• Published 25th Aug 2014
  • 1,208 Views, 16 Comments

Lessons of the Heart - Vic Fontaine

Twilight is used to concrete problems that have concrete solutions. But, on the eve of her move to Ponyville, she's having second thoughts. How can she solve a problem that isn't in any of her books?

  • ...

Chapter 1

“Princess Celestia?”

“Yes, my most faithful student?”

“You know I trust everything you say implicitly, right?”

The solar princess softly closed the door behind her and surveyed the small bedroom that had been her protege’s home away from home for the last few years. Books and scrolls - all perfectly organized, of course - dominated nearly every inch of the room. A bed and small vanity stood alone in the far corner, clinging to the one space in the room that the stacks of books had not yet claimed.

A set of tan saddle bags sat in front of the bed, stuffed to the limit with quills, inkwells, books, and parchment rolls. Celestia frowned a bit at the presence of only a single suitcase to join them, however. Hmm… Why do I get the feeling that I’ll be sending more things to Ponyville after she departs?

Celestia thought to question the lack of other luggage for such a long trip, but the question died on her lips when her gaze settled on the young mare that was still pacing in circles in front of her. No need to induce panic, she thought. Once this week was more than enough.

“Of course I do, Twilight. You know that I value the trust you place in me dearly.”

Twilight continued her frenetic pacing. “A-and you also know that I’d never refuse any request or assignment from you, right?”

“Yes, of course,” Celestia answered. Oh, I know where this is going already... “As I have said many times, your devotion to the tasks I have set before you has been unparalleled.”

"Oh, well, that’s great to hear,” the young unicorn replied as she walked another circle around the center of the room. “I was beginning to worry a bit—” Twilight whirled around to face the Princess directly, “I mean, surely, you of all ponies would have a most insightful reason for sending me to the middle of nowhere forever!

Wait for it… Wait for it… Celestia kept her poker face on while she awaited the ensuing panic attack.

Then the words registered in her brain, and the veneer of confidence that Twilight had held up over the past few days broke. Her eyes shrunk to pinpricks as she tried to stuff her last words back in her mouth. “O-oh Princess, I’m so sorryIdidn’tmeanitpleasedon’tbanishme—”

“Twilight Sparkle.” The gentle but serious tone of Celestia’s voice silenced the babbling unicorn instantly. A golden glow enveloped Twilight as Celestia’s magic lifted her off the floor and brought her to rest on top of her small bed. Twilight blinked away some tears as Celestia stepped to the side of her bed and sat down, bringing her eyes in line with Twilight’s.

“My dear Twilight, I know the talent that lies inside your mind, and the devotion that lives in your heart. You are my most faithful student, after all.” The princess brushed a stray lock of hair from Twilight’s face. “But tell me, why would I ever doubt the young mare who brought my dear sister back?”

“I-I know, P-princess…” Twilight paused to collect her still shaky voice. “...but I don’t even know how I did that. One minute I’m trying apple pie and inspecting banners, and the next minute I’m fighting Nightmare Moon!”

A soft, comforting smile crossed the princess’ lips. “Indeed, though don’t forget that you did not fight the Nightmare alone. You found quite the group of ponies to aid you.”

“I still don’t know how those five specific ponies tied into all of this, or why the Elements of Harmony chose any of us…” Twilight blinked back a few stray tears. “...but why do I have to leave you, and everything I know in Canterlot, to find out? Can’t I study this problem from here?”

“You could do that,” Celestia cooed as she drew closer. “But if you’re studying friendship, would it not be easier to study it with other ponies, with friends, all around you?”

“I suppose it would be easier.” Twilight looked down at the soft comforter for a moment as she spoke. “Easy. Heh, not much about this that’s easy though. I don’t even know where to begin to solve this, much less with five other ponies and a strange town as new variables.” She buried her nose in her hooves again. “I’m used to concrete solutions to concrete problems, Princess. But friendship? How do I ‘solve’ friendship? How do I even know when I've found the answer?”

Celestia looked down at Twilight with a mixture of sympathy and wonder. So much worry in such a young mind… If only she knew how much lays in store for her.

“Spike will be there to help you along, and of course I will offer any advice that I can.” The Princess’ voice drew Twilight’s eyes back up. “Remember, Twilight, that there is much more to magic, and to the world, than spell formulae and evocation circles. You have made vast strides in your education, and have mastered so much in such a short time. But there are many lessons that cannot come from a book or a princess… lessons that can only be taught by life itself.”

Celestia placed a hoof on top of Twilight’s as she continued. “Life can be a very valuable teacher, but it does not always speak through the mind. Sometimes, you have to let your heart, your emotions, be your teacher instead. The lessons they will provide won’t always be easy, but I know that in time, you’ll find the answers that you’re looking for.”

Twilight smiled through the last of her tears, gripping the Princess’ gold-clad hoof as if it were a life raft. “You’re right, Princess. It may take me a bit to figure it out, but I won’t let you down.”

She looked into the eyes of the sun and let slip a final thought. “But, how much can life teach from a small town like Ponyville?”

“Attention, passengers, we are now arriving in Ponyville. This is the last stop for this train, so please remember to take all of your belongings. Have a good day!”

The slightly garbled voice of the conductor’s voice broke Twilight from her daydreams. She gazed out the far window as the first set of platforms came into view around the bend in the tracks, the shapes of ponies already taking shape in the distance. She was hundreds of miles away from everything that she knew to be familiar; her parents’ home, her room in the castle, her favorite booth at Donut Joe’s, and the warm presence of her mentor and Princess. But as the train whistled its imminent arrival, the reality that ‘home’ was now only minutes away hit her like a stack of books.

“How am I going to do this? Can I do this?” Twilight muttered to herself as she began to pack a well-worn copy of ‘Advanced Invocations and Potions’ and a few scrolls into her saddlebags.

Another whistle was joined by the squeal of brakes as the train began to slow, the Ponyville train station now coming fully into Twilight’s view. The wooden platform was crowded, with ponies shuffling bags, peering around to find new arrivals, and exchanging a last embrace with those that were departing.

One final lurch and a belch of steam brought the train to a full stop, and ponies began filing out as soon as the car doors swung open. Out of excuses and out of time, Twilight wrapped her few bags in a field of magic and made her way to the door at the near end of the car.

Her hooves hit the platform, and she stopped to get her bearings. “Oh darn, I should have kept that map out! Hmm…” Twilight juggled her bags in the air above her head as she tried to reach into her saddlebags for the map, but her efforts proved fruitless.

“Well, so much for that. Off to a great start there, Sparkle,” she grumbled. “Ponyville isn’t that big though. I’m sure if I just wander into town, somepony will know where—”

“Where the library is? Well, I just happen to be headed there myself, sugarcube!”

Twilight spun in place and immediately caught sight of Applejack, one of the five mares that only days before had helped her defeat Nightmare Moon. “Applejack? W-what are you doing here?”

Applejack gave her a warm smile. “I heard that you’d be arriving today, and even a small town can seem like a huge place to the new pony in town. So, me and the girls thought we’d help you settle in.”

“The girls? What girls?” Twilight asked.

Applejack nodded her head over her left shoulder. “Oh, you mean them? Eh, they’re just some ponies I picked up on my way here. I thought you might like to see some familiar faces.”

Twilight followed Applejack’s gaze back and to her left, and her mouth hung open in surprise. There stood the other bearers of the Elements. They broke out into an enthusiastic cheer as the ever-exuberant Pinkie Pie held up a huge banner that read ‘Welcome to Your New Home, Twilight Sparkle!’

A warm smile crossed her face as Twilight soaked in the scene before her. In her heart, she could already feel her doubts beginning to melt away like ice in the sun.

“Perhaps life has more lessons planned than I thought.”

Author's Note:

The minific writeoff has a 750 word cap most of the time, so this was expanded a bit to reach the 1K threshold, and to address some of the (very helpful) reader comments that it received from the writeoff crowd.

Overall, nothing fancy or super lofty here. Just thought I'd expand this a bit and polish it up. After all, there's no substitute for more writing practice. ;)

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Comments ( 16 )

Very nice. :twilightsmile:

That's my pre-reader! Brilliant as always.

Senpai-Loyal has noticed me! :rainbowkiss::pinkiegasp:


Dat was sweet. :3

So Nice So Lesson So Heart but so great.


Thanks so much! :)

Interesting to see the expanded version — I had interpreted the original as occurring before the season opener. This puts rather a different cast on it, with Twilight having saved the world with friendship but still not being totally on board with giving up her life for these five cool new strangers. :twilightsheepish:


My page has been graced by horizon! :rainbowkiss: :raritywink:

Seriously, thanks for stopping by to comment! My intention from the start was to position this in the (unseen in the show) time between the return of Luna and Twi's permanent move to Ponyville. That it did not show through clearly in the first edition points to the fact that I cranked this out with only two hours to go before deadline. :twilightblush:

I do hope you liked the revisions though. :)

I'd like to talk to the ONE person who disliked this…jk ik it's their desicion, but still. (I'm sorry ik i also can't spell xD)

Clean, simple, to the point (though I'm not quite sure what the random tag is doing there). Have a ribbon:


Oh, wow! thank you so much! :D

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