• Published 26th Aug 2014
  • 2,083 Views, 27 Comments

Friends Forever - Wrangle Wolfe

Harmony can be beautiful. And painful.

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Friends Forever

One hundred years. Exactly one hundred years ago, I met them. I'm not surprised that it's been this long. I am an alicorn princess, and my increased magic will now preserve my body for thousands and thousands of years. At first the thought of watching all of my friends die so many years before me seemed horrible. I had a special bond with them that I didn't have with my family or Celestia. Whenever they felt sad, I felt sad too. I felt their pain, their happiness, their love. But that is to be expected. We represent harmony, therefore we are connected in a way that we feel each other's emotions. You could say that we're like one pony, but that's not true. We have a touch of chaos of course making us diverse. The order making us one, the chaos making us different. That's what makes harmony. And it's very hard to explain. Nopony fully understands harmony besides us. We've been through so many trials throughout our friendship, and with every new lesson learned, our bond grew. Now, there's no turning back. Our friendship, our love for each other has grown so strong that nothing can take it away from us. You could say it's invincible.

And since our harmony is invincible, so are we. We can't die. Our bond became too strong as soon as we opened that chest and used rainbow power on Tirek. We have gained so much power from the elements, the rainbow power and, as weird as it sounds, me being an alicorn, that we can't even die. Maybe if I hadn't become an alicorn, this wouldn't have happened. I share my magic with my friends, and they share their magic with me via harmony. That extra magic that I earned being an alicorn just gave us all more power. Our harmony and our magic can no longer run out. We simply have too much. It's weird when I see small scars and bruises just heal themselves in a matter of seconds. It always reminds me of how I can't die.

My friends... oh my poor friends. Applejack had to watch her whole family die. And she has a huge family. She loves them all so much. The new generation of Apples came up, but they're beginning to die too. She can only sit and watch her family die off. Rainbow Dash lost Soarin. Not too long after opening the chest and becoming immortal, she confessed her feelings to Soarin and got married. They even had a child together. Now her son is old and will probably die in the next five years. Pinkie Pie, who was friends with everypony, had to watch so many friends die and try to keep smiling so everypony else will stay happy. I feel all of her pain and she has a lot of it. But she manages to keep a big smile on her face and make new friends despite knowing that she'll watch them grow old and die. Rarity... was super close to her sister and parents, as they have helped her through so much in her life. She loved them to death, and for her to see them go... and to never be with them. To know that she'll never be at peace... It hurts. Fluttershy cries every time one of her animals die. She doesn't keep very many of them any more, because she knows that they'll live such short lives and she doesn't want to see so many animals die like that.

Me? Yes my parents died, but that's about it. I love them and miss them very much, but I knew that I'd see them die even before I became immortal. I still have Shining and Cadence, as their love and the Crystal Heart is keeping them alive because they're connected to it like we're connected to the elements. I obviously still have Celestia and Luna. Spike won't die, because he was also connected to the elements as he was born by my magic when all of us got our cutie marks. That's why he has a throne in the Palace of Friendship. I have my friends and my family. My friends are suffering more than me.

I bet Celestia blames herself. I was happy being a bookworm and playing with my family until she forces me to make friends, which I didn't mind her doing, and then has me go and become a big hero. I wasn't asking for any of it. She just did it and here we are now. But I'll never blame her for that. She just wanted me to make friends. Sure she noticed that I had a lot of power, which probably hinted that I was the element of magic and sent me down near the elements just in case. But she didn't intend for this to happen. She just wanted Equestria safe, and nopony can blame her for that. I am happy that I made such wonderful friends and that I got to experience the magic of friendship. I really wish I could grow old with my special pony and die knowing that I lived such a wonderful life with the best friends a pony could ask for. I wish that I would be able to have a time to rest forever. But living with my friends through it all makes up for it.

If we stop being friends, we will die. But, despite the pain, we always question if we really want that. Do we want to finally be rid of this pain alone, or live in pain and see everypony die together forever?

I don't want to die alone, to be honest. I'd rather have my friends. We can live through the pain no matter what. As long as we stay friends forever.

Comments ( 27 )

That was os amzingly sad... THAT I LOVED IT! Story with a hint of sad is actually really epic! Keep up the work soldier!

*dies inside* Well done good sir... Well done... You almost brought me to absolute tears with this fic, more you crazy bastard, more...:fluttercry::fluttershyouch::fluttershbad:

It's probably just me but I don't believe this deserves a dark tag. (Not in a bad way). I think a tragedy tag would be better placed but then again I'm usually wrong.

Ugh I might as well read Origin of an Egghead now. I'm sad now...



You do know that I wrote this while bored, didn't read it over except one time, and didn't edit it, right? I just sat there and said, hey, lemme make a story aboutbsomething I thought about long ago and nearly forgot about. Then I quickly wrote it and said, "Welp, I hardly put any effort into that...", but posted it anyways...

But enough of that, I just wanna say thank you so much for reading and enjoying this story. I hope to hear your thoughts on future stories!

4907974 Yeah, but I'm too lazy to do all of that...

Yes, go onto Origin of Egghead so your heart can ache my dear friend!

This was nice, or well, maybe 'nice' isn't the right word.
But I found it interesting to see the idea explored. Usually you have Twi as an immortal, watching the mane5 die, and you feel like if only they could live forever too. Now here we see what it would be like if everthing was 'perfect' for Twilight. Her friends live, her brother and sister-in-law live, her mentor(/motherly figure) live. It's practically perfect for her, but everyone she cares about most around her suffers for it.
Yet they still keep going.

Good job. ^^

A few small notes,

I was happy being a bookworm and playing with my family until she forces me to make friends


or live in pain and see everypony die together forever?

This confused me. It sounds like they are seeing everpony die at once. Though I understand the intention.
Maybe something like "or live together forever, enduring the pain of watching everypony die." ?
I dunno.

Keep up the good work. :yay:

4913597 Thank you, and yes that's what I meant by that. They stay alive together as friends, while everypony else around them dies. At the moment that I was writting it, I didn't quite know how to word it better than that for some reason:applejackunsure:. Again, thank you so much for the nice/constructive comment!:twilightsmile:

A nice little story : ) Worth a fave.

4921638 Thank you so much!

so depressing man. Now I don't wanna keep.

4925970 :rainbowhuh:?

I think that second sentence is incomplete...

Yes, it is. At least I though is understandable.

seeing that image hurt me....:fluttershyouch:

I shall make a story of this now. :ajsmug:

5404242 I would love to see it!

Comment posted by Wrangle Wolfe deleted Dec 21st, 2014

You know, shots to the heart get a bit more bearable each time you receive them. Don't get me wrong, it still hurts like heck, but not cripplingly so. As the old saying goes, immortality is a curse (or if you prefer the TV Tropes version, Who Wants to Live Forever.) I'm more in the camp that immortality is a curse if you're the only one with it, but that's beside the point. It's honestly a wonder they haven't gone mad yet. At least they have each other, forever and ever and ever...
Wait, I think I know how to make it a bit better. She said she wanted to be with her lover, right? It may not accomplish the grow old together part, but what if her lover was already immortal? Commence the Mane 6 Omniship!

6152398 I understand that. It's more Like "Ouch, you hit me with feels!" and not "AAAUUUGGGHHH!! MY HEART! THIS LEVEL OF FEELS IS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE!!!" with you clutching your chest and sobbing.For me, I'll read something like "Aw, that's sad." with a neutral face and move onto something else.

I don't want to die alone, to be honest. I'd rather have my friends. We can live through the pain no matter what. As long as we stay friends forever.

Very interesting take to the 'immortal problem'.
Nice work.

6501652 Thanks! It was just a quick thing I thought of and jotted down, nothing too special. I'm glad you found it interesting.

My heart is breaking:fluttercry::fluttershysad:....but you're such an amazing writer!

7715370 Ehh I do my best, but I'm trying to improve much more. Thank you though! I really appreciate the comment!


You're welcome!

Sounds like less than friendship and more like a friendship dependent suicide pact!

🎸As long as we got each other
We got the world spinnin' right in our hands.
Baby you and me, we gotta be
The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin'.🎷

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