• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 2,165 Views, 132 Comments

Unforgotten - Riddle-Me-Think

The past should not be forgotten, note should it blind us to what the future may hold. With the new change in statuesque between ponies and their new channeling neighbors, the past may be the answer to help set an understanding.

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Some Details

I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Night had finally passed over Equestria by the time Masquerade had reached the outer reaches of Canterlot. Over the edge of the chariot he was in, he was greeted to the sight of a lit up city that was slightly scarred from the recent battle it had. In those same scarred areas, the signs of drones working nonstop could be picked out, as both commons and ponies alike over watched them.

The sight brought some sense of peace to the infiltrators mind, knowing that he had partially done what he had set out to do. But there were no illusions in his mind that his work was done. The changelings in Canterlot may be known, but who knows how many ponies were now looking around their homes with some paranoia. Ponyville had yet to show this paranoia, but it was building ever so slightly over the weeks past.

Sooner or later both Twilight and I need to address that. It was a realization he had about their predicament, but knew couldn't be just dropped on the residence. They were, after all, known to panic when something unexpected happens. Which still begged the question why they chose to live so close to the Everfree Forest in the first place.

Rolling his eyes in thought, Mask figured, once the situation in Caterlot is resolved and things calm down a little, then we can tell Ponyville of the changelings in it.

Feeling the chariot shift into a decent, Masquerade relaxed himself and got ready for his first real assignment given by Princess Luna herself. It wasn't the prospect of meeting Luna that left him nervous, but the unknowns of the mission he might get. The changeling was not kidding about the letter being vague. All that was said in lengthy words was that he was required to come, have weapons on hoof and expect to be on the field for a while.

Taking one final breath, the chariot set down and stilled for the Masquerade to depart. The infiltrator only gave a curt nod to the guards who brought him there, then started to scan his surroundings for anything worth notting.

With a grin back on his face, Mask greeted, “Why, hello Captain Armor, how are you this fine evening?” Making his way to the guard captain himself, who stood with his processional stance.

“I’m doing quite well, thanks for asking.” Shining Armor smiled in return, “Though I don't know how long I’ll be staying as captain of the guard.” Waving the black stallion to follow.

Doing as asked, Mask followed the guard caption before asking, “Why. Are you thinking of retiring early?” Earning him a slight glare from the guard captain while adding, “I mean, I can understand if you need to with all the stress and work involved…not to mention the recruits!”

Chuckling a bit at the last one, Shining shook his head and told, “No, it has more to do with my position changing because I married a princess.” But couldn't help but smirk, “Though, not dealing with new recruits sounds nice.”

“Right, you’re practically a prince charming now, aren’t you?” Masquerade asked mostly in thought, mostly wondering what sort of changes will happen with such a shift in power. With this in thought, the changeling asked, “How is Cadence by the way, Twinkles would be ecstatic to hear from her old foal sitter.”

After nodding to a few guard that they both pasted, Shining Armor said, “Much better during our honeymoon.” Smiling at the thought, “We took a few days to have some R&R since the invasion before coming back to help with the repairs on Canterlot.”

The grin on Mask’s face slightly shifted at the white stallions words while he slyly said, “I’m sure you two had some time to unwind in all sorts of—”

“Don’t” The guard caption cut off, “Just don’t.” Doing his best to keep a straight face, “I may let you off the hook some when it’s you and my sister, but don't involve my love life into those jokes of yours.”

Rolling his eyes, Mask responded with a lazy grin and salute, “Aye aye, captain strict!” Getting another suffering sigh from the unicorn guard that slightly muttered to himself about the changelings.

“Oh, and speaking of you sister.” Mask brought back up, “She’s doing good. Been spending some extra time in her lab running tests on changeling samples and how they could forward magical and scientific values forwards.” Then shook his head ruefully, “Honestly I think she works way too much for her own good.”

Chuckling at that, Shinning joked, “Considering trying your hoof at another mare less busy in her research?”

Widening his eyes, Mask dramatically told, “Anarchy forbid!” Placing a hoof on his chest, “I would never consider the thought.” While explaining casually, “Besides, if I did, I’m sure I wouldn't survive the following experiments she might try on me.”

Shining Armor laughed at that, finding the idea more ridiculous in his head. He knew Twilight would never do that to another living thing. But it sounded like it would make an effective threat to use on the changeling by the sound of it.

“I don’t think Twily would have it in herself to do that to you.” Shining continued to chuckle while leading the infiltrator.

Turning up his nose at Shining's amusement, Masquerade said, “Say what you will, sir white-knight, but your sister can be terrifying when angered.” Recalling the short story Apple Jack told him when the whole Gabby Gums fiasco made Twilight go on a mare hunt.

Not too long after Mask has said his piece, did they stop at the doors leading to the dinning hall, and Shining Armor told in a more professional tone, “Both Princess Luna and Celestia await you inside.” Then nodded to the infiltrator while turning to leave.

Tracking the guard captain for a moment, Masquerade turned his attention back to the doors. Pushing one open silently as he could and slipping in just as quietly. He shut the door with an equal amount of silence, mostly out of habit from his own training.

He was a little surprised to not only find the two princesses inside, but also a changeling heir with four other changelings with capes over their weapons standing guard. Scanning over the room, Masquerade was glad to find solar guards around too, but still decided to feel them out if they weren’t what they seemed.

Satisfied, Masquerade returned his attention to the changeling heir, who was talking to both princesses over trade agreements. Running his eyes over her much slimmer form, he easily recognized her, “Greetings, Opulent of the Quasi clan.” And made his way over to Luna.

Opulent didn't show any outward surprise, as she somewhat aware when the other changeling had came into the room. “Greetings to you as well, Masquerade of the Malek clan.” She greeted in return, shifting her eyes from the assorted documents to the mentioned changeling-currently-unicorn.

Taking his place next to Luna, Mask corrected, “I’m not a Malek anymore.” Being sure to keep his feelings hidden from the other changelings in the room. He could tell that whatever tolerance the other changelings in the room had quickly turn into suspicion. Opulent herself only seemed slightly puzzled however.

Lifting a brow, the current head to the Quasi asked, “Not a Malek anymore?” Receiving a nod from her words. Somewhat crossing her hooves on the table, Opulent only stated, “So your a rouge changeling now?”

The silent stare Masquerade gave was enough to tell Opulent everything, even if she could not sense the other heirs feelings anymore. On normal circumstances, she would have reconsidered her idea now that she found out the infiltrator was now branded a rouge. But the more she thought on it, the more it seemed to be more appropriate.

Princess Luna had decided to speak at this time, filling in the the blanks for the infiltrator, “Masquerade, we have call for thy presents for a task requested by Opulent here.” Motioning with her head towards the changeling mare, who kept her eyes on them both. “She has received information that may put her clan at risk, and by extension, Equestria as well.”

Looking between the two, Masquerade asked, “And what would that be?” Settling his sights on Opulent, “A spy in your home? Dangerous rouge on the lose?” Starting to name some things off the top of his head.

“More along the lines of spying on a old enemy.” Opulent calmly told, “One I believe will be attempting to start their war on my clan once again.” Lighting up her jagged horn with magic to start searching her bags once more, pulling out a scroll, “This scroll should have the basics of what we knew of this clan, and may aid you in infiltrating them.” Offering it out.

Looking at the offered scroll with only the smallest hint of apprehension, Masquerade used his magic to grasp it and open it to scan its contents. While he did, Celestia spoke up saying, “We would also like for you to gather as much information as you can and report it to us. It will hopefully help safeguard our boarders further from this potentially hostile group.”

Masquerade nodded, asking,”You plan on telling the Lue and Gem clans too?” Keeping in mind that both changing clans would not be to thrilled if they were kept out of the loop. After all, with how many changelings now lurk out in the open, keeping secrets will be a lot more harder for the princesses if they decided to keep any.

“I’ll be sure to send copies of your report to them myself.” Celestia nodded.

Watching the infiltrator continue to read, Luna asked, “Are you truly ready for this task and prepared for an early departure?” Wondering if Twilight Sparkle’s word on the infiltrators skills are as true as she said.

Slowly nodding, Masquerade told, “It wont be easy, seeing as I’m dealing with a clan I hardly know, but I can adapt.” Rolling the scroll back up grinning, “In fact, this bit of information, no matter how old, helps give me an idea how to act and stay under the radar until I can fully move around freely.”

That same grin slipped away as Mask folded his hooves before himself on the table saying, “Though I feel I should ask why you would need me for this Opulent.” gesturing to the other changelings in the room, “I can tell those are ranger changelings, they are nearly as good as any infiltrator like myself.”

Before Opulent could say a word, Luna cut in, “I thought Opulent said they were her knights?” Sending a look to her sister as if asking if she might have heard wrong.

“Knights usually have more heavy armor, or even some light armor for extra protection.” Masquerade told simply, “And their more trained to be frontline fighters, not guards.” Giving pointed looks to each changeling common in the room, Masquerade concluded, “Moreover, knights follow a clear leadership lineup of a commander and his underlings.”

“That does not help us understand why Opulent would lie about who guards her, or what rangers are.” Celestia pointed out to the infiltrator, suitably reminding him that she and her sister still knew little about changing culture and ways.

Blinking and giving a sheepish smile, Masquerade apologized, “Uh, sorry about that.” Clearing his throat and explaining, “There are many specialization's changelings can follow or taught, each divided into three arts known as Tome, Sword and Cloak.”

Patting his chest, the rouge changing explained, “I fall into the Cloak category, and my specialization is infiltrator.” Then pointed to the changeling commons in the room saying, “Rangers fall into the Sword category, and act like special operations that work in squads to do a task. Such as tracking down rouge elements, dealing with high priority targets in battle, search and rescue operations…” Then sent a look to Opulent who was trying her best not to shift in place, “Or protect the current clan head.”

While the room went into a quiet lull, the four apparent ranger’s collectively gave Masquerade glares, while Opulent calmed herself and confessed, “They are what you say, but I felt the need to hid what they are.” Giving backwards looks to the commons, giving them a look that told them to stay where they were. Drawing in another breath she continued, “They are, after all, the only rangers I have left.”

Having a slightly downcast gaze, Opulent sadly said, “With the events that had led up to this, I had to sent a squad of my rangers to investigate, but only one came back.” Feeling slightly irritated at the prospect of losing more of her kinsmen.

Looking to Masquerade she told, “It is why I am asking for your aid from the Princesses. I know how well changeling infiltrators such as you can get the information needed.”

“There is also the fact Opulent seems to not have any infiltrators under her command.” Luna spoke up as well, adding with, “Opulent requires your aid, so she might have plausible deniability in any further involvement.”

Mutely, the infiltrator nodded in understanding to both of them, finding their logic sound enough. Celestia chose this moment to speak up, and ask, “Are you sure your fit for this task?” Grabbing the disguised changelings attention, “You seem a little suspicious of Opulent and her clan.” Narrowing her eyes some.

With a grin showing itself once more, Masquerade stated, “I wouldn't be a good infiltrator if I trusted everypony around me.” Still holding on to his paranoia.

Snorting, Opulent somewhat agreed, “Most changing infiltrators don’t, so I suppose your suspicion was just out of habit.” But only got that same grin from the faux unicorn.

Seeing as the black unicorn was filled in enough, Luna addressed, “Masquerade.” Getting his attention once more, “In light of this information, are you prepared to undergo this task we set before thee?”

Receiving a single nod from the infiltrator, Luna told, “Then get some rest, for tomorrow you shalt depart early in the morn by my guard.”

After being lead into his own quarters for the night, Masquerade took a seat at the desk in the guest room, going over the scroll partaking to this Salient clan. First in it was how their clan was structured, something like that of the Willed clan and their warrior mindset. It was a rare trait in changelings, and not often seen considering their natural skill set. What wasn't a rare trait was their apparent love for conquest.

The Salient clan followed much older changeling ideas, one where force and power decided how to dictate law and order. It was nearly the same ideals that had brought his race to it’s knees at the two celestial sisters, as his ancestors tried to use the same force to take Equestria.

Not all those ideals and such are bad though, Masquerade reminded himself while he read. After all, challenging works in the same fashion, only more regulated by rules.

Reading further, the infiltrator was also trying to think of the best persona to use while sneaking in. He obviously could just take on the look of a drone, but that involved finding a group of them to pair up with. Going in as a common would only get him so far, as the were the group that had some authority, which meant a level of recognition.

Thinking for a moment on his past experiences of sneaking around, Masquerade could only nod in thought that getting in was always the hard part. Thinking more deeply for a while, a new possibility popped into the changelings mind, an illusion spell that could get him in with fair amount of ease. He just had to be sure to time it just right, otherwise it wouldn't work.

The rouge infiltrator also wished he knew a good amount of the inside of this clan hive. True most clan hives follow the same idea of construction, with clan heads living in the center while the ceiling held mostly archives and nurseries near the walls. But everything else such as housing, storage, trade areas, work places, watering systems and even the types of flora in them were randomized.

I’ll need to spend at least three or four days mapping out the place, he folded his fore-hooves while leaning on the desk. Creasing his brow Mask added, I’ll also need to take a day or two scooping out both the hive center and the archives overhead. He knew both would have information of their own. The question was if he could find anything of relevance.

There was also the need of scoping out a few areas that he could sabotage if in need. It was amazing what a commotion can be made by cracking a few underground dams, or making a smith’s workplace ablaze. Those distractions always did the trick in buying time for escapes or getting intel.

Hearing a few knocks on the door behind him, Masquerade’s ear twitched slightly and called out, “Yes?” Not taking his eyes away from his current reading.

The door slightly creaked when it opened, a sound that the infiltrator had come to hate when it would ruin his otherwise sneaky work. With his senses reaching out, he could taste the sweet love that came off the pony, and smiled at the familiar feel of the emotions. Smirking, he greeted, “Greetings Cadence, I didn’t expect to see you today.”

Making her way inside, the pink alicorn closed the door behind herself saying, “And I wouldn't have, if Shiny didn't tell me you arrived earlier today.” Walking over to some cushions in the center of the room, taking a seat.

After getting herself situated some, Cadence smiled, “I wanted to take this chance to talk to you some before you leave.”

Masquerade couldn't help but shift his head slightly, curious what the alicorn wanted to talk about. In a short debate in his mind, the black stallion rolled the scroll back up with his magic and left it on the desk before standing and walking to the center of the room.

Using his magic to lift a few cushions and pile them into one place, Masquerade gave a slight stretch before plopping his front onto the pile and just laid down saying, “Alright, what’s on your mind?”

Cadence wanted to almost laugh at the stallions seemingly informal actions, and decided to move herself to lay down as well, telling, “As much as I’ve seen you, we never had a chance to just talk to one another.”

“We’ve talked plenty of times, like when we visited Twinkles parents.” Masquerade waved a hoof, and got a thoughtful look saying, “The meal was good too, even if food isn't necessary for me.”

Shaking her head at the stallion, Cadence smiled, “I’m talking about getting to know more about the pony who caught the eye of my favorite little filly.” And gaining a far away look saying, “I wish I knew you more when you were just a colt, Twilight didn't seem to talk about you at all back then.”

With a soft smile Mask agreed, “She was just a filly then, and most of her attention was always on studying.” Giving slight chuckles at the thought, “She probably thought the things she learned with me were more interesting than little ol’ me. And to be honest, I would have been fine with that.” Giving a single pleased nod at the end.

“You seem to enjoy hiding.” Cadence giggled mostly to herself, a little amazed at how much of a polar opposite the young stallion was to her husband at times. When she was younger, she would talk about her Shinning with her friends, and in return, the young stallion would feel a bit flattered at be talked about like most ponies. Mask apparently, found it more flattering not to be mentioned at all.

Lifting his head up some, Masquerade said with seriousness, “Hiding is part of my skill set, so it’s something I need to make sure is kept sharp.” But it was shortly dropped a second later as he said, “Also, it’s fun to jump out of nowhere and surprise ponies.”

Gaining smirk at that, Cadence said, “Twilight mentioned a few times that you like to pounce on her.” Finding the idea rather funny. With her smirk still in place she then cooed, “She even said you would turn into cuddly teddybear that likes to just snuggle all day long.”

Snorting at that, Masquerade shot back, “I don't turn into a cuddly teddybear!” Pouting as he said, “I just get a little frisky because of my instincts…”

Raising a brow at this, Cadence curiously echoed, “Instincts?” Wondering what the black stallion meant.

Shrugging lightly, Masquerade told, “It’s a changeling thing.” Laughing lightly to himself explaining, “When a changeling —be they male or female— chose a mate, they tend to not only become protective, but much more playful to enact more positive responses.”

With her curiosity bubbling at where their conversation was going, the princess of love asked, “What are changeling relationships like?” Truly curious at how Twilight and Masquerade’s current relationship was like when adding different culture norms.

Though a little surprised at her inquiry, Masquerade saw no problem with the turn their talk was going and said, “Well, I can say our way for relationships are a lot more…flexible?” Making it sound like he was asking himself. Shaking the questions of how to word it, he basically told, “Changeling relationships are rather straight forward. You chose a mate and let said mate know and your good to go.” Giving a light shrug.

Whatever she was expecting, Cadence didn't expect this. from what she just heard, relationships were very straight forward with little dating involved. Sensing the alicorns confusion, Mask said, “Don’t get me wrong, choosing a mate in changeling society is different then how you might think from a pony perspective.”

Nodding slowly, Cadence said, “It would help if you explained it in more detail.” Running her hoof over the ribbon on her right fore-leg where a golden bonding gem was.

Masquerade had notched the added jewelry, knowing it was a gift from both Celestia and the changeling elder Intrusive. Thinking for a moment, Mask figured a way to explain things more clearly, “Alright, let me try again.”

“There are two kinds of couples in changeling living.” Masquerade intoned in a teaching voice, something he had been doing more often because of Twilight, “First up are mates, where one changeling choses another to be their mate.”

Pausing a moment to think, Mask continued, “For a female to chose a mate, they usually are going through a cycle, which can be triggered when certain conditions are met. From there, they chose a male with the preferred qualities and coat them in pheromones to keep other females away.”

This sounded familiar to Cadence, who voiced, “I remember Twilight talking something about changeling cycles…” Knitting her bore trying to remember. It didn't take much, for the alicorn to remember, saying, “Now I remember, she was talking about one of her frineds, Apple Jack I think, having problems with two changeling mares?”

Giving a nod, Masquerade said, “You must be referring to my cousins, Ivory and Ebony. They were going through their cycle at the time and chose Apple Jack's older brother as a potential mate.” Chuckling at the end with, “Poor mare was so worked up over the whole thing, she ran off to ‘save’ her brother before I could finish explaining things to her.”

“I can imagine.” Cadence laughed along, now starting to remember more of the tail Twilight told her. This also included the supposed actions changeling mares had when in said cycle, which seemed more tame compared to a ponies heat cycle.

With a curious look, Cadence asked, “And what do you boys do to find yourself a mare?” Getting a somewhat sly look on her features.

Rolling his eyes, Mask sighed, “In short, if a changeling male wants a mate, they chose a female and ask.” Suddenly grinning, he snickered out, “But if they want to progress further, they have to show off in anyway they can, so they might trigger the female’s cycle.” Now openly chuckling, he added “I have to say, it is a hilarious sight to see, since each cycle is triggered differently depending on the female, and some of the males have to do somewhat humiliating things to trigger it at times.”

With a twinkle in her eye and a small smile, Cadence intoned, “I sense a story somewhere in there.” Only smiling more widely as Masquerade chuckled a bit more.

“My brother, Grove.” Mask nodded, “He had to strut around like a peacock while wearing the most ridicules assortment of feathered clothing I have ever seen!” Cackling a little at the end.

Tilting her head slightly, Cadence said, “That doesn't sound too awful bad.” But only served to make Masquerade roar in laughter.

Once again picking up on the mares confusion, Mask calmed down a little, slightly giggling, “He had to strut his way from one end of the clan hive to the other before the cycle triggered for the mare he choose.”

Now seeing what he was saying, Cadence put a hoof to her mouth, letting out slight giggles at the thought. She had heard how big a clan hive was, and how many lived in said hives. The idea of dressing up in a silly outfit and then walking past hundreds of onlookers would find it just as silly— the idea seemed a bit outlandish.

After both had settle-down from the little bit of the infiltrators brother situation, Mask picked back up, “Anyways, Mate’s usually stay together for about a year before parting. Since we could lose a mate at any point in time, we rarely stay with one mate for too long.”

Before Cadence could say anything, Masquerade went on, “In the clan, we share ourselves with our kinsmen that are not closely related. It’s just how we’re taught and live as one big, huge family.” Then scratched his chin, “Though it’s hard to keep track of nearly hundreds of names of your clansmen.”

“What about Twilight?” Cadence asked with a hint of concern at where this seemed to be heading, “Where would she fit into…your way of thinking?” Having second guesses about Masquerade’s feelings towards the lavender mare.

Gaining a somber look, Mask admitted, “By changeling standards, she would be seen as my mate.” Slightly tapping the marble floor with a hoof. Smiling softly he said, “Though, I don't think I could ever just be a mate for Twinkles.” And turned up to the love alicorns questioning gaze.

“The second type of relationship is a much more deeper one, and is rarely considered.” Lifting his hoof, Mask pointed to the hexagon shaped gem on the mares right fore-leg saying, “Bond mates are mates who have one love, and one love only. And they show this by presenting a set of bonding gems, that tie the two together, forever.”

Shrugging Masquerade then said a little more aridly, “But that’s how the elders that make the gems explain it, they never tell non-elders how they work in great detail.” And grumbled, “Which I don't see why they wouldn't say, as bonding gems aren't a huge secret in the first place.”

Looking a tad lost, the alicorn princess admitted, “I…don’t know if I understand, wouldn't that be something special?” Thinking about it some as Mask's expression was a bit blank. “The way you put it, it's like…” Stopping herself there to ponder some, letting her eyes drop down to the floor.

Letting the alicorn think for a moment, Masquerade sighed, “Maybe I can give you some perspective?” Receiving a slow nod from Cadence who lifted her eyes back up. Once again in thought, Mask glanced out the window and waved his hoof, “Imagine…all of Canterlot was your hive.”

“Now, imagine you are one of hundreds that live, work and ate next to all of them. You bath with them, you sweat with them, you may also share the same bed, close relation or not.” Stopping a moment for this to sink in, Mask continued, “You not only know them, but trust those you grew up with day by day, and they you.”

Now pushing himself up from his pile of cushions to sit up and wave his fore-limbs about he said with an added accent, “You are a shella and you have a bunch of blokes ready to come to your aid at any time, and they have a bunch of shella’s that are willing to come to their aid.”

Now pointing a black hoof at her, Mask told, “You all trust each other with your lives and feelings. Nearly nothing is hidden from them.” Then pointed to the bonding gem that softly glowed it’s golden color saying more softly, “But when you use that gem, you are saying that you are trusting somepony so deeply, that there wont ever be a secret hidden from either of you, but always kept between you two. In a way, it’s like saying you wish be start a whole new life, away from those you trusted for so long.”

Nodding again, Cadence said, “I think I understand…” Gently running her hoof over the glowing gem, “It’s like I’m renouncing my close ties to those I trust most, and placing my life in only one set of hooves, not all of theirs.”

“The clan is my family, and the family is my clan.” Masquerade recited aloud for Cadence to hear, “It is one of the first thing’s a nymph is taught since birth, and caries on until they have their own bundles of joy.”

Nodding to this, Cadence remained quiet for a time before asking, “And what about Twilight?” Looking deeply into the bright green eyes that seemed to always hold an edge of cunning, “You never fully answered my question.” Trying to fully see what the stallion would do next.

For a while, Mask did nothing but stare back at the pink alicorn, as if he was making a stand against her in some form. Eventually though, he blinked first, looking to the side telling with some reluctance, “If I had my way, I would ask her to be my bond mate.”

Quirking a brow at this response, Cadence said, “Then why don't you, I can tell your next to infatuated with her?” Keeping her eyes on the stallion who kept silent for a moment.

“I might be, but Twikles— Twilight needs more time.” Masquerade corrected himself quickly. Though he didn’t want to talk about it, he had reasoned to himself that if and when he does ask Twilight about those bonding gems he had, he needed the approval of those who cared for her.

Laying back down to his pile of cushions, the stallion continued to explain, “When we first decided to be a pair, Twilight was unsure how to approach the subject, and only did so when she was on full meltdown.” This only served to make him grin and shake his head thinking, a typical Twilight response to something outside her orderly control.

“You ponies aren't like us changeling, and take your time with relationships.” And looked down to the floor where he was running one of his hooves in circles, “And the thing is, we need to take our time because we’re not as close as we were as foals. Twilight needs to adjust to the idea of somepony to always lean on and to be at her side on a moments notice…” Then tapped his hoof on the floor some, “And truthfully, so do I.”

Feeling a hoof on his chin and direct his head up, the stallion was greeted to Cadence’s warm smile and she nodded, “Then I’m glad my little Twilight has found such sweet and caring stallion to look after her.” Then backed up as Mask sat up to somewhat keep hight with the now standing princess.

“I’m glad we had this talk Masquerade.” Cadence continued to smile turning and leaving for the door. pausing at the door, she said, “It was…enlightening.” Opening the door to leave and called back, “Goodnight Masquerade!”

With an amused grin and huff, Mask responded in kind with, “Later princess!” Watching the creaking door as it closed shut. Staring at the door a bit longer, Masquerade felt that he had removed one obstacle if he ever started asking for Twilight’s hoof. He however rolled his eyes thinking, sure, one hoop down, five more to jump through.

With dawns breaking came the sound of awakening life in the forrest close to the Griffin Kingdom. Cool crisp air nipped at the wildlife as it woke from slumber and the sun steadily rise for the day ahead. While most of the wildlife woke and got ready for their day of survival, some where scurrying back into their dens.

In this part of the woods, a chariot landed, letting one black unicorn jump off and make one last look over his current gear. Seeing nothing wrong and everything in order, Masquerade looked back to the lunar guards who dropped him off and gave a single nod.

With that, both thestrals moved, opening their leathery wings once more and take flight, leaving the Infiltrator alone and to his task.