• Published 3rd Sep 2014
  • 2,265 Views, 37 Comments

Finding a Voice - Discordia5

When a girl falls into the world of a genderbent Equestria will she be able to fit in and find where she belongs or forever be an outcast with no way to give herself and others a voice. (Fully edited!)

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2. Getting to Know You

Getting to Know You

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I couldn’t believe I was there or that I wasn’t dreaming. I stared at the technicolor ponies and they stared back at me. I honestly wondered who was more afraid, me or them. I also wondered what they would do to me. Sure they were all cotton candy and smiles in the TV show, but this wasn't the show and kid shows always had a habit of making up situations that wouldn't be the same exact thing in real life. So I had a hard time believing that they would just wrap me in a wool blanket, hand me a cup of tea, and start chatting about the weather. I sat up slowly and gripped my wrist while wrapping around my knees. "HELLO!" the 'Twilight' colt shouted at me. "ARE... YOU... ALRIGHT? ARE... YOU... INJURED?!"

He was shouting at me slowly and emphasizing every syllable as if I was an idiot. I narrowed my eyes at him, but didn't get a chance to answer. "CAN... YOU... SPEAK?!" he asked. "COM-MUN-I-CATE?!"

Now I was getting annoyed. "YES I CAN!" I shouted back in his face. "STOP SHOUTING AT ME, YOU MORON!!"

The purple pony shrunk back and laid his ears down in discomfort and I supposed embarrassment. It should've been embarrassing at least to find out that you were talking to someone who was intelligent and you were talking to them like they were stupid. "Oh, um, that's-that's good then," he said and scratched his ear with a forehoof. "Are you alright?"

I sighed and looked down at myself and assessed the damage. As far as I could tell I was in one piece and wasn't in pain. Nothing was missing and nothing was out of place besides myself. I nodded. "Yeah, I mean, I'm in one piece," I said.

'Twilight colt' nodded and then looked at his friends. "Alright, lets get her a place to sit and compose herself, obviously this is not a common occurrence for anyone," he instructed. "I'll have to contact the princes about this event, everyone else, try to make her feel comfortable."

After I had gathered myself and after 'Twilight-colt' gave his directions, the colts scattered in all directions trying to figure out what to do first. Finally, they showed me a place to sit and 'Twilight-colt' grabbed a roll of parchment and started to scribble something furiously. He barked orders to the other ponies that did as bid. "You poor dear," the 'Rarity' one said and pulled out a blanket from a wooden chest. "It must've been a terrible ordeal for you, suddenly being found in this musty place."

He wrapped it around my shoulders with just a wave of his horn which glowed with the same soft, light blue light that the mare Rarity had. Ironically enough it was made out of wool. "I do hate to wrap this tacky thing around you, but it will have to do," he said. "Function, I suppose, outweighs fashion in this case."

He was still obsessed with looks just like his female counterpart. "Sowheredidyoucomefrom? Whereareyougoing? Areyougoinganywhere? What'syourfavoritecolor? Mineispinkbutyouprobablyknewthat! Heyyoulookfunnywhataremmmmmph!" the Pinkie one tried to speak, but was suddenly cut off when the Rainbow-colt shoved a wad of paper in his mouth.

Pinkie-colt looked up at him and started to try and talk again, but all that could be heard was muffled gibberish. "Sorry, about him," Rainbow-colt said. "He gets a little overexcited around new, ummm, things."

Great, so I was a thing. "Uh-huh, I can see that," I said.

"Yeah, we don' get a lot of unexpected visitors," Applejack-colt said.

"I can see that too," I said.

"Aw, applefritters, where aw my manners!" he said and stomped a hoof in frustration. "Ah'll go see if Ah can get you some tea, sit tigh' miss."

He walked away into another room. The Applejack one was certainly polite and kind of cute in a southern-hospitality way. I sat on a bench as the colts mingled around me. The colt version of Fluttershy sat next to me and he shook so violently I thought he would shake himself to powder. I wanted to speak to him, but was afraid he would shoot right to the ceiling if I even uttered a syllable to him. After a few minutes of waiting, Applejack-colt came back with a teacup and saucer carried between his teeth. I took them quickly and he tipped his hat to me in a kind of polite bow. Soon enough Twilight-colt came back without the roll of parchment and addressed us. “Alright, I have written to the princes and they should be here within the hour,” he said. “We should do introductions first before they get here.”

I nodded in agreement. It seemed that this Twilight version had solidified his position as leader, but a glance at his back showed that he definitely hadn’t been promoted to Prince status yet. So that still left at least three seasons to go by. My timeline for My Little Pony was a bit off, due to the fact that I haven’t watched the series in a while and my memory of past episodes was scant at best. So I had little to nothing to go off of, besides what I already gathered. “I am Dusk Shine,” the Twilight colt said. “Top student of Prince Solaris”

I gave a small smile and waved half-heartedly. “Hi,” I said.

Dusk Shine smiled back. “Name’s Applejack,” the Applejack colt said.

Well, at least that name would be easy to remember. “Just a humble worker at Sweet Apple Acres,” he said and then tipped his hat to me.

“I am Elusive,” said the Rarity one. “Up and coming fashion designer and stylist. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

He bowed elegantly before me before taking a step back for someone else. As always, Rarity or Elusive was always going to be the picture of elegance and grace. I smiled after he gave his introduction. The Pinkie pony said something through the paper wad, but it still sounded like gibberish until he finally spat it out. “I’m Bubble Berry,” he said and hopped up and down excitedly. "Best party pony EVER!"

I watched him nervously and looked over at the last two ponies who have yet to introduce themselves. “I’m Rainbow Blitz,” the rough one said.

The Rainbow Dash colt flew down to me and puffed out his chest with pride. “The best candidate for the Wonderbolts in all of Equestria, greatest flyer and weather manipulator ever!”

Lord knows I wanted to roll my eyes, but I managed not to show my contempt towards him. There was always something about Rainbow Dash that I didn’t like and maybe that was because of the overconfidence that was near cockiness and arrogance. She had many redeeming qualities, but for the life of me I couldn’t get passed it. I then looked over at the Fluttershy one and he ducked his head down. I heard him whisper something and leaned forward to hear him better. “I’m Butterscotch,” he whispered. "Just Butterscotch"

I smiled at him and touched his hoof gently. “Nice to meet you, Butterscotch,” I said and tried to get a better look at his face, but his bangs covered his eyes, I could see his embarrassed and soft smile however.

The colts had small differences from their mare counterparts and many similarities. Their color schemes were the same so was the texture of their manes, but most of their manes were shorter. Applejack’s mane was still long and he tied it back, but he was also wearing a yolk around his neck like Big Mac would have. Dusk Shine definitely retained some ‘Twilight-ness’ his mane looking more like dreads instead of just straight hair. Berry was still fluffy and bouncy like Pinkie, but also with a shorter mane. Then Butterscotch, Elusive, and Rainbow Blitz didn’t detract too much from their female counterparts either again they just had shorter manes although Blitz had lightning bolt shaped eyebrows which was a little distracting. I wonder what else has changed? I thought. “Now who and what are you?” Dusk Shine asked and pushed his face in on me.

I leaned away from him and raised my eyebrows at him. I cleared my throat and looked at the rest of them to see if they were listening. “My name is Elara and I am a human or homosapien if you will,” I said.

They all either quirked their heads or their ears in different directions in confusion and looked at me as if I was some kind of alien creature, which I was. “That means I’m kind of like a genetic cousin to apes and monkeys like chimpanzees and gorillas,” I explained.

“Oh, sounds very interesting!” Butterscotch piped up.

Of course the pony specializing in animal care would find my biology 'very interesting'. “So, does that mean you climb trees and screech and stuff?” Rainbow Blitz asked.

I looked at him with little amusement. He looked at me expectantly, but shrugged and floated away when I didn't give an answer right away. “No, I don’t, I live just like you guys except we have some differences,” I said.

“Wait, there are more of you?!” Dusk Shine asked and pushed his face close to mine again.

“Uuuhh, no, no,” I denied. “Well, not here at least.”

Dusk Shine looked very confused. “Not here, what do you mean?” he asked. “Where do you come from?”

Before I could answer however I heard a strange sizzling coming from outside before there was a big burst of light and then a knock on the door. “That would be the princes,” Dusk Shine said and trotted to the door before opening it. “Greetings, your highnesses!”

He bowed to two tall and grand ponies that stepped into the library. "Thank you, Dusk Shine," a deep voice said. "She is still here then I take it."

There was a strange kind of presence that entered the room along with them. It was as if their titles were an actual power or aura around them and you just knew as soon as they walked in that they were royalty if not extremely important. The other ponies around me got down and one knee and bowed to their monarchs. I sat awkwardly and watched their approach. They slowly marched in to the middle of the room and both of them stared me down. I immediately recognized these two as the male version of Celestia and Luna. While they looked the same for the most part there were also small differences. The Celestia one, instead of having blue, teal, and pink colors in his mane he only had orange-y shades, but it was still flowing and ethereal. Not to mention he definitely had a fair bit of scruff on his muzzle. The Luna one had a shorter mane and had much stronger features than his female counterpart which was to be expected. However, there was something about the Luna stallion that got to me. He stared me down in a way that made me feel like he was staring beyond me and into me. Not even into my soul, but something that possibly lied next to it. His eyes narrowed and he looked like he wanted to say something, but his brother got to it first. “Greetings, stranger I am Lord Solaris, Prince of the Sun and co-ruler of Equestria,” he said and walked up to me.

Even if I stood, I’d still have to crane my head slightly to look at him directly, but I was sitting and had to lean back slightly to do so. “This is Prince Artemis, Prince of the Night, co-ruler of Equestria, and my brother,” Solaris continued and waved a wing to ‘Artemis’.

He gave a nod to me and turned back to his brother. He still didn't say anything and I suspected that he felt a little uncomfortable with this new development. So was everyone else, but for some reason he didn't want to speak with me. It was very curious. “Who and what are you?” Solaris asked, although the look on his face made me think that he knew what I was.

I couldn’t explain it, but something about Solaris didn’t feel right to me either like he had something to hide, something to protect, and I wasn’t sure if this kind of thought would benefit me at all. I cleared my throat and stood up to be more polite. “My name is Elara,” I said and bowed to the princes. “And I... am a human.”

Solaris frowned at me and so did Artemis, but their looks were completely different. Artemis’ frown was of pure confusion and Solaris’ was also of confusion, but also of fear and frustration. “And how… human, have you come to be here?” he asked.

Solaris intimidated me more than anyone else in the room. I had imagined that Celestia would be much gentler, but perhaps gentleness wasn’t something that the male counterpart would think about. The added aura and stature didn't help much either. I supposed he had a right to be intimidating in this instance. After all I was a stranger from a completely different world, he didn't know if I was dangerous or not and he, apparently, wasn't going to take that chance. I cleared my throat again. “I honestly… don’t know,” I said.

Solaris huffed and turned to Dusk Shine. “What happened before she ‘arrived’?” he asked him.

Dusk Shine gulped and lowered his head. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “Barb was the one to see her appear.”

Barb shrunk down even smaller when Solaris’ gaze turned to her. “I, well,” she started. “I was here, in the library sorting books like Dusk Shine asked, and then out of nowhere a shadow grew in the center of the floor before I could see anything else I ran to get Dusk Shine and then we came back and she was here.”

Solaris frowned in deep thought this time. He looked worried and so did Artemis. His gaze never faltered from me and I could feel his cool gaze on me the whole time. I wanted to snap at him, but I was very much afraid of the consequences since they seemed to fear me enough already and I didn’t want to give them even more reason to get rid of me. “I see,” Solaris said and turned to his brother.

For a while they just spoke in whispers and quiet mutters. I don't think any of us could hear them, at least I couldn't. After just a few seconds of this I was already starting to get worried. I shifted uneasily and was starting to get really nervous and even afraid. Then I felt something brush against me and turned to Butterscotch who smiled at me from under his bangs. His wing had lightly brushed my back in comfort. I smiled back at him and turned back to the princes. After a few more seconds Solaris turned back to us and looked directly at me with a stern expression. “While we do not know your origins or how it is you came to be here, we are willing to let you stay here in Equestria,” he said.

I sighed with relief, but before I could soak it in Solaris continued. “But I think it would be in everyone’s best interests to find a way to send you back as soon as possible,” he said.

The main six looked collectively doubtful and concerned about this and I was right there with them. While I didn’t think I could stay there for long, I was also in no hurry to return to my old life of mediocrity and disappointment. “Do you agree?” Solaris asked me directly.

I looked up at him and nodded solemnly. “Very good,” he said and then gave a soft smile which was a little surprising. “I can see from your demeanor that you mean no harm to any of us and you do seem very cordial so I have no fear in leaving you in the hooves of these six colts.”

I smiled back and nodded again, at least I had gained some semblance of trust from the ruling monarch. “Dusk Shine,” he said and turned to his student. “You will oversee the research of dimensional portals and find a spell to send her back to where she came.”

Dusk Shine smiled proudly and puffed out his chest. Just like Twilight he was still willing to do whatever it took to prove himself to his teacher. “I will do my own research as well,” he stated and turned back to me. “You will remain in Ponyville until such time as we can send you home.”

I nodded again. “Where you live, however, is completely up to you,” he said.

The colts around me suddenly got very excited and to be quite honest I was beginning to fear for my life again. Now I had to deal with ponies fighting over who would get to ‘keep’ me. “I trust that the rest of you will make our new visitor feel welcome and at home,” Solaris said and turned to the others who all made their own declarations and signals of agreement.

"We won't let you down!" Dusk Shine said and gave a salute.

"It would be our absolute honor!" Elusive stated.

"It'll be a hoot an' a half!" Applejack said.

"No problem at all!" Rainbow Blitz said.

"Fun, fun, fun!" Bubble Berry squeaked, hopping up and down.

"We'll take good care of her," Butterscotch whispered.

“Well, if that is all, I think we’ll take our leave,” Solaris said and turned back towards the door.

He marched back and Artemis followed slowly behind. He hadn’t said a word since he got there and he only took his gaze off me as the door closed behind them. “Well, he was… nice,” I said.

Berry giggled and hopped up to me. “Yeah, of course, he is, silly filly!” he said and bounced up and down. “He is the prince after all!”

I smirked at Berry. “Prince Artemis didn’t really say much though,” I said and looked back at the door with concern.

The other ponies did seem confused by Artemis’ behavior too. They each looked at each other and gave a collective shrug. It seemed like he wasn’t really known for being the quiet observer. Applejack shrugged. “Maybe he just didn’ know what tuh say,” he said and tilted his hat down. “I mean, it look' like Solaris ha' things well in hoof.”

That was true. Solaris seemed to have a good grasp on the situation while Artemis didn’t seem to know what to make of me. At least being questioned by the monarchs hadn’t been so bad. I turned back to Dusk Shine expectantly wondering what would be done with me now. “Well, who gets the human first?” he asked.

Author's Note:

Ok, second chapter is up. Sorry this took so long, I blame college, but really I had to finish up my first fanfic or I would never get either of these done. Now I can focus on this beautiful piece. Now for a question for all my readers, I have also thought of having "bonus chapters" for this story, but my question is if I have these chapters should I disperse them throughout the story or save them for the end? Please review as harshly as possible! Lol.

(Newly edited.)