• Published 26th Aug 2014
  • 2,509 Views, 65 Comments

The Question - kudzuhaiku

A pony awakes in the mud with no memory of how he got there, which poses a mystery for Princess Luna and Princess Twilight Sparkle

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Chapter 2

“So what do we do with Slate now that we have him secured? What purpose is he to serve?” Twilight Sparkle asked as the library basement slowly came into view around them and reality reasserted itself. Auras of rainbow light flickered around the three of them as they materialised in the dim room.

“That is the question, is it not?” Luna replied inquisitively. “We learn everything we can from him. We see if his kind and our kind can live together peacefully, coexisting. Freed from the hive mind, he does not seem like a bad sort, he has no hostile or malicious intents, he is mostly just empty headed.”

Twilight looked over at Slate, who was standing in a corner looking fearful and she felt genuinely bad for the creature. She went to comfort him and he gently pushed himself into her touch eagerly, acting very submissive and very much like a wild pony would, which made Twilight feel confused.

“I have learned to respect your hunches even if so many others do not,” Luna admitted. “The entire Canterlot invasion could have been avoided had my sister listened to you and trusted your instincts. Tell me Twilight, I know you do not know everything just yet, but what are your instincts regarding Buckminster?”

“If he is who Celestia believes him to be, then I do not think it can be avoided. Whatever will happen will happen. Fate has a way of catching you by surprise. I still think of that last moment when my body was being consumed by raw magic. The pain. The feeling of my own death,” Twilight said as she closed her eyes and shook her head. “It was really weird Luna, just before I found myself on the astral plane, I could have sworn I saw a zebra, an earth pony, and a unicorn standing in the room with my friends, but I had trouble seeing them. I think there was an aversion spell on them.”

“Do not speak of them lest you draw their attention, and you must never attempt to learn their names. There are some Fates better left alone and mysterious,” Luna warned. “And they are probably responsible for Touching poor Slate over here.”

Twilight continued to gently stroke Slate, and the grey earth pony made a happy sounding nicker of approval. She turned to look at Luna. “Do we have any choice in anything? I used to believe in free will. And then I had my eyes opened. Is everything predetermined? Predestined? Do I have no choice in anything? Did you have a choice in becoming Nightmare Moon?”

“I believe I met fate halfway on that one. I wanted to usurp my sister and be rid of the day. I was in pain Twilight. So much had happened. Discord and his end. The creation of the lunar pegasi. Sombra… poor Sombra, whom I loved like a brother. His betrayal hurt me more than I could ever put into words. Imagine if Shining Armor suddenly turned upon you, attempted to murder you while speaking rationally about why he must do it, and that you were a threat to all ponykind,” Luna answered. “And then imagine if you saw wisdom in his words…”

“So do we meet fate halfway? Did I bring all of this upon myself? Did Slate do something to deserve being mindwiped and then dumped by a mysterious force in a muddy ditch? Now he is a plaything. A pawn. One of the many game pieces upon a board in a game I don’t understand and there are no written rules for and I don’t like things that don’t have written rules,” Twilight muttered angrily.

“Rules can be bent or broken. I went to help Buckminster after my sister expressly forbade me from doing so. She said that I was not to assist him in any way, shape, or form. I fear that sometimes, in her efforts to avoid becoming a tyrant, Celestia can be a little too hooves off. She doesn’t want to interfere too much in any situation because she is too worried in whose fate might be tied up in it. So she lets trouble continue to happen and things spiral out of control because she does not want to rob the experience from the poor soul destined to clean up some mess or another,” Luna explained.

“Well that approach worked out so well! All of Equestria has fallen! There are no more recognised noble houses! The courts are gone! The banks are gone! Celestia is at war with most of Canterlot! Most of Fillydelphia has been burned to the ground and there are rampaging gangs of angry orphans roaming the ruins learning the fine art of savagery as they try to survive from day to day during the collapse!” Twilight snapped.

“There is good to be found in all of this. Even now, many are discovering their destinies. In these troubling times, many are having their mettle tested and new leaders are rising up to replace those who have fallen into disgrace,” Luna replied as she watched Twilight stroking Slate. The grey earth pony was making happy snorting sounds and whickering from Twilight’s touch. “We should get him outside. I doubt he is potty trained.”

Roseluck, Lily Valley, and Daisy all looked at Twilight Sparkle doubtfully and then glanced at the plain looking grey earth pony named Slate. The three mares seemed cautious about the idea, but did not reject it outright.

“So he is feral,” Roseluck said.

“And he knows nothing,” Lily commented.

“Which means we have to teach him everything,” Daisy remarked.

“Yes,” Twilight Sparkle said patiently.

“That doesn’t seem so bad. We can train him to be the perfect stallion,” Roseluck announced.

Lily giggled as Slate mounted her, wrapping his forelegs around her middle. She slipped away from beneath him, gently bucking him away, her tail swishing as she departed, and she turned to face him with an embarrassed blush upon her cheeks.

“He’s friendly!” Daisy observed.

“And while he is frisky, he isn’t overly aggressive,” Lily said. “Aw, he looks flustered. I think he was trying to say “hi” in his own special way, he wasn’t actually trying to be a jerk. Look how sad and submissive he is.”

“He’s confused,” Roseluck said.

“You must teach him how to fit into our society. And it is important that if you take him in that you love him and are affectionate with him. He… he… he deserves to be happy and I will not stand for him to be neglected. Also, you are to be watched with him. This is a great chance at a social experiment to see if a feral pony can be reintegrated into society, so you must understand that there will be a level of observation. You will be studied, watched, and your interactions observed,” Twilight dutifully explained. Twilight privately wondered what Applejack would think about all of this and she felt a twinge of guilt.

“So he is as his name suggests, a blank slate and we get to shape his development into the sort of stallion we want in our herd?” Roseluck said, not believing her good fortune.

“Yes,” Twilight responded.

“How can we say no?” Daisy quipped.

“He is to be educated, this means reading and writing. He is not to be kept stupid for the purposes of breeding stock,” Twilight instructed. “Everything is outlined in the contract.”

“Aw, look at him,” Lily said as Slate rubbed the side of his face against her ribs. “His ear is tickling me and it feels so good!”

Twilight wondered if Slate was feeding, and it made her feel uncertain. “Anyway, you have a week. You may be his custodial guardians for a week on a trial basis and then you may inform me of your decision. Do not let him wander off. Princess Luna or I will be dropping in time permitting and checking up on all of you. If there is a problem and we are not available, send a runner to Barley O’Blivion, he has the means to contact Princess Luna in the event of an emergency.”

The three mares nodded and then continued to giggle, obviously all of them happy, which made Twilight feel odd. She sighed and resigned herself to her task. She sat down in the soft grass and watched as the three mares delighted in their delirious happiness.

“Did we do the right thing?” Twilight Sparkle asked, a question she found herself asking more and more these days. It seemed to be the question. She looked over at Luna and Barley, who were spending a quiet peaceful moment together, cuddled together on a couch.

“So yon grey pony is a-”

“Shush Barley,” Luna interrupted, placing a hoof over Barley’s mouth.

The old ivory stallion fell silent and eased himself into Luna’s side. She nuzzled him affectionately and the pair took comfort in one another during this brief moment of downtime.

“Slate seemed really happy with them,” Twilight reported.

“I wish I could have been there, but those three still faint when I draw near,” Luna said regretfully.

“Bah, those mares spook entirely too easy,” Barley grumbled as he tried to ignore the pain in his legs.

“Ponyville just became a little odder. One more resident in a town full of some of the strangest ponies in Equestria. Here, we have herds, openly gay couples, Shetland ponies, weirdoes, crackpots, a pegasus who might still be infected with vampirism, and it is currently flooded with refugees who have added their own flavour to the local culture,” Twilight stated.

“I am all for gay couples, provided that both mares are lookers,” Barley remarked.

“Barley!” Luna cried, slapping him lightly with her wing. “How could you?”

“How could I? Well, I could if they weren’t lesbians,” Barley chortled.

“Barley! You rapscallion! Behave yourself or I shall be forced to chastise you!” Luna scolded.

Twilight rubbed her muzzle with her fetlock. “I swear Luna, I do not understand how you two are friends,” she muttered. “No offense meant Barley. You do so much. I mean, you help so many but at the same time you are such a cad… a princess should not associate with a cad.”

“I am a princess shagging cad,” Barley said with a chuckle.

“Have you contacted my sister yet and informed her about Slate?” Luna inquired as she slapped Barley in the back of his head with her wing, making the stallion blink a few times in surprise and fall silent.

“Yes, but I haven’t heard back from her. I hate to say it, but I think magical communications are being interfered with or blocked. Celestia has the palace shielded and sealed off completely,” Twilight replied.

“Well, the plan remains unchanged. My sister intends to release a major heat focused upon the Equestrian population. The rest of the world might feel a little extra amorous, but she feels it was worth the risk, at least the last time we spoke. I am adjusting the moon for maximum effectiveness in timing with the perfect lunar cycle,” Luna explained.

“Seems wrong using nature as a weapon,” Twilight stated.

“We feel that it would make ponies calm down and become a little more family oriented. The earth ponies might cease in their revolt and begin to produce food again knowing that they are going to have many little mouths to feed. A pregnant mare wants stability and calm. It will be in their best interests to settle down, grow food, and return to order,” Luna said.

“Aye, ain’t nothing a good shag won’t fix. More shagging, less fighting, now if only we could make it rain whiskey and porn magazines,” Barley muttered as he winced and flexed one of his legs.

“Barley, your poor legs… you spend too much time going from camp to camp, I am going to get you a chariot,” Luna said. “And if you tell me no again, I will become most infuriated with you.”

“Okay, fine, I give,” Barley grumbled. “I am too old for this shite.”

Twilight blushed furiously at the profanity and at Barley in general. Truth be told, she could not stand him, but she understood how valuable he was and how much Luna loved him as a friend. Barley was the only thing keeping the refugees from rioting by giving them a voice and a direct means of communication to the princess for emergency needs.

“I can’t stop thinking about if we are doing the right thing,” Twilight stated. “What is the right thing?”

Author's Note:

And so, it concludes.

See any typos? If you tell me, I will fix them. Thanks for reading. I hope this made you ask questions. If you have been reading The Chase, this should provide a bit of insight. It all comes down to perspectives.

Comments ( 37 )

Kudzu, I think you mean 8/31/14, not 7/31/14

Now you have my attention with this story. I look forward to more.


This story is over.

There will be a sidestory about Slate though. And he will be in The Chase.

4931459 Well then, I blame the four hours of sleep I have had in the past 48 hours.

Sleep is for the weak, effeminate, and English!

But yeah, then I look forward to THAT story.

In the quite and wise words of Barley....SHITE !!!

No, really, now that the things are looking better and better you finish this gobeshite story !!!!! I´m gonna hung you through your balls !!!!

Oh gosh, i think that Barley infected me...he have a very infectious mood...

Please, say we´ll have more Barley and borderline Twilight in the chase. I love when miss-everything-in-your-place-and-time simple can´t have control, or answers. I have soft side for broken Twilight....

Implied eventual omniscience on Twilight's part? Oh my. I can't help but wonder if that'll result in a Laplace's-demon-type situation, wherein Twilight could extrapolate the future based on the present position and trajectory of every atom in the universe...
Ah, but Equestria is far from a mechanistic cosmos. Probably not worth worrying about.

In any case, always good to get more insight on the situation. It sounds like Fillydelphia wouldn't look out of place in Fallout: Equestria. I just hope Celestia's plan works...

Twilight isn't necessarily doing the right thing. I don't think there is a right thing to do in this scenario. However, I think she's doing the best she can.

Looking forward to more, especially Slate's education.

So...this is pretty much just more information for the Chaseverse?

Not complaining, just wondering.


Also a teaser for what is to come, and I am strongly planning on a bit more about Slate. Depending on how well he is recieved. Side stories. :pinkiehappy:

4932486 Yes, we need more Slate. He seems promising. Slate is, after all, a blank slate. Erm...was he not an alicorn when we first met him? Did he subconciously shift to a earth pony form when he was introduced to the mares who would take care of him? I might have missed that.


Read through very very carefully. Look at the clues and puzzle it out.

If you still don't get it, I will send you a private message. Don't spoil it.

4932498 i have a typo to report

Celestia can be a little too hooves off.

in other news. i really look forward to slate learning social rules through lessons and example rather than growing into it. the speaking will be interesting to since i wonder how you will explain it. if we go from a purely physical perspective and compare to humans then... maybe he would be able to learn?

wild humans who have never learned to talk become unable to learn normal speech after, 12 years i think? after that the speech area of the brain will have mostly deactivated due to inactivity and absence of stimuli. BUT this guy was mind-wiped, not grown feral. that could mean that simply all his knowledge was removed but the synapses in his brain are still intact. that would mean that he has a perfectly healthy brain and then he should (probably, we can only speculate as this is completely untested water) be capable of learning without much hindrance

nope. i tried but i can't really make sense of it.

i read both chapters up and down, twice and i must confess that i don't really have a fucking clue what is going on?

right now i can only think that the Three made him transform into an alicorn to get the princesses attention, and that he now is disguised as an earth pony and the only really interesting thing about him is that he is a alpha test to see if changelings can live with ponies.

all this fucking talk of destiny is confusing me and making me pissed because i fucking hate the thought of inevitability ib reality im my own fucking master of my own fucking life not some fucking shit power decided what my life was gonna be and i think it is just a cheap way out of explaining motivations in books and fuck shit piss fuck ass wank FUCK!!!

4932829 im sorry, im very very sorry but i just...

can some one just tell me what the hell in going on because im just getting more and more confused here.

is he a changeling? did he become and earth pony? alicorn? what the what is even going on anymore

i need a drink... need to calm down

… This was interesting. I'm going to be confused somewhere else now.

4932837 This story ties in heavily with The Chase, Kudzu's other story. The three ponies mentioned are the fates, extra-ordinary beings in charge of running the entire planet, guiding every being through the weave of destiny. While the three may not be directly responsible for the changeling his future obviously plays a major role in how destiny unravels.

I understand your rant on the whole destiny lark but for the story that is how things are. And if you think about it that's how real life is, going through each day, each and every decision affecting those around you, spreading like ripples in a pond. No one is in charge of their destiny. Any of the several billion people could easily end your life tomorrow and you'd have no say in the matter. As depressing as that is, it's true.

4937316 yeah, that I understood, what I don't get is where this is going but I guess that is just something I will have to wait and see.

And as for the fate shit, yes, that might happened because someone decided to kill me, not because I was destined to get shot that day in that place.

There are some Fates better left alone and mysterious

There are some Fates


:pinkiegasp: Holy shit! The zebra, earth pony and unicorn are the Moirae! Awesome!

And so, it concludes


Every time you make a side story to The Chase I begin to fall in love with the characters, but I'm conflicted because I still want the Chase :flutterrage:
otherwise your quality:quantity ratio is unmatched by any other. I bet you have created more content than Meghan/Lauren have in the same period of time

Will Slate appear in "The Chase"? If so, will he play a role of signifigance and will he be a little more... Developed? Cuz i find myself intrigued by him

“Aye, ain’t nothing a good shag won’t fix. More shagging, less fighting, now if only we could make it rain whiskey and porn magazines,” Barley muttered as he winced and flexed one of his legs.

This is why Shetland ponies are the best.

Did they do the right thing? In some cases... no. I feel that they should have told the flower trio the truth, but away from 'Slate'.


Slate is a pony. Mentally, he is a pony.

Why ruin a good thing?

5050782 What if the truth one day came to light? How would they feel? How would Slate feel?


Fair point. Who knows... one day, the truth may come to light.

Hmmm... What is the moral hang up here, lying? Is lying ok if doing otherwise ment the task was harder? Normally honesty is harder than lying and yet we are encouraged to always be honest because it is a virtue. What is the harm in telling Slate he isn't a pony? If the truth will cause some irreparable harm to his psyche would it not be better that he fixes the problem before he has built a life based on the lie. It's like Shroudinger's cat as long as no one opens the box he is a pony, but why not just get the cat out first instead of having the truth hanging like a guillotine.

Then there is the truth that must be altered. I assume the fear of changelings is the reason the secret is kept. It would not be in the interest of Slate or the Princesses for the town or the refugees to know there are changeling in there midst. Making an alredy difficult situation possibly impossible to manage. This kind of executive decision is one made by world leader every day. What is best for the people. The truth could cause Riots, Panic, Assaults, and more. On the other hand if the truth came out later it could hurt the Princesses credibility. In the end their choice to leave Slates true identity a secret is much akin to Most of Celestia's decisions. One that they may come to regret later.

Must haz more

This is great!

I really want to see more of this herd!! :pinkiehappy:

TGM #29 · Oct 5th, 2014 · · 4 ·

DO NOT READ unless you have read The Chase and understand what is going on. Seriously, just don't bother. The story will not make much sense and the events will be confusing.

You're really expecting people to read six hundred and seventy-one thousand words to read this? :ajbemused:


Well, you could read this, but it will be confusing. :derpytongue2:


The fact of the matter is, people could try to end your life at any point, using anything. A pencil as a shiv. A book as a bludgeon. A carrot peeler to the throat. A pistol, a knife, a virus.

But in all of these situations, there are circumstances beyond your control, and those within. Choices you made in the past that come into play in the future. If you've taken martial arts classes, and someone comes at you with a knife, you have the training to make them regret that decision. If you've taken marksmanship classes, have a concealed-carry pistol, and picked up that snazzy bulletproof vest you saw at the gun show (Literally, saw one at a gun show), you have much greater chances of surviving a firefight.

It all comes down to how prepared you wish to be, how much effort you want to put into preparing, and how much attention you pay to what the people around you are doing.

Ah, pardon the very late arrival, but please refresh my memory as to who the vampiric pegasus is?


Just a bit of background flavour...

You mentioned a soul-trap made by Bucky from a changeling to kill Chrysalis. Was that Slate by any chance?

Re-reading this whole thing, I think Slate is adorable, a clueless puppy. Or rather a horny clueless puppy. I really want to read more about him. There's a lot of potential here, comedy, a better perspective of Ponyville, changelings.

5995388 How many chapters of The Chase, would i have to read to understand this?

5995388 completely unrelated but your avatar stares directly into my soul and its vaguely frightening.

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