portion. 'How can ponies have so much money and eat so little. I guess they don't build up much of an appetite.' She smiled at her aunt and carefully began to eat surprised that she could finally remember the order in which to eat the food.

"I thought the help ate elsewhere."

Applejack turned to her cousin and smiled, "And how're ya'll doin'?"

"Did we say you could speak?"

Applejack began to feel her heart begin to sink, and she desperately wished that Fluttershy were there to save her again. 'I can do this.'

She just kept smiling and went back to her meal.

"I'm speaking to you," her cousin said indignantly.

Applejack laughed, "Do ya'll want me to shut up or talk? Make up your mind, will ya?" Applejack smiled as she stormed off in a huff.

"Whew that went well," she whispered.

"Impressive," Applejack's aunt said, "That one can be quite. How should I put it?"

"Stuck up," Applejack asked taking a small sip of soup.

Her aunt laughed, "Exactly. Oh Applejack, you remind me of your mother. She was always direct, almost to point of being blunt." She frowned and looked out the window, "Rest well, dear sister." She looked back to Applejack, "Finish eating and we shall go."

Applejack nodded and finished her meal. As she was headed out of the dining room she overheard one of her uncles arguing about some business deal that seemed to be falling apart.

"Howdy, what's seems to be the trouble?"

Her uncle looked to his niece and smiled, "It's a distribution issue. Nothing for you to worry about dear."

"Well, maybe ah can help ya'll. I pretty much handle all the distribution fer Sweet Apple Acres."


"Well yeah. I mean they gotta go somewhere." Applejack pulled up a chair and looked over the files her uncle had. She read the names of a few and moved them aside and looked through the rest.

"Why did you discard those," her uncle asked, "Some of those were some of the distributors that we were considering."

"Well it's a good thing ah stopped ya, then." She grabbed the files and said, "These fellas here have a habit of 'misquoting' their prices, and it's always an emergency and they need ta get your bank info instead of the agreed method of payment. I nearly fell for it, but Mac stopped me. We just called the whole thing off after that shipment was made. These ones over here have a bit of a reputation fer being very quick, but the merchandise tends to get damaged in the process. Of course, it's never their fault. After a few complaints, we decided that we'd rather have good products delivered instead of being the fastest. The rest don't have reliable contact information. If'n they can't be bothered to have a better means of contacting them, then I'll have to assume that they might not be there next week."

"Just how did you learn all this?" Her uncle was impressed. Some of his foals weren't as astute with business as her.

"Well, it's really just Mac and me running the farm, and ah seem ta have a better head for business. Thought Mac is a better judge of character than me. He handles the meetings with distributors and shippers. I learned some lessons the hard way, but I learned them."

"Well who do you recommend?"

"Brother, you can't be seriously asking this, this hayseed, for business advice?"

"And why would that be a problem? We haven't found anypony that has been reliable, and if we can get some input then we should accept it." He glared at the stallion and added, "And don't forget that she is still our niece." He looked back to Applejack and smiled.

"Well I found these ponies to be reliable and their fees aren't too bad. They aren't too far from Manehattan neither, so I think they might be a good choice for ya'll." She couldn't help smile when her uncle took the folder.

"Well that settles it then. Thank you Applejack, I appreciate the assistance. Perhaps you can make it to next year's reunion."

"I'd like that. I think Applebloom would like to see this place too. Well, excuse me, but I gotta go." She nodded and unconsciously reached for her hat, but remembered that she gave it to Fluttershy, 'Be ok sugarcube.' Applejack turned and left the apartment with her aunt, "Let's get Fluttershy the best lawyer possible."

"We will certainly try," her aunt said, "She clearly means a great deal to you."

Applejack smiled to her aunt, "I think she's my whole life now."


This was it. This was the home that she left all those years ago, and she had no desire to return. But she was here and she needed to finally speak her mind, 'What am I going to say? Why were you such jerks to me? I can't say that to my parents.' With a sigh, she knocked on the door. After a few minutes, her mother answered the door. Fluttershy was relieved that she was happy to see her daughter at least.

"Hello there Fluttershy," her mother called, "It's been too long. Please come in."

Fluttershy entered her foalhood home and eyed her mother suspiciously. She was behaving oddly, and Fluttershy noticed that her mother suddenly closed the curtains above her sink and looked out the window.

"So, how have you been," her mother's hospitality skills were clearly being forced.

"I have been well enough. Things have become rather interesting lately. How is father doing?"

Her mother became angry, "Your father is dead. He died in a bad storm two years ago. Figures that you wouldn't know anything about it."

The news hit Fluttershy hard, "Father is, gone? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why? So his biggest failure could be at his funeral?"

"I'm his daughter," Fluttershy snapped at her mother, "I had a right to know my father died." She looked to the door and wanted to leave, but walked over to the couch. On the table was an envelope, and when she looked at it her mother snatched it.

"Can't you mind your own business for once?"

With a heavy sigh Fluttershy said, "Fine, I'm leaving." She stood up and was stopped before she reached the door she was stopped by her mother.

"You ungrateful little brat, after all we've done for you. You dare disrespect your parents like this?"

"Disrespect? What was it that father called me? His 'little disappointment'? Yes I'm the one that's disrespectful." She glared at her mother, "I needed you. All you ever cared about was how other ponies saw you."


"Shut up," Fluttershy screamed, "I was raped, and all you cared about was some bill. I heard you." She began to choke up, but refused to cry, "You told our neighbors that it was awful that I 'allowed' myself to bring shame to you." She looked away and said softly, "you are not my parents. You are just some ponies that let me live here, so I suppose I owe some thanks for that at least. But don't think for a moment that I have forgotten what you have done to me."

Fluttershy looked back to the front door and said, "This was a mistake. There is nothing left for me here. Goodbye."

"You will not speak to your mother like that."

"You are not my mother." Fluttershy walked up to the old mare and shoved her onto the couch. She glared at her, "You have no right to call me your daughter." She looked up and saw a newspaper clipping of Princess Celestia and Luna. Letting her mother back up, Fluttershy smiled, "Do you remember the Summer Sun Celebration a few years back when Nightmare Moon returned?"

The old mare nodded and said softly, "Yes. Five ponies from Ponyville along with Princess Celestia's pupil defeated her."

Fluttershy smiled, "I am a friend of Twilight Sparkle, and I hold one of the Elements of Harmony."

"Impossible. You-"

"I am the daughter of two ungrateful ponies and thankfully I will never darken your door again."

"No wait. You can't leave yet." Her mother was beginning to panic

Fluttershy didn't have an opportunity to question her mother as Rainbow rushed into the house.

"Fluttershy we have to go. Now!"

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow and glared at her mother, "You betrayed me?"

"You deserved it. You killed somepony famous."

'Is this really Fluttershy's mom? How the hay could Fluttershy be her foal?' Rainbow was utterly confused, but shook her head, "Fluttershy, let's go."

Fluttershy turned to leave, but a magically amplified voice called out.

"Fluttershy. We know you are in there. Come out and end this peacefully. There are officers surrounding the home right now. There is no escape.

Rainbow looked out the window and saw an older looking unicorn and when she looked closer she saw, "Twilight! Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity and I think Pinkie are out there."

Fluttershy rushed to the window and smiled, "I bet they're keeping the police from rushing in here." She paused and wondered about Rainbow, "Oh no. Rainbow you'll go to jail too."

"I know," Rainbow said with no emotion, "Didn't plan on getting away with helping you." She turned to Fluttershy and smiled, "If I could, I would take the blame for everything."

Fluttershy looked down and wanted to cry, but instead she saw in the sink a large hoof knife and had an idea. "Rainbow, I'm tired of running. I have faith in Applejack and you are not going to jail"

Discreetly grabbing the knife she followed Rainbow to the front door, and was prepared for the consequences of her choices and Rainbow was not going to pay for helping her friend.