• Published 29th Aug 2014
  • 8,769 Views, 104 Comments

Scarred Hearts - Yukito

Diamond Tiara hates Nyx. We all know that... But has anypony ever thought to ask 'why'?

  • ...

Diamond's Nightmare

Author's Note:

The following is a little snippet of a story I had intended to write a little over a year ago, but never got round to and ultimately I don't think I ever will. It was going to be a sequel to Scarred Hearts that looked at Diamond Tiara's conflicting hatred for Nyx, and unease when she realised what terrible things other ponies that hated her wanted to do.

This one scene is a flashback alluded to in Scarred Hearts, and even if I never end up writing the sequel I at least wanted to share this as it expands a bit on why exactly Diamond Tiara had such deep-seated hatred for Nyx.

Anyway, enjoy :)


"Yes, I hear you! Hold your horseshoes!" Silverspeed ushered the two fillies playing chess towards the kitchen, behind the stairs that were out of view of the parlour's windows. Not that it mattered, the windows being covered completely with dark planks of wood. "Behind the pantry, you two," she whispered. "And no matter what happens, no matter what you hear, do not come out. Understand?"

Silver Spoon nodded reluctantly. "Y-Yes," she said, her voice shaking. Her mother smiled and leaned down to hug the two of them, though Diamond Tiara did not return it as Silver Spoon did.

"OPEN THIS DOOR OR WE'LL BREAK IT DOWN!" the voice outside shouted, causing Diamond Tiara to flinch and clasp her hooves over her mouth.

Silver Spoon saw the tears welling in her friend's eyes and grabbed her hoof. "Come on," she whispered, putting on her bravest face as she led Diamond Tiara into the kitchen. Silver Spoon shifted the pantry aside, revealing a small hole in the wall that would go unnoticed with the kitchen in its usual state.

She let Diamond go in first, and then followed behind her, making sure to move the pantry back after she crawled in. Not long afterwards, she heard the door open, and the raised voice of a stallion yell, "Where is my daughter?! I know you have her here!"

Silver Spoon picked up a pair of earmuffs in the corner and put them over Diamond Tiara's head. Her friend was frozen in a state of terror, her eyes mere pinpricks as they focussed on nothing in particular, and her entire body was covered in a sweat that contradicted her shivering.

"It'll be okay," Silver Spoon reassured her, holding her friend close as they waited. That was all they could do – hide and wait it out.

"You're lying!" the stallion roared. "You will not keep me from my daughter any longer! She will receive the gift and become one of the chosen!"

"I'm telling you, she is not here! She boarded the first train out of Ponyville with my husband and my daughter, the moment that castle was raised!"

Something smashed in the parlour. Something that sounded like pottery, or perhaps glass, Silver Spoon wasn't sure. "Then where did they go?"

"As if I would tell you even if I knew! What sort of father would ever-"

The next sound Silver Spoon heard was her mother crying out, and then something heavy crashing to the floor. Silverspeed screamed for a few seconds, and then she heard something else smashing. She closed her eyes and held Diamond Tiara tighter. For a moment, she wondered if she could save her mother by revealing themselves.

"P-Please," Diamond Tiara whispered. "Please Daddy. Please don't be mad…"

Silverspeed cried out again, and Silver Spoon buried her face into Diamond's shoulder.

"Search the kitchen!" Silver's heart skipped a beat. She heard hoofsteps entering the room and she swallowed. She wanted to take a deep breath, but was afraid of making too much noise. She wanted to turn around to see if they were nearing the hole in the wall, but she was unable to move even the slightest inch.

She heard drawers being thrown about, cupboards being smashed, even the pantry being raided. But eventually, the ponies left.

Several minutes passed in complete silence. They must have been searching other rooms. She could occasionally hear stomps upstairs, but no voices or other noteworthy sounds.

Finally, she heard her mother speak again. "See? I told you so."

"Hmph. We'll find them, wherever you've hidden them. Take the mother for now. She can scrub the dungeons."

Silver Spoon gasped. Her mother was going to be taken away! She released Diamond Tiara and tried to leave, but her friend grabbed her tail. As she turned, she saw the other filly shaking her head, her eyes pleading not to go.

"STOP THIS! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!" Silverspeed screamed.

"You are guilty of foalnapping and conspiracy against Her Majesty, Nightmare Moon! Take her away!"


Silver Spoon knew. She knew that if she went out there, she would be caught, too. And they would still take her mother away, and they'd punish her worse for lying.

She returned to her friend and embraced her once more. Diamond Tiara returned the hug, and the two closed their eyes as they waited for the screaming to be far enough away that they couldn't hear it.

Comments ( 12 )

Of course, other authors have finished stories after a long gap, but almost 5 years is the longest that I'm aware of.
Congratulations! :pinkiehappy:


Story was already finished, this is more an afterthought that I just didn't wanna post a new story for XD (plus it wouldn't meet the 1000 word min. anyway)

I always found it really difficult to blame Diamond Tiara for hating Nyx after this kind of stuff.

I'm assuming you're referring to what happened in Past Sins. I just personally think that the things that happened in the story wasn't Nyx's fault, mostly Spell Nexus's. Almost all of Equestria failed to realize that.

9714837 They weren't really Spell Nexus' fault either. He was under the influence of the magic of Nightmare Moon just as everyone else was, from when he experimented with the armor. (It's weird that I saw someone else just a month ago make that same assumption).

Ultimately, the terrible stuff Diamond and everyone else went through is the fault of Nightmare Moon. The extent to which you believe Nyx is Nightmare Moon probably determines how much you blame her. Clearly Diamond thinks Nyx carries all that responsibility.

Obviously, cause she just has a petty grudge against her.

Honestly, Twilight making Nyx apologize to Diamond when she had no reason to made me enjoy the story less. Diamond gets her comeuppance for what she did to Nyx and this happens? That would be like after a high school bully kept tormenting some kid for days then he defends himself, then is forced to apologize, then the bully berates him and spits on him.

The scene was only made to make us hate Diamond even more. Thank god she got reformed in Season 5.


I like to think there's also a trauma factor involved. Ponies that experienced NMM's horror first-hand are likely to remember those experiences whenever they look at Nyx, whether they want to make the connection or not. To some she's just a reminder of what happened and the only way they know to deal with that trauma is to be angry at her.


In regards to your analogy, if there was nobody defending Nyx or admonishing the bullies, it'd be hard to blame her for fighting back and defending herself. However, Twilight and the other M6, and the CMC and Twist, were all on Nyx's side and there for her, and Twilight herself scolded DT & SS and (IIRC) reported them to their parents and Cheerilee. Therefore yes, Nyx would be wrong for seeking the path of vengence.

However, even in the case Nyx was on her own and forced to fend for herself, there's a difference between defending yourself from a bully and resorting to outright terrorism. In your analogy, let's say somebody's being bullied in high school and nobody's on their side. There'd be a difference between the victim throwing fists and the victim pulling a gun or taking one of the bully's friends hostage.

Twilight had Nyx apologise for two reasons: the first was that, as Nightmare Moon, she took her revenge way too far. The second was to take the moral highground, to show she's above them and would apologise when she does something wrong, even if the other person was also in the wrong.

I understand that DT went through a rough time during Nightmare Moon's reign, and I think it must've been horrific for her father being one of NMM's servants. However, she did some pretty crappy things to Nyx, which I think SHE should've apologized to her for.

I think the whole moral high ground thing is BS. I believe Twilight made Nyx apologize to her was because she hurt DT's pretty little feelings right after she became NMM. When you apologize someone for something that when they've done worse things to you, they take it as weakness and start taking advantage of you.

If Twilight really made Nyx apologize to her because of her ruling, then I guess it kinda makes sense. I'm just glad DT got redeemed, even though the writers did nothing with her afterward.


When you apologize someone for something that when they've done worse things to you, they take it as weakness and start taking advantage of you.

In that case they'd be the only ones in the wrong. The idea is that both Diamond AND Nyx did bad things to each other, and ideally both should apologise. But Twilight can only urge Nyx to apologise, she has no jurisdiction over Diamond Tiara. If DT doesn't apologise there's not much they can do, but Nyx CAN apologise for her own actions and so should. If DT apologises later? Great. If she doesn't? Too bad. At the very least, Nyx can claim she made an effort to bury the hatchet and owned up to her own wrongdoings, however justified she may or may not have been in doing them.

I guess what I mean is it's all about doing all that you can do to set things right. The rest was up to DT, and she chose not to apologise, nor to forgive.

Up until season 5, it was part of DT's character to be this way. Before that, there were many horrible interpretations of her by the fandom. It took the show five seasons to give her any considerable depth, now we can see her become a real character.

Well, THIS was unexpected

I think Nyx should get a I didn't asked to be born moment in a fanfic.

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