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Appleloosan Psychiatrist

dude i'm so good at nfts they used to call me "the blockchain ballerina"

Comments ( 105 )

This pleases my cock.

I wish I could give more than one up, but I've ran out of dicks to use harden.

God damn it pinkie.

This story lured me in with a promise and is delivering, one mare at a time. I like it!:pinkiecrazy::heart::twilightblush:

Whoops, indeed :pinkiegasp::pinkiecrazy:

I hope Pinkie will greatly contribute to increasing Ponyville's population :pinkiehappy:

Kovy #7 · Aug 26th, 2014 · · 42 · Chapter 1 ·

4910582 * cough *gag

You serious dude. Clop is porn alright this story is degrading pinkies character. Don't read

You ever found something that gave you a boner that was so hard it hurt?

I am a bit on the fence about this one. I'll just have to keep reading to make a more informed opinion...

Rev up those nopes, cause I'm getting the fuck out of here before pinkie try's something

Comment posted by The Twisted Shadow deleted Aug 27th, 2014


Super_Big_Mac Use Harden.

It is not very effective...

Sorry I have to say it.

4912459 this guy is butt hurt he is deleting comments

4911197 You'll have to give it a vote of confidence, as I've seen some early drafts of the later chapters, and that's kinda the point. Let's just say the one-sentence synopsis is "what if Pinkie Pie had a dick, and it kinda made her one too?"

4912921 bring your clop to 4 chan not here. Or go to a site deticated for clop


Why, hello! You must be new here! While I understand why you, personally, may not like clop, you have no right to tell people what they can and cannot post on this website. Furthermore, I would request that you please don't hate, but rather, love and tolerate and move on. Thank you.

Comment posted by thegamerator10 deleted Aug 27th, 2014

Clop is very hot, and this one is right where it belongs.

Pinkie Pie Impregnates Ponyville or "Satyriasis"



This story was strange but..satifying

4912616 You can hardly write a sentence without grammatical/spelling errors, yet you are here complaining about a story that is extremely well written, and very sexy.


4912195 No worries. I'd left myself open for it, like a big, gaping hole left open for the fist of justice.

Um, okay... I will wait to read the next chapter, or two, before making a call on this one. Non-the-less, looking forward to more.


uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire in a man.

4913711 that might take some time

Chapter two, shotgun wedding?

4913979 :rainbowlaugh: You, sir, are the funniest troll ever! You should be a comedian!:twilightsmile::heart:

Something I haven't seen mentioned in the comments.

Pinkie Pie, promised to pull out like she made stallions do. And made a Pinkie Promise not to hurt Twilight, something that breaking her promise did [not to mention the fact that she was giving her both "pain" [which was hurting her] and pleasure when rutting her]. So do we see the fallout of a broken promise made by Pinkie Pie, as well as a broken Pinkie Promise?

I mean if the mere idea of a broken Pinkie Promise makes Pinkie go full demonic rage. What about her breaking one? Or what's she do about her breaking a normal promise made by "Pinkie"?

4914218 oh don't me started I'll take it to the extream. Like in this story

4913824 That definition is pretty confusing.

uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire in a man.

Does that mean the woman has that desire or what.

4914224 Something tells me that in the author's mind, the title does give the fall-out. By that breaking of her promise, she finds herself too far gone and goes ahead with the rest of Ponyville.

I hope that's not the case, but I'm just guessing.

One thing to keep in mind, also, when considering the future of this story, is that I didn't mark it "Dark" because of this chapter.


Same here because that'd be horribly OOC of Pinks. I mean even with a glorious mare-cock, and it being all new and stuff. I don't see her "being so far gone" from just one use, that something she's been anal for for over 5 years [well depends where this fic takes place.] just up and saying ... Welp! I don't care about the rules. I got a dick, that means being a dick takes priority to a magically binding oath [which her promise basically is], and buck friendship, I banged her now I'll leave her.

And unless this is a rape fic, I can't see many ponies being willing to be with Pinks knowing she's going to break every promise made from her, and would willingly ignore them past being a dick warmer, be willing to have sexy times with her. Not unless Pinks makes it up to Twi.


Posted as you posted. And while true, it still feels OOC-ish that a Pinkie Promise has so much canon build up. And such an anal adherance to it. Yet has no comeuppance when broken. And yeah, I can see dark. But still there can be a reckoning on Pinks, and still be both Sex, Mature, and not fall into OOC territory.

4914251 oh noooooos! Don't go to the extreme! *waits patiently for you to start with a bowl of popcorn* :pinkiehappy:

4914527 You know I have a song COMMING on!

4914351 It means when a man has excessive or uncontrollable sexual urges, I think there's a version for women too, but I can't be bothered to look it up.

Basically it's like being in heat, but for males, where there's a physical, hormone driven and higher-brain-function inhibiting need for sex. With Pinkie growing a rather comfortably large phallus, that's what she's getting diagnosed with; satyriasis.


Also... the set-up is reminding me of the squicky "Blueblood's Evil Needs". Blueblood's apparently already very depraved in that story, somehow convinced a reformed Discord to teach him a hypnotism spell, and... I need not say more beyond that he gets worse as the story goes on because of the very magic he used. With that, however, Blueblood has little to no character in canon beyond being a priss, being... modifiable, in that sense, between saint and scum... Pinkie Pie, a main character, would have to go through a WHOLE lot of crap before she goes to the dark side, let alone breaks her promises...

Sadly, this is fanfiction. Rules of canon convention are broken a lot of the time.

The female version is nymphomania. An agender version would be "hypersexuality"

4914542 Oh so just being a normal man I get it.


Not on good stories, [even Cupcakes had some believability what with Pinkie's psychological habit of suppressing negative emotions and trying to be always happy.], but keeping a pony canon, especially in a Dark Fic can either make amazing nightmare fuel / a truly gripping dark fic. Or just be another Cheerilee's Garden / OC wearing a pony suit.


Cheerilee's Garden

*angry hiss*

I hope I can stifle the debate by saying that I attempt to make Pinkie Pie's fall reasonably in-character, but suddenly having a dick can really mess up a pony (I imagine????)

However, this is first and foremost a clopfic, meant to be erotic. That means that, yes, some conventions of proper character development will be ignored or given cursory treatment in order to expedite the main 'purpose' of this story. For that, I apologize.


Symphony of Hate for that fic. So OOC and such unbelievable word vomit. Sure the gore was decent, but that and the sequel were mind numbingly, stupidity inducing, inane, text diarrhea.

But yeah, the title is good for this fic, the premise is interesting, and the writing has promise. But I hope this fic can pull off keeping Pinks InCharacter, and playing it (and her personailty) straight. So the dark bits are that much more impacting.


I can honestly say that the first chapter has lots of promise [why I fav and upvoted]. As long as the Pinkie Promise / promise (made by Pinkie) getting broken gets attention. And We see the fall out of said promise getting broken (Like Pinks being Twilight's sex slave for a day, or two. Or some sort of (sexual) punishment dished out by Twi = to her breaking her promise). Then I'm one happy camper.

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